Adtran and IdeaTek team up to bring 50G PON services to Kansas
Adtran and IdeaTek have announced a partnership to deploy Kansas's first 50G PON network, aiming to enhance connectivity across the state, including underserved areas. The collaboration will leverage Adtran's SDX 6400 Series OLT to deliver scalable, future-ready infrastructure with speeds up to 50Gbit/s. This technology will support various applications such as smart farming, IoT connectivity, remote healthcare, augmented/virtual reality, and ultra-high-definition video for homes and businesses.
Building on Adtran's 10G fiber access platform and Wi-Fi 7-enabled mesh gateways, the rollout will help IdeaTek expand its subscriber base and bridge the digital divide, ensuring even the hardest-to-reach communities have access to high-speed internet. The SDX 6400 Series OLT offers the flexibility to integrate GPON, XGS-PON, and 50G PON on every port, allowing incremental technology adoption without service disruption.
Adtran's VP of North America service provider sales, Jeremy Harris, emphasized that the SDX 6400 is designed to scale efficiently and protect current investments, reflecting a shared commitment to delivering reliable, future-ready broadband.
Adtran e IdeaTek hanno annunciato una partnership per implementare la prima rete 50G PON del Kansas, con l'obiettivo di migliorare la connettività in tutto lo stato, comprese le aree non servite. La collaborazione sfrutterà l'OLT della serie SDX 6400 di Adtran per fornire un'infrastruttura scalabile e pronta per il futuro, con velocità fino a 50Gbit/s. Questa tecnologia supporterà varie applicazioni come agricoltura intelligente, connettività IoT, telemedicina, realtà aumentata/virtuale e video in ultra alta definizione per case e aziende.
Construendo sulla piattaforma di accesso in fibra 10G di Adtran e sui gateway mesh abilitati Wi-Fi 7, il rollout aiuterà IdeaTek ad espandere la propria base di abbonati e a colmare il divario digitale, garantendo che anche le comunità più difficili da raggiungere abbiano accesso a Internet ad alta velocità. L'OLT della serie SDX 6400 offre la flessibilità di integrare GPON, XGS-PON e 50G PON su ogni porta, permettendo l'adozione incrementale della tecnologia senza interruzione del servizio.
Il VP di Adtran per le vendite ai fornitori di servizi in Nord America, Jeremy Harris, ha sottolineato che l'SDX 6400 è progettato per scalare in modo efficiente e proteggere gli investimenti attuali, riflettendo un impegno condiviso a fornire broadband affidabile e pronto per il futuro.
Adtran e IdeaTek han anunciado una asociación para implementar la primera red 50G PON de Kansas, con el objetivo de mejorar la conectividad en todo el estado, incluidas las áreas desatendidas. La colaboración aprovechará el OLT de la serie SDX 6400 de Adtran para proporcionar una infraestructura escalable y preparada para el futuro, con velocidades de hasta 50Gbit/s. Esta tecnología apoyará diversas aplicaciones como agricultura inteligente, conectividad IoT, atención médica remota, realidad aumentada/virtual y video en ultra alta definición para hogares y empresas.
Basándose en la plataforma de acceso de fibra 10G de Adtran y en los gateways de malla habilitados para Wi-Fi 7, el despliegue ayudará a IdeaTek a expandir su base de suscriptores y a cerrar la brecha digital, asegurando que incluso las comunidades más difíciles de alcanzar tengan acceso a Internet de alta velocidad. El OLT de la serie SDX 6400 ofrece la flexibilidad de integrar GPON, XGS-PON y 50G PON en cada puerto, permitiendo la adopción incremental de tecnología sin interrupción del servicio.
El VP de Adtran para ventas de proveedores de servicios en América del Norte, Jeremy Harris, enfatizó que el SDX 6400 está diseñado para escalar de manera eficiente y proteger las inversiones actuales, reflejando un compromiso compartido de brindar banda ancha confiable y preparada para el futuro.
Adtran과 IdeaTek이 캔자스 첫 50G PON 네트워크를 배포하기 위한 파트너십을 발표했습니다. 이 목표는 주 전역의 연결성을 개선하고 부족한 지역을 포함하는 것입니다. 이 협업은 Adtran의 SDX 6400 시리즈 OLT를 활용하여 최대 50Gbit/s의 속도로 확장 가능하고 미래 지향적인 인프라를 제공할 것입니다. 이 기술은 스마트 농업, IoT 연결, 원격 의료, 증강/가상 현실, 초고화질 비디오와 같은 다양한 애플리케이션을 지원합니다.
Adtran의 10G 광섬유 액세스 플랫폼과 Wi-Fi 7 지원 메시 게이트웨이를 기반으로 하는 이 배포는 IdeaTek이 구독자 기반을 확장하고 디지털 격차를 해소하여 가장 접근하기 어려운 커뮤니티에도 고속 인터넷을 제공하도록 도와줄 것입니다. SDX 6400 시리즈 OLT는 모든 포트에서 GPON, XGS-PON 및 50G PON을 통합할 수 있는 유연성을 제공하여 서비스 중단 없이 점진적인 기술 채택을 가능하게 합니다.
Adtran 북미 서비스 제공업체 영업 부사장 Jeremy Harris는 SDX 6400이 효율적으로 확장하고 현재 투자를 보호하도록 설계되었다고 강조하며, 이는 신뢰할 수 있는 미래 지향적인 광대역을 제공하겠다는 공동 약속을 반영하고 있다고 말했습니다.
Adtran et IdeaTek ont annoncé un partenariat pour déployer le premier réseau 50G PON du Kansas, visant à améliorer la connectivité à travers l'État, y compris dans les zones mal desservies. La collaboration s'appuiera sur l'OLT de la série SDX 6400 d'Adtran pour fournir une infrastructure évolutive et prête pour l'avenir, avec des vitesses allant jusqu'à 50Gbit/s. Cette technologie soutiendra diverses applications telles que l'agriculture intelligente, la connectivité IoT, les soins de santé à distance, la réalité augmentée/virtuelle et la vidéo en ultra haute définition pour les foyers et les entreprises.
S'appuyant sur la plateforme d'accès en fibre 10G d'Adtran et les passerelles maillées compatibles Wi-Fi 7, le déploiement aidera IdeaTek à élargir sa base d'abonnés et à réduire la fracture numérique, garantissant que même les communautés les plus difficiles d'accès aient accès à Internet haut débit. L'OLT de la série SDX 6400 offre la flexibilité d'intégrer GPON, XGS-PON et 50G PON sur chaque port, permettant une adoption progressive de la technologie sans interruption du service.
Jeremy Harris, VP des ventes pour les fournisseurs de services en Amérique du Nord chez Adtran, a souligné que l'SDX 6400 est conçu pour évoluer efficacement et protéger les investissements actuels, reflétant un engagement partagé à fournir une large bande fiable et prête pour l'avenir.
Adtran und IdeaTek haben eine Partnerschaft angekündigt, um das erste 50G PON-Netzwerk in Kansas zu implementieren, um die Konnektivität im ganzen Bundesstaat zu verbessern, einschließlich unterversorgter Gebiete. Die Zusammenarbeit wird auf die OLT der SDX 6400-Serie von Adtran zurückgreifen, um skalierbare, zukunftssichere Infrastruktur mit Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu 50Gbit/s bereitzustellen. Diese Technologie wird verschiedene Anwendungen wie intelligente Landwirtschaft, IoT-Konnektivität, Telemedizin, erweiterte/virtuelle Realität und Ultra-High-Definition-Video für Haushalte und Unternehmen unterstützen.
Aufbauend auf der 10G-Fiber-Access-Plattform von Adtran und den WLAN 7-fähigen Mesh-Gateways wird der Rollout IdeaTek helfen, seine Abonnentenzahl zu erhöhen und die digitale Kluft zu überbrücken, sodass sogar die am schwierigsten zu erreichenden Gemeinschaften Zugang zum Hochgeschwindigkeitsinternet haben. Die OLT der SDX 6400-Serie bietet die Flexibilität, GPON, XGS-PON und 50G PON an jedem Port zu integrieren, was eine schrittweise Technologieneuheit ohne Unterbrechung des Dienstes ermöglicht.
Jeremy Harris, VP für Vertriebsdienstleister in Nordamerika bei Adtran, betonte, dass die SDX 6400 so konzipiert ist, dass sie effizient skalieren und bestehende Investitionen schützen kann, was ein gemeinsames Engagement für zuverlässigen, zukunftssicheren Breitband zeigt.
- Deployment of Kansas's first 50G PON network.
- Enhanced connectivity for underserved areas.
- Scalable infrastructure supporting up to 50Gbit/s speeds.
- Support for smart farming, IoT, remote healthcare, AR/VR, and UHD video.
- Incremental technology adoption without service disruption.
- None.
This deployment marks a significant technological leap for rural broadband infrastructure. The SDX 6400 Series OLT's capability to support multiple PON technologies simultaneously (GPON, XGS-PON and 50G PON) represents a future-proof architecture that's critical for sustainable network expansion. The platform's non-blocking design ensures consistent performance even under heavy network loads, while its modular structure allows for targeted deployment scaling.
The integration with Wi-Fi 7-enabled mesh gateways and support for advanced applications like smart farming and AR/VR positions this network to handle emerging bandwidth-intensive applications. The ability to deliver speeds of
This partnership has strategic importance for Adtran's market position in the rural broadband sector. By being first to deploy 50G PON in Kansas, Adtran strengthens its competitive advantage in the growing rural broadband market, particularly as federal infrastructure funding continues to flow into rural connectivity projects. The modular nature of the SDX 6400 platform creates opportunities for recurring revenue through gradual technology upgrades.
For investors, this deployment serves as a proof point for Adtran's ability to win and execute significant rural broadband projects, potentially leading to similar contracts in other states. The focus on scalable solutions that support future technologies suggests strong potential for long-term revenue growth from both initial deployments and subsequent upgrades.
News summary:
- Partnership will deliver Kansas’s first 50G PON network, helping to transform connectivity across the state, including underserved areas
- Adtran SDX 6400 Series OLT enables seamless upgrades from existing technologies, delivering scalable, future-ready infrastructure
- 50G PON solution will power multigigabit residential demands and support Wi-Fi 7 services

Adtran’s 50G PON technology will help IdeaTek drive ultra-fast connectivity throughout
“At IdeaTek, we’re determined to deliver on our promise of Internet Freedom for all. For us, it’s about ensuring even the hardest-to-reach communities have access to the fastest, most dependable connectivity and the opportunities that come with it. That’s why we’re partnering with Adtran to launch Kansas’s first 50G PON network,” said Daniel Friesen, CIO and co-founder of IdeaTek. “This new collaboration is a game-changer, reflecting our shared commitment to bringing ultra-fast broadband to every Kansan, no matter where they live. With Adtran’s SDX 6400 technology, we can scale efficiently to meet surging demand for high-speed internet, empowering rural communities with tools for remote education, economic growth and a brighter future.”
IdeaTek’s new 50G PON services will be powered by the Adtran SDX 6400 Series OLT, a high-capacity, non-blocking solution designed to ensure consistent performance as subscriber demand grows. With the ability to seamlessly integrate GPON, XGS-PON and 50G PON on every port, the SDX 6400 enables IdeaTek to adopt new technologies incrementally, avoiding disruptions while delivering multigigabit connectivity. Its modular “building blocks” design provides the flexibility to tailor deployments for diverse needs, from rural households to high-demand enterprise environments. Combined with Mosaic One’s advanced management capabilities, the solution empowers IdeaTek to scale efficiently, simplify operations and equip subscribers with reliable, future-ready connectivity for next-generation applications and services.
“Our SDX 6400 was specifically engineered to help service providers like IdeaTek prepare for future capacity growth while protecting current investments. It gives them the tools to efficiently scale their network, easily integrate new technologies and rapidly deliver multigigabit speeds to subscribers,” commented Jeremy Harris, VP of
About Adtran
ADTRAN Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADTN and FSE: QH9) is the parent company of Adtran, Inc., a leading global provider of open, disaggregated networking and communications solutions that enable voice, data, video and internet communications across any network infrastructure. From the cloud edge to the subscriber edge, Adtran empowers communications service providers around the world to manage and scale services that connect people, places and things. Adtran solutions are used by service providers, private enterprises, government organizations and millions of individual users worldwide. ADTRAN Holdings, Inc. is also the largest shareholder of Adtran Networks SE, formerly ADVA Optical Networking SE. Find more at Adtran, LinkedIn and X.
About IdeaTek Telcom
Celebrating its 25th year in business, IdeaTek Telcom is a
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ADTRAN Holdings, Inc.
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Gareth Spence
+44 1904 699 358
For investors
Peter Schuman
+1 256 963 6305
Source: Adtran
What does the ADTN and IdeaTek partnership mean for Kansas?
How will ADTN's 50G PON technology benefit Kansas communities?
What is the significance of the SDX 6400 Series OLT in the ADTN and IdeaTek partnership?
How will IdeaTek's subscriber base benefit from the ADTN partnership?
What applications will ADTN's 50G PON network support in Kansas?