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Allied Corp (OTCQB: ALID) recently completed a third-party audit at its Colombian Campus, verifying its production cost, inventory control, and optimization. The audit confirmed an average production cost of 5.6 cents per gram and a yield of about 900 grams per plant from approximately 4000 plants every three weeks. Products are aimed at legal markets with strict THC limits, reinforcing Allied's commitment to compliance and quality assurance. This audit serves as a testament to the company's operational efficiency and readiness for international market expansion.
Allied Corp (OTCQB: ALID) has announced the approval of a second import permit for CBD isolate exports to Australia. Additionally, they have submitted their first import permit for dried cannabis flower to the Australian Department of Health. This application aligns with Colombia's new export capabilities for dried cannabis. Allied’s Australian partner, experienced in the pharmaceutical sector, is poised to help Allied expand its market presence. CEO Calum Hughes expressed confidence in becoming a major supplier in Australia, as Allied continues to grow its international supply agreements.
Allied Corp (OTCQB: ALID) has completed the construction of an 8900 square foot modular building in North Las Vegas, with land use approvals in place. The building aims to process CBD products from Colombia into medical products, awaiting state engineering approvals for the building permit. Additionally, Allied has the option to purchase a Nevada cannabis license contingent on federal legalization. CEO Calum Hughes emphasized their readiness for U.S. market opportunities, having successfully shipped CBD products to the U.S. multiple times.
Allied Corp (OTCQB: ALID) has commenced manufacturing its proprietary psilocybin product, Psilonex™ RX, following a production agreement with HAVN Life Sciences. The formulation aims to address mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD, combining psilocybin with functional mushroom extracts and vitamins. The company plans to progress Psilonex™ RX through clinical trials, eventually seeking a partnership with a major pharmaceutical firm. Jim Smeeding, VP of Pharma, highlights the product's potential to assist individuals facing mental health challenges.
Allied Corp (OTCQB: ALID) has received approval from the Colombian Ministry of Justice to ship 200 kilograms of CBD distillate (containing less than 0.3% THC) to Nevada, marking its largest shipment to date. The shipment targets high-traffic areas like Las Vegas, aiming to capitalize on potential U.S. national legalization. CEO Calum Hughes emphasized the efficiency of their supply chain and expressed optimism about the future of cannabis in the U.S. Allied's strategic positioning in Colombia and Nevada aims to enhance its market presence amid evolving cannabis regulations.
Allied Corp (OTCQB: ALID) announced securing two agreements with an Australian medicinal cannabis company holding Major Project Status. These agreements involve the supply of 5 kilograms each of CBD isolate and cannabis flower, with expectations for monthly contracts and increased volumes. Allied's Colombian operations have shown a 97% success rate in plant propagation and a consistent yield of 900 grams per plant. This marks a significant step following Colombia's approval to export cannabis flower, positioning Allied to expand its international market presence.
Allied Corp (OTCQB: ALID) has expanded its cannabis production capabilities by leasing an additional 31 acres in Bucaramanga, Colombia. This land, adjacent to its current site, allows for increased cultivation and potential exportation of cannabis products. The lease includes options to purchase over the next five years. Allied's unique crop rotation strategy enables up to seven harvests a year. This expansion aligns with the Colombian government's recent regulatory changes permitting the export of cannabis flower, positioning Allied favorably for future growth in the market.
Allied Corp (OTCQB: ALID) has initiated its second commercial shipment of cannabidiol (CBD) from Colombia to the U.S., particularly targeting Colorado. This shipment, containing less than 0.3% THC, was produced at Allied's Colombian site, approved by local authorities for export. Upon U.S. customs approval, the shipment will be sent to a CBD manufacturer in Colorado, showcasing Allied’s supply chain from seed to retail product. CEO Calum Hughes highlighted Colorado's unique position as a hub for national consumer goods manufacturing, emphasizing the strategic importance of this shipment.
Allied Corp (OTCQB: ALID) has successfully completed commercial shipments of CBD isolate from Colombia to Australia, establishing a monthly supply contract. The company also signed a management agreement with Cannada Management Group Global Inc. to expand its supply contracts internationally. Allied has proven its supply chain capabilities by exporting CBD products to countries including Peru and Europe. CEO Calum Hughes expressed optimism regarding the Australian market and the potential for future growth following recent changes in Colombian export regulations.
Allied Corp (OTCQB: ALID) applauds Colombia's recent decree allowing the export of dried cannabis flower, signed on July 23, 2021, by President Ivan Duque. This landmark decision aims to bolster the Colombian cannabis market, projected to be worth $6 billion, by facilitating the export of cannabis-based medicines and streamlining regulatory processes. Allied, adhering to European Pharmacopeia quality standards, is poised to enter international markets, believing its premium product quality will enhance customer loyalty in this new segment.
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