Altus Power Announces Acquisition of 3.4 MW Community Solar Development Project in Maryland from Chaberton Energy
Altus Power has acquired a 3.4 MW solar project from Chaberton Energy in East New Market, Maryland. The project, part of Maryland's Community Solar Energy Generating Systems pilot program, will provide clean electric power to over 380 households upon completion. The development includes forest conservation measures and $2 million in grid and substation upgrades to improve electrical reliability in Dorchester County. This acquisition expands Altus Power's Maryland portfolio and community solar subscriber base, which currently serves over 30,000 subscribers nationwide.
Altus Power ha acquisito un progetto solare da 3,4 MW da Chaberton Energy a East New Market, Maryland. Il progetto, parte del programma pilota dei Sistemi di Generazione di Energia Solare Comunitaria del Maryland, fornirà energia elettrica pulita a oltre 380 famiglie al termine dei lavori. Lo sviluppo include misure di conservazione forestale e 2 milioni di dollari per miglioramenti alla rete e alla stazione elettrica, al fine di aumentare l'affidabilità elettrica nella contea di Dorchester. Questa acquisizione espande il portafoglio di Altus Power nel Maryland e la sua base di abbonati ai progetti solari comunitari, che attualmente serve oltre 30.000 abbonati a livello nazionale.
Altus Power ha adquirido un proyecto solar de 3,4 MW de Chaberton Energy en East New Market, Maryland. El proyecto, que forma parte del programa piloto de Sistemas de Generación de Energía Solar Comunitaria de Maryland, proporcionará energía eléctrica limpia a más de 380 hogares una vez completado. El desarrollo incluye medidas de conservación de bosques y 2 millones de dólares en mejoras de la red y la subestación para mejorar la fiabilidad eléctrica en el condado de Dorchester. Esta adquisición amplía el portafolio de Maryland de Altus Power y su base de suscriptores de energía solar comunitaria, que actualmente atiende a más de 30.000 suscriptores en todo el país.
Altus Power는 메릴랜드주 이스트 뉴 마켓에 있는 Chaberton Energy로부터 3.4 MW 태양광 프로젝트를 인수했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 메릴랜드의 커뮤니티 태양광 에너지 발전 시스템 시범 프로그램의 일환으로, 완공 시 380 가구 이상에 깨끗한 전기를 공급할 것입니다. 개발에는 숲 보전 조치와 Dorchester 카운티의 전기 신뢰성을 개선하기 위한 200만 달러의 전력망 및 변전소 업그레이드가 포함됩니다. 이번 인수는 Altus Power의 메릴랜드 포트폴리오와 커뮤니티 태양광 구독자 기반을 확장하며, 현재 전국적으로 30,000명 이상의 구독자에게 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.
Altus Power a acquis un projet solaire de 3,4 MW auprès de Chaberton Energy à East New Market, dans le Maryland. Ce projet, qui fait partie du programme pilote des Systèmes de Génération d'Énergie Solaire Communautaire du Maryland, fournira de l'énergie électrique propre à plus de 380 foyers une fois terminé. Le développement comprend des mesures de conservation forestière et 2 millions de dollars pour des améliorations du réseau et de la sous-station afin d'améliorer la fiabilité électrique dans le comté de Dorchester. Cette acquisition élargit le portefeuille du Maryland d'Altus Power ainsi que sa base d'abonnés au solaire communautaire, qui compte actuellement plus de 30 000 abonnés à l'échelle nationale.
Altus Power hat ein 3,4 MW Solarprojekt von Chaberton Energy in East New Market, Maryland, übernommen. Das Projekt, das Teil des Pilotprogramms für Gemeinschaftliche Solarenergieerzeugungssysteme in Maryland ist, wird nach der Fertigstellung über 380 Haushalte mit sauberer elektrischer Energie versorgen. Die Entwicklung umfasst Maßnahmen zur Forstbewahrung und 2 Millionen Dollar an Netz- und Umspannwerksaufrüstungen zur Verbesserung der elektrischen Zuverlässigkeit im Dorchester County. Diese Akquisition erweitert das Portfolio von Altus Power in Maryland und die Basis der Gemeinschaftssolarabonnenten, die derzeit über 30.000 Abonnenten landesweit bedienen.
- Expansion of portfolio with 3.4 MW solar project acquisition
- Project will serve 380+ households, expanding customer base
- $2 million investment in grid infrastructure improvements
- Strengthens presence in Maryland's community solar market
- None.
The acquisition of a 3.4 MW solar project in Maryland represents a strategic expansion of Altus Power's community solar portfolio. The project's key financial metrics include:
- Expected subscriber base of 380+ households
- Infrastructure investment of
$2 million in grid upgrades - Additional value from 3+ acres of protected forest conservation land
“We’re proud to be expanding our portfolio in
Senake Gajamera, Chaberton Energy's Chief Financial Officer, said, "In Altus Power we have a partner who shares our goal of helping communities access local, affordable green energy. We're so proud to be working with Altus to put more clean power on the grid for Marylanders."
As part of the development of the project, more than three acres of land were placed under forest conservation and will be protected from non-agricultural development, and more than
Upon completion, the clean electric power generated by this project is expected to benefit more than 380 households, significantly reducing carbon emissions and contributing to Altus Power’s commitment to nationwide carbon reduction. Altus Power’s distributed solar generation systems are at the core of its mission to support enterprises and individuals in achieving their sustainability goals.
As a pioneer in Community Solar, Altus Power serves more than 30,000 subscribers nationwide, providing homeowners and renters from diverse income brackets with the benefits of clean energy savings—without the need for individual solar installations. To learn more about how Altus Power is transforming community access to solar energy, visit
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About Chaberton Energy
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For More Information
Jenny Volanakis
Source: Altus Power, Inc.