ASP Isotopes Issues Letter to Shareholders
ASP Isotopes (NASDAQ: ASPI) shared significant milestones and future goals in a letter from CEO Paul Mann. In 2024, the company completed two isotope enrichment facilities, one for Carbon-14 and another for Silicon-28, both expected to enter commercial production in 1H 2025. They also completed a Quantum Enrichment facility for Ytterbium-176, important for producing Lutetium-177 used in prostate cancer treatment.
ASP signed contracts for Silicon-28 supply for quantum computing and AI, and a research contract with TerraPower for HALEU production. They also signed an MOU with South African Nuclear Engineering to develop advanced nuclear fuel.
The company raised $84 million in 2024 and ended Q3 with $51 million in cash. Despite a delay in Carbon-14 feedstock, first revenues are expected in 1H 2025. ASP plans to expand into Nickel-64 and Lithium-6/7 production, addressing supply chain gaps and aiming to lead in nuclear engineering.
ASP Isotopi (NASDAQ: ASPI) ha condiviso importanti traguardi e obiettivi futuri in una lettera del CEO Paul Mann. Nel 2024, l'azienda ha completato due impianti di arricchimento isotopico, uno per il Carbonio-14 e l'altro per il Silicio-28, entrambi previsti per entrare in produzione commerciale entro il primo semestre del 2025. Hanno anche completato un impianto di Arricchimento Quantistico per Itterbio-176, fondamentale per la produzione del Lutetio-177 utilizzato nel trattamento del cancro alla prostata.
ASP ha firmato contratti per la fornitura di Silicio-28 per il calcolo quantistico e l'IA, e un contratto di ricerca con TerraPower per la produzione di HALEU. Hanno anche firmato un MOU con la Nuclear Engineering sudafricana per sviluppare combustibile nucleare avanzato.
L'azienda ha raccolto 84 milioni di dollari nel 2024 e ha chiuso il terzo trimestre con 51 milioni di dollari in contante. Nonostante un ritardo nella disponibilità della materia prima per il Carbonio-14, i primi ricavi sono attesi nel primo semestre del 2025. ASP prevede di espandersi nella produzione di Nickel-64 e Litio-6/7, affrontando le lacune della catena di approvvigionamento e puntando a diventare leader nell'ingegneria nucleare.
ASP Isótopos (NASDAQ: ASPI) compartió hitos significativos y objetivos futuros en una carta del CEO Paul Mann. En 2024, la empresa completó dos instalaciones de enriquecimiento isotópico, una para Carbono-14 y otra para Silicio-28, ambas esperadas para iniciar producción comercial en el primer semestre de 2025. También completaron una instalación de Enriquecimiento Cuántico para Iterbio-176, importante para la producción de Lutecio-177 utilizado en el tratamiento del cáncer de próstata.
ASP firmó contratos para el suministro de Silicio-28 para computación cuántica e IA, y un contrato de investigación con TerraPower para la producción de HALEU. También firmaron un MOU con South African Nuclear Engineering para desarrollar combustible nuclear avanzado.
La empresa recaudó 84 millones de dólares en 2024 y cerró el tercer trimestre con 51 millones de dólares en efectivo. A pesar de un retraso en la materia prima de Carbono-14, se esperan los primeros ingresos en el primer semestre de 2025. ASP planea expandirse a la producción de Nickel-64 y Litio-6/7, abordando las brechas en la cadena de suministro y apuntando a liderar en ingeniería nuclear.
ASP 동위원소 (NASDAQ: ASPI)는 CEO Paul Mann의 편지에서 주요 이정표와 미래 목표를 공유했습니다. 2024년, 회사는 탄소-14용과 실리콘-28용 두 개의 동위원소 농축 시설을 완공했으며, 두 시설 모두 2025년 상반기 상업 생산에 들어갈 예정입니다. 또한 전립선암 치료에 사용되는 루테튜엄-177 생산에 중요한 이터븀-176 용 양자 농축 시설을 완공했습니다.
ASP는 양자 컴퓨팅과 AI를 위한 실리콘-28 공급 계약을 체결했으며, HALEU 생산을 위해 TerraPower와 연구 계약을 체결했습니다. 또한 고급 핵 연료 개발을 위해 남아프리카 원자력 공학과 MOU를 체결했습니다.
회사는 2024년에 8400만 달러를 모금했으며, 3분기 말에는 5100만 달러의 현금을 보유하고 있습니다. 탄소-14 원료의 지연에도 불구하고, 첫 수익은 2025년 상반기에 기대할 수 있습니다. ASP는 니켈-64 및 리튬-6/7 생산으로 확장할 계획이며, 공급망의 공백을 해소하고 핵 공학 분야에서 선도적인 위치를 차지하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
ASP Isotopes (NASDAQ: ASPI) a partagé des jalons significatifs et des objectifs futurs dans une lettre du CEO Paul Mann. En 2024, l'entreprise a terminé deux installations d'enrichissement isotopique, une pour le Carbone-14 et une autre pour le Silicium-28, toutes deux prévues pour entrer en production commerciale au premier semestre 2025. Ils ont également achevé une installation d'Enrichissement Quantique pour le Ytterbium-176, ce qui est important pour la production de Lutétium-177 utilisé dans le traitement du cancer de la prostate.
ASP a signé des contrats de fourniture de Silicium-28 pour l'informatique quantique et l'IA, ainsi qu'un contrat de recherche avec TerraPower pour la production de HALEU. Ils ont également signé un MOU avec South African Nuclear Engineering pour développer du combustible nucléaire avancé.
L'entreprise a levé 84 millions de dollars en 2024 et a clôturé le troisième trimestre avec 51 millions de dollars en cash. Malgré un retard dans la matière première du Carbone-14, les premiers revenus sont attendus dans le premier semestre 2025. ASP prévoit de s'étendre à la production de Nickel-64 et de Lithium-6/7, tout en comblant les lacunes de la chaîne d'approvisionnement et visant à devenir un leader dans le domaine de l'ingénierie nucléaire.
ASP Isotope (NASDAQ: ASPI) hat in einem Schreiben von CEO Paul Mann bedeutende Meilensteine und zukünftige Ziele vorgestellt. Im Jahr 2024 hat das Unternehmen zwei Anlagen zur Isotopenanreicherung fertiggestellt, eine für Kohlenstoff-14 und eine andere für Silizium-28, die beide voraussichtlich im ersten Halbjahr 2025 in die kommerzielle Produktion eintreten werden. Sie haben auch eine Quantenanreicherungs-Anlage für Ytterbium-176 fertiggestellt, die wichtig für die Produktion von Lutetium-177 ist, das in der Behandlung von Prostatakrebs verwendet wird.
ASP hat Verträge für die Lieferung von Silizium-28 für Quantencomputing und KI unterzeichnet sowie einen Forschungsvertrag mit TerraPower zur Produktion von HALEU. Außerdem wurde ein MOU mit South African Nuclear Engineering unterzeichnet, um fortschrittlichen nuklearen Brennstoff zu entwickeln.
Das Unternehmen hat 2024 84 Millionen Dollar gesammelt und schloss das dritte Quartal mit 51 Millionen Dollar Bargeld ab. Trotz einer Verzögerung bei der Beschaffung von Kohlenstoff-14 wird der erste Umsatz im ersten Halbjahr 2025 erwartet. ASP plant, in die Produktion von Nickel-64 und Lithium-6/7 zu expandieren, um Lieferschwierigkeiten anzugehen und eine Führungsposition im Bereich Nuklearingenieure zu übernehmen.
- Completed construction of two isotope enrichment facilities.
- Quantum Enrichment facility for Ytterbium-176 completed ahead of schedule and under budget.
- Signed contracts for Silicon-28 supply for advanced technologies.
- Raised $84 million in 2024, ending Q3 with $51 million in cash.
- Signed research contract and term sheet with TerraPower for HALEU production.
- 6-12 month delay in shipping Carbon-14 feedstock, delaying first revenues.
This shareholder letter reveals significant operational progress and strategic positioning in the critical isotopes market. The completion of multiple enrichment facilities ahead of schedule and under budget demonstrates strong execution capabilities. Key commercial developments include:
- Two contracts for Silicon-28 supply for quantum computing applications
- A
$2.5M per annum take-or-pay contract for Carbon-14 - TerraPower partnership with
$2M research contract and potential HALEU facility funding - Strategic MOU with Necsa for nuclear fuel production
The Silicon-28 enrichment capability is particularly noteworthy for semiconductor applications. Highly enriched Si-28 (99.995%) enables
The company's Ytterbium-176 production capability positions it strategically in the radiopharmaceutical supply chain, particularly for Lutetium-177 based therapies. With Novartis' Pluvicto projected to reach
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ASP Isotopes Inc. (NASDAQ: ASPI) ("ASP Isotopes” or the “Company”), an advanced materials company dedicated to the development of technology and processes for the production of isotopes for use in multiple industries, today released the following letter to shareholders from its Chairman and CEO, Paul Mann.
Dear Fellow Shareholder,
As the year comes towards its end, I wanted to personally write to you to summarize some of the more significant milestones the Company has achieved during 2024 and discuss our future goals for 2025. It has been a busy and successful year:
- The Company completed the construction of two ASP isotope enrichment facilities, with one awaiting the delivery of feedstock (Carbon-14) and the second currently in the commissioning phase (Silicon-28).
- The Company completed the construction of the first Quantum Enrichment facility, for Ytterbium-176, approximately 9 months ahead of schedule and under budget. This facility is currently in the commissioning phase and has already successfully produced the first semi-finished material of enriched Ytterbium-176, which is a precursor for the production of Lutetium-177, the active component of Novartis’ Pluvicto, a potential blockbuster for the treatment of prostate cancer.
- The Company signed two contracts with U.S. based customers for the supply of highly enriched Silicon-28 to enable next generation semiconductors for quantum computing, artificial intelligence and large data centers.
- The Company signed a research contract and a term sheet with TerraPower for the construction of a HALEU production facility. The term sheet anticipates TerraPower providing seed capital for the construction of the facility as well as a long-term supply agreement for the production capacity of the facility.
- The Company signed an MOU with Nesca (South African Nuclear Engineering Corporation) to develop an advanced nuclear fuel production facility at Pelindaba, South Africa. ASPI scientists have already had “Shovels in the Ground” at Pelindaba and the construction of the first of two HALEU enrichment test facilities has been completed.
- The Company raised approximately
$84 million (before deducting underwriting discounts, commissions and offering expenses) in a combination of debt and equity transactions and finished 3Q 2024 with approximately$51 million of cash on balance sheet. The Company’s balance sheet has never been stronger. - During 2024, the Company hosted over 60 investors and corporate clients to its facilities in South Africa. The company looks forward to hosting another Investor Access Event in January 2025.
The construction of two ASP Enrichment Facilities is now complete with one awaiting feedstock, and one in commissioning phase.
During the last 36 months, the Company has constructed two Aerodynamic Separation Process (ASP) enrichment facilities in Pretoria, South Africa. The first is scheduled to enrich Carbon-14 and the second, a multi-isotope facility, is scheduled to enrich Silicon-28. Both of these facilities are expected to enter commercial production during 1H 2025 and the Company has entered into commercial contracts with customers for product from both.
Carbon-14: Carbon-14 is used as a tracer during the development of new pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals and the entire world’s supply is currently sourced from Russia. In June 2023, the Company entered into a multi-year Carbon-14 take-or-pay contract with a minimum revenue commitment of
Silicon-28: Naturally occurring silicon has three isotopes: Si-28, -29 and -30. The presence of Si-29 isotope has a negative impact on the performance of silicon in semiconductor applications. Our enrichment process allows for the removal of Si-29, and production of highly enriched Silicon-28, which can conduct heat
Our Silicon-28 enrichment facility, located at Koedoespoort, Pretoria, is approximately 40 times the size of the Carbon-14 enrichment facility (measured on a SWU basis). This highly advanced facility utilizes a state-of-the art compression system, as well as proprietary analytical and control systems. During 2024, the Company signed two agreements for the supply of Silicon-28. One of these agreements is with a leading semiconductor company and the other with a leading industrial gas company that has a significant presence in the supply of electronic gases and chemicals. The Company is currently in discussions with multiple potential customers and expects to sign additional supply agreements during the next six months.
The construction of our first Quantum Enrichment Facility is now complete and in the commissioning phase having already produced its first enriched Ytterbium-176, semi-finished product.
During September 2024, the Company completed the construction of its first Quantum Enrichment Facility for Ytterbium-176 in Pretoria, South Africa. Construction of the Ytterbium-176 plant was originally planned to conclude during mid-2025; however, the team accelerated its construction timeline by approximately nine months. During October 2024, the Company produced the first semi-finished material of enriched Ytterbium-176. The Company believes that this proprietary technology is not only more efficient and scalable than other enrichment technologies, but also has considerable advantages with respect to capital efficiency and industrial pollution.
The Company expects to be able to offer Ytterbium-176, enriched to
Ytterbium-176 (176Yb) is a key stable isotope used in the production of Lutetium-177 (177Lu). Lutetium-177 is an emerging beta emitting radiopharmaceutical used in oncology drugs such as Novartis’ Pluvicto. There are currently two FDA approved drugs and more than 66 ongoing clinical trials for drugs that require Lutetium-177.
Consensus forecasts for Novartis’ Pluvicto exceed
Based on the results of the commissioning phase of the Ytterbium-176 plant, the Company is now accelerating plans to construct Nickel-64 and Lithium-6/7 plants in South Africa. There is an urgent need for all three isotopes from Western-based producers.
Nickel-64 is currently used to produce Copper-64, in a cyclotron, and based on discussions with potential customers, has significant supply-side challenges. Copper-64 is a positron and beta emitting isotope of copper, with applications for molecular radiotherapy and positron emission tomography.
Lithium-7 is currently used as an alkalizing agent for the coolant in Pressure Water Reactors (PWRs) and it is predicted that Lithium-7 will be used as part of the molten lithium fluoride in molten-salt reactors which are expected to become used in the nuclear energy industry next decade. Western supplies of Lithium-7 are currently provided by Russia.
It is widely anticipated that Lithium-6 will be required to enable nuclear fusion power plants, which are currently in development. It is widely anticipated that nuclear fusion will be one of the cleanest forms of energy, with potential for low carbon baseload energy with no long-lived radionuclide waste. There is currently no producer of Lithium-6 in commercial quantities, yet most power plant designs need tonnage of Lithium-6 for operations. With
Research contract and Term Sheet for HALEU Production Facility in South Africa with TerraPower.
During 2Q 2024 we entered into a research contract with TerraPower, a nuclear innovation company and advanced nuclear energy developer, for the development of nuclear fuels that are expected to be used in next generation nuclear reactors. The contract's
During 4Q 2024, the Company entered into a non-binding term sheet with TerraPower related to the construction of a uranium enrichment facility capable of producing High Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) and the future supply of HALEU to TerraPower, as a customer of Quantum Leap Energy LLC (QLE). The term sheet contemplates the preparation of definitive agreements pursuant to which TerraPower would provide funding for the construction of a HALEU production facility. In addition, the parties anticipate entering into a long-term supply agreement for the HALEU expected to be produced at this facility pursuant to which the customer would purchase all the HALEU produced at the facility over a 10-year period after the expected completion of the facility. It is anticipated that the definitive agreements will be assigned to ASP Isotopes’ wholly owned subsidiary, QLE, which the Company hopes to spin out as a separate entity in the future.
During the next 30 years, global energy consumption will likely double(5). To meet 2050 climate goals, set by many governments and organizations, this must occur with a zero increase in carbon emissions. The advanced nuclear fuels required during the next 50 years are expected to differ significantly from those used in the last 50 years. Specifically, many small modular and advanced reactors in the future are expected to require HALEU(6).
The Company believes that its enrichment technologies can be deployed in a new HALEU facility for considerably lower capital costs, and in much less time, compared to the construction of an enrichment facility using a traditional centrifuge process of HALEU production.
MOU with Necsa (South African Nuclear Engineering Corporation) to develop an advanced nuclear fuel production facility at Pelindaba, South Africa.
In November, I was honored to attend a signing ceremony at Pelindaba for a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) between ASP Isotopes and the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (Necsa) to collaborate on the research, development and construction of an Advanced Nuclear Fuel production facility.
Necsa is a state-owned company established by the Republic of South Africa Nuclear Energy Act in 1999 with a mandate to undertake and promote research and development in the field of nuclear energy and radiation sciences. Necsa is also responsible for processing source material, and co-operating with other institutions on nuclear and related matters.
The MOU was executed at a signing ceremony that took place at Pelindaba on November 14, 2024. As chairman and CEO of ASP Isotopes, I signed on behalf of ASP Isotopes and Mr Loyiso Tyabashe, Group CEO of Necsa, signed on behalf of Necsa. The signing ceremony was attended by representatives of the South African Government and included the participation of Minister Kgosientsho Ramokgopa, South Africa’s newly appointed Minister of Electricity and Energy.
The proposed structure under discussion for the delivery of the objectives of the MOU contemplates the formation of a new entity in South Africa with a board of directors consisting of at least two representatives from each of ASP Isotopes and Necsa. Discussions between the parties during the last three years have focused on advancing new nuclear fuel for small modular reactors and advanced nuclear reactors and eventually the construction of a nuclear fuel facility for the production of HALEU.
The Company is happy to share with investors that scientists from ASP Isotopes have already been active at Pelindaba and the construction of the first of two HALEU test facilities has been completed. We anticipate that we will complete the construction of the second test facility during 2025 and this will pave the way to start comprehensive testing of our technologies on the production of HALEU.
This partnership with Necsa will enable the Company to accelerate the construction of an advanced nuclear fuel facility. The proposed partnership with Necsa will likely help establish South Africa as a leader in Nuclear Engineering, producing the advanced nuclear fuels that the world requires to help prevent climate change. It will also mobilize hundreds of workers in local regions to build and operate the new manufacturing plant and support thousands of direct and indirect jobs across a nationwide manufacturing supply chain.
The global isotopes market is at an inflection point, both in terms of demand and supply. ASP Isotopes and QLE are well positioned as trusted suppliers of both existing and future isotope products.
Isotopes have one of the most severely compromised supply chains of any material in the world. Currently, supply is almost entirely controlled by Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation, the Russian state-owned entity, and a few state-owned or controlled enrichers. The US Department of Energy (DOE) and every other major government in the Western World considers isotopes to be critical materials. Isotopes enable everyday activities such as nuclear imaging; they are also essential in the production of advanced electronics and semiconductors. Importantly, they serve as fuels and coolants in nuclear power stations which provide approximately
ASP Isotopes Investor Access Event in South Africa in January 2025 – already fully booked
ASP Isotopes values transparency and open communication with all stakeholders and counterparties. During 2024, the Company welcomed over 60 investors and corporate clients to its facilities in South Africa. The Company recently announced that it will host an Investor Access Event in South Africa from January 14-16, 2025.
I would like to take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to all our shareholders and employees at ASP Isotopes. When we started the Company approximately three years ago we had a headcount of just two individuals. We now have a team of over 130 highly skilled and motivated employees across 3 continents, all of whom are highly motivated to innovate new technologies that can help solve some of today’s most pressing challenges such as advanced computing, global warming, and cutting-edge healthcare solutions. It has clearly been a busy year for the Company, and in hitting such an impressive list of milestones, our scientists and engineers have done an amazing job. I’m proud of our entire team, for the work done to date and for the work I expect we will together continue to do going forward. Thank you for your dedication and hard work.
The ASP Isotopes Team in December, 2024
If you would like to learn more about our Company, please visit our corporate website and make sure to follow us on our social media channels.
Thank you for your interest and support.
Wishing you all the best for the holiday season and a prosperous 2025.
Paul E. Mann
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
(1) Penghong Ci, Muhua Sun, Meenakshi Upadhyaya, Houfu Song, Lei Jin, Bo Sun, Matthew R. Jones, Joel W. Ager, Zlatan Aksamija, and Junqiao Wu Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 085901 – Published 23 February 2022
(2) Isotopically Enriched Layers for Quantum Computers Formed by 28Si Implantation and Layer Exchange, Schneider, E and England, J; ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 17, 21609–21617
(3) Lutetium-177 (Lu-177) Market Size, Scope And Forecast Report (
(4) Ravi et al, Clinical Implementation of 177Lu-PSMA-617 in the United States: Lessons Learned and Ongoing Challenges; J Nuc Med March 2023, 64 (3) 349-350
(5) UK releases roadmap to quadruple nuclear energy capacity : Nuclear Policies - World Nuclear News (
(6) NEI-Letter-for-Secretary-Granholm_HALEU-2021.pdf
About ASP Isotopes Inc.
ASP is an advanced materials company dedicated to developing technology and processes to produce isotopes in multiple industries. The Company employs proprietary technology, the Aerodynamic Separation Process (“ASP technology”), for the production, distribution, marketing, and sale of all isotopes. The Company’s initial focus is on producing and commercializing highly enriched isotopes for the healthcare and technology industries. With time, it also plans to enrich isotopes for the green energy sector. The Company has two isotope enrichment facilities in Pretoria, South Africa. The first is a facility dedicated to the enrichment of isotopes of elements with a low atomic mass (light isotopes) and will initially produce Carbon-14. The ASP plans to use the second, larger facility for the production of multiple different isotopes.
There is a growing demand for isotopes such as Silicon-28, which will enable quantum computing, and Molybdenum-100, Molybdenum-98, Zinc-68, Ytterbium-176, and Nickel-64 for new, emerging healthcare applications, as well as Chlorine-37, Lithium-6, and Uranium-235 for green energy applications. The ASP Technology (Aerodynamic Separation Process) is ideal for enriching low and heavy atomic mass molecules. For more information, please visit
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are neither historical facts nor assurances of future performance. Instead, they are based only on our current beliefs, expectations and assumptions regarding the future of our business, future plans and strategies, projections, anticipated events and trends, the economy and other future conditions. Forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as “believes,” “plans,” “anticipates,” “expects,” “estimates,” “projects,” “will,” “may,” “might” and words of a similar nature. Examples of forward-looking statements include, among others but are not limited to, statements we make regarding expected operating results, such as future revenues and prospects from the potential commercialization of isotopes, future performance under contracts, and our strategies for product development, engaging with potential customers, market position, and financial results. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict, many of which are outside our control. Our actual results, financial condition and events may differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements based upon a number of factors. Forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance or developments. You are strongly cautioned that reliance on any forward-looking statements involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Therefore, you should not rely on any of these forward-looking statements. There are many important factors that could cause our actual results and financial condition to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements, including: our reliance on the efforts of third parties; our ability to complete the proposed the construction and commissioning of our enrichment plant(s) or to commercialize isotopes using the ASP technology or the Quantum Enrichment Process; our ability to obtain regulatory approvals for the production and distribution of isotopes; the financial terms of any current and future commercial arrangements; our ability to complete certain transactions and realize anticipated benefits from acquisitions; contracts, dependence on our Intellectual Property (IP) rights, certain IP rights of third parties; and the competitive nature of our industry. Any forward-looking statement made by us in this press release is based only on information currently available to us and speaks only as of the date on which it is made. We undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise. This press release includes market and industry data and forecasts that we obtained from internal research, publicly available information and industry publications and surveys. Industry publications and surveys generally state that the information contained therein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Unless otherwise noted, statements as to our potential market position relative to other companies are approximated and based on third-party data and internal analysis and estimates as of the date of this press release. We have not independently verified this information, and it could prove inaccurate. Industry and market data could be wrong because of the method by which sources obtained their data and because information cannot always be verified with certainty due to the limits on the availability and reliability of raw data, the voluntary nature of the data-gathering process and other limitations and uncertainties. In addition, we do not know all of the assumptions regarding general economic conditions or growth that were used in preparing the information and forecasts from sources cited herein. No information in this press release should be interpreted as an indication of future success, revenues, results of operation, or stock price. All forward-looking statements herein are qualified by reference to the cautionary statements set forth herein and should not be relied upon.
Jason Assad– Investor relations
Telephone: 561-709-3043
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

What are the recent milestones achieved by ASPI in 2024?
What is the significance of ASPI's Quantum Enrichment facility?
When is ASPI expecting commercial production from its new facilities?
What does the Silicon-28 supply contract mean for ASPI?
How much funding did ASPI raise in 2024?
What are ASPI's future plans for isotope production?
What impact does the delay in Carbon-14 feedstock have on ASPI?
What is the TerraPower research contract about?
How does ASPI plan to address supply chain vulnerabilities?