BlackBerry Reports 600,000 Cyberattacks on Critical Infrastructure in Q3 2024

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BlackBerry (NYSE:BB, TSX:BB) has released its Global Threat Intelligence Report for Q3 2024, revealing 600,000 attacks against critical infrastructure, with 45% targeting the financial sector, and 430,000 attacks against commercial enterprises. The report, developed in partnership with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police's National Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (NC3), highlights emerging threats including Lynx ransomware and the Coyote banking trojan.

North America and Latin America emerged as the most targeted regions globally, followed by APAC and EMEA. The report also addresses growing concerns about deepfake threats and AI-based scams, which have prompted new regulatory frameworks including the U.S. No AI Fraud Act. Additionally, the analysis revealed cybercrime's role in human trafficking in Southeast Asia and North Korean operatives using deepfake technology to infiltrate Western IT companies.

BlackBerry (NYSE:BB, TSX:BB) ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto Globale sulle Minacce Informatiche per il Q3 2024, rivelando 600.000 attacchi contro infrastrutture critiche, con il 45% che prende di mira il settore finanziario, e 430.000 attacchi contro imprese commerciali. Il rapporto, sviluppato in collaborazione con il Centro Nazionale di Coordinamento dei Crimini Informatici della Polizia Montata Canadese (NC3), evidenzia minacce emergenti tra cui il ransomware Lynx e il trojan bancario Coyote.

Il Nord America e l'America Latina si sono rivelati le regioni più bersagliate a livello globale, seguiti da APAC e EMEA. Il rapporto affronta inoltre le crescenti preoccupazioni relative alle minacce deepfake e alle truffe basate sull'IA, che hanno spinto alla creazione di nuovi framework normativi come il No AI Fraud Act degli Stati Uniti. Inoltre, l'analisi ha rivelato il ruolo della criminalità informatica nel traffico di esseri umani nel Sud-est asiatico e delle operazioni nordcoreane che utilizzano la tecnologia deepfake per infiltrarsi nelle aziende IT occidentali.

BlackBerry (NYSE:BB, TSX:BB) ha lanzado su Informe Global de Inteligencia de Amenazas para el Q3 2024, revelando 600,000 ataques contra infraestructura crítica, con el 45% dirigido al sector financiero, y 430,000 ataques contra empresas comerciales. El informe, desarrollado en colaboración con el Centro Nacional de Coordinación de Crímenes Cibernéticos de la Real Policía Montada de Canadá (NC3), destaca amenazas emergentes, incluyendo el ransomware Lynx y el troyano bancario Coyote.

América del Norte y América Latina emergieron como las regiones más atacadas a nivel global, seguidas por APAC y EMEA. El informe también aborda las crecientes preocupaciones sobre las amenazas deepfake y las estafas basadas en IA, que han llevado a nuevos marcos regulatorios, incluido el No AI Fraud Act de EE. UU. Además, el análisis reveló el papel del cibercrimen en la trata de personas en el sudeste asiático y de los operativos norcoreanos que utilizan tecnología deepfake para infiltrarse en empresas de TI occidentales.

블랙베리 (NYSE:BB, TSX:BB)는 2024년 3분기 글로벌 위협 인텔리전스 보고서를 발표하며 60만 건의 필수 인프라에 대한 공격을 밝혔으며, 그 중 45%가 금융 부문을 겨냥하고, 43만 건의 상업 기업에 대한 공격이 있었습니다. 이 보고서는 캐나다 로열 마운티드 폴리스의 국가 사이버 범죄 조정 센터(NC3)와 협력하여 개발되었으며, Lynx 랜섬웨어와 Coyote 뱅킹 트로이안과 같은 새로운 위협들을 강조합니다.

북미 및 라틴 아메리카가 전 세계에서 가장 많은 공격을 받은 지역으로 나타났으며, 다음은 APAC와 EMEA입니다. 이 보고서는 또한 딥페이크 위협과 AI 기반 사기에 대한 우려가 커지고 있음을 다루고 있으며, 이로 인해 미국의 AI 사기 금지 법안과 같은 새로운 규제 프레임워크가 등장했습니다. 추가 분석에서는 동남아시아에서의 인신매매에서 사이버 범죄의 역할과 북한 요원들이 서구 IT 기업에 침투하기 위해 딥페이크 기술을 사용하는 것에 대해 밝혔습니다.

BlackBerry (NYSE:BB, TSX:BB) a publié son Rapport Mondial sur l'Intelligence des Menaces pour le T3 2024, révélant 600 000 attaques contre des infrastructures critiques, dont 45 % ciblent le secteur financier, et 430 000 attaques contre des entreprises commerciales. Le rapport, élaboré en partenariat avec le Centre National de Coordination des Cybercriminalités de la Gendarmerie Royale canadienne (NC3), souligne les menaces émergentes telles que le ransomware Lynx et le trojan bancaire Coyote.

L'Amérique du Nord et l'Amérique Latine sont apparues comme les régions les plus ciblées au monde, suivies par l'APAC et l'EMEA. Le rapport aborde également les préoccupations croissantes concernant les menaces deepfake et les escroqueries basées sur l'IA, qui ont entraîné de nouveaux cadres réglementaires, y compris le No AI Fraud Act des États-Unis. De plus, l'analyse a révélé le rôle de la cybercriminalité dans la traite des êtres humains en Asie du Sud-Est et l'utilisation par des agents nord-coréens de la technologie deepfake pour infiltrer des entreprises informatiques occidentales.

BlackBerry (NYSE:BB, TSX:BB) hat seinen Global Threat Intelligence Report für das 3. Quartal 2024 veröffentlicht, der 600.000 Angriffe auf kritische Infrastruktur aufzeigt, wobei 45 % den Finanzsektor betreffen, sowie 430.000 Angriffe auf kommerzielle Unternehmen. Der Bericht, der in Zusammenarbeit mit dem National Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (NC3) der Royal Canadian Mounted Police erstellt wurde, hebt aufkommende Bedrohungen wie die Lynx-Ransomware und den Coyote-Banking-Trojaner hervor.

Nordamerika und Lateinamerika haben sich als die am meisten angegriffenen Regionen weltweit herausgestellt, gefolgt von APAC und EMEA. Der Bericht thematisiert auch wachsende Bedenken bezüglich Deepfake-Bedrohungen und KI-basierte Betrügereien, die neue regulatorische Rahmenbedingungen, einschließlich des U.S. No AI Fraud Act, nach sich gezogen haben. Darüber hinaus zeigt die Analyse die Rolle der Cyberkriminalität im Menschenhandel in Südostasien und den Einsatz von Deepfake-Technologie durch nordkoreanische Agenten, um in westliche IT-Unternehmen einzudringen.

  • Partnership with Royal Canadian Mounted Police's NC3 for enhanced threat intelligence sharing
  • Comprehensive detection and tracking of cyber threats across global infrastructure
  • 600,000 attacks detected against critical infrastructure in Q3 2024
  • 45% of attacks targeted the financial sector
  • 430,000 attacks detected against commercial enterprise industries
  • Increasing sophistication of ransomware groups and cyber threats


The detection of 600,000 attacks on critical infrastructure and 430,000 attacks on commercial enterprises in Q3 2024 represents a significant escalation in cyber threats. The 45% concentration of attacks in the financial sector indicates a calculated strategy by threat actors targeting high-value assets and financial systems.

The emergence of new threat actors like Lynx ransomware and RansomHub, coupled with the increasing sophistication of AI-based attacks, signals a concerning evolution in the threat landscape. The geographical distribution of attacks, with North and Latin America being primary targets, suggests a strategic focus on regions with high-value targets and potentially more vulnerable infrastructure.

The involvement of state actors, particularly North Korean operatives using deepfake technology to infiltrate Western IT companies, represents a convergence of cyber espionage with advanced AI capabilities. This trend, combined with the use of cybercrime in human trafficking operations, indicates a disturbing merger of traditional criminal activities with sophisticated cyber tactics.

Simple explanation: Think of this as a massive wave of digital break-in attempts, where hackers are using increasingly sophisticated tools, including fake videos and voices created by AI, to trick people and break into important computer systems. Banks and financial companies are getting hit the hardest, making up almost half of all attacks.

The concentration of attacks on the financial sector poses substantial operational and reputational risks to BlackBerry's enterprise clients, potentially affecting their market position and client trust. The geographic distribution of attacks, particularly in high-GDP regions like North America, suggests a correlation between economic value and cyber threat targeting.

The partnership with law enforcement (NC3) enhances BlackBerry's threat intelligence capabilities and market positioning, providing a competitive advantage in the cybersecurity sector. However, the increasing sophistication of threats, particularly AI-driven attacks and state-sponsored activities, may require significant R&D investment to maintain defensive capabilities.

Simple explanation: When banks and financial companies get attacked, they can lose money and customer trust. BlackBerry is helping protect them, but needs to keep spending money on new security tools to stay ahead of the hackers, who are getting better at their attacks.

New threat report addresses trends in threat actor methodology and secure communications threats

WATERLOO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / January 15, 2025 / BlackBerry Limited (NYSE:BB)(TSX:BB) today released its latest Global Threat Intelligence Report, highlighting the threats stopped by BlackBerry® cybersecurity solutions and new trends in the cybersecurity threat landscape. Between July and September 2024, BlackBerry detected 600,000 attacks against critical infrastructure, 45 percent of which targeted the financial sector. They also detected 430,000 attacks against commercial enterprise industries.

The report does a deep dive into the behaviors of dangerous, but little known, threat actor groups and trends in their methodologies and motivations. New to this quarter, the report also addresses threats in telecommunications infrastructure, highlighting strategies to better protect personal devices and secure communication best practices.

"Our attack surface has never been wider, with threat actors and nation states broadening their horizons into cyber espionage attacks, while ransomware groups are becoming more sophisticated in their campaigns," said Ismael Valenzuela, Vice President of Threat Research & Intelligence at BlackBerry. "However, we've also never been better prepared. We have the tools, technology, and protocols to protect ourselves and mitigate the impact of attacks, and our industry is equipped to keep up with changes in threat actor methodology."

Most notably, the report features insights from a continued partnership between BlackBerry and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police's National Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (NC3). Together, the two organizations share intelligence on the rise of new ransomware groups, top ransomware threats, and challenges for law enforcement in combatting cyberattacks.

Additional highlights from the latest BlackBerry Global Threat Intelligence Report include:

  • North America and Latin America are the Most Targeted Nations Globally: These nations saw the highest volume of attacks and most instances of unique malware. APAC and EMEA were the second and third most targeted regions, respectively.

  • Emerging Threats Are Increasingly Dangerous: BlackBerry internal telemetry identified activity related to Lynx ransomware, the Coyote banking trojan, and threat groups RansomHub and Hunter's International.

  • Deepfake Threats Continue to Rise: The growing use of AI-based scams has led to new regulatory frameworks nationwide to mitigate the impact, including the U.S. No AI Fraud Act and the Canadian non-consensual media legislation.

  • Geopolitical Influences are Creating Concerning Threats: BlackBerry analysts found that cybercrime is being used in human trafficking rings in Southeast Asia, and North Korean operatives are using deepfake technology and fake identities to infiltrate Western IT companies.

Download a copy of BlackBerry's Global Threat Intelligence Report at, and register to attend the Global Threat Intelligence Report Deep Dive webinar on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 11:00 AM EST or 11:00 AM CET to discover more.

About BlackBerry

BlackBerry (NYSE:BB)(TSX:BB) provides enterprises and governments the intelligent software and services that power the world around us. Based in Waterloo, Ontario, the company's high-performance foundational software enables major automakers and industrial giants alike to unlock transformative applications, drive new revenue streams and launch innovative business models, all without sacrificing safety, security, and reliability. With a deep heritage in Secure Communications, BlackBerry delivers operational resiliency with a comprehensive, highly secure, and extensively certified portfolio for mobile fortification, mission-critical communications, and critical events management. The company is also a pioneer in leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to deliver advanced cybersecurity solutions to its customers.

For more information, visit and follow @BlackBerry.

Trademarks, including but not limited to BLACKBERRY and EMBLEM Design, are the trademarks or registered trademarks of BlackBerry Limited, and the exclusive rights to such trademarks are expressly reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. BlackBerry is not responsible for any third-party products or services.

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SOURCE: BlackBerry

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How many cyberattacks did BlackBerry (BB) detect against critical infrastructure in Q3 2024?

BlackBerry detected 600,000 attacks against critical infrastructure during Q3 2024, with 45% targeting the financial sector.

Which regions were most targeted by cyberattacks according to BlackBerry's (BB) Q3 2024 report?

North America and Latin America were the most targeted regions globally, followed by APAC and EMEA in second and third place respectively.

What new emerging threats did BlackBerry (BB) identify in their latest report?

BlackBerry identified new threats including Lynx ransomware, the Coyote banking trojan, and activities from threat groups RansomHub and Hunter's International.

How many attacks did BlackBerry (BB) detect against commercial enterprises in Q3 2024?

BlackBerry detected 430,000 attacks against commercial enterprise industries during Q3 2024.

What regulatory measures are being implemented to address deepfake threats according to BB's report?

New regulatory frameworks including the U.S. No AI Fraud Act and Canadian non-consensual media legislation are being implemented to address deepfake threats.

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