Brunswick Corporation Named One of the ‘World’s Top Companies for Women 2024’ by Forbes
Brunswick (NYSE: BC) has been recognized as one of Forbes' 'World's Top Companies for Women 2024', placing in the top half among 400 selected companies. The recognition highlights Brunswick's commitment to supporting women in the workplace, with women representing a significant portion of leadership positions, including half of division presidents.
The company promotes female advancement through its Women on the Water employee resource group, focusing on attracting, retaining, and developing female talent. The selection process involved surveys of approximately 100,000 women across 37 countries, evaluating companies based on Employer Brand Score, Public Opinion Score, and Leadership Score.
Brunswick (NYSE: BC) è stata riconosciuta come una delle 'Migliori Aziende del Mondo per le Donne 2024' da Forbes, collocandosi nella metà superiore tra 400 aziende selezionate. Questo riconoscimento evidenzia l'impegno di Brunswick nel sostenere le donne nel posto di lavoro, con una significativa rappresentanza femminile in posizioni di leadership, inclusa la metà dei presidenti di divisione.
L'azienda promuove l'avanzamento femminile attraverso il suo gruppo di risorse per i dipendenti Women on the Water, concentrandosi sull'attrazione, la retention e lo sviluppo dei talenti femminili. Il processo di selezione ha coinvolto sondaggi su circa 100.000 donne in 37 paesi, valutando le aziende in base al punteggio del marchio del datore di lavoro, al punteggio dell'opinione pubblica e al punteggio di leadership.
Brunswick (NYSE: BC) ha sido reconocida como una de las 'Mejores Empresas del Mundo para Mujeres 2024' por Forbes, ocupando la mitad superior entre 400 empresas seleccionadas. Este reconocimiento destaca el compromiso de Brunswick de apoyar a las mujeres en el lugar de trabajo, con una importante representación femenina en posiciones de liderazgo, incluyendo la mitad de los presidentes de división.
La empresa promueve el avance femenino a través de su grupo de recursos para empleados Women on the Water, centrado en atraer, retener y desarrollar talento femenino. El proceso de selección involucró encuestas a aproximadamente 100,000 mujeres en 37 países, evaluando a las empresas en base a la puntuación de marca empleadora, la puntuación de opinión pública y la puntuación de liderazgo.
브런즈윅 (NYSE: BC)은 포브스의 '2024 세계 최고의 여성 기업'으로 선정되어 400개 선정된 기업 중 상위 절반에 이름을 올렸습니다. 이 인정은 브런즈윅이 직장에서 여성들을 지원하는 데 얼마나 헌신하고 있는지를 강조하며, 여성들이 리더십 위치에서 상당한 비율을 차지하고 있습니다. 부서장의 절반이 여성입니다.
회사는 Women on the Water라는 직원 자원 그룹을 통해 여성의 발전을 촉진하여, 여성 인재를 유치하고, 유지하며, 개발하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다. 선정 과정에서는 37개국의 약 100,000명의 여성들을 대상으로 설문 조사를 실시하여, 기업을 고용주 브랜드 점수, 여론 점수 및 리더십 점수를 기준으로 평가했습니다.
Brunswick (NYSE: BC) a été reconnu comme l'une des 'Meilleures Entreprises du Monde pour les Femmes 2024' par Forbes, se classant dans la moitié supérieure parmi 400 entreprises sélectionnées. Cette reconnaissance met en lumière l'engagement de Brunswick à soutenir les femmes sur le lieu de travail, avec une représentation féminine significative dans les postes de direction, y compris la moitié des présidents de division.
L'entreprise promeut l'avancement des femmes à travers son groupe de ressources pour les employés Women on the Water, en mettant l'accent sur l'attraction, la rétention et le développement des talents féminins. Le processus de sélection a impliqué des enquêtes auprès d'environ 100 000 femmes dans 37 pays, évaluant les entreprises en fonction du score de marque employeur, du score d'opinion publique et du score de leadership.
Brunswick (NYSE: BC) wurde von Forbes als eines der 'Besten Unternehmen der Welt für Frauen 2024' anerkannt und hat sich damit in der oberen Hälfte unter 400 ausgewählten Unternehmen platziert. Diese Auszeichnung hebt das Engagement von Brunswick hervor, Frauen am Arbeitsplatz zu unterstützen, wobei Frauen einen bedeutenden Teil der Führungspositionen einnehmen, darunter die Hälfte der Bereichspräsidenten.
Das Unternehmen fördert die weibliche Karriereförderung durch seine Mitarbeiterressourcengruppe Women on the Water, die sich auf die Gewinnung, Bindung und Entwicklung weiblicher Talente konzentriert. Der Auswahlprozess umfasste Umfragen mit etwa 100.000 Frauen aus 37 Ländern und bewertete die Unternehmen anhand des Arbeitgebermarken-Scores, des öffentlichen Meinungsscores und des Führungsscores.
- None.
- None.
METTAWA, Ill., Oct. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Brunswick Corporation (NYSE: BC), the world’s largest recreational marine technology company, has been named one of the ‘World’s Top Companies for Women’ by Forbes for its leadership in supporting women in the workplace. Of the thousands of companies that were surveyed for this recognition, only 400 made the list and Brunswick finished in the top half overall.
“Being named a top employer for women by Forbes is a tremendous honor for us,” stated Jill Wrobel, Chief Human Resources Officer at Brunswick Corporation. “At Brunswick, we are proud to foster an inclusive workplace where everyone feels valued and empowered. Our teams unite to create innovative programs that strive to make boating more inclusive for everyone, especially as more women than ever take the helm. Our dedication to inclusivity is a major factor in why Brunswick is a preferred employer for women worldwide seeking rewarding careers with significant growth potential.”
Women represent a growing percentage of Brunswick's total employee base, including half of the division presidents, as well as many key brand and functional leaders across the Company. Brunswick fosters career development opportunities for women in the workplace through its dedicated Women on the Water employee resource group, which aims to attract, retain, and develop female talent at Brunswick by cultivating a sense of community that encourages women to advance their skills and leadership.
The World’s Top Companies for Women 2024 list reflects multinational corporations that were evaluated by approximately 100,000 women across 37 countries in multiple globally administered independent surveys. Over 750,000 data points were collected, with the final listing based on the aggregate of three scores:
- Employer Brand Score: Women were asked to rate how their employer performs across a series of gender-related topics. In addition, they were asked to rate their overall willingness to recommend their employer and assess them across other, more general, workplace satisfaction questions.
- Public Opinion Score: A women-only public opinion survey measured how women perceive companies in terms of gender equality.
- Leadership Score: Objective criteria (i.e., the presence of a female CEO and the share of board/executive committee positions filled by women) were gathered via extensive desk research.
Brunswick has recently been recognized as an employer of choice with numerous accolades, including:
- “World’s Best Companies 2024” – TIME Magazine
- “World’s Most Trustworthy Companies” – Newsweek Magazine
- “America’s Best Midsize Companies” – TIME Magazine
- “America’s Greatest Workplaces” – Newsweek Magazine
To view the full 2024 ranking of the World’s Top Companies for Women 2024, click here and to learn more about what makes Brunswick Corporation a Best Employer visit:
About Brunswick Corporation
Brunswick Corporation (NYSE: BC) is the global leader in marine recreation, delivering innovation that transforms experiences on the water and beyond. Our unique, technology-driven solutions are informed and inspired by deep consumer insights and powered by our belief that “Next Never Rests™”. Brunswick is dedicated to industry leadership, to being the best and most trusted partner to our many customers, and to building synergies and ecosystems that enable us to challenge convention and define the future. Brunswick is home to more than 60 industry-leading brands. In the category of Marine Propulsion, these brands include, Mercury Marine, Mercury Racing, MerCruiser, and Flite. Brunswick’s comprehensive collection of parts, accessories, distribution, and technology brands includes Mercury Parts & Accessories, Land ‘N’ Sea, Lowrance, Simrad, B&G, Mastervolt, RELiON, Attwood and Whale. Our boat brands are some of the best known in the world, including Boston Whaler, Lund, Sea Ray, Bayliner, Harris Pontoons, Princecraft and Quicksilver. Our service, digital and shared-access businesses include Freedom Boat Club, Boateka and a range of financing, insurance, and extended warranty businesses. While focused primarily on the marine industry, Brunswick also successfully leverages its portfolio of advanced technologies to deliver an exceptional suite of solutions in mobile and industrial applications. Headquartered in Mettawa, IL, Brunswick has 17,000 employees operating in 25 countries. In 2023, Brunswick was named by Forbes as a World’s Best Employer and as one of America’s Most Responsible Companies by Newsweek, both for the fourth consecutive year. For more information, visit

What recognition did Brunswick (BC) receive from Forbes in 2024?
What percentage of Brunswick 's (BC) division presidents are women in 2024?
How does Brunswick (BC) support women's career development?