Cardinal Health launches Kendall SCD SmartFlow™ Compression System
Cardinal Health (NYSE: CAH) announced the U.S. launch of its Kendall SCD SmartFlow™ Compression System, an advanced solution for preventing deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. The system features Vascular Refill Detection technology that customizes compression cycles to match patient's unique vascular refill time, increasing blood flow efficiency. Notable features include Patient Sensing™ Technology that automatically detects therapy application and alerts for incorrect usage. The system will be available internationally in early 2025.
Cardinal Health (NYSE: CAH) ha annunciato il lancio negli Stati Uniti del suo Kendall SCD SmartFlow™ Compression System, una soluzione avanzata per prevenire la trombosi venosa profonda e l'embolia polmonare. Il sistema è dotato di tecnologia Vascular Refill Detection che personalizza i cicli di compressione in base al tempo di riempimento vascolare unico del paziente, aumentando l'efficienza del flusso sanguigno. Tra le caratteristiche principali vi è la Patient Sensing™ Technology che rileva automaticamente l'applicazione della terapia e avvisa in caso di uso scorretto. Il sistema sarà disponibile a livello internazionale all'inizio del 2025.
Cardinal Health (NYSE: CAH) anunció el lanzamiento en EE. UU. de su Kendall SCD SmartFlow™ Compression System, una solución avanzada para prevenir la trombosis venosa profunda y la embolia pulmonar. El sistema cuenta con tecnología de detección de llenado vascular que personaliza los ciclos de compresión para adaptarse al tiempo de llenado vascular único del paciente, aumentando la eficiencia del flujo sanguíneo. Características destacadas incluyen la Patient Sensing™ Technology que detecta automáticamente la aplicación de terapia y alerta sobre un uso incorrecto. El sistema estará disponible internacionalmente a principios de 2025.
카디널 헬스 (NYSE: CAH)는 미국에서 Kendall SCD SmartFlow™ 압축 시스템을 출시한다고 발표했습니다. 이는 심부 정맥 혈전증 및 폐색전증을 예방하기 위한 고급 솔루션입니다. 이 시스템은 환자의 고유한 혈관 리필 시간에 맞춰 압축 주기를 조정하는 혈관 리필 감지 기술을 특징으로 하며, 혈류 효율성을 증가시킵니다. 주목할 만한 기능으로는 치료 적용을 자동으로 감지하고 잘못된 사용에 대해 경고하는 환자 감지™ 기술이 있습니다. 이 시스템은 2025년 초에 국제적으로 제공될 예정입니다.
Cardinal Health (NYSE: CAH) a annoncé le lancement aux États-Unis de son Kendall SCD SmartFlow™ Système de Compression, une solution avancée pour prévenir la thrombose veineuse profonde et l'embolie pulmonaire. Le système dispose de la technologie de détection du remplissage vasculaire qui personnalise les cycles de compression en fonction du temps de remplissage vasculaire unique du patient, augmentant ainsi l'efficacité du flux sanguin. Parmi les caractéristiques notables, on trouve la Technologie de Détection du Patient™ qui détecte automatiquement l'application de la thérapie et alerte en cas d'utilisation incorrecte. Le système sera disponible à l'international au début de 2025.
Cardinal Health (NYSE: CAH) hat die Einführung seines Kendall SCD SmartFlow™ Kompressionssystems in den USA angekündigt, einer fortschrittlichen Lösung zur Vorbeugung von tiefen Venenthrombosen und Lungenembolien. Das System verfügt über eine Technologie zur Erkennung der Gefäßauffüllung, die die Kompressionszyklen an die einzigartige Auffüllzeit der Gefäße des Patienten anpasst und die Effizienz des Blutflusses erhöht. Zu den bemerkenswerten Funktionen gehört die Patient Sensing™ Technologie, die automatisch die Anwendung der Therapie erkennt und bei unsachgemäßer Verwendung warnt. Das System wird Anfang 2025 international verfügbar sein.
- Launch of new medical device expanding product portfolio
- Technology improvements over previous compression systems
- Expanded indication to treat pain and swelling
- International market expansion planned for 2025
- None.
The launch of the Kendall SCD SmartFlow™ Compression System represents an incremental improvement in Cardinal Health's medical device portfolio, but its market impact is likely to be modest. While the system offers enhanced features like Vascular Refill Detection technology and Patient Sensing™ Technology, these are evolutionary rather than revolutionary improvements to existing compression therapy solutions.
The key differentiator is the expanded indication for treating pain and swelling, which could moderately increase the addressable market. The system's ability to deliver more compression cycles through customized timing may improve clinical outcomes, but this is unlikely to dramatically shift market share or significantly impact Cardinal Health's revenue stream, given that compression devices are already well-established in the healthcare setting.
The international expansion planned for early 2025 provides some additional growth potential, though the impact on CAH's overall financial performance will likely be given the company's diverse revenue streams and
Next generation of the Kendall™ SCD Series delivers an all-in-one solution for deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism prevention
"We're proud to introduce the reimagined Kendall SCD device to our customers for consistent, effective and reliable compression therapy, providing clinicians with efficiencies so they can focus more of their time on direct patient care," said Steve Marshall, senior vice president, Cardinal Health Global Product Marketing. "We're happy to offer an easy-to-use device that now has the indication to treat pain and swelling, which can be common and debilitating symptoms for patients with insufficient blood flow."
The Kendall SCD SmartFlow™ Compression System leverages Vascular Refill Detection (VRD) technology with a sequential, gradient and circumferential sleeve design to move more blood per hour than uniform compression2. The VRD technology adjusts and customizes compression cycles to match a patient's unique vascular refill time, helping the patient receive more compression cycles over time and ultimately reducing stasis2. The circumferential sleeve design allows therapy to be applied regardless of sleeve and tubing position, while the gradient pressure pattern maximizes blood flow.
Complementing the VRD technology are additional clinical benefits and features, including proprietary Patient Sensing™ Technology that automatically detects if compression therapy is being applied and will activate an alert if the system does not detect a patient present or correct use of the sleeves on the patient's legs.
"For 40 years, the Cardinal Health Kendall SCD compression portfolio has served as a trusted solution with healthcare providers, protecting their patients from experiencing VTE events," Marshall said. "The new, intuitively designed system demonstrates our continued commitment to innovation within the Kendall portfolio and builds on our long-time capabilities in compression therapy."
The Cardinal Health™ Kendall SCD SmartFlow™ Compression System is now available for health systems in the
About Cardinal Health
Cardinal Health is a distributor of pharmaceuticals and specialty products; a global manufacturer and distributor of medical and laboratory products; a supplier of home-health and direct-to-patient products and services; an operator of nuclear pharmacies and manufacturing facilities; and a provider of performance and data solutions. Our company's customer-centric focus drives continuous improvement and leads to innovative solutions that improve people's lives every day. Learn more about Cardinal Health at and in our Newsroom.
Media: Brittany Julian,
Investors: Matt Sims,
1. Kakkos SK, Nicolaides AN, Griffin M, Geroulakos G. Comparison of two intermittent pneumatic compression systems. A hemodynamic study. Int Angiol. 2005;24(4):330-5.
2. Griffin M, et al. Comparison of three intermittent pneumatic compression systems in patients with varicose veins: A haemodynamic study. Int Angiol. 2007 Jun;26:158-64.
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