Cool Company Ltd.: 2024 AGM Results Notification
Cool Company (NYSE: CLCO / CLCO.OL) held its 2024 Annual General Meeting on November 21, 2024, in London. The meeting approved several key resolutions, including: setting a maximum of nine Directors, allowing the Board to fill casual vacancies, re-electing seven Directors including Cyril Ducau and Richard Tyrrell, re-appointing Ernst & Young Global as auditors, and approving Board remuneration not exceeding US$625,000 for 2024, excluding equity-based compensation. The meeting also presented the audited consolidated financial statements for 2023.
Cool Company (NYSE: CLCO / CLCO.OL) ha tenuto la sua Assemblea Generale Annuale nel 2024 il 21 novembre 2024 a Londra. L'assemblea ha approvato diverse risoluzioni chiave, tra cui: un massimo di nove Direttori, la possibilità per il Consiglio di riempire le vacanze occasionali, il rinnovo dell'elezione di sette Direttori, tra cui Cyril Ducau e Richard Tyrrell, il rinnovo dell'incarico a Ernst & Young Global come revisori dei conti e l'approvazione della remunerazione del Consiglio non superiore a 625.000 dollari USA per il 2024, esclusa la retribuzione basata su azioni. L'assemblea ha inoltre presentato i bilanci consolidati auditati per il 2023.
Cool Company (NYSE: CLCO / CLCO.OL) celebró su Junta General Anual en 2024 el 21 de noviembre de 2024 en Londres. La reunión aprobó varias resoluciones clave, incluyendo: un máximo de nueve Directores, permitiendo que la Junta cubra vacantes ocasionales, la reelección de siete Directores, incluidos Cyril Ducau y Richard Tyrrell, la re-nombramiento de Ernst & Young Global como auditores, y la aprobación de la remuneración de la Junta que no exceda 625,000 dólares estadounidenses para 2024, excluyendo la compensación basada en acciones. La reunión también presentó los estados financieros consolidados auditados para 2023.
쿨 컴퍼니(NYSE: CLCO / CLCO.OL)는 2024년 11월 21일 런던에서 2024년 연례 총회를 열었습니다. 이 회의에서는 최대 9명의 이사를 정하고, 이사회가 일시적인 공석을 채울 수 있도록 허용하며, Cyril Ducau와 Richard Tyrrell을 포함하여 7명의 이사를 재선출하고, Ernst & Young Global을 감사인으로 재임명하며, 2024년 이사회 보수를 625,000달러를 초과하지 않도록 승낙하는 등 여러 주요 결의안을 승인했습니다. 이 회의에서는 또한 2023년 감사된 연결 재무제표를 발표했습니다.
Cool Company (NYSE: CLCO / CLCO.OL) a tenu son Assemblée Générale Annuelle 2024 le 21 novembre 2024 à Londres. La réunion a approuvé plusieurs résolutions clés, notamment : un maximum de neuf Administrateurs, permettant au Conseil de combler les postes vacants, le renouvellement de l'élection de sept Administrateurs, y compris Cyril Ducau et Richard Tyrrell, la reconduction d'Ernst & Young Global en tant qu'auditeurs, et l'approbation de la rémunération du Conseil ne dépassant pas 625 000 USD pour 2024, excluant l'indemnisation en actions. La réunion a également présenté les états financiers consolidés audités pour 2023.
Cool Company (NYSE: CLCO / CLCO.OL) hielt am 21. November 2024 in London die Hauptversammlung 2024 ab. Die Versammlung genehmigte mehrere wichtige Beschlüsse, darunter: eine maximale Anzahl von neun Direktoren, die Erlaubnis für den Vorstand, Zwischenvacancen zu füllen, die Wiederwahl von sieben Direktoren, darunter Cyril Ducau und Richard Tyrrell, die Neubenennung von Ernst & Young Global als Prüfer und die Genehmigung der Vergütung des Vorstands, die 625.000 US-Dollar für 2024 nicht überschreiten darf, ohne aktienbasierte Vergütung. Auf der Versammlung wurden auch die geprüften konsolidierten Finanzberichte für 2023 vorgestellt.
- None.
- None.
The Meeting was presented with the audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023 which were included in the Annual Report on Form 20-F.
The following resolutions were passed:
- To set the maximum number of Directors to be not more than nine.
- To resolve that vacancies in the number of Directors be designated as casual vacancies and that the Board of Directors be authorized to fill such vacancies as and when it deems fit.
- To re-elect Mr. Cyril Ducau as a Director of the Company.
- To re-elect Mr. Peter Anker as a Director of the Company.
- To re-elect Mr. Antoine Bonnier as a Director of the Company.
- To re-elect Mr. Neil J. Glass as a Director of the Company.
- To re-elect Mr. Sami Iskander as a Director of the Company.
- To re-elect Ms. Joanna Huipei Zhou as a Director of the Company.
- To re-elect Mr. Richard Tyrrell as a Director of the Company.
To re-appoint Ernst & Young Global Limited,
UK as auditors and to authorize the Directors to determine their remuneration. -
To approve remuneration of the Company’s Board of Directors of a total amount of fees not to exceed
US , excluding equity based compensation, for the year ending December 31, 2024.$625,000
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
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For further information, please contact:
c/o Cool Company Ltd - +44 207 659 1111 /
Richard Tyrrell - Chief Executive Officer
John Boots - Chief Financial Officer
Source: Cool Company Ltd.