CME Group to Launch Mortgage Rate Futures in January 2025
CME Group announced the launch of Mortgage Rate futures in January 2025, pending regulatory review. These cash-settled contracts will be based on the 30-Year Fixed Rate Conforming Optimal Blue Mortgage Market Index (OBMMI), tracking real-time rate lock data from over one-third of U.S. residential mortgage originations. The contracts will trade on CME Globex, be cleared by CME Clearing, and offer margin offsets against U.S. Treasury futures. The new product aims to provide market participants with a tool for managing risk across mortgage pipelines, servicing rights, and securities.
CME Group ha annunciato il lancio dei futures sui tassi ipotecari a gennaio 2025, in attesa della revisione normativa. Questi contratti a regolamento in contante saranno basati sull'Optimal Blue Mortgage Market Index (OBMMI) a tasso fisso di 30 anni, tracciando i dati di locking dei tassi in tempo reale da oltre un terzo delle origini di mutui residenziali negli Stati Uniti. I contratti saranno scambiati su CME Globex, compensati da CME Clearing e offriranno offset sui margini rispetto ai futures sui Treasury statunitensi. Il nuovo prodotto mira a fornire ai partecipanti del mercato uno strumento per gestire il rischio attraverso le pipeline ipotecarie, i diritti di servizio e i titoli.
CME Group anunció el lanzamiento de futuros sobre tasas hipotecarias en enero de 2025, sujeto a revisión regulatoria. Estos contratos liquidados en efectivo se basarán en el Índice del Mercado Hipotecario Optimal Blue (OBMMI) a tasa fija a 30 años, rastreando datos de bloqueo de tasas en tiempo real de más de un tercio de las originaciones de hipotecas residenciales en EE. UU. Los contratos se negociarán en CME Globex, serán compensados por CME Clearing y ofrecerán compensaciones de márgenes contra los futuros del Tesoro de EE. UU. El nuevo producto tiene como objetivo proporcionar a los participantes del mercado una herramienta para gestionar el riesgo en las tuberías hipotecarias, los derechos de servicio y los valores.
CME 그룹은 2025년 1월에 모기지 금리 선물을 출시한다고 발표했으며, 현재 규제 검토 중입니다. 이 현금 결제 계약은 30년 고정금리 기준인 Optimal Blue Mortgage Market Index (OBMMI)를 기반으로 하며, 미국 주택 모기지 발행의 3분의 1 이상에서 실시간 금리 잠금 데이터를 추적합니다. 계약은 CME Globex에서 거래되고 CME Clearing으로 정산되며, 미국 재무부 선물에 대한 마진 오프셋을 제공합니다. 이 새로운 제품은 시장 참여자들이 모기지 파이프라인, 서비스 권리 및 증권에 걸쳐 위험을 관리할 수 있는 도구를 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
CME Group a annoncé le lancement de contrats à terme sur les taux hypothécaires en janvier 2025, sous réserve de validation réglementaire. Ces contrats liquidés en espèces seront basés sur l'Optimal Blue Mortgage Market Index (OBMMI) à taux fixe de 30 ans, suivant les données de verrouillage des taux en temps réel provenant de plus d'un tiers des originations de prêts hypothécaires résidentiels aux États-Unis. Les contrats seront négociés sur CME Globex, compensés par CME Clearing, et offriront des compensations de marge contre les contrats à terme sur les obligations du Trésor américain. Ce nouveau produit vise à fournir aux participants du marché un outil de gestion des risques dans les pipelines hypothécaires, les droits de service et les valeurs mobilières.
CME Group hat die Einführung von Hypothekarzinss-Futures für Januar 2025 angekündigt, vorbehaltlich der regulatorischen Prüfung. Diese bar abgerechneten Verträge basieren auf dem Optimal Blue Mortgage Market Index (OBMMI), der die Echtzeit-Daten zur Zinsverriegelung von mehr als einem Drittel der US-Hypothekenursprünge verfolgt. Die Verträge werden an der CME Globex gehandelt, durch CME Clearing abgewickelt und bieten Margin-Offsetmöglichkeiten gegenüber US-Staatsanleihenfutures. Das neue Produkt zielt darauf ab, den Marktteilnehmern ein Werkzeug zur Risikoüberwachung in Hypotheken-Pipelines, Servicing-Rechten und Wertpapieren zur Verfügung zu stellen.
- Introduction of new financial product expanding CME's interest rate complex
- Integration with existing CME clearing infrastructure providing $20 billion in daily margin efficiencies
- Partnership with Optimal Blue covering 35% of mortgage locks market share
- None.
The launch of Mortgage Rate futures represents a significant innovation in the derivatives market. With
The integration with CME's existing suite of products, particularly the margin offsets against U.S. Treasury futures and cleared swaps, creates a comprehensive risk management ecosystem. This will likely attract significant institutional interest from mortgage originators, servicers and fixed-income traders seeking to optimize their portfolios and reduce margin requirements.
This product launch strategically positions CME Group to capture a new market segment in the
The timing is particularly relevant given the current volatile interest rate environment and evolving fixed income markets. This could drive substantial new revenue streams for CME while providing market participants with more efficient tools for managing mortgage-related risks.
- First contracts based on an Optimal Blue Mortgage Market Index
"For the first time ever, market participants will have a precise and highly-efficient tool for managing risk across mortgage pipelines, servicing rights and securities," said Agha Mirza, CME Group Global Head of Rates and OTC Products. "As the fixed income market continues to evolve, our new Mortgage Rate futures will enable clients to trade the primary-secondary mortgage spread and gain unrivaled margin offsets with our
"Optimal Blue is the authority on primary market mortgage pricing, with roughly
Mortgage Rate futures are cash-settled contracts that provide direct exposure to the latest primary mortgage rate available to borrowers. The contracts are the first-ever to be based on the 30-Year Fixed Rate Conforming Optimal Blue Mortgage Market Index (OBMMI), which is designed for IOSCO compliance and tracks real-time rate lock data from more than one-third of
Available to trade on CME Globex, Mortgage Rate futures will be listed with, and subject to, the rules of CBOT and cleared by CME Clearing. In addition to margin offsets against
For more information, please visit
As the world's leading derivatives marketplace, CME Group ( enables clients to trade futures, options, cash and OTC markets, optimize portfolios, and analyze data – empowering market participants worldwide to efficiently manage risk and capture opportunities. CME Group exchanges offer the widest range of global benchmark products across all major asset classes based on interest rates, equity indexes, foreign exchange, energy, agricultural products and metals. The company offers futures and options on futures trading through the CME Globex platform, fixed income trading via BrokerTec and foreign exchange trading on the EBS platform. In addition, it operates one of the world's leading central counterparty clearing providers, CME Clearing.
CME Group, the Globe logo, CME, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Globex, and E-mini are trademarks of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. CBOT and
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