Constellium to Voluntarily Transition to Reporting in U.S. Dollars Under U.S. GAAP; Will Begin Filing Annual Reports on Form 10-K
Constellium SE (NYSE: CSTM) has announced its voluntary transition to filing SEC reports as a U.S. domestic issuer starting in 2025, while maintaining its foreign private issuer status. The company will begin filing annual reports on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, and current reports on Form 8-K.
A significant change includes switching financial reporting from Euros under IFRS to U.S. Dollars under U.S. GAAP. This transition will commence with Q4 and full-year 2024 results. The company will provide restated historical figures in USD under U.S. GAAP for 2022, 2023, and the first three quarters of 2024.
Key changes include modifications to operating lease reporting, factoring classifications, goodwill impairment treatments, and pension benefit accounting. CEO Jean-Marc Germain highlighted that this transition will enhance result comparability with U.S. domestic filers, expand strategic flexibility, and improve eligibility for certain stock indices.
Constellium SE (NYSE: CSTM) ha annunciato la sua transizione volontaria alla presentazione di rapporti SEC come emittente nazionale statunitense a partire dal 2025, mantenendo allo stesso tempo il suo status di emittente privata estera. L'azienda inizierà a presentare rapporti annuali sul Modulo 10-K, rapporti trimestrali sul Modulo 10-Q e rapporti attuali sul Modulo 8-K.
Un cambiamento significativo include il passaggio dalla contabilizzazione finanziaria in Euro secondo l'IFRS a Dollari Statunitensi secondo l'U.S. GAAP. Questa transizione inizierà con i risultati del quarto trimestre e dell'intero anno 2024. L'azienda fornirà cifre storiche rielaborate in USD secondo l'U.S. GAAP per il 2022, 2023 e i primi tre trimestri del 2024.
I cambiamenti chiave includono modifiche alla contabilizzazione dei contratti di locazione operativa, classificazioni di factoring, trattamenti di svalutazione dell'avviamento e contabilizzazione dei benefit pensionistici. Il CEO Jean-Marc Germain ha evidenziato che questa transizione migliorerà la comparabilità dei risultati con gli emittenti nazionali statunitensi, espanderà la flessibilità strategica e migliorerà l'idoneità per determinati indici azionari.
Constellium SE (NYSE: CSTM) ha anunciado su transición voluntaria para presentar informes a la SEC como emisor nacional estadounidense a partir de 2025, mientras mantiene su estatus de emisor privado extranjero. La compañía comenzará a presentar informes anuales en el Formulario 10-K, informes trimestrales en el Formulario 10-Q y informes actuales en el Formulario 8-K.
Un cambio significativo incluye el traspaso de la contabilidad financiera de Euros bajo IFRS a Dólares Estadounidenses bajo U.S. GAAP. Esta transición comenzará con los resultados del cuarto trimestre y el año completo de 2024. La compañía proporcionará cifras históricas reexpresadas en USD bajo U.S. GAAP para 2022, 2023 y los primeros tres trimestres de 2024.
Los cambios clave incluyen modificaciones a la presentación de informes de arrendamiento operativo, clasificaciones de factoring, tratamientos de deterioro de la plusvalía y contabilidad de beneficios de pensiones. El CEO Jean-Marc Germain destacó que esta transición mejorará la comparabilidad de los resultados con los emisores nacionales estadounidenses, ampliará la flexibilidad estratégica y mejorará la elegibilidad para ciertos índices bursátiles.
Constellium SE (NYSE: CSTM)는 2025년부터 미국 국내 발행자로서 SEC 보고서를 자발적으로 제출하기 위한 전환을 발표했으며, 외국 사적 발행자 지위는 유지합니다. 이 회사는 연례 보고서를 Form 10-K로, 분기 보고서를 Form 10-Q로, 현재 보고서를 Form 8-K로 제출하기 시작할 것입니다.
중요한 변화 중 하나는 유로화로 IFRS에 따라 재무 보고를 하던 것을 미국 GAAP에 따라 미화로 전환하는 것입니다. 이 전환은 2024년 4분기 및 전체 연도 결과로 시작됩니다. 회사는 2022, 2023 및 2024년 첫 세 분기에 대한 U.S. GAAP에 따른 USD 변환 역사적 수치를 제공할 것입니다.
주요 변화는 운영 임대 보고서 수정, 팩토링 분류, 영업권 손상 처리 및 연금 혜택 회계에 대한 수정이 포함됩니다. CEO 장-마르크 저메인은 이번 전환이 미국 국내 발행자와의 결과 비교 가능성을 향상시키고 전략적 유연성을 확장하며 특정 주식 지수에 대한 적격성을 개선할 것이라고 강조했습니다.
Constellium SE (NYSE: CSTM) a annoncé sa transition volontaire vers la soumission de rapports à la SEC en tant qu'émetteur national américain à partir de 2025, tout en maintenant son statut d'émetteur privé étranger. L'entreprise commencera à soumettre des rapports annuels sur le Formulaire 10-K, des rapports trimestriels sur le Formulaire 10-Q et des rapports actuels sur le Formulaire 8-K.
Un changement significatif inclut le passage de la comptabilité financière de l'euro selon l'IFRS à des dollars américains selon l'U.S. GAAP. Cette transition commencera avec les résultats du quatrième trimestre et de l'année entière 2024. L'entreprise fournira des chiffres historiques révisés en USD selon l'U.S. GAAP pour 2022, 2023 et les trois premiers trimestres de 2024.
Les changements clés incluent des modifications des rapports de location opérationnelle, des classifications de factoring, des traitements de dépréciation du goodwill et de la comptabilité des prestations de retraite. Le PDG Jean-Marc Germain a souligné que cette transition améliorera la comparabilité des résultats avec les émetteurs nationaux américains, élargira la flexibilité stratégique et améliorera l'éligibilité à certains indices boursiers.
Constellium SE (NYSE: CSTM) hat seine freiwillige Übergang zu SEC-Berichten als inländischer US-Emittent ab 2025 angekündigt und gleichzeitig seinen Status als ausländischer privater Emittent beibehalten. Das Unternehmen wird mit der Einreichung von Jahresberichten auf dem Formular 10-K, Quartalsberichten auf dem Formular 10-Q und aktuellen Berichten auf dem Formular 8-K beginnen.
Eine wesentliche Änderung besteht darin, dass die Finanzberichterstattung von Euro nach IFRS auf US-Dollar nach U.S. GAAP umgestellt wird. Dieser Übergang beginnt mit den Ergebnissen des vierten Quartals und des gesamten Jahres 2024. Das Unternehmen wird für 2022, 2023 und die ersten drei Quartale 2024 berichtigte historische Zahlen in USD nach U.S. GAAP bereitstellen.
Wesentliche Änderungen betreffen Modifikationen der Betriebsmietberichterstattung, Klassifizierungen im Factoring, Behandlungen von Wertminderungen des Goodwills und Rechnungslegung von Pensionsleistungen. CEO Jean-Marc Germain betonte, dass dieser Übergang die Vergleichbarkeit der Ergebnisse mit inländischen US-Abgebern verbessern, die strategische Flexibilität erweitern und die Eignung für bestimmte Aktienindizes verbessern wird.
- None.
- None.
PARIS, Jan. 15, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Constellium SE (NYSE: CSTM) ("Constellium" or the "Company") announced today that, while it remains a foreign private issuer under applicable rules, it intends to voluntarily file its SEC reports on U.S. domestic issuer forms. As a result, beginning in 2025, Constellium will voluntarily file annual reports on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, and current reports on Form 8-K. In addition, Constellium expects to voluntarily file the proxy statement for its 2025 annual general meeting with the SEC and provide certain disclosures in accordance with the requirements of Schedule 14A under the Exchange Act (utilizing Form 8-K).
Jean-Marc Germain, Constellium’s Chief Executive Officer said, “I am very excited to make this announcement today, as I believe it marks a pivotal moment for the Company. By voluntarily filing certain SEC reports on U.S. domestic issuer forms, Constellium will enhance the comparability of our public results and performances with other U.S. domestic filers, expand our strategic flexibility and improve our eligibility for inclusion in certain stock indices, among other potential benefits. We expect that this important transition for the Company will contribute to unlocking future shareholder value.”
The Company’s upcoming SEC filings will provide for the first time its financial statements in U.S. Dollars and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States (“U.S. GAAP”), beginning with its fourth quarter and full year 2024 results. Previously, the Company provided its financial statements in Euros under International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”). When they are available, the Company will provide certain restated historical figures in U.S. Dollars under U.S. GAAP for the full year 2022 and 2023 periods, as well as for the first three quarters of 2024.
Key areas of impact from transitioning filings to U.S. Dollars under U.S. GAAP
Due to the transition from IFRS to U.S. GAAP, there will be certain expected changes to published results. To help the investor community understand them, the Company is providing below additional descriptions of key expected changes. Also, please refer to page 5 for a preliminary assessment of the impacts on selected items for the full year 2023 period, which are unaudited and subject to change.
FX translation as a result of change in reporting currency
Full year 2022 and 2023 results, as well as first, second and third quarter 2024 results, will be translated into U.S. Dollars from Euros once the restatements become available. All future SEC filings and financial statements, including the fourth quarter and full year 2024 results, will be reported in U.S. Dollars.
Operating leases
Income statement impact – Under IFRS, operating lease expense is separated into lease amortization and lease interest expense, whereas under U.S. GAAP it is classified as an item within cost of sales and selling and administrative expenses.
Balance sheet impact – Under IFRS, operating lease liabilities are included in borrowings, whereas under U.S. GAAP they are classified to trade payables and other.
Statement of cash flows impact – Under IFRS, all lease payments are captured under net cash flows from financing activities, whereas under U.S. GAAP operating lease payments are captured in net cash flows from operating activities.
Income statement impact – Under IFRS, factoring fees are captured in finance costs – net, whereas under U.S. GAAP they are classified as an item in selling and administrative expenses.
Statement of cash flows impact – Under IFRS, changes in factoring balances are captured in net cash flows from operating activities. For the periods prior to fiscal year 2025, certain portions of the factoring balances were held back by our third-party providers during factoring. For results in those periods, under U.S. GAAP the holdback portions of the factoring balances when released would be classified as a separate line item (collection of deferred purchase price receivables) in net cash flows from investing activities, and the remaining portions would continue to be reflected in net cash flows from operating activities. For the periods prior to fiscal year 2025 and excluding any potential impacts from other adjustments such as operating leases, the sum of Free Cash Flow and collection of deferred purchase price receivables under U.S. GAAP would equal Free Cash Flow under IFRS translated to U.S. Dollars.
Goodwill impairment
Income statement impact – Under IFRS, PP&E at Muscle Shoals has been impaired, whereas under U.S. GAAP goodwill would be impaired (and impairment of PP&E at Muscle Shoals would be reversed).
Balance sheet impact – The reversal of PP&E impairment at Muscle Shoals and goodwill impairment are expected to result in a net reduction of total assets and total equity.
Pension and other long-term benefits
Income statement impact – Under IFRS, past service costs are fully recognized in other gains and losses, whereas under U.S. GAAP they are amortized over the remaining service period of the employees concerned. In addition, under IFRS the discount rates used for liabilities and assets are the same, whereas under U.S. GAAP they are different. Other areas of change include reclassification of plan asset administrative expenses and actuarial gains and losses.
Balance sheet impact – Under IFRS, recognition of past service costs are captured in retained earnings, whereas under U.S. GAAP they are reclassified to accumulated other comprehensive income, with total equity unchanged. Pension and other long-term benefit obligations remain unchanged between IFRS and U.S. GAAP.
Cumulative translation adjustment and other items
All financial statements will include various reclassifications for cumulative translation adjustment related to the sale of the German Extrusion Business in 2023 and any other items considered.
Forward-looking statements
Certain statements contained in this press release may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. This press release may contain “forward-looking statements” with respect to our business, results of operations and financial condition, and our expectations or beliefs concerning future events and conditions. You can identify forward-looking statements because they contain words such as, but not limited to, “believes,” “expects,” “may,” “should,” “approximately,” “anticipates,” “estimates,” “intends,” “plans,” “targets,” “likely,” “will,” “would,” “could” and similar expressions (or the negative of these terminologies or expressions). All forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Many risks and uncertainties are inherent in our industry and markets, while others are more specific to our business and operations. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: market competition; economic downturn or industry specific conditions including the impacts of tax and tariff programs, inflation, foreign currency exchange, and industry consolidation; disruption to business operations; natural disasters including severe flooding and other weather-related events; the Russian war on Ukraine and other geopolitical tensions; the inability to meet customer demand and quality requirements; the loss of key customers, suppliers or other business relationships; supply disruptions; excessive inflation; the capacity and effectiveness of our hedging policy activities; the loss of key employees; levels of indebtedness which could limit our operating flexibility and opportunities; and other risk factors set forth under the heading “Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 20-F (and in future filings under Form 10-K), and as described from time to time in subsequent reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The occurrence of the events described and the achievement of the expected results depend on many events, some or all of which are not predictable or within our control. Consequently, actual results may differ materially from the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. We undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.
About Constellium
Constellium (NYSE: CSTM) is a global sector leader that develops innovative, value-added aluminium products for a broad scope of markets and applications, including aerospace, automotive and packaging. Constellium generated
Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2023 | |||||||||||||
Preliminary and Illustrative | Audited, | Unaudited, in $ millions | |||||||||||
in € millions | |||||||||||||
Constellium (consolidated, except Adjusted EBITDA by segment) | IFRS | FX Translation1 | Leases2 | Factoring | Impairment3 | Pensions | CTA4 | US GAAP | |||||
Income Statement | |||||||||||||
Revenue | 587 | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||
Net income / (loss) for the period | 129 | 11 | 1 | - | (21) | 21 | 10 | 151 | |||||
Adjusted EBITDA5 | 713 | 58 | (27) | (24) | - | 2 | - | 722 | |||||
P&ARP | 283 | 280 | |||||||||||
A&T | 324 | 348 | |||||||||||
AS&I | 133 | 125 | |||||||||||
Holdings and Corporate | (27) | (31) | |||||||||||
Balance Sheet | |||||||||||||
Cash and cash equivalents | 21 | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||
Borrowings | 1,868 | 196 | (135) | - | - | - | - | 1,929 | |||||
Statement of Cash Flows | |||||||||||||
Net cash flows from operating activities | 42 | (19) | (97) | - | - | - | |||||||
Purchases of property, plant and equipment | (337) | (28) | (1) | - | - | - | - | (366) | |||||
Property, plant and equipment grants received | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1 | |||||
Free Cash Flow | 14 | (20) | (97) | - | - | - | |||||||
Collection of deferred purchase price receivable | - | - | - | 97 | - | - | - | 97 | |||||
Free Cash Flow including Collection of deferred purchase price receivable | 14 | (20) | - | - | - | - | |||||||
Note: All figures besides IFRS financials are unaudited, preliminary, for illustrative purposes and subject to change. | |||||||||||||
1 Assumes an average €/$ FX rate of 1.08 and a closing €/$ FX rate of 1.10. | |||||||||||||
2 Represents estimated impact for operating leases. | |||||||||||||
3 Represents estimated impact for impairment of goodwill and reversal of PP&E impairment at Muscle Shoals. | |||||||||||||
4 Represents estimated cumulative translation adjustment impact for the sale of German Extrusion Business in 2023. | |||||||||||||
5 Represents prior definition used before revision of the definition, as per announcement on February 21, 2024. | |||||||||||||

When will Constellium (CSTM) begin reporting in U.S. Dollars under U.S. GAAP?
What forms will CSTM file with the SEC starting in 2025?
How will CSTM's transition to U.S. GAAP affect operating lease reporting?
What historical financial data will CSTM restate under U.S. GAAP?