Cintas Corporation Releases Fiscal Year 2024 Community Impact Report
Cintas (CTAS) has released its Fiscal Year 2024 Community Impact Report, covering philanthropic activities from June 1, 2023, to May 31, 2024. The report highlights several achievements under the Cintas Cares initiative, including: over 4 million clothing articles donated through Matthew 25: Ministries partnership, $111,208 raised for fallen firefighters' families, $106,000 raised for the American Cancer Society (28% increase year-over-year), certification of 1 million people in AHA first aid programs, and $233,000 awarded through the Partner Assistance Fund for employee hardships.
Cintas (CTAS) ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto di Impatto Comunitario per l'Anno Fiscale 2024, che copre le attività filantropiche dal 1 giugno 2023 al 31 maggio 2024. Il rapporto evidenzia diversi traguardi raggiunti nell'ambito dell'iniziativa Cintas Cares, tra cui: oltre 4 milioni di articoli di abbigliamento donati tramite la partnership con Matthew 25: Ministries, $111.208 raccolti per le famiglie dei vigili del fuoco deceduti, $106.000 raccolti per la American Cancer Society (incremento del 28% rispetto all'anno precedente), certificazione di 1 milione di persone nei programmi di pronto soccorso AHA e $233.000 assegnati tramite il Partner Assistance Fund per le difficoltà dei dipendenti.
Cintas (CTAS) ha publicado su Informe de Impacto Comunitario del Año Fiscal 2024, que abarca las actividades filantrópicas desde el 1 de junio de 2023 hasta el 31 de mayo de 2024. El informe destaca varios logros bajo la iniciativa Cintas Cares, incluidos: más de 4 millones de artículos de ropa donados a través de la asociación con Matthew 25: Ministries, $111,208 recaudados para las familias de bomberos fallecidos, $106,000 recaudados para la American Cancer Society (un incremento del 28% interanual), certificación de 1 millón de personas en programas de primeros auxilios de AHA, y $233,000 otorgados a través del Fondo de Asistencia para Socios para dificultades de empleados.
신타스 (CTAS)는 2024 회계연도 지역사회 영향 보고서를 발표했습니다. 이 보고서는 2023년 6월 1일부터 2024년 5월 31일까지의 자선 활동을 다룹니다. 보고서는 Cintas Cares 이니셔티브 하에 달성한 몇 가지 성과를 강조하며, 여기에는 Matthew 25: Ministries 파트너십을 통해 기부된 400만 개 이상의 의류, 고인이 된 소방관 가족을 위해 모금된 $111,208, 미국 암 협회(American Cancer Society)를 위해 모금된 $106,000(전년 대비 28% 증가), AHA 응급 처치 프로그램에서 100만 명 인증, 직원의 어려움을 위한 파트너 지원 기금을 통해 지급된 $233,000이 포함됩니다.
Cintas (CTAS) a publié son Rapport d'Impact Communautaire pour l'Année Fiscale 2024, couvrant les activités philanthropiques du 1er juin 2023 au 31 mai 2024. Le rapport met en lumière plusieurs réalisations sous l'initiative Cintas Cares, notamment : plus de 4 millions d'articles de vêtements donnés grâce au partenariat avec Matthew 25: Ministries, 111 208 $ collectés pour les familles de pompiers décédés, 106 000 $ collectés pour la American Cancer Society (augmentation de 28 % d'une année sur l'autre), certification d'1 million de personnes dans les programmes de premiers secours AHA, et 233 000 $ attribués via le Partner Assistance Fund pour aider les employés en difficulté.
Cintas (CTAS) hat seinen Bericht über die Gemeinschaftsauswirkungen für das Geschäftsjahr 2024 veröffentlicht, der die philanthropischen Aktivitäten vom 1. Juni 2023 bis zum 31. Mai 2024 abdeckt. Der Bericht hebt mehrere Erfolge der Cintas Cares-Initiative hervor, darunter: über 4 Millionen gespendete Kleidungsstücke durch die Partnerschaft mit Matthew 25: Ministries, 111.208 USD, die für die Familien verstorbener Feuerwehrleute gesammelt wurden, 106.000 USD, die für die American Cancer Society gesammelt wurden (28 % Steigerung im Jahresvergleich), Zertifizierung von 1 Million Personen in AHA-Erste-Hilfe-Programmen und 233.000 USD, die über den Partner Assistance Fund für die Nöte von Mitarbeitern vergeben wurden.
- None.
- None.
The Community Impact Report reveals significant philanthropic investments but lacks material financial impact on Cintas's business operations or stock value. While corporate social responsibility initiatives like these can enhance brand reputation and employee satisfaction, the disclosed charitable contributions (
Cintas releases its Community Impact Report highlighting the company’s philanthropic efforts

The Cintas FY’24 Community Impact Report covers the company’s fiscal year from June 1, 2023, to May 31, 2024. (Graphic: Business Wire)
The FY’24 Community Impact Report covers the company’s fiscal year from June 1, 2023, to May 31, 2024.
>> FY’24 Cintas Community Impact Report
Cintas Cares is the umbrella under which Cintas engages with its local communities in addition to charitable and philanthropic organizations. It provides a broader platform for the company’s employee-partners to make an impact in the communities it serves.
“At Cintas, our philanthropic initiatives are at the heart of who we are. They reflect our dedication to making a positive impact in the communities we serve,” said Todd Schneider, Cintas President and CEO. “The Community Impact Report is not just a document; it’s a testament to our commitment to a Shared Drive for Better and working together as partners for a better tomorrow.”
Each year, Cintas employee-partners throughout
Highlights outlined in the report include:
- Over four million articles of clothing have been donated by Cintas employee-partners during our 20-year partnership with Matthew 25: Ministries.
Cintas employee-partners helped raise
to directly support families of fallen firefighters through the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation’s 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb events.$111,208 -
Cintas employee-partners raised
for the American Cancer Society in FY’24, a$106,000 28% increase over the past year. - Since 2016, Cintas has certified more than 1 million people in the American Heart Association’s lifesaving first aid and CPR programs, including a free-to-the-public program with the Cincinnati Bengals, in which 500 participants were trained in life-saving skills.
The Cintas Partner Assistance Fund awarded more than
in assistance to employee-partners impacted by natural disasters and personal hardships.$233,000
For more information about Cintas’ Philanthropic activities, visit
About Cintas Corporation
Cintas Corporation helps more than one million businesses of all types and sizes get Ready™ to open their doors with confidence every day by providing products and services that help keep their customers’ facilities and employees clean, safe, and looking their best. With offerings including uniforms, mats, mops, towels, restroom supplies, workplace water services, first aid and safety products, eye-wash stations, safety training, fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems and alarm service, Cintas helps customers get Ready for the Workday®. Headquartered in
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Michelle Goret, Cintas Vice President of Corporate Affairs |, 513-972-4155
Source: Cintas Corporation