Telered and Discover® Global Network Sign Strategic Alliance, Increasing Acceptance for Cardholders
Telered and Discover Global Network have announced a strategic alliance that will integrate Panama's Sistema Clave system with Discover's global network. This partnership will enable Sistema Clave users to access over 70 million acceptance locations and 1.8 million ATMs worldwide. Conversely, Discover Global Network cardholders will gain access to Telered merchants in Panama.
The alliance will maintain Sistema Clave's traditional advantages while adding contactless technology and digital wallet integration. For Panama merchants, this opens opportunities to serve 345 million cardholders from Discover Network, Diners Club, PULSE, and other strategic alliances. The implementation, known as Proyecto Clave 2.0, will be developed over one year across three stages: processing infrastructure adaptation, new card issuance, and merchant/ATM enablement.
Telered e Discover Global Network hanno annunciato un'alleanza strategica che integrerà il sistema Sistema Clave di Panamá con la rete globale di Discover. Questa partnership consentirà agli utenti di Sistema Clave di accedere a oltre 70 milioni di punti di accettazione e 1,8 milioni di sportelli automatici in tutto il mondo. D'altra parte, i titolari di carte della Discover Global Network avranno accesso ai commercianti Telered in Panamá.
L'alleanza manterrà i tradizionali vantaggi di Sistema Clave aggiungendo tecnologia contactless e integrazione con portafogli digitali. Per i commercianti panamensi, ciò apre opportunità per servire 345 milioni di titolari di carte provenienti da Discover Network, Diners Club, PULSE e altre alleanze strategiche. L'implementazione, nota come Proyecto Clave 2.0, sarà sviluppata in un anno attraverso tre fasi: adattamento dell'infrastruttura di elaborazione, emissione di nuove carte e abilitazione di commercianti/sportelli automatici.
Telered y Discover Global Network han anunciado una alianza estratégica que integrará el sistema Sistema Clave de Panamá con la red global de Discover. Esta asociación permitirá a los usuarios de Sistema Clave acceder a más de 70 millones de puntos de aceptación y 1.8 millones de cajeros automáticos en todo el mundo. A su vez, los titulares de tarjetas de Discover Global Network podrán acceder a los comerciantes de Telered en Panamá.
La alianza mantendrá las ventajas tradicionales de Sistema Clave mientras agrega tecnología sin contacto e integración de billeteras digitales. Para los comerciantes panameños, esto abre oportunidades para servir a 345 millones de titulares de tarjetas de Discover Network, Diners Club, PULSE y otras alianzas estratégicas. La implementación, conocida como Proyecto Clave 2.0, se desarrollará durante un año en tres etapas: adaptación de infraestructura de procesamiento, emisión de nuevas tarjetas y habilitación de comerciantes/cajeros automáticos.
텔레레드와 디스커버 글로벌 네트워크는 파나마의 시스템 클라베를 디스커버의 글로벌 네트워크와 통합하는 전략적 제휴를 발표했습니다. 이번 파트너십을 통해 시스템 클라베 사용자들은 전 세계 7천만 개 이상의 수용 지점과 180만 개의 ATM에 접근할 수 있게 됩니다. 반대로, 디스커버 글로벌 네트워크 카드 소지자들은 파나마의 텔레레드 상점에 접근할 수 있을 것입니다.
이번 제휴는 시스템 클라베의 기존 장점을 유지하면서 비접촉식 기술과 디지털 지갑 통합을 추가할 것입니다. 파나마 상인들에게는 디스커버 네트워크, 다이너스 클럽, 펄스 및 기타 전략적 제휴로부터 3억 4,500만 카드 소지자를 서비스할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다. 프로젝트 클라베 2.0으로 알려진 이번 구현은 1년 동안 처리 인프라 적응, 새로운 카드 발급 및 상인/ATM 활성화의 세 가지 단계로 개발될 것입니다.
Telered et Discover Global Network ont annoncé une alliance stratégique qui intégrera le système Sistema Clave du Panama avec le réseau mondial de Discover. Ce partenariat permettra aux utilisateurs de Sistema Clave d'accéder à plus de 70 millions de points d'acceptation et à 1,8 million de distributeurs automatiques dans le monde entier. En revanche, les titulaires de cartes de Discover Global Network auront accès aux commerçants Telered au Panama.
Cette alliance maintiendra les avantages traditionnels de Sistema Clave tout en ajoutant la technologie sans contact et l'intégration des portefeuilles numériques. Pour les commerçants panaméens, cela ouvre des opportunités de servir 345 millions de titulaires de cartes issus de Discover Network, Diners Club, PULSE et d'autres alliances stratégiques. La mise en œuvre, connue sous le nom de Proyecto Clave 2.0, sera développée sur une période d'un an en trois étapes : adaptation de l'infrastructure de traitement, émission de nouvelles cartes et activation des commerçants/ATMs.
Telered und Discover Global Network haben eine strategische Allianz angekündigt, die das Sistema Clave-System von Panama mit dem globalen Netzwerk von Discover integrieren wird. Diese Partnerschaft ermöglicht es den Nutzern des Sistema Clave, auf über 70 Millionen Akzeptanzstellen und 1,8 Millionen Geldautomaten weltweit zuzugreifen. Im Gegenzug erhalten die Karteninhaber des Discover Global Network Zugang zu Telered-Händlern in Panama.
Die Allianz wird die traditionellen Vorteile des Sistema Clave bewahren und gleichzeitig kontaktlose Technologie sowie die Integration von digitalen Geldbörsen hinzufügen. Für Händler in Panama eröffnet dies Möglichkeiten, 345 Millionen Karteninhaber aus dem Discover Network, Diners Club, PULSE und anderen strategischen Allianzen zu bedienen. Die Umsetzung, bekannt als Proyecto Clave 2.0, wird über ein Jahr in drei Phasen entwickelt: Anpassung der Verarbeitungsinfrastruktur, Ausgabe neuer Karten und Aktivierung von Händlern/Geldautomaten.
- Access to over 70 million global acceptance locations and 1.8 million ATMs for Sistema Clave users
- Expansion of merchant reach to 345 million potential Discover Network cardholders
- Enhanced payment capabilities including contactless technology and digital wallet integration
- Improved infrastructure and security capabilities for financial institutions
- None.
This strategic alliance marks a significant expansion in payment infrastructure, connecting Panama's Sistema Clave with Discover's global network. The integration will enable access to over 70 million acceptance locations and 1.8 million ATMs worldwide, while giving Discover's 345 million cardholders access to Panama's merchant network.
The partnership brings substantial technological upgrades including contactless payments, digital wallet integration and enhanced security features. For Discover Financial Services (DFS), this represents meaningful expansion in Latin America, potentially driving incremental transaction volume and fee revenue. The year-long implementation through Project Clave 2.0 demonstrates a methodical approach to system integration and merchant enablement.
With this agreement, Sistema Clave users will be able to make purchases and payments at more than 70 million global acceptance locations1, as well as on frequently used online merchants and streaming platforms; and withdraw cash at more than 1.8 million ATMs worldwide across Discover’s network. Additionally, Discover Global Network cardholders will be able to transact at Telered merchants in
For local users, the traditional advantages of the Sistema Clave card, such as low cost and PIN security for transactions, will be maintained, and Discover Global Network will help add contactless technology for quick payments and integration with digital wallets and transportation systems like the
For merchants in
"We are pleased to formalize common interests with Discover to continue expanding electronic payment possibilities in
“This alliance provides benefits across the entire payments ecosystem and builds a more robust and secure payments experience,” said Alejandro Orestano, Vice President of International Markets at Discover. “Discover Global Network is bringing wide global acceptance, increased security and technology to Sistema Clave while gaining acceptance access to Panama’s full network of merchants for our own global cardholders.”
Referring to the technological challenges posed by the implementation of this strategic alliance, Acosta explained that Proyecto Clave 2.0 encompasses three parallel fronts before its completion, which will be developed over the course of one year. The first consists of a processing stage to make adaptations to Telered's infrastructure and interconnection with Discover Global Network. The second stage involves the issuance and migration to the new Clave Global Card, and finally, the enablement at Merchants and ATMs.
The launch of Project Clave 2.0 was attended by officials from, the Superintendency of Banks of
About Telered
TELERED, S.A, is the main processor of electronic transactions and payment methods in
About Discover
Discover Financial Services (NYSE: DFS) is a digital banking and payment services company with one of the most recognized brands in
1 Based on data provided to Discover by merchants, acquiring institutions and other third parties as of December 31, 2023
2 Based on data provided to Discover by Network Alliances participants and other third-party sources as of 31 December 2023.
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Katie Gaynor
Katerina Duarte
Source: Discover Financial Services