1stDibs Reveals 2025 Trends from Its Annual Designer Survey, Highlighting Upcoming Color, Furniture and Design Style Trends
1stDibs has released its eighth annual Interior Designer Trends Survey, revealing key design trends for 2025 based on responses from 643 interior designers worldwide. Chocolate brown emerges as the top color choice for 2025, chosen by 32% of designers, while Murano-glass lighting gains popularity with 27% support.
Key findings include the continued dominance of curvy and irregular shapes (47%), the decline of home office renovations (13% from 32% in 2023), and kitchens becoming the most requested renovation projects (61%). The survey also indicates a growing interest in Art Deco and Bauhaus aesthetics, while mid-century modern designs show declining popularity.
Regarding sustainability and technology, 43% of projects are expected to have sustainability requirements in 2025, while AI adoption in design processes is projected to increase from 16% to 24%.
1stDibs ha pubblicato l'ottava edizione annuale del suo sondaggio sulle tendenze dei designer d'interni, rivelando le principali tendenze di design per il 2025 sulla base delle risposte di 643 designer d'interni in tutto il mondo. Il marrone cioccolato emerge come la scelta di colore principale per il 2025, selezionato dal 32% dei designer, mentre l'illuminazione in vetro di Murano guadagna popolarità col 27% di supporto.
I risultati chiave includono il continuo dominio di forme curve e irregolari (47%), il declino delle ristrutturazioni degli uffici domestici (dal 32% al 13% nel 2023), e le cucine diventano i progetti di ristrutturazione più richiesti (61%). Il sondaggio indica anche un crescente interesse per le estetiche Art Deco e Bauhaus, mentre i design moderni di metà secolo mostrano una popolarità in calo.
Riguardo alla sostenibilità e alla tecnologia, si prevede che il 43% dei progetti avrà requisiti di sostenibilità nel 2025, mentre l'adozione dell'IA nei processi di design dovrebbe aumentare dal 16% al 24%.
1stDibs ha lanzado su octava encuesta anual sobre las tendencias de diseñadores de interiores, revelando las principales tendencias de diseño para 2025 basadas en las respuestas de 643 diseñadores de interiores en todo el mundo. El marrón chocolate se destaca como la principal opción de color para 2025, seleccionado por el 32% de los diseñadores, mientras que la iluminación de vidrio de Murano gana popularidad con un apoyo del 27%.
Los hallazgos clave incluyen el dominio continuo de formas curvas e irregulares (47%), la disminución de las renovaciones de oficinas en casa (del 32% al 13% en 2023), y las cocinas se convierten en los proyectos de renovación más solicitados (61%). La encuesta también indica un creciente interés por las estéticas Art Deco y Bauhaus, mientras que los diseños de mediados de siglo muestran una popularidad en declive.
En relación con la sostenibilidad y la tecnología, se espera que el 43% de los proyectos tenga requisitos de sostenibilidad en 2025, mientras que la adopción de la IA en los procesos de diseño se proyecta que aumente del 16% al 24%.
1stDibs는 전 세계 643명의 인테리어 디자이너의 응답을 바탕으로 2025년을 위한 주요 디자인 트렌드를 밝힌 제8회 연례 인테리어 디자이너 트렌드 설문조사를 발표했습니다. 초콜릿 브라운은 32%의 디자이너가 선택하여 2025년의 주요 색상으로 떠올랐으며, 무라노 유리 조명이 27%의 지지를 얻어 인기를 끌고 있습니다.
주요 결과로는 곡선 및 불규칙한 형태의 지속적인 지배(47%), 홈 오피스 리노베이션의 감소(2023년 32%에서 13%로 감소), 주방이 가장 요청받는 리노베이션 프로젝트가 되는 것(61%) 등이 있습니다. 설문조사는 또한 아르 데코 및 바우하우스 미학에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있으며, 중세 현대 디자인의 인기는 감소 추세에 있다는 것을 보여줍니다.
지속 가능성과 기술에 관해서는, 2025년에 43%의 프로젝트가 지속 가능성 요구 사항을 가질 것으로 예상되며, 디자인 과정에서 AI의 채택이 16%에서 24%로 증가할 것으로 보입니다.
1stDibs a publié sa huitième enquête annuelle sur les tendances des designers d'intérieur, révélant les tendances clés en design pour 2025, basées sur les réponses de 643 designers d'intérieur à l'échelle mondiale. Le marron chocolat apparaît comme le choix de couleur principal pour 2025, sélectionné par 32% des designers, tandis que l'éclairage en verre de Murano gagne en popularité avec 27% de soutien.
Les principales conclusions comprennent la domination continue des formes courbes et irrégulières (47%), le déclin des rénovations de bureaux à domicile (13% contre 32% en 2023), et les cuisines devenant les projets de rénovation les plus demandés (61%). L'enquête indique également un intérêt croissant pour les esthétiques Art Déco et Bauhaus, tandis que les designs modernes du milieu du siècle montrent une popularité en déclin.
Concernant la durabilité et la technologie, 43% des projets devraient avoir des exigences en matière de durabilité en 2025, tandis que l'adoption de l'IA dans les processus de design devrait passer de 16% à 24%.
1stDibs hat seine achte jährliche Umfrage zu den Trends von Innenarchitekten veröffentlicht, die wichtige Designtrends für 2025 auf Basis von Antworten von 643 Innenarchitekten weltweit offenbart. Schokoladenbraun wird als die Hauptfarbe für 2025 genannt, gewählt von 32% der Designer, während Beleuchtung aus Murano-Glas mit 27% Unterstützung an Beliebtheit gewinnt.
Wesentliche Erkenntnisse sind die weiterhin dominierenden kurvigen und unregelmäßigen Formen (47%), der Rückgang von Renovierungen des Home-Offices (13% von 32% im Jahr 2023) und Küchen, die zu den am häufigsten nachgefragten Renovierungsprojekten werden (61%). Die Umfrage zeigt auch ein wachsendes Interesse an den Ästhetiken Art Deco und Bauhaus, während Designs aus der Mitte des Jahrhunderts an Popularität verlieren.
Was Nachhaltigkeit und Technologie betrifft, so wird erwartet, dass 43% der Projekte im Jahr 2025 Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen haben werden, während die Einführung von KI in den Designprozessen voraussichtlich von 16% auf 24% steigen wird.
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Chocolate brown ends green hues’ reign as top color, and Murano-glass lighting makes a big comeback

Miami Beach Apartment by Charlap Hyman & Herrero (Image Credit: Chris Mottalini)
“Every year, our Designer Trends Survey allows us to not just identify the stylistic shifts and emerging trends that will shape the way we live in the coming months,” said Anthony Barzilay Freund, Editorial Director at 1stDibs, “but also to understand the forces dictating these trends—the “why’s”—as articulated by the talented interior designers around the world who participate.”
Here’s what the interior designers had to say:
Part 1: What’s In
Color Trends: Earthy and Rich Tones Dominate; Chocolate Brown Takes the Cake
Warm chocolate brown stakes its claim as designers’ top choice for the most popular color of 2025. The earthy hue was the top pick for
Design Styles by Decade
Vintage furniture and decor are still in high demand, with
Organic Patterns and Design Aesthetics
Organic patterns and motifs, along with bold and large-scale prints and florals, are expected to remain the favored patterns for 2025, even given the steady decline in both, with bold designs dropping to
Icons of Seating and Lighting
Following a slight decline for 2023 and 2024, the Eames lounge chair and ottoman have experienced a resurgence, predicted by
Murano-glass pendants and chandeliers have experienced a solid upward trend, expected to be the most popular iconic vintage lighting in 2025 by
Curvy Shapes Continue to Dominate
When asked which furniture, lighting and decor trends will become popular in 2025, the highest percentage of designers chose curvy and irregular shapes. Claiming almost half the votes, with
Part 2: What’s Out
Color Trends: Muted Hues Decline, and Goodbye, Barbie Pink
While deep earthy and rich tones are on the rise, muted hues have suffered a significant drop. Dark yellow and mustard colorways fell five percentage points, to
Home Office Boom Fades
As hybrid work becomes the norm, the demand for dedicated home offices has drastically decreased. Only
Iconic Seating Falls Off
A consistent and meaningful shift has been noted for Wishbone and Soriana seating. The Hans Wegner Wishbone chair declined from
Custom Pieces Continue to Decline
The average percentage of customized pieces designers use in their projects continues to decline, dropping from
Part 3: Room-by-Room Design Requests
Living Rooms and Kitchens Are Top Priorities for 2025
Kitchens are predicted to be the most requested renovation projects for 2025, with
What If Money Were No Object?
For projects with unlimited budgets, closets with extra space and storage are still tops among additional rooms designers expect to recommend to their clients, coming in at
Part 4: The Impact of AI
AI’s Impact Remains Unclear
While Artificial intelligence (AI) has not yet heavily penetrated the design process, with just
Part 5: Predictions for the Future
While trends are ever-evolving, the focus on sustainability and technology has noticeably intensified in recent years, with designers consistently looking to incorporate more of these products and materials in their projects. The number of projects expected to have some sustainability requirement in 2025 averages
1stDibs commissioned researchers with Surveys & Forecasts, LLC, a full-service strategic research consultancy based in
1stDibs is a leading online marketplace connecting design lovers with sellers and makers of highly coveted vintage, antique and contemporary furniture, home décor, art, fine jewelry, watches and fashion.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241112477735/en/
Source: 1stdibs.Com, Inc.
What is the most popular color trend for 2025 according to 1stDibs survey?
How are home office renovation trends changing for 2025?
What are the most requested renovation projects for 2025?