Dexcom, Beyond Type 2 and Retta Establish National Glucose Awareness Week to Close the Glucose Knowledge Gap

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Dexcom, Beyond Type 2, and actress Retta are establishing National Glucose Awareness Week from Sept. 23-29, 2024. This initiative aims to close the glucose knowledge gap and encourage people to take action on their glucose health. The week will feature educational resources about glucose health and information on new glucose biosensing technology.

A recent survey found that only 10% of people with Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes understand factors affecting their glucose levels well. The initiative includes a nationwide step challenge and opportunities to win prizes while learning about glucose health. Retta, who manages Type 2 diabetes, will inspire others to get involved.

The campaign targets not only those diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes but also aims to raise awareness among the general population, as one-third of the U.S. population has diabetes or prediabetes, with many unaware of their condition.

Dexcom, Beyond Type 2 e l'attrice Retta stanno istituzionalizzando la Settimana Nazionale della Consapevolezza sul Glucosio dal 23 al 29 settembre 2024. Questa iniziativa mira a colmare il divario di conoscenza riguardo il glucosio e a incoraggiare le persone a prendersi cura della propria salute glucidica. La settimana presenterà risorse educative sulla salute del glucosio e informazioni sulle nuove tecnologie di biosensori per il glucosio.

Un recente sondaggio ha rivelato che solo il 10% delle persone con diabete di tipo 2 o prediabete comprende bene i fattori che influenzano i propri livelli di glucosio. L’iniziativa include una sfida nazionale di passi e opportunità di vincere premi mentre si impara sulla salute del glucosio. Retta, che gestisce il diabete di tipo 2, ispirerà gli altri a partecipare.

La campagna non si rivolge solo a chi è stato diagnosticato con diabete o prediabete, ma mira anche a sensibilizzare la popolazione generale, poiché un terzo della popolazione statunitense ha diabete o prediabete e molti non sono a conoscenza della propria condizione.

Dexcom, Beyond Type 2 y la actriz Retta están estableciendo la Semana Nacional de Concienciación sobre la Glucosa del 23 al 29 de septiembre de 2024. Esta iniciativa tiene como objetivo cerrar la brecha de conocimiento sobre la glucosa y alentar a las personas a actuar sobre su salud glucémica. La semana presentará recursos educativos sobre la salud de la glucosa y información sobre la nueva tecnología de biosensores de glucosa.

Una encuesta reciente encontró que solo el 10% de las personas con diabetes tipo 2 o prediabetes comprenden bien los factores que afectan sus niveles de glucosa. La iniciativa incluye un desafío nacional de pasos y oportunidades para ganar premios mientras se aprende sobre la salud de la glucosa. Retta, que maneja la diabetes tipo 2, inspirará a otros a involucrarse.

La campaña no solo se dirige a quienes han sido diagnosticados con diabetes o prediabetes, sino que también busca concienciar a la población general, ya que un tercio de la población de EE. UU. tiene diabetes o prediabetes, y muchos no son conscientes de su condición.

Dexcom, Beyond Type 2 및 배우 Retta2024년 9월 23일부터 29일까지 국가 혈당 인식 주간을 제정하고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 혈당에 대한 지식 격차를 해소하고 사람들이 자신의 혈당 건강에 대해 행동하도록 장려하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이번 주는 혈당 건강에 대한 교육 자료와 새로운 혈당 바이오센서 기술에 대한 정보를 제공합니다.

최근 조사에 따르면, 제2형 당뇨병 또는 전당뇨병이 있는 사람들 중 단 10%만이 자신의 혈당 수치에 영향을 미치는 요인을 잘 이해하고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브에는 전국적인 걷기 대회와 혈당 건강에 대해 배우는 동안 경품을 받을 기회가 포함됩니다. 제2형 당뇨병을 관리하는 Retta는 다른 사람들도 참여하도록 영감을 줄 것입니다.

이 캠페인은 당뇨병 또는 전당뇨병 진단을 받은 사람들뿐만 아니라 미국 인구의 3분의 1이 당뇨병 또는 전당뇨병을 앓고 있으며, 많은 이들이 자신의 상태를 인지하지 못하는 점을 감안하여 일반 대중에게 인식을 높이는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Dexcom, Beyond Type 2 et l'actrice Retta établissent la Semaine Nationale de Sensibilisation au Glucose du 23 au 29 septembre 2024. Cette initiative vise à combler le fossé de connaissance concernant le glucose et à encourager les gens à agir sur leur santé glycémique. La semaine proposera des ressources éducatives sur la santé du glucose et des informations sur la nouvelle technologie de biosenseurs de glucose.

Un sondage récent a révélé que seulement 10 % des personnes atteintes de diabète de type 2 ou de prédiabète comprennent bien les facteurs qui affectent leurs niveaux de glucose. L'initiative comprend un défi national de pas et des opportunités de gagner des prix tout en apprenant sur la santé du glucose. Retta, qui gère son diabète de type 2, inspirera d'autres personnes à s'impliquer.

La campagne ne vise pas seulement ceux qui ont reçu un diagnostic de diabète ou de prédiabète, mais cherche également à sensibiliser le grand public, un tiers de la population américaine souffrant de diabète ou de prédiabète, dont beaucoup ignorent leur état.

Dexcom, Beyond Type 2 und die Schauspielerin Retta initiieren die Nationale Woche zur Sensibilisierung für Glukose vom 23. bis 29. September 2024. Diese Initiative hat zum Ziel, die Wissenslücke über Glukose zu schließen und die Menschen zu ermutigen, aktiv für ihre Glukosegesundheit zu sorgen. In dieser Woche werden Bildungsressourcen zur Glukosegesundheit sowie Informationen über neue Glukose-Biosensor-Technologien bereitgestellt.

Eine kürzlich durchgeführte Umfrage ergab, dass nur 10 % der Menschen mit Typ-2-Diabetes oder Prädiabetes die Faktoren, die ihre Glukosewerte beeinflussen, gut verstehen. Die Initiative umfasst eine landesweite Schritt-Challenge und die Möglichkeit, Preise zu gewinnen, während man über die Glukosegesundheit lernt. Retta, die Typ-2-Diabetes hat, wird andere inspirieren, sich zu engagieren.

Die Kampagne richtet sich nicht nur an Personen mit einer Diagnose von Diabetes oder Prädiabetes, sondern zielt auch darauf ab, das Bewusstsein in der breiten Öffentlichkeit zu schärfen, da ein Drittel der US-Bevölkerung an Diabetes oder Prädiabetes leidet und viele sich ihrer Erkrankung nicht bewusst sind.

  • None.
  • None.
  • National Glucose Awareness Week will take place from Sept. 23-29, 2024, and will encourage people to learn about the importance of glucose and its significant impact on overall health, especially for people with diabetes.
  • Retta, actress from Parks and Recreation, Good Girls and Hit Man, who is managing Type 2 diabetes, will inspire others to get involved.
  • Visit to learn more about the initiative and help spread the word.

SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- DexCom, Inc. (NASDAQ:DXCM), the global leader in real-time continuous glucose monitoring for people with diabetes, in partnership with the nonprofit Beyond Type 2, are teaming up with author, producer and actress Retta to establish National Glucose Awareness Week from Sept. 23-29, 2024. National Glucose Awareness Week will help close the glucose knowledge gap and encourage people to take action to own their glucose health.

Actress Retta teams up with Dexcom and Beyond Type 2 to establish National Glucose Awareness Week. (Photo: Business Wire)

Actress Retta teams up with Dexcom and Beyond Type 2 to establish National Glucose Awareness Week. (Photo: Business Wire)

Understanding glucose health and keeping glucose levels stable are especially critical for people living with diabetes or prediabetes, but a recent survey* found that only 10% of people with Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes said they understand the factors that cause changes in their glucose levels “extremely well.”1 The same survey also found that since receiving their diagnosis, 45% of people with Type 2 diabetes not using insulin or prediabetes have faced confusion about how to effectively manage the condition, and half have faced decreased confidence in their overall health.1

National Glucose Awareness Week will feature a variety of educational resources about the importance of glucose health and information about new, cutting-edge glucose biosensing technology. Glucose biosensors reveal how food, exercise and sleep affect glucose and provide easy-to-understand insights to help people better manage their glucose levels. The week will also include chances for participants to win prizes as they expand their knowledge and spread the word about the importance of being glucose aware.

“Since being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, I’ve needed to learn how different lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise can impact my glucose levels and my overall health,” said Retta, the actress well-known for her roles in Parks and Recreation, Good Girls, and Hit Man. “Since I started using Stelo, Dexcom’s newest glucose biosensor, I’ve improved my glucose awareness. That is why I’m proud to partner with Dexcom and Beyond Type 2 to help others increase their glucose knowledge.”

Visit today to:

  • Get aware: Watch Retta share knowledge about glucose health, then get rewarded with the chance to win prizes for sharing your newfound knowledge with others.
  • Get moving: Participate in a nationwide step challenge (invitation code: glucose) from Sept. 30 to Oct. 13 to help improve your glucose health. Step challenge participants can register to participate from Sept. 23-29, 2024 and will have the chance to compete for prizes.
  • Get resources: Close the glucose knowledge gap with key educational resources from Beyond Type 2.

National Glucose Awareness Week isn’t just for people already diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes. A staggering one-third of the U.S. population have diabetes or prediabetes, and alarmingly, more than 20% of those with Type 2 diabetes not using insulin and 80% of those with prediabetes are unaware of their condition.2

“Through this initiative, we hope to provide people with valuable information that can lead to earlier detection of prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes,” said Melanie Batchelor, Manager of Health Impact Content and Community Education at Beyond Type 2. “We're proud to be part of this awareness campaign and support those living with diabetes with resources designed to help them thrive.”

About DexCom, Inc.

DexCom, Inc. empowers people to take control of health through innovative continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems. Headquartered in San Diego, Calif., and with operations across Europe and select parts of Asia/Oceania, Dexcom has emerged as a leader of diabetes care technology. By listening to the needs of users, caregivers and providers, Dexcom works to simplify and improve diabetes management around the world. For more information on Dexcom, visit

About Beyond Type 1

Beyond Type 1 is a nonprofit organization that is changing what it means to live with diabetes. Through platforms, programs, resources, and grants, Beyond Type 1 is uniting the global diabetes community and providing solutions to improve lives today. Founded in 2015 with a focus on education, advocacy, and the pathway to cures for type 1 diabetes, in 2019 the organization launched its Beyond Type 2 programming. A new model of philanthropy, Beyond Type 1 and Beyond Type 2 aim to change what it means to live with chronic illness.

*Dexcom-Stelo Survey of 1,850 U.S. individuals aged 18 and older, including individuals without prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, those with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes not using insulin, and healthcare providers who work with prediabetes and Type 2 patients, conducted May/June 2024. Registration is open to U.S. residents only on a first-come, first-served basis, up to 3,000 participants, from Sept. 23-29, 2024. The Step Challenge will be run by IncentFit; for full terms and conditions, visit

1 Dexcom, data on file, 2024. 2 Centers for Disease Control. National Diabetes Statistics Report. Accessed 9/16/24.

STELO IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Consult your healthcare provider before making any medication adjustments based on your sensor readings and do not take any other medical action based on your sensor readings without consulting your healthcare provider. Do not use if you have problematic hypoglycemia. Failure to use Stelo and its components according to the instructions for use provided and to properly consider all indications, contraindications, warnings, and cautions in those instructions for use may result in you missing a severe hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) or hyperglycemia (high blood glucose) occurrence. If your sensor readings are not consistent with your symptoms, a blood glucose meter may be an option as needed and consult your healthcare provider. Seek medical advice and attention when appropriate, including before making any medication adjustments and/or for any medical emergency.

INDICATIONS FOR USE: The Stelo Glucose Biosensor System is an over-the-counter (OTC) integrated Continuous Glucose Monitor (iCGM) intended to continuously measure, record, analyze, and display glucose values in people 18 years and older not on insulin. The Stelo Glucose Biosensor System helps to detect normal (euglycemic) and low or high (dysglycemic) glucose levels. The Stelo Glucose Biosensor System may also help the user better understand how lifestyle and behavior modification, including diet and exercise, impact glucose excursion. The user is not intended to take medical action based on the device output without consultation with a qualified healthcare professional.

Dexcom, Dexcom Clarity, Dexcom Follow, Dexcom One, Dexcom Share, Stelo, and any related logos and design marks are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Dexcom, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. ©2024 DexCom, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Sean Christensen


Source: DexCom, Inc.


When is National Glucose Awareness Week 2024 for DXCM?

National Glucose Awareness Week will take place from September 23-29, 2024.

Who is partnering with Dexcom (DXCM) for National Glucose Awareness Week?

Dexcom is partnering with the nonprofit Beyond Type 2 and actress Retta to establish National Glucose Awareness Week.

What is the purpose of National Glucose Awareness Week by DXCM?

The purpose is to close the glucose knowledge gap, encourage people to take action on their glucose health, and provide education about the importance of glucose and its impact on overall health.

What activities are planned for DXCM's National Glucose Awareness Week?

Activities include educational resources about glucose health, information on glucose biosensing technology, a nationwide step challenge, and opportunities to win prizes while learning about glucose health.

How can people participate in DXCM's glucose awareness initiative?

People can visit to watch educational content, participate in a step challenge from Sept. 30 to Oct. 13, and access resources from Beyond Type 2.

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