FEMSA Files 2023 SEC Annual Report

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FEMSA, a Mexican company, has filed its 2023 SEC annual report, with detailed financial information available for shareholders. The report includes audited financial statements and is accessible on FEMSA's investor relations website. Shareholders can request a hard copy for free.
FEMSA, un'azienda messicana, ha presentato il suo rapporto annuale SEC del 2023, con informazioni finanziarie dettagliate disponibili per gli azionisti. Il rapporto contiene i bilanci certificati ed è accessibile sul sito web delle relazioni con gli investitori di FEMSA. Gli azionisti possono richiedere una copia cartacea gratuitamente.
FEMSA, una empresa mexicana, ha presentado su informe anual SEC de 2023, con información financiera detallada disponible para los accionistas. El informe incluye los estados financieros auditados y está disponible en el sitio web de relaciones con inversores de FEMSA. Los accionistas pueden solicitar una copia impresa de forma gratuita.
멕시코 회사인 FEMSA가 2023년 SEC 연차 보고서를 제출했으며, 주주들을 위한 자세한 재무 정보가 포함되어 있습니다. 보고서에는 감사된 재무제표가 포함되어 있으며 FEMSA의 투자자 관계 웹사이트에서 접근할 수 있습니다. 주주는 무료로 하드 카피를 요청할 수 있습니다.
FEMSA, une entreprise mexicaine, a déposé son rapport annuel SEC 2023, contenant des informations financières détaillées à la disposition des actionnaires. Le rapport comprend les états financiers audités et est accessible sur le site web des relations investisseurs de FEMSA. Les actionnaires peuvent demander une copie papier gratuitement.
FEMSA, ein mexikanisches Unternehmen, hat seinen SEC-Jahresbericht 2023 eingereicht, der detaillierte Finanzinformationen für Aktionäre bereithält. Der Bericht umfasst geprüfte Finanzberichte und ist auf der Investor Relations-Website von FEMSA zugänglich. Aktionäre können kostenlos eine gedruckte Kopie anfordern.
  • None.
  • None.

MONTERREY, Mexico, April 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fomento Económico Mexicano, S.A.B. de C.V. (“FEMSA” or the “Company”) (NYSE: FMX; BMV: FEMSAUBD, FEMSAUB) has filed its annual report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and will be followed by its annual report, for the same period, with the Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores (Mexican Banking and Securities Commission) and the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (Mexican Stock Exchange).

These reports are available on FEMSA's investor relations website at

Shareholders may receive a hard copy of the report, which includes FEMSA’s audited financial statements, free of charge through the contact listed below.

FEMSA is a company that creates economic and social value through companies and institutions and strives to be the best employer and neighbor to the communities in which it operates. Across its business units, FEMSA has more than 350,000 employees in 18 countries. FEMSA is a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability MILA Pacific Alliance, the FTSE4Good Emerging Index and the Mexican Stock Exchange Sustainability Index: S&P/BMV Total México ESG, among other indexes that evaluate its sustainability performance.



What did FEMSA file?

FEMSA filed its 2023 SEC annual report.

When was the fiscal year of the report ended?

The fiscal year of the report ended on December 31, 2023.

Where can shareholders access the report?

Shareholders can access the report on FEMSA's investor relations website at

How can shareholders receive a hard copy of the report?

Shareholders can receive a hard copy of the report for free by contacting FEMSA.

What financial information does the report include?

The report includes FEMSA's audited financial statements.

Fomento Económico Mexicano, S.A.B. de C.V.


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