Immunovia presents model-development study results at meeting of the Collaborative Group of the Americas--Inherited Gastrointestinal Cancers
Immunovia (NASDAQ Stockholm: IMMNOV) will present results from its recently completed model-development study of their next-generation pancreatic cancer detection test at the 2024 annual meeting of the Collaborative Group of Americas—Inherited Gastrointestinal Cancers (CGA-IGC). The company's abstract was accepted and recognized for inclusion in the Henry Lynch Lecture. Immunovia is currently conducting a clinical validation study of its next-generation test, expected to complete in December 2024, with plans to launch the test in 2025. The company estimates that in the USA, 1.8 million individuals at high-risk for pancreatic cancer could benefit from annual surveillance testing.
Immunovia (NASDAQ Stockholm: IMMNOV) presenterà i risultati del suo recente studio di sviluppo del modello per il test di rilevamento del cancro pancreatico di nuova generazione durante l'assemblea annuale del Collaborative Group of Americas—Inherited Gastrointestinal Cancers (CGA-IGC) nel 2024. L'abstract dell'azienda è stato accettato e riconosciuto per l'inclusione nella Henry Lynch Lecture. Immunovia sta attualmente conducendo uno studio di validazione clinica del suo test di nuova generazione, previsto per essere completato a dicembre 2024, con piani per lanciare il test nel 2025. L'azienda stima che negli USA, 1,8 milioni di individui ad alto rischio di cancro pancreatico potrebbero beneficiare di test di sorveglianza annuali.
Immunovia (NASDAQ Estocolmo: IMMNOV) presentará los resultados de su reciente estudio de desarrollo de modelo para su prueba de detección de cáncer pancreático de próxima generación en la reunión anual del Collaborative Group of Americas—Inherited Gastrointestinal Cancers (CGA-IGC) 2024. El resumen de la empresa fue aceptado y reconocido para su inclusión en la Henry Lynch Lecture. Immunovia está llevando a cabo un estudio de validación clínica de su prueba de próxima generación, que se espera completar en diciembre de 2024, con planes de lanzar la prueba en 2025. La compañía estima que en EE. UU., 1.8 millones de personas en alto riesgo de cáncer pancreático podrían beneficiarse de pruebas de vigilancia anuales.
Immunovia (NASDAQ 스톡홀름: IMMNOV)는 2024년 Collaborative Group of Americas—Inherited Gastrointestinal Cancers (CGA-IGC) 연례 회의에서 차세대 췌장암 검사 개발 모델 연구 결과를 발표할 예정입니다. 회사의 초록은 수락되었으며 헨리 린치 강의에 포함될 것으로 인정받았습니다. Immunovia는 차세대 검사에 대한 임상 검증 연구를 진행 중이며, 2024년 12월에 완료될 예정이며 2025년에는 검사를 출시할 계획입니다. 회사는 미국에서 췌장암 고위험군 180만 명이 연간 감시 검사의 혜택을 받을 수 있을 것으로 추정하고 있습니다.
Immunovia (NASDAQ Stockholm: IMMNOV) présentera les résultats de son étude de développement de modèle récemment achevée pour son test de détection du cancer du pancréas de nouvelle génération lors de la réunion annuelle du Collaborative Group of Americas—Inherited Gastrointestinal Cancers (CGA-IGC) en 2024. Le résumé de l'entreprise a été accepté et reconnu pour être inclus dans la conférence Henry Lynch. Immunovia mène actuellement une étude de validation clinique de son test de nouvelle génération, qui devrait être achevée en décembre 2024, avec des plans de lancement du test en 2025. L'entreprise estime qu'aux États-Unis, 1,8 million de personnes à haut risque de cancer du pancréas pourraient bénéficier de tests de surveillance annuels.
Immunovia (NASDAQ Stockholm: IMMNOV) wird die Ergebnisse seiner kürzlich abgeschlossenen Modellentwicklungsstudie für den nächsten Generationstest zur Erkennung von Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs auf der jährlichen Sitzung der Collaborative Group of Americas—Inherited Gastrointestinal Cancers (CGA-IGC) im Jahr 2024 vorstellen. Die Zusammenfassung des Unternehmens wurde akzeptiert und für die Aufnahme in die Henry Lynch Lecture anerkannt. Immunovia führt derzeit eine klinische Validierungsstudie für seinen Test der nächsten Generation durch, die voraussichtlich im Dezember 2024 abgeschlossen sein wird, mit dem Ziel, den Test im Jahr 2025 auf den Markt zu bringen. Das Unternehmen schätzt, dass in den USA 1,8 Millionen Personen mit hohem Risiko für Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs von jährlichen Überwachungstests profitieren könnten.
- Clinical validation study of next-generation pancreatic cancer test on track for completion in December 2024
- Large potential market with 1.8 million high-risk individuals in the USA who could benefit from annual testing
- Abstract accepted and recognized at prestigious CGA-IGC conference
- Product launch not expected until late 2025, indicating significant time before potential revenue generation
The Scientific Committee of the CGA-IGC evaluated and accepted Immunovia's abstract, which reports outcomes from the company's model-development study, for presentation at the meeting. Immunovia's submission was also recognized for inclusion in the Henry Lynch Lecture during the conference.
The Collaborative Group of the
Immunovia will share results from the model-development study of its next-generation test to detect stage 1 and 2 pancreatic cancer. In addition, the company provided a grant to fund an educational symposium at the meeting titled "Increasing Access to Pancreatic Cancer Screening: Lessons Learned from a Community-Based High-Risk Screening Program." The symposium, led by Ora Gordon, MD, and Miles Picus, LCGC, will discuss the implementation of a high-risk pancreatic cancer surveillance program and early detection tests.
"CGA-IGC's annual meeting is a premier event for clinicians focused on inherited gastrointestinal cancers and we are thrilled to be selected to share the results of our model-development study," said Jeff Borcherding, Chief Executive Officer at Immunovia.
Immunovia is currently conducting a clinical validation study of its next-generation test, which is expects to complete in December 2024. The company plans to launch the test later in 2025.
For more information, please contact:
Jeff Borcherding
CEO and President
Karin Almqvist-Liwendahl
Immunovia in brief
Immunovia AB is a diagnostic company whose mission is to increase survival rates for patients with pancreatic cancer through early detection. Immunovia is focused on the development and commercialization of simple blood-based testing to detect proteins and antibodies that indicate a high-risk individual has developed pancreatic cancer. Immunovia collaborates and engages with healthcare providers, leading experts and patient advocacy groups to make its test available to individuals at increased risk for pancreatic cancer.
Immunovia's shares (IMMNOV) are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, please visit
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