Imperial declares second quarter 2024 dividend

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dividends earnings
Imperial Oil (IMO) has declared a second quarter 2024 dividend of 60 cents per share, showcasing its long history of growth and financial stability in Canada. The company has paid dividends annually for over a century and increased its annual dividend payment for 29 consecutive years.
Imperial Oil (IMO) ha annunciato un dividendo per il secondo trimestre del 2024 di 60 centesimi per azione, mettendo in evidenza la sua lunga storia di crescita e stabilità finanziaria in Canada. La compagnia ha pagato dividendi annuali per oltre un secolo e ha aumentato il pagamento del dividendo annuale per 29 anni consecutivi.
Imperial Oil (IMO) ha declarado un dividendo para el segundo trimestre de 2024 de 60 centavos por acción, demostrando su larga historia de crecimiento y estabilidad financiera en Canadá. La empresa ha pagado dividendos anualmente por más de un siglo e incrementó su pago de dividendos anuales durante 29 años consecutivos.
Imperial Oil (IMO)은 2024년 2분기 주당 60센트의 배당금을 선언했습니다. 이는 캐나다에서의 장기적인 성장과 재정 안정성을 보여주고 있습니다. 이 회사는 100년 이상 매년 배당금을 지급해왔으며, 연간 배당금을 29년 연속으로 증가시켰습니다.
Imperial Oil (IMO) a déclaré un dividende pour le deuxième trimestre 2024 de 60 cents par action, soulignant son long historique de croissance et de stabilité financière au Canada. La société verse des dividendes annuellement depuis plus d'un siècle et a augmenté son paiement de dividendes annuel pour 29 années consécutives.
Imperial Oil (IMO) hat für das zweite Quartal 2024 eine Dividende von 60 Cent pro Aktie bekanntgegeben, was die lange Geschichte des Unternehmenswachstums und finanzieller Stabilität in Kanada unterstreicht. Das Unternehmen zahlt seit über einem Jahrhundert jährlich Dividenden und hat die jährliche Dividendenzahlung 29 Jahre in Folge erhöht.
  • None.
  • None.

CALGARY, Alberta--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Imperial Oil Limited (TSE: IMO, NYSE American: IMO) today declared a quarterly dividend of 60 cents per share on the outstanding common shares of the company, payable on July 1, 2024, to shareholders of record at the close of business on June 3, 2024.

This second quarter 2024 dividend compares with the first quarter 2024 dividend of 60 cents per share.

Imperial has a long and successful history of growth and financial stability in Canada as a leading member of the petroleum industry. The company has paid dividends every year for over a century and has increased its annual dividend payment for 29 consecutive years.

Source: Imperial

After more than a century, Imperial continues to be an industry leader in applying technology and innovation to responsibly develop Canada’s energy resources. As Canada’s largest petroleum refiner, a major producer of crude oil, a key petrochemical producer and a leading fuels marketer from coast to coast, our company remains committed to high standards across all areas of our business.

For further information:

Investor relations

(587) 962-4401

Media relations

(587) 476-7010

Source: Imperial


What dividend did Imperial Oil (IMO) declare for the second quarter of 2024?

Imperial Oil declared a quarterly dividend of 60 cents per share for the second quarter of 2024.

When is the dividend payable to shareholders of Imperial Oil (IMO) for the second quarter of 2024?

The dividend is payable on July 1, 2024, to shareholders of record at the close of business on June 3, 2024.

How does the second quarter 2024 dividend of Imperial Oil (IMO) compare to the first quarter 2024 dividend?

The second quarter 2024 dividend remains the same as the first quarter 2024 dividend, both at 60 cents per share.

What is the dividend payment history of Imperial Oil (IMO)?

Imperial Oil has paid dividends annually for over a century and increased its annual dividend payment for 29 consecutive years.

What is the business focus of Imperial Oil (IMO)?

Imperial Oil is Canada's largest petroleum refiner, a major crude oil producer, a key petrochemical producer, and a leading fuels marketer across Canada.

How does Imperial Oil (IMO) demonstrate its commitment to responsible energy resource development?

Imperial Oil is an industry leader in applying technology and innovation to responsibly develop Canada's energy resources.

How can shareholders contact Imperial Oil (IMO) for further information?

For investor relations, call (587) 962-4401. For media relations, call (587) 476-7010.

Imperial Oil Limited


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Petroleum Refineries
United States of America