Impact Disclosure Taskforce Releases Impact Disclosure Guidance, Helping Scale Financing for the UN Sustainable Development Goals

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The Impact Disclosure Taskforce has released draft guidance to help entities measure and disclose their efforts towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The guidance aims to attract sustainable capital by promoting transparency and accountability through impact measurement and monitoring. J.P. Morgan and Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking co-chair the Taskforce, supporting DP World in creating a pilot Sustainable Development Impact Disclosure (SDID) focusing on health, education, equality, and economic growth in emerging markets infrastructure.
Il Taskforce per la Divulgazione degli Impatti ha pubblicato una guida preliminare per aiutare le entità a misurare e divulgare i loro sforzi nel raggiungere gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile delle Nazioni Unite. La guida mira ad attrarre capitale sostenibile promuovendo la trasparenza e la responsabilità attraverso la misurazione e il monitoraggio degli impatti. J.P. Morgan e Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking copresiedono il Taskforce, supportando DP World nella creazione di un progetto pilota per la Divulgazione dell'Impatto sullo Sviluppo Sostenibile (SDID) focalizzato su salute, educazione, uguaglianza e crescita economica nelle infrastrutture dei mercati emergenti.
El Grupo de Trabajo sobre Divulgación de Impacto ha lanzado una guía preliminar para ayudar a las entidades a medir y divulgar sus esfuerzos para alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU. La guía busca atraer capital sostenible promoviendo la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas a través de la medición y el monitoreo de impactos. J.P. Morgan y Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking copresiden el Grupo de Trabajo, apoyando a DP World en la creación de un piloto de Divulgación de Impacto en el Desarrollo Sostenible (SDID) enfocado en salud, educación, igualdad y crecimiento económico en la infraestructura de mercados emergentes.
임팩트 공개 태스크포스는 유엔 지속 가능한 개발 목표를 달성하기 위한 노력을 측정하고 공개하는 데 도움이 될 초안 지침을 발표했습니다. 이 지침은 영향 측정 및 모니터링을 통해 투명성과 책임을 증진함으로써 지속 가능한 자본을 유치하고자 합니다. J.P. Morgan과 Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking이 태스크포스를 공동 의장으로 맡고 있으며, DP World가 신흥 시장 인프라에서 건강, 교육, 평등 및 경제 성장에 중점을 둔 지속 가능한 개발 영향 공개(SDID) 시범 프로젝트를 만드는 데 지원하고 있습니다.
Le Groupe de travail sur la divulgation des impacts a publié des orientations préliminaires pour aider les entités à mesurer et divulguer leurs efforts pour atteindre les Objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies. Les orientations visent à attirer des capitaux durables en favorisant la transparence et la responsabilité par le biais de la mesure et du suivi des impacts. J.P. Morgan et Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking coprésident le Groupe de travail, soutenant DP World dans la création d'une divulgation pilote de l'impact du développement durable (SDID) axée sur la santé, l'éducation, l'égalité et la croissance économique dans les infrastructures des marchés émergents.
Die Impact Disclosure Taskforce hat einen Entwurf für eine Leitlinie veröffentlicht, um Organisationen dabei zu helfen, ihre Bemühungen zur Erreichung der UN-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung zu messen und offenzulegen. Die Leitlinie zielt darauf ab, nachhaltiges Kapital anzuziehen, indem sie Transparenz und Verantwortlichkeit durch die Messung und Überwachung von Auswirkungen fördert. J.P. Morgan und Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking leiten gemeinsam die Taskforce und unterstützen DP World bei der Schaffung einer Pilotinitiative für die Offenlegung von Auswirkungen auf nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDID), die sich auf Gesundheit, Bildung, Gleichheit und wirtschaftliches Wachstum in der Infrastruktur von Schwellenländern konzentriert.
  • The draft guidance aims to help entities attract sustainable capital by promoting transparency and accountability.
  • J.P. Morgan and Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking co-chair the Taskforce.
  • DP World created a pilot SDID focusing on health, education, equality, and economic growth in emerging markets infrastructure.
  • None.

Taskforce calls for feedback on the draft Impact Disclosure Guidance and the first Sustainable Development Impact Disclosure (SDID) piloted by DP World

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Impact Disclosure Taskforce today released its draft impact disclosure guidance, helping entities committed to addressing development needs and reducing global inequality to access growing pools of sustainable capital.

Established in April of 2023 and now a 60+ strong network of financial institutions, capital markets participants, and industry stakeholders, the Taskforce was formed to help corporate entities and sovereigns measure and disclose their efforts to reduce major gaps to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The release of the draft voluntary guidance today initiates a four-month public consultation period, from April 18, 2024 to September 1, 2024, during which the Taskforce welcomes feedback from industry participants and practitioners.

The voluntary guidance aims to assist corporate and sovereign entities, particularly those in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDE), to use the principles of impact measurement and monitoring to attract sustainable pools of capital. The guidance also envisions establishing mechanisms for disseminating and analyzing disclosed impact information to promote transparency and accountability. The creation of a Sustainable Development Impact Disclosure (SDID) could provide sustainable financiers with more information to assist financing decisions.

The guidance draws on existing resources and outlines a 5-step process for entities to measure and disclose the impacts of their business strategies or national development plans. The guidance reflects a view amongst financiers that the full balance sheet of entities that follow this process would be considered for their sustainable capital allocation. The guidance is characterized by being:

  • Entity-level: assesses the entity’s overall strategy in countries of focus, as opposed to project-level frameworks;
  • Impact-oriented: focuses on outputs and outcomes, rather than a taxonomy of sustainable activities or eligible investments;
  • Forward-looking: establishes targets that measure intended impacts, as opposed to reporting on current sustainability levels; and
  • Context-specific: tailors document to account for development gaps in local jurisdictions.

J.P. Morgan and Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking, the Taskforce co-chairs, supported DP World, a leading global logistics and supply chain solutions provider, in creating the pilot SDID under the Impact Disclosure Guidance. This pilot SDID focuses on DP World’s anticipated contributions to SDGs focused on health, education, equality and economic growth through emerging markets infrastructure. See DP World’s full SDID created in accordance with the impact disclosure guidance here:

Marc-André Blanchard, Executive Vice-President and head of CDPQ Global, Global Head of Sustainability

“I am proud that CDPQ played an active role in developing this important guidance. Transparent corporate disclosure is a priority for long-term investors because it enables investment decisions based on uniform and comparable data - critical information that contributes to a sustainable future. I am also pleased that one of our partners, DP World, is the first company to release a pilot disclosure under the Impact Disclosure guidance.”

Timothée Jaulin, Head of ESG Development and Advocacy, Amundi

“Mobilizing capital to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals requires meaningful, impact-oriented, enhanced disclosure standards. The Sustainable Development Impact Disclosure guidance will be especially relevant for issuers looking to tap capital markets for their financing needs. All capital market instruments, including equity, general purpose debt or sustainable debt instruments require high quality sustainability disclosure at issuer level.”

Robert Simpson, Head of Emerging Markets Strategy & Solutions, Pictet Asset Management

“Enhanced disclosure on development impact could be transformative in catalysing the needed flow of funds for investment in emerging markets to support their aim in achieving their SDG targets.”

Arsalan Mahtafar, Co-Chair of the Impact Disclosure Taskforce and Head of J.P. Morgan’s Development Finance Institution

“This guidance will help connect sustainable investors with entities that are accountable to tackling the development challenges in their countries. By connecting like-minded people and empowering them with relevant data, we can make strides towards achieving our global goals.”

Cédric Merle Hamon and Leisa Cardoso De Souza, Co-Chair of the Impact Disclosure Taskforce, from the Center of Expertise and Innovation within Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking’s Green and Sustainable Hub

“We are thrilled about the launch of the consultation period and crave for thoughtful feedback. Our endeavor is to harness market signals to sustainability data, providing enhanced financial terms to SDG contributing entities, and creating meaningful investing opportunities.”

Adama Mariko, Deputy Executive Director for Mobilisation, Partnerships and Communication at the French Development Agency (AFD) and Secretary General of the Finance in Common Initiative

“I am pleased to see the progress made by this taskforce since COP28, submitting today its work for public peer review. This is a commendable effort by the private sector, with the participation of public development banks, aimed at improving access to sustainable financing in emerging and developing countries through improved impact measurement and disclosure.”

The Taskforce welcomes feedback on the draft guidance and invites you to provide such feedback by visiting

Alice Gasson | Media Relations | J.P. Morgan | |

Source: JPMorgan Chase & Co.


What is the purpose of the Impact Disclosure Taskforce's draft guidance?

The draft guidance aims to help entities measure and disclose their efforts towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Who co-chairs the Impact Disclosure Taskforce?

J.P. Morgan and Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking co-chair the Taskforce.

What did DP World create under the Impact Disclosure Guidance?

DP World created a pilot Sustainable Development Impact Disclosure (SDID) focusing on health, education, equality, and economic growth in emerging markets infrastructure.

JPMorgan Chase & Co.


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