PARENTS LATINA Announces Results Of Its First-Ever Single Moms Study

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NEW YORK, March 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Meredith Corporation's (NYSE: MDP) PARENTS LATINA announces the results of its first study on Latina single moms revealing that single moms feel most challenged when it comes to balancing work and home life with 35% reporting that it is the hardest part of being a single mom, followed by lack of time for self-care or alone time (34%) and managing finances (30%). The April/May issue of PARENTS LATINA includes findings and analysis of this study, providing insights on the preferences, habits, rewards, challenges and misconceptions about single motherhood. 

According to the study, nearly half (46%) of Latina single moms try to balance their lives by spending time with family. Many also rely on exercising (38%), spending time with friends (34%), prayer or spirituality (33%) and connecting via social media (26%). Single moms also lean on their families for support: 60% report that they rely on their parents, 25% reach out to siblings and 20% seek help from grandparents. Thirty-six percent say they reach out to friends for support.

Time spent in an average week by single moms:

  1. Parenting or with kids: 45%
  2. Work: 23%
  3. Household chores: 15%
  4. Extended family: 8%
  5. Social life: 7%
  6. Dating: 3%

Grace Bastidas, Editor in Chief of PARENTS LATINA, said, "I have tremendous respect and admiration for single moms. I was raised by one and saw first-hand the sacrifices my mother made to get us ahead. This study shines a light on the challenges Latina single moms face and provides insight into their unique parenting perspectives. While it takes determination, passion and perseverance to bring up kids on your own, the study shows that single moms find it incredibly rewarding. And although many single mothers bear most of the responsibility, it's important they know that they're not alone."

The love and close bond with their kids is the No.1 most rewarding part of being a single mom (41%), followed by the feeling of accomplishment and empowerment that comes from handling it all on their own (20%) and the freedom to do things their way and make decisions on their own (12%). Latina single moms are most likely to describe themselves as strong (30%), multi-tasker (26%) and determined (17%). 

Single moms' biggest concern for their kids:

  1. Safety (41%)
  2. Mental health (39%)
  3. Lack of strong role models/father figure (35%)
  4. Education (31%)
  5. Bullying (26%)

If single moms had more time and money, they'd most like to do the following for their kids:

  1. Go on a family vacation (53%)
  2. Explore more of their interests (36%)
  3. Save for education (33%)
  4. Buy a house or a better house (29%)
  5. Attend more family-fun local activities (19%)

When it comes to breaking their own rules, single moms find themselves being most lenient with their kids in the following areas:

  1. Screen time (33%)
  2. Junk food (22%)
  3. Daily routine (16%)
  4. Chores (13%)
  5. Discipline for poor behavior (12%)

Among those who co-parent, 6 in 10 report they are very successful at it even when dealing with the challenges that come with it.  Having different parenting styles is one of the hurdles that co-parenting presents, with 43% of Latina single moms reporting this as a primary obstacle. Other primary challenges are the lack of or poor communication (41%) and keeping a regular and consistent schedule (37%).

The study also asked Latina single moms open-ended questions about their views on single motherhood misconceptions. Respondents feel that they are often blamed for their situation, or that others believe they cannot successfully raise a child without the assistance of a partner or outside help. According to Ernestina Perez, a Mexican-American therapist and founder of Latinx Talk Therapy, in Chicago, who is quoted in the April/May issue of PARENTS LATINA, "There's a lot of stigma around single motherhood in the Latino community because of traditional gender norms that view men as the protectors and financial providers, and women as the selfless, do-it-all caretakers." However, she notes that more and more single mothers are beginning to redefine for themselves what it means to be Mami. "As women get further in their careers and education, expectations are changing," she says. "Latina single moms have always been very resilient. But this new generation is learning to speak up for themselves to get what they want." 

PARENTS LATINA offers advice for single moms to deal with some of the challenges they face, with tips on building a support network, making time for yourself, and more. Visit to read the full article.

Survey Methodology: An online survey was fielded by the Meredith Data Studio between March 12 - April 1, 2020 with 439 English-speaking, single Latina moms who have a child 12 years or younger and are not living with a spouse, partner, or significant other.

PARENTS LATINA supports, empowers, and inspires Latino parents as they raise good people rooted in their family's heritage. Reaching an audience of 3.4 million through its bi-monthly magazine, as well as its digital and social offerings, PARENTS LATINA connects readers to their community, bolsters cultural pride, and encourages moms and dads to honor and celebrate traditions with their children. PARENTS LATINA is part of Meredith Corporation's (NYSE: MDP) PARENTS Network.

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