Merck Recommends Rejection of TRC Capital’s “Mini-Tender” Offer
Merck (MRK) warns shareholders about TRC Capital's unsolicited mini-tender offer to purchase up to 1,000,000 shares at $96.38 per share. The offer price is approximately 4.32% below Merck's closing price of $100.73 on November 11, 2024, and 3.48% below the $99.86 closing price on November 21, 2024. Merck strongly recommends shareholders reject this offer, which seeks to acquire less than 5% of outstanding shares, thereby avoiding SEC disclosure requirements. The company emphasizes that mini-tender offers often catch shareholders off guard, potentially leading to below-market sales prices.
Merck (MRK) avverte gli azionisti riguardo l'offerta non sollecitata di TRC Capital per l'acquisto di fino a 1.000.000 azioni a 96,38 dollari per azione. Il prezzo offerto è circa il 4,32% inferiore al prezzo di chiusura di Merck di 100,73 dollari dell'11 novembre 2024 e del 3,48% rispetto al prezzo di chiusura di 99,86 dollari del 21 novembre 2024. Merck consiglia vivamente agli azionisti di rifiutare questa offerta, che mira ad acquisire meno del 5% delle azioni in circolazione, evitando così i requisiti di divulgazione della SEC. L'azienda sottolinea che le offerte mini-tender spesso colgono di sorpresa gli azionisti, portando potenzialmente a prezzi di vendita inferiori rispetto al mercato.
Merck (MRK) advierte a los accionistas sobre la oferta de mini-tender no solicitada de TRC Capital para comprar hasta 1.000.000 de acciones a 96,38 dólares por acción. El precio de la oferta es aproximadamente un 4,32% inferior al precio de cierre de Merck de 100,73 dólares del 11 de noviembre de 2024 y un 3,48% inferior al precio de cierre de 99,86 dólares del 21 de noviembre de 2024. Merck recomienda encarecidamente a los accionistas que rechacen esta oferta, que busca adquirir menos del 5% de las acciones en circulación, evitando así los requisitos de divulgación de la SEC. La compañía enfatiza que las ofertas de mini-tender a menudo toman a los accionistas por sorpresa, lo que puede llevar a precios de venta inferiores al mercado.
머크 (MRK)는 TRC 캐피탈의 비공식 미니 텐더 제안에 대해 주주들에게 경고합니다. 이 제안은 1,000,000주를 주당 96.38달러에 매입하겠다는 것입니다. 제공 가격은 2024년 11월 11일 머크의 종가 100.73달러보다 약 4.32% 낮고, 2024년 11월 21일의 99.86달러 종가보다 3.48% 낮습니다. 머크는 주주들에게 이 제안을 거부할 것을 강력히 권장합니다, 이 제안은 발행주식의 5% 미만을 매입하고 SEC의 공시 요건을 회피하려고 합니다. 회사는 미니 텐더 제안이 종종 주주들을 놀라게 하며, 시장 가격보다 낮은 판매 가격으로 이어질 수 있다고 강조합니다.
Merck (MRK) avertit les actionnaires au sujet de l'offre de mini-tender non sollicitée de TRC Capital pour l'achat de jusqu'à 1.000.000 d'actions à 96,38 dollars par action. Le prix proposé est d'environ 4,32 % inférieur au prix de clôture de Merck de 100,73 dollars le 11 novembre 2024 et de 3,48 % inférieur au prix de clôture de 99,86 dollars le 21 novembre 2024. Merck recommande fortement aux actionnaires de rejeter cette offre, qui vise à acquérir moins de 5 % des actions en circulation, évitant ainsi les obligations de divulgation auprès de la SEC. L'entreprise souligne que les offres de mini-tender prennent souvent les actionnaires par surprise, ce qui peut conduire à des prix de vente inférieurs à ceux du marché.
Merck (MRK) warnt die Aktionäre vor dem unaufgeforderten Mini-Tender-Angebot von TRC Capital zum Kauf von bis zu 1.000.000 Aktien zu je 96,38 Dollar pro Aktie. Der Angebotspreis liegt etwa 4,32 % unter dem Schlusskurs von Merck von 100,73 Dollar am 11. November 2024 und 3,48 % unter dem Schlusskurs von 99,86 Dollar am 21. November 2024. Merck empfiehlt den Aktionären dringend, dieses Angebot abzulehnen, welches darauf abzielt, weniger als 5 % der ausstehenden Aktien zu erwerben und so die Offenlegungspflichten der SEC zu umgehen. Das Unternehmen betont, dass Mini-Tender-Angebote häufig die Aktionäre unvorbereitet treffen und potenziell zu unter dem Marktpreis liegenden Verkaufsangeboten führen können.
- None.
- Potential shareholder value risk from TRC Capital's below-market mini-tender offer
- Offer price represents a 4.32% discount to market price
- Risk of shareholders unknowingly selling shares below market value
This mini-tender offer by TRC Capital represents a predatory attempt to acquire Merck shares at a significant discount of
The numerous conditions attached to this offer, including TRC Capital's financing contingency, create additional risk factors. TRC Capital's track record of similar mini-tender offers for other public companies suggests a pattern of exploiting retail investors through regulatory loopholes. Merck's strong stance against this offer and recommendation for shareholders to reject it aligns with SEC guidance on protecting investors from potentially deceptive mini-tender practices.
Merck does not endorse TRC Capital’s offer and recommends that Merck shareholders reject the offer and not tender their shares in response to TRC Capital’s unsolicited mini-tender offer. This mini-tender offer is at a price below the closing price for Merck’s shares (as of the day prior to this release) and is subject to numerous conditions, including TRC Capital’s ability to obtain financing. Merck is not associated in any way with TRC Capital, its mini-tender offer or the offer documentation.
TRC Capital has made similar unsolicited mini-tender offers for shares of other publicly traded companies. Mini-tender offers seek to acquire less than
On its website, the SEC advises that the people behind mini tender-offers “frequently use mini-tender offers to catch shareholders off guard” and that investors “may end up selling at below-market prices.” The SEC's website also contains important tips for investors regarding mini-tender offers.
Like TRC Capital’s other offers, this one puts individual investors at risk because they may not realize they are selling their shares at a discount. Merck urges shareholders to obtain current stock quotes for their shares of Merck common stock, to review the terms and conditions of the offer, to consult with their brokers or financial advisers, and to exercise caution with respect to TRC Capital’s mini-tender offer.
Merck shareholders who have already tendered are advised they may withdraw their shares by following the procedures for withdrawal described in the TRC Capital offer documents prior to the expiration of the offer, which is currently scheduled for 11:59 a.m. EST on December 11, 2024.
Merck encourages brokers, dealers, and other investors to review the SEC’s letter regarding broker-dealer mini-tender offer dissemination and disclosure.
Merck requests that a copy of this news release be included with all distribution of materials related to TRC Capital’s offer for shares of Merck common stock.
About Merck
At Merck, known as MSD outside of
Forward-Looking Statement of Merck & Co., Inc.,
This news release of Merck & Co., Inc.,
Risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to, general industry conditions and competition; general economic factors, including interest rate and currency exchange rate fluctuations; the impact of pharmaceutical industry regulation and health care legislation in
The company undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Additional factors that could cause results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements can be found in the company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and the company’s other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) available at the SEC’s Internet site (
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Source: Merck & Co., Inc.