Neuberger Berman Municipal Fund has declared a monthly distribution of $0.05417 per share of common stock. The distribution is payable on December 16, 2024, with a record and ex-date of November 29, 2024. The Fund aims to provide income exempt from regular federal income tax, though distributions may be subject to federal alternative minimum tax for some stockholders. Distributions can include net investment income, realized capital gains, and return of capital, which may affect NAV per share and investor cost basis.
Il Neuberger Berman Municipal Fund ha dichiarato una distribuzione mensile di $0.05417 per azione di azioni ordinarie. La distribuzione sarà pagabile il 16 dicembre 2024, con una data di registrazione e di stacco dei dividendi il 29 novembre 2024. Il fondo mira a fornire un reddito esente da imposte federali sul reddito, anche se le distribuzioni possono essere soggette a imposta minima alternativa federale per alcuni azionisti. Le distribuzioni possono includere reddito netto da investimenti, plusvalenze realizzate e rimborso di capitale, che possono influenzare il NAV per azione e la base di costo per gli investitori.
El Neuberger Berman Municipal Fund ha declarado una distribución mensual de $0.05417 por acción de acciones comunes. La distribución se pagará el 16 de diciembre de 2024, con una fecha de registro y de ex-dividendo del 29 de noviembre de 2024. El fondo tiene como objetivo proporcionar ingresos exentos de impuestos federales sobre la renta, aunque las distribuciones pueden estar sujetas a un impuesto mínimo alternativo federal para algunos accionistas. Las distribuciones pueden incluir ingresos netos de inversiones, ganancias de capital realizadas y devolución de capital, lo que puede afectar el NAV por acción y la base de coste del inversor.
Neuberger Berman Municipal Fund는 $0.05417 per share의 월 배당금을 선언했습니다. 배당금 지급일은 2024년 12월 16일이며, 기록일과 분배금 공시일은 2024년 11월 29일입니다. 이 펀드는 일반 연방 소득세가 면제되는 소득을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하지만, 일부 주주에게는 연방 대체 최저세가 부과될 수 있습니다. 배당금에는 순투자소득, 실현 자본 이익, 자본 환급이 포함될 수 있으며, 이는 주당 NAV 및 투자자의 비용 기준에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.
Le Neuberger Berman Municipal Fund a déclaré une distribution mensuelle de $0.05417 par action d'actions ordinaires. La distribution sera payable le 16 décembre 2024, avec une date de détachement de droits et d'enregistrement le 29 novembre 2024. Le fonds vise à fournir un revenu exonéré de l'impôt fédéral sur le revenu, bien que les distributions puissent être soumises à un impôt minimum alternatif fédéral pour certains actionnaires. Les distributions peuvent inclure des revenus nets d'investissement, des gains en capital réalisés et des remboursements de capital, ce qui peut affecter le NAV par action et la base de coût pour les investisseurs.
Der Neuberger Berman Municipal Fund hat eine monatliche Ausschüttung von $0.05417 pro Aktie der Stammaktien erklärt. Die Ausschüttung ist fällig am 16. Dezember 2024, mit einem Stichtag und Ex-Datum am 29. November 2024. Der Fonds zielt darauf ab, Einkommen bereitzustellen, das von der regulären Bundes-Einkommensteuer befreit ist, obwohl Ausschüttungen für einige Aktionäre der Bundesalternative-Mindeststeuer unterliegen können. Die Ausschüttungen können Nettokapitalerträge, realisierte Kapitalgewinne und Rückzahlungen von Kapital umfassen, was den NAV pro Aktie und die Kostenbasis des Investors beeinflussen kann.
- Regular monthly distribution maintained
- Tax-exempt income structure for regular federal income tax
- Potential NAV decline if distribution includes return of capital
- Possible reduction in investor cost basis
- Distributions may be subject to alternative minimum tax
This monthly distribution announcement represents a
The detailed disclosure about potential return of capital components is noteworthy, as it indicates the fund may be distributing more than its net investment income. This could impact investor cost basis and NAV over time. Investors should monitor the final tax characterization of distributions, which won't be determined until year-end 2024, to understand the true nature of their returns.
The distribution announced today, as well as future distributions, may consist of net investment income, realized capital gains, and return of capital. In the event the Fund distributes more than its net investment income during any yearly period, such distributions may also include realized gains and/or a return of capital. To the extent that a distribution includes a return of capital, the NAV per share may decline and an investor's cost basis of their shares will be reduced. In compliance with Section 19 of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, a notice would be provided for any distribution that does not consist solely of net investment income. The notice would be for informational purposes and not for tax reporting purposes, and would disclose, among other things, estimated portions of the distribution, if any, consisting of net investment income, capital gains and return of capital. The final determination of the source and tax characteristics of all distributions paid in 2024 will be made after the end of the year.
About Neuberger Berman
Neuberger Berman is an employee-owned, private, independent investment manager founded in 1939 with over 2,800 employees in 26 countries. The firm manages
Statements made in this release that look forward in time involve risks and uncertainties. Such risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, the adverse effect from a decline in the securities markets or a decline in the Fund's performance, a general downturn in the economy, competition from other closed end investment companies, changes in government policy or regulation, inability of the Fund's investment adviser to attract or retain key employees, inability of the Fund to implement its investment strategy, inability of the Fund to manage rapid expansion and unforeseen costs and other effects related to legal proceedings or investigations of governmental and self-regulatory organizations.
Neuberger Berman Investment Advisers LLC
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(877) 461-1899
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