Noodles Announces Inducement Grant Under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4)
Noodles & Company (NASDAQ: NDLS) announced that its Board of Directors has granted an equity inducement award to Steve Kennedy upon his appointment as Executive Vice President, Marketing. The award, consisting of 50,000 time-based RSUs, was granted outside the Company's 2023 Stock Incentive Plan and approved in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4). The RSUs will vest in four equal annual installments, with one-fourth vesting on each anniversary of Kennedy's start date, contingent upon his continued employment.
Noodles & Company (NASDAQ: NDLS) ha annunciato che il suo Consiglio di Amministrazione ha concesso un premio in azioni a Steve Kennedy in seguito alla sua nomina a Vice Presidente Esecutivo, Marketing. Il premio, composto da 50.000 RSU basate sul tempo, è stato concesso al di fuori del Piano di Incentivazione Azionaria 2023 dell'azienda e approvato in conformità con la Regola di Quotazione Nasdaq 5635(c)(4). Le RSU matureranno in quattro rate annuali uguali, con un quarto che matura ad ogni anniversario della data di inizio di Kennedy, a condizione che continui a essere impiegato.
Noodles & Company (NASDAQ: NDLS) anunció que su Junta Directiva ha otorgado un premio de inducimiento en acciones a Steve Kennedy tras su designación como Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de Marketing. El premio, que consta de 50,000 RSU basadas en el tiempo, se otorgó fuera del Plan de Incentivos Accionarios 2023 de la compañía y fue aprobado de acuerdo con la Regla de Cotización de Nasdaq 5635(c)(4). Las RSU se consolidarán en cuatro desembolsos anuales iguales, con un cuarto consolidándose en cada aniversario de la fecha de inicio de Kennedy, sujeto a su continuada empleabilidad.
Noodles & Company (NASDAQ: NDLS)는 Steve Kennedy가 마케팅 부사장으로 임명됨에 따라 이사회의 주식 유도 보상을 부여했다고 발표했습니다. 이 보상은 50,000개의 시간 기반 RSU로 구성되며, 회사의 2023 주식 인센티브 계획 외에서 부여되었고 Nasdaq 상장 규정 5635(c)(4)에 따라 승인되었습니다. RSU는 Kennedy의 시작일 매년 기념일에 1/4씩 연속적으로 4년 동안 분할하여 취득됩니다. 이는 그의 고용이 계속됨을 전제로 합니다.
Noodles & Company (NASDAQ: NDLS) a annoncé que son Conseil d'administration avait accordé une récompense d'incitation en actions à Steve Kennedy suite à sa nomination en tant que Vice-Président Exécutif, Marketing. La récompense, composée de 50 000 RSU basées sur le temps, a été accordée en dehors du Plan d'Incentives Actions 2023 de l'entreprise et approuvée conformément à la Règle de Cotation Nasdaq 5635(c)(4). Les RSU seront acquises par tranches annuelles égales pendant quatre ans, un quart étant acquis à chaque anniversaire de la date de début de Kennedy, sous réserve de son maintien en emploi.
Noodles & Company (NASDAQ: NDLS) hat bekannt gegeben, dass der Vorstand eine Eigenkapitalanreizvergütung an Steve Kennedy bei seiner Ernennung zum Executive Vice President für Marketing gewährt hat. Die Vergütung, bestehend aus 50.000 zeitbasierten RSUs, wurde außerhalb des Aktienanreizplans 2023 des Unternehmens gewährt und gemäß der Nasdaq-Listing-Regel 5635(c)(4) genehmigt. Die RSUs werden in vier gleichen jährlichen Raten fällig, wobei ein Viertel an jedem Jahrestag von Kennedys Startdatum fällig wird, vorausgesetzt, er bleibt weiterhin angestellt.
- Strengthening executive team with new EVP of Marketing appointment
- Potential dilution of existing shareholders through 50,000 new RSUs
BROOMFIELD, Colo., Nov. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Noodles & Company (NASDAQ: NDLS) (the “Company”) today announced that its Board of Directors (the “Board”) granted an equity award to Steve Kennedy as an equity inducement award outside of the Company’s 2023 Stock Incentive Plan and material to Mr. Kennedy’s acceptance of employment with the company. The equity award was approved by the Board, in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).
In connection with Mr. Kennedy’s appointment as Executive Vice President, Marketing, the Company granted Mr. Kennedy an award of 50,000 time-based RSUs. One-fourth of the RSUs will vest on each anniversary of Mr. Kennedy’s start date, subject to his continued employment with the Company on such vesting dates.
About Noodles & Company
Since 1995, Noodles & Company has been serving guests Uncommon Goodness and noodles your way, with noodles and flavors you know and love and new ones you’re about to discover. From indulgent Wisconsin Mac & Cheese to better-for-you Zoodles, Noodles serves a world of flavor in every bowl. Made up of more than 450 restaurants and 8,000 passionate team members, Noodles is dedicated to nourishing and inspiring every guest who walks through the door. To learn more or find the location nearest you, visit
Investor Relations
Danielle Moore