NMG Gears Up for the Construction of the Phase-2 Matawinie Mine with Substation Contract, Engagement with Contractors and Contribution to Community’s Economic Vitality

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Nouveau Monde Graphite Inc. (NMG) has made significant progress in preparing for the construction of its Phase-2 Matawinie Mine. Key developments include:

1. Awarding the 120kV electrical substation contract to ABB, enabling zero-emission operations powered by clean hydroelectricity.

2. Advancing detailed engineering with AtkinsRéalis and SRK.

3. Engaging with local and Indigenous contractors to maximize regional economic benefits.

4. Securing financing for a recreational center adjacent to the mine, enhancing community integration.

The Matawinie Mine, set to become the world's first all-electric open-pit mine, will have a 103,000-tpa graphite mining and concentrator complex. NMG is collaborating with Caterpillar Inc. for a zero-emission mining fleet. The project aims to address the North American market's demand for local, carbon-neutral graphite supply, as Canada and the US currently produce minimal amounts globally.

Nouveau Monde Graphite Inc. (NMG) ha fatto notevoli progressi nella preparazione per la costruzione della sua Fase-2 della Miniera di Matawinie. I principali sviluppi includono:

1. Assegnazione del contratto per la sottostazione elettrica a 120 kV ad ABB, che consente operazioni a zero emissioni alimentate da energia idroelettrica pulita.

2. Avanzamento della progettazione dettagliata con AtkinsRéalis e SRK.

3. Collaborazione con appaltatori locali e indigeni per massimizzare i benefici economici regionali.

4. Garanzia di finanziamenti per un centro ricreativo adiacente alla miniera, migliorando l'integrazione comunitaria.

La Miniera di Matawinie, che diventerà la prima miniera a cielo aperto completamente elettrica al mondo, avrà un complesso di estrazione e concentrazione di grafite da 103.000 tpa. NMG sta collaborando con Caterpillar Inc. per una flotta mineraria a zero emissioni. Il progetto mira a soddisfare la domanda del mercato nordamericano per un approvvigionamento locale di grafite carbonio-neutro, poiché attualmente il Canada e gli Stati Uniti producono quantità minime a livello globale.

Nouveau Monde Graphite Inc. (NMG) ha hecho avances significativos en la preparación de la construcción de su fase 2 de la mina Matawinie. Los desarrollos clave incluyen:

1. Adjudicación del contrato de la subestación eléctrica de 120 kV a ABB, lo que permite operaciones sin emisiones impulsadas por energía hidroeléctrica limpia.

2. Avance en la ingeniería detallada con AtkinsRéalis y SRK.

3. Colaboración con contratistas locales y indígenas para maximizar los beneficios económicos regionales.

4. Aseguramiento de financiamiento para un centro recreativo adyacente a la mina, mejorando la integración comunitaria.

La mina Matawinie, que se convertirá en la primera mina a cielo abierto totalmente eléctrica en el mundo, tendrá un complejo de minería y concentración de grafito de 103,000 tpa. NMG está colaborando con Caterpillar Inc. para una flota de minería sin emisiones. El proyecto apunta a satisfacer la demanda del mercado norteamericano para un suministro local de grafito carbono-neutro, ya que Canadá y EE. UU. producen actualmente cantidades mínimas a nivel global.

노보 몬드 그래파이트(Nouveau Monde Graphite Inc., NMG)는 마타위니 2단계 광산 건설 준비에서 중요한 진전을 이루었습니다. 주요 발전 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 120kV 전기 변전소 계약을 ABB에 수여, 청정 수력 발전으로 구동되는 제로 배출 작업을 가능하게 합니다.

2. 상세 설계 작업 진행 - AtkinsRéalis 및 SRK와 협력하고 있습니다.

3. 지역 및 원주민 계약자와 협력하여 지역 경제 이익을 극대화하고 있습니다.

4. 광산 인근에 레크리에이션 센터를 위한 자금 확보, 커뮤니티 통합을 강화하고 있습니다.

마타위니 광산은 세계 최초의 완전 전기식 노천 광산으로 자리잡을 것이며, 연간 103,000톤의 그래파이트 채굴 및 농축 시설을 갖추게 됩니다. NMG는 제로 배출 채굴 함대 준비를 위해 캐터필러(Caterpillar Inc.)와 협력하고 있습니다. 이 프로젝트는 캐나다와 미국이 현재 전 세계에서 생산하는 양이 미미함에 따라 현지의 탄소 중립 그래파이트 공급에 대한 북미 시장의 수요를 충족하려고 합니다.

Nouveau Monde Graphite Inc. (NMG) a réalisé des progrès significatifs dans la préparation de la construction de sa Phase-2 de la mine de Matawinie. Les développements clés incluent :

1. Attribution du contrat de la sous-station électrique de 120 kV à ABB, permettant des opérations sans émissions, alimentées par l'hydroélectricité propre.

2. Avancée de l'ingénierie détaillée avec AtkinsRéalis et SRK.

3. Engagement avec des entrepreneurs locaux et autochtones pour maximiser les avantages économiques régionaux.

4. Obtention de financements pour un centre récréatif adjacent à la mine, renforçant l'intégration communautaire.

La mine de Matawinie, qui deviendra la première mine à ciel ouvert entièrement électrique au monde, disposera d'un complexe d'extraction et de concentration de graphite de 103 000 tpa. NMG collabore avec Caterpillar Inc. pour une flotte minière sans émissions. Le projet vise à répondre à la demande du marché nord-américain pour un approvisionnement local en graphite neutre en carbone, car le Canada et les États-Unis produisent actuellement des quantités minimales au niveau mondial.

Nouveau Monde Graphite Inc. (NMG) hat bedeutende Fortschritte bei den Vorbereitungen für den Bau seiner Phase-2-Mine Matawinie gemacht. Wichtige Entwicklungen umfassen:

1. Vergabe des Auftrags für die 120-kV-Teilstation an ABB, wodurch emissionsfreie Betriebe ermöglicht werden, die mit sauberer Wasserkraft betrieben werden.

2. Fortschritte in der Detailplanung mit AtkinsRéalis und SRK.

3. Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen und indigenen Auftragnehmern, um die regionalen wirtschaftlichen Vorteile zu maximieren.

4. Finanzierung für ein Freizeitzentrum neben der Mine, um die Integration der Gemeinschaft zu fördern.

Die Mine Matawinie, die die weltweit erste vollelektrische Tagebau-Mine werden soll, wird über einen Komplex zur Gewinnung und Aufbereitung von Graphit mit 103.000 tpa verfügen. NMG arbeitet mit Caterpillar Inc. zusammen, um eine emissionsfreie Bergbauflotte aufzubauen. Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, der Nachfrage des nordamerikanischen Marktes nach einer lokal verfügbaren, kohlenstoffneutralen Graphitversorgung gerecht zu werden, da Kanada und die USA derzeit weltweit nur geringe Mengen produzieren.

  • Awarded 120kV electrical substation contract to ABB, enabling zero-emission operations
  • Progressing towards becoming the world's first all-electric open-pit mine
  • Engaging local and Indigenous contractors to maximize regional economic benefits
  • Secured over $4.1 million in funding for adjacent recreational center, enhancing community integration
  • Advancing detailed engineering with AtkinsRéalis and SRK for the 103,000-tpa graphite mining and concentrator complex
  • None.


NMG's progress towards constructing the Phase-2 Matawinie Mine represents a significant step in establishing North America's graphite supply chain. The award of the electrical substation contract to ABB and engagement with local contractors are positive developments, indicating project momentum. However, the financial impact remains unclear without specific cost figures or timelines.

The planned all-electric open-pit mine, powered by hydroelectricity, could potentially lead to lower operational costs in the long term, but initial capital expenditures may be higher. The $4.1 million secured for the recreational center demonstrates community investment, which could mitigate social risks but also represents an additional cost.

Investors should monitor progress on financing for the main project and any updates on production timelines, as these will be important for assessing the company's near-term prospects and potential market impact in the critical minerals sector.

NMG's Matawinie project is poised to be a game-changer in the mining industry. The commitment to creating the world's first all-electric open-pit mine sets a new standard for sustainable mining practices. This aligns with global trends towards decarbonization and could potentially attract premium pricing for NMG's graphite products.

The collaboration with industry leaders like ABB and Caterpillar for electrification and zero-emission equipment demonstrates strong technological backing. However, being a pioneer also carries risks of unforeseen challenges in implementation and potential cost overruns.

The engagement with local and Indigenous contractors is a smart strategy for building local support and potentially reducing labor costs and risks. This approach, combined with community investments like the recreational center, could expedite permitting processes and ensure smoother operations in the long run.

NMG's commitment to a zero-emission, all-electric mining operation powered by hydroelectricity is groundbreaking for the industry. This approach could significantly reduce the carbon footprint of graphite production, potentially setting a new benchmark for ESG standards in mining.

The integration of a recreational center adjacent to the mine site is an innovative approach to land use and community engagement. It demonstrates a holistic view of environmental and social impact management, going beyond mere compliance to create positive community outcomes.

However, the true environmental impact will depend on the execution of these plans. Investors and stakeholders should closely monitor the implementation of these initiatives and any potential challenges that may arise in translating these ambitious goals into reality. The success of this project could have far-reaching implications for the future of sustainable mining practices globally.

  • Electrical substation contract awarded to ABB; NMG to benefit from robust technical expertise and dedicated resources overseeing engineering, supply, commissioning and start-up of the substation
  • Matawinie Mine to be powered by clean hydroelectricity to enable zero-emission operations, what is projected to become the world’s first all-electric open-pit mine
  • Detailed engineering advancing through continuous work with AtkinsRéalis and SRK
  • Active engagement with local and Indigenous contractors ahead of the start of construction to inform procurement strategy and maximize benefits to the regional economy
  • Financing completed for recreational center to be implemented adjacent to the mine to ensure harmonious integration into the milieu

MONTRÉAL--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Nouveau Monde Graphite Inc. (“NMG“ or the “Company”) (NYSE: NMG, TSX.V: NOU) has attained tangible milestones in preparing for the construction of the Phase-2 Matawinie Mine through key procurement activities, detailed engineering, construction planning and community investment. Among these is the awarding of the 120kV electrical substation to ABB (NASDAQ: ABBNY) as part of the construction preparation and strategy to secure long-lead items for the establishment of an all-electric 103,000-tpa graphite mining and concentrator complex at Matawinie, 120 kilometers north of Montréal, Canada.

Local and Indigenous businesses visited the Matawinie Mine site and met with NMG and Pomerleau representatives in preparation for construction. (Photo: Business Wire)

Local and Indigenous businesses visited the Matawinie Mine site and met with NMG and Pomerleau representatives in preparation for construction. (Photo: Business Wire)

Arne H Frandsen, Chair of NMG, declared: “The North American market is eagerly awaiting the start-up of our Phase-2 ore-to-active-anode-material operations to access a local and carbon-neutral alternative to China’s supply. With Canada having only mined 0.2% of the global natural graphite production last year – and the US 0% (US Geological Survey, January 2024) – Matawinie is set to be a gamechanger in today’s reshoring effort. We are pioneering a new era of mining here, in North America, supported by top-tier engineering and local partnerships, setting new standards in sustainability and community integration.”

Eric Desaulniers, Founder, President, and CEO of NMG, stated: “We are excited to move one step closer to building the mine of the future, powered by clean energy to responsibly extract and produce a critical mineral for global decarbonization. Our environmental stewardship and innovative mindset have been matched by the team at ABB, from the commencement of our electrification journey, to translate our vision into reality. Now, we have local and Indigenous businesses rallying to help us build the Matawinie Mine, what a great opportunity for shared value creation.”

Construction Readiness: Procurement, Engineering and Supply Chain Engagement

NMG has awarded ABB the contract to supply, construct and commission the 120kV substation for the Phase-2 Matawinie Mine. The site will be connected to the provincial hydropower network, enabling the access to clean energy to support mining activities and concentrator production of carbon-neutral graphite concentrate destined to the lithium-ion battery market. Through its collaboration with Caterpillar Inc., NMG is set to equip the Matawinie Mine with a zero-emission mining fleet and associated charging infrastructure, which would make it the world's first all-electric open-pit mine.

A recognized global leader in mine electrification, ABB will lead construction of the substation as the primary connection point between the mining site and Hydro-Québec’s hydropower line, enabling full electrification of the Matawinie Mine using renewable energy. NMG will benefit from robust technical expertise and dedicated resources overseeing engineering, supply, commissioning and start-up of the substation.

Moreover, detailed engineering continues to progress steadily with AtkinsRéalis and SRK, underpinning the advancement of long-lead items procurement packages. Also part of the integrated project team, Pomerleau is acting as pre-construction manager to support NMG with the construction sequence and logistics, budget revisions, procurement strategy, as well as health, safety and environment preparedness.

Pomerleau joined the Company’s leaders at a networking event at the Matawinie site this week to meet local and Indigenous businesses representatives. The event enabled NMG and Pomerleau to document the capacity, service offerings and availability of businesses in the region, while providing contractors with an opportunity to visit the site, meet the project team, inquire into safety and ESG requirements, and understand the construction procurement strategy.

Contribution to the Community’s Vitality

Originated from NMG’s stakeholder engagement and commitment to harmonious integration within the milieu, a four-season recreational center is being implemented adjacent to the Matawinie mining site. The non-for-profit organization leading the project development, espace nature Haute-Matawinie, has secured over $4.1 million in government funding and community investments, including a financial and in-kind contribution from NMG, to support the construction and launch of operations.

The center will offer recreational, sporting, educational and cultural activities accessible to the local community and visitors, thus contributing to the region's quality of life and economic development. It was conceived in collaboration with the community and local tourism stakeholders to enhance the region's recreational and tourism offering. Infrastructure will include a graphite interpretation center; 35 kilometers of trails for mountain biking, hiking, running, snowshoeing and fat biking; a 360° observation tower with views of the mine site and surrounding landscape; and service building. Initial work has already begun, with trail marking, trail construction and preparation of the parking lot.

Set to open in fall 2025, the center is expected to attract some 20,000 visitors and hire 9 people, offering long-term benefits to the region, beyond the life of mine. The center was part of NMG’s sustainable development pledge to the community and reflected in the parameters of its mining decree. Securing the financing for the construction of the center helps demonstrate to the community, the government, and key stakeholders, NMG’s commitment to a socially responsible operation that generates shared value.

Grant of stock options

NMG also announces the grant of 25,000 stock options to Mr. Stéphane Leblanc, the Company's new director, in accordance with the terms of the Company's stock option plan. Each option entitles the holder to purchase one common share of the Company at a price of $1.90 per share, with an expiry date of September 20, 2029.

About Nouveau Monde Graphite

Nouveau Monde Graphite is an integrated company developing responsible mining and advanced manufacturing operations to supply the global economy with carbon-neutral active anode material to power EV and renewable energy storage systems. The Company is developing a fully integrated ore-to-battery-material source of graphite-based active anode material in Québec, Canada. With enviable ESG standards and structuring partnerships with anchor customers, NMG is set to become a strategic supplier to the world’s leading lithium-ion battery and EV manufacturers, providing high-performing and reliable advanced materials while promoting sustainability and supply chain traceability.

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Cautionary Note

All statements, other than statements of historical fact, contained in this press release including, but not limited to those describing the future benefit from ABB's technical expertise, the projections about future operations, including reliance on hydroelectricity and becoming the world's first all-electric open-pit mine, the future engagement and potential economic benefits for the region, the implementation and integration of the four-season recreational center into the milieu, the future impact and success of the Matawinie Mine in reshoring efforts, the completion of the four-season recreational center adjacent to the Matawinie mining site, the services and impacts of the four-season recreational center, , and the intended results of the initiatives described in this press release and those statements which are discussed under the “About Nouveau Monde” paragraph and elsewhere in the press release which essentially describe the Company’s outlook and objectives, constitute “forward-looking information” or “forward-looking statements” (collectively, “forward-looking statements”) within the meaning of Canadian and United States securities laws, and are based on expectations, estimates and projections as of the time of this press release. Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by the Company as of the time of such statements, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies. These estimates and assumptions may prove to be incorrect. Moreover, these forward-looking statements were based upon various underlying factors and assumptions, including the current technological trends, the business relationship between the Company and its stakeholders, the ability to obtain sufficient financing for the development of the Matawinie Mine and the Bécancour Battery Material Plant, the Company’s ability to provide high-performing and reliable advanced materials while promoting sustainability and supply chain traceability, the consumers demand for components in lithium-ion batteries for EVs and energy storage solutions, the ability to operate in a safe and effective manner, the timely delivery and installation at estimated prices of the equipment supporting the production, assumed sale prices for graphite concentrate, the accuracy of any Mineral Resource estimates, future currency exchange rates and interest rates, political and regulatory stability, prices of commodity and production costs, the receipt of governmental, regulatory and third party approvals, licenses and permits on favorable terms, sustained labor stability, stability in financial and capital markets, availability of equipment and critical supplies, spare parts and consumables, the various tax assumptions, CAPEX and OPEX estimates, all economic and operational projections relating to the project, local infrastructures, the Company’s business prospects and opportunities and estimates of the operational performance of the equipment, and are not guarantees of future performance.

Forward-looking statements are subject to known or unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. Risk factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from current expectations include, among others, those risks, delays in the scheduled delivery times of the equipment, the ability of the Company to successfully implement its strategic initiatives and whether such strategic initiatives will yield the expected benefits, the availability of financing or financing on favorable terms for the Company, the dependence on commodity prices, the impact of inflation on costs, the risks of obtaining the necessary permits, the operating performance of the Company’s assets and businesses, competitive factors in the graphite mining and production industry, changes in laws and regulations affecting the Company’s businesses, including the changes in China’s policy regarding restrictions on Chinese graphite materials exportations, political and social acceptability risk, environmental regulation risk, currency and exchange rate risk, technological developments, and general economic conditions, as well as earnings, capital expenditure, cash flow and capital structure risks and general business risks. A further description of risks and uncertainties can be found in NMG’s Annual Information Form dated March 27, 2024, including in the section thereof captioned “Risk Factors”, which is available on SEDAR+ at and on EDGAR at Unpredictable or unknown factors not discussed in this Cautionary Note could also have material adverse effects on forward-looking statements.

Many of these uncertainties and contingencies can directly or indirectly affect, and could cause, actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Forward-looking statements are provided for the purpose of providing information about management’s expectations and plans relating to the future. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements or to explain any material difference between subsequent actual events and such forward-looking statements, except to the extent required by applicable law.

The market and industry data contained in this press release is based upon information from independent industry publications, market research, analyst reports and surveys and other publicly available sources. Although the Company believes these sources to be generally reliable, market and industry data is subject to interpretation and cannot be verified with complete certainty due to limits on the availability and reliability of raw data, the voluntary nature of the data-gathering process and other limitations and uncertainties inherent in any survey. The Company has not independently verified any of the data from third-party sources referred to in this press release and accordingly, the accuracy and completeness of such data is not guaranteed.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Further information regarding the Company is available in the SEDAR+ database (, and for United States readers on EDGAR (, and on the Company’s website at:


Julie Paquet

VP Communications & ESG Strategy

+1-450-757-8905 #140


Marc Jasmin

Director, Investor Relations

+1-450-757-8905 #993

Source: Nouveau Monde Graphite Inc.


What is the production capacity of NMG's Phase-2 Matawinie Mine?

The Phase-2 Matawinie Mine will have a 103,000-tpa (tonnes per annum) graphite mining and concentrator complex.

Who was awarded the electrical substation contract for NMG's Matawinie Mine?

ABB was awarded the contract to supply, construct, and commission the 120kV electrical substation for the Phase-2 Matawinie Mine.

How will NMG's Matawinie Mine be powered?

The Matawinie Mine will be powered by clean hydroelectricity, connected to the provincial hydropower network, enabling zero-emission operations.

What makes NMG's Matawinie Mine unique in terms of sustainability?

NMG's Matawinie Mine is set to become the world's first all-electric open-pit mine, featuring a zero-emission mining fleet in collaboration with Caterpillar Inc.

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