6 Numbers That Defined Our Year of Giving
NRG Energy highlighted six major charitable initiatives from 2024. The company launched Impact Awards honoring 15 employees, marked 20 years of Texas MS 150 participation with over $2.3 million raised historically and $70K in 2024, conducted 27 Earth Month volunteer events across 15 cities with 370 volunteers, invested $300K in HBCU scholarships, packed over one million meals during positiveNRG Impact Week, and pledged $2 million for Hurricane Beryl recovery. The company received recognition as one of TIME's World's Best Companies of 2024 and Forbes Best Employers for Diversity.
NRG Energy ha evidenziato sei importanti iniziative benefiche del 2024. L'azienda ha lanciato gli Impact Awards onorando 15 dipendenti, ha celebrato i 20 anni di partecipazione al Texas MS 150 con oltre 2,3 milioni di dollari raccolti storicamente e 70.000 dollari nel 2024, ha condotto 27 eventi di volontariato per il mese della Terra in 15 città con 370 volontari, ha investito 300.000 dollari in borse di studio per HBCU, ha confezionato oltre un milione di pasti durante la PositiveNRG Impact Week e ha promesso 2 milioni di dollari per il recupero dall'uragano Beryl. L'azienda è stata riconosciuta come una delle Migliori Aziende del Mondo del 2024 da TIME e come uno dei Migliori Datori di Lavoro per Diversità da Forbes.
NRG Energy destacó seis importantes iniciativas benéficas de 2024. La empresa lanzó los Impact Awards honrando a 15 empleados, celebró 20 años de participación en el Texas MS 150 con más de 2.3 millones de dólares recaudados históricamente y 70,000 dólares en 2024, realizó 27 eventos de voluntariado por el Mes de la Tierra en 15 ciudades con 370 voluntarios, invirtió 300,000 dólares en becas para HBCU, empacó más de un millón de comidas durante la PositiveNRG Impact Week y se comprometió a 2 millones de dólares para la recuperación del huracán Beryl. La empresa recibió el reconocimiento como una de las Mejores Empresas del Mundo de 2024 de TIME y como uno de los Mejores Empleadores para la Diversidad de Forbes.
NRG 에너지는 2024년의 여섯 가지 주요 자선 사업을 강조했습니다. 회사는 임팩트 어워드를 시작하여 15명의 직원을 기념하고, 텍사스 MS 150 참여 20주년을 기념하며 역사적으로 230만 달러 이상을 모금하고 2024년에는 7만 달러를 모금했으며, 15개 도시에서 27개의 지구의 달 자원봉사 행사를 진행하고 370명의 자원봉사자가 참여했으며, HBCU 장학금에 30만 달러를 투자하고, PositiveNRG Impact Week 동안 백만 끼 이상의 식사를 포장했으며, 허리케인 베릴 복구를 위해 200만 달러를 약속했습니다. 이 회사는 TIME의 2024년 세계 최고의 기업 중 하나로 및 포브스의 다양성을 위한 최고의 고용주로 인정받았습니다.
NRG Energy a mis en avant six grandes initiatives caritatives de 2024. L'entreprise a lancé les Impact Awards honorant 15 employés, a célébré 20 ans de participation au Texas MS 150 avec plus de 2,3 millions de dollars collectés historiquement et 70 000 dollars en 2024, a effectué 27 événements de bénévolat pour le mois de la Terre dans 15 villes avec 370 bénévoles, a investi 300 000 dollars dans des bourses pour HBCU, a emballé plus d'un million de repas pendant la PositiveNRG Impact Week et a promis 2 millions de dollars pour la récupération après l'ouragan Beryl. L'entreprise a été reconnue comme l'une des Meilleures Entreprises du Monde en 2024 par TIME et comme l'un des Meilleurs Employeurs pour la Diversité par Forbes.
NRG Energy hob sechs bedeutende karitative Initiativen aus dem Jahr 2024 hervor. Das Unternehmen startete die Impact Awards, um 15 Mitarbeiter zu ehren, feierte 20 Jahre Teilnahme am Texas MS 150 mit über 2,3 Millionen Dollar, die historisch gesammelt wurden, und 70.000 Dollar im Jahr 2024, führte 27 Umweltmonate-Volunteers Veranstaltungen in 15 Städten mit 370 Freiwilligen durch, investierte 300.000 Dollar in Stipendien für HBCUs, verpackte über eine Million Mahlzeiten während der PositiveNRG Impact Week und sagte 2 Millionen Dollar für die Wiederherstellung nach dem Hurrikan Beryl zu. Das Unternehmen erhielt Anerkennung als eines der Besten Unternehmen der Welt 2024 von TIME sowie als einer der besten Arbeitgeber für Vielfalt von Forbes.
- Raised over $70,000 in 2024 for MS research through Texas MS 150
- 96% increase in employee volunteer participation during Earth Month compared to 2023
- Received multiple prestigious recognitions including TIME's World's Best Companies 2024
- None.
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / December 23, 2024 / NRG Energy

Originally published on NRG Energy Insights
With a year filled with purpose and passion, NRG's efforts to make a positive difference reached new heights. Since it's impossible to share every story, we focused on six unique acts of giving to sum up this year. These remarkable moments not only highlight our commitment to supporting communities and driving change, but also reflect our mission and the dedication of our team. From packing meals, to fighting hunger, to impactful donations, each act captures the essence of NRG's mission to empower positive change. Here's a closer look at some of the milestones we hit this year together.
This year we launched the Impact Awards and 15 employees were honored for their meaningful contributions to our corporate culture and the communities we serve. These individuals exemplify the spirit of dedication and service that drives NRG forward, from innovative projects within the company to selfless community initiatives. This recognition celebrates their efforts and sets the standard for how we can continue to make a lasting positive impact. Learn more about our inaugural Impact Awards and the individuals who took part in driving positive change.
This year, NRG celebrated 20 years of participating in the Texas MS 150, coinciding with the event's 40th anniversary. Over the past two decades, NRG has collectively raised over
During Earth Month, NRG employees came together and hosted 27 volunteer events in 15 cities. With over 370 volunteers contributing nearly one thousand hours of service, this represents a
Since the scholarship's inception in 2022, NRG has invested
During our 17th annual positiveNRG Impact Week, employees across the United States and Canada packed over one million meals for individuals facing hunger. With help from Vivint Gives Back, packing nearly 300K of these meals, this effort showcased the collective power of teamwork and highlighted NRG's commitment to making a tangible impact and addressing critical needs in the communities where we live and work. Learn more about how we made a million meals matter during our positive NRG Impact Week.
After Hurricane Beryl made landfall in Texas, NRG pledged
As we wrap our 2024 season, we're proud to celebrate our amazing employees, whose hard work and dedication earned us significant recognition this year. We were named one of TIME's World's Best Companies of 2024, and one of Forbes Best Employers for Diversity in 2023 and 2024. We also received the AMA Houston Crystal Award for Corporate Citizenship and we were honored with the Greater Houston LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce Rising Star BRG Award. These achievements are a direct reflection of the commitment and impact our incredible team has in shaping the culture at NRG.
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View the original press release on accesswire.com
How much did NRG Energy pledge for Hurricane Beryl recovery in 2024?
How many meals did NRG pack during their 2024 positiveNRG Impact Week?
How much has NRG invested in their HBCU Excellence Scholarship Program since 2022?