Mercury Public Affairs announced a merger with Chicago-based Serafin & Associates, expanding its public affairs and strategic communications capabilities in the Midwest and nationwide. Serafin's founder, Thom Serafin, will join as co-Chair for Mercury in Illinois alongside former Congresswoman Cheri Bustos. The merger combines Serafin's four decades of experience in public affairs communications with Mercury's national presence across major U.S. cities. This strategic partnership aims to enhance Mercury's Chicago and Illinois operations while providing Serafin's clients with expanded national reach and resources.
Mercury Public Affairs ha annunciato una fusione con la società di Chicago Serafin & Associates, espandendo le sue capacità di affari pubblici e comunicazione strategica nel Midwest e a livello nazionale. Il fondatore di Serafin, Thom Serafin, entrerà come co-presidente di Mercury in Illinois insieme all'ex congressista Cheri Bustos. La fusione combina i quaranta anni di esperienza di Serafin nella comunicazione degli affari pubblici con la presenza nazionale di Mercury nelle principali città statunitensi. Questa partnership strategica mira a migliorare le operazioni di Mercury a Chicago e in Illinois, offrendo ai clienti di Serafin un ampliamento della portata e delle risorse nazionali.
Mercury Public Affairs anunció una fusión con la empresa con sede en Chicago Serafin & Associates, ampliando sus capacidades de asuntos públicos y comunicaciones estratégicas en el Medio Oeste y a nivel nacional. El fundador de Serafin, Thom Serafin, se unirá como co-presidente de Mercury en Illinois junto a la excongresista Cheri Bustos. La fusión combina los cuarenta años de experiencia de Serafin en comunicación de asuntos públicos con la presencia nacional de Mercury en las principales ciudades de EE. UU. Esta asociación estratégica tiene como objetivo mejorar las operaciones de Mercury en Chicago y en Illinois, al tiempo que ofrece a los clientes de Serafin un mayor alcance y recursos nacionales.
머큐리 공공 업무는 시카고에 본사를 둔 세라핀 & 어소시에이츠와의 합병을 발표하며, 중서부 및 전국적으로 공공 업무 및 전략적 커뮤니케이션 능력을 확장합니다. 세라핀의 설립자인 톰 세라핀은 전 하원의원 체리 부스토스와 함께 일리노이에서 머큐리의 공동 의장으로 합류할 예정입니다. 이번 합병은 세라핀의 40년 공공 업무 커뮤니케이션 경험과 미국 주요 도시에서의 머큐리의 전국적 존재를 결합합니다. 이 전략적 파트너십은 머큐리의 시카고와 일리노이 운영을 향상시키고 세라핀의 고객에게 확장된 국가적 도달 범위와 자원을 제공합니다.
Mercury Public Affairs a annoncé une fusion avec la société basée à Chicago Serafin & Associates, élargissant ses capacités en affaires publiques et en communications stratégiques dans le Midwest et à l'échelle nationale. Le fondateur de Serafin, Thom Serafin, rejoindra Mercury en Illinois en tant que co-président aux côtés de l'ancienne députée Cheri Bustos. La fusion combine les quarante années d'expérience de Serafin en communication des affaires publiques avec la présence nationale de Mercury dans les grandes villes américaines. Ce partenariat stratégique vise à améliorer les opérations de Mercury à Chicago et en Illinois tout en offrant aux clients de Serafin un accès national élargi et des ressources.
Mercury Public Affairs hat eine Fusion mit der in Chicago ansässigen Serafin & Associates angekündigt, um seine Fähigkeiten in den Bereichen öffentliche Angelegenheiten und strategische Kommunikation im Mittleren Westen und landesweit auszubauen. Serafins Gründer, Thom Serafin, wird gemeinsam mit der ehemaligen Kongressabgeordneten Cheri Bustos als Co-Vorsitzender für Mercury in Illinois auftreten. Die Fusion kombiniert Serafins vier Jahrzehnte Erfahrung in der Kommunikation öffentlicher Angelegenheiten mit Mercurys nationaler Präsenz in den wichtigsten US-Städten. Diese strategische Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, die Aktivitäten von Mercury in Chicago und Illinois zu verbessern und gleichzeitig Serafins Kunden einen erweiterten nationalen Einfluss und Ressourcen zu bieten.
- Strategic expansion into the Midwest market
- Addition of established 40-year industry veteran leadership
- Enhanced geographical coverage and service capabilities
- Strengthened political connections through bipartisan leadership
- None.
This merger between Mercury Public Affairs and Serafin & Associates, while expanding Mercury's Midwest presence, has minimal direct impact on Omnicom Group's (OMC) financial outlook. Mercury is just one of many subsidiaries within OMC's vast network of agencies. The strategic value lies in strengthening Mercury's public affairs capabilities in the Midwest, particularly Chicago, but the transaction size and revenue impact are likely immaterial to OMC's overall performance.
The deal enhances Mercury's competitive position in public affairs and strategic communications, potentially leading to new client opportunities. However, given OMC's
Partnership will Expand Public Affairs and Strategic Communications Capabilities in the Midwest and Nationally
Founded by former reporter and political strategist Thom Serafin, Serafin & Associates has been a prominent leader in public affairs communications for nearly four decades, serving political, public sector, nonprofit and corporate clients across
"This partnership provides strategic reach and resources throughout
With offices throughout the
The Serafin brand and can-do culture is well-known in
About Mercury
Mercury is a high-stakes, bipartisan public strategy firm. The firm provides a comprehensive suite of services that includes federal government relations, international affairs, digital influence, public opinion research, media strategy and a bipartisan grassroots mobilization network in all 50 states. The firm has more than 20 offices throughout the nation. Mercury is a part of the Omnicom Public Relations Group. Learn more at
About Omnicom PR Group (OPRG)
Omnicom PR Group (OPRG) is the largest global network of communications and consulting agencies in the world. It is home to three of the top global PR agencies FleishmanHillard, Ketchum, Porter Novelli and more than a dozen specialist agencies in corporate and public affairs, political consulting and advertising, language strategy, global health strategy and organizational transformation. OPRG is part of Omnicom (NYSE: OMC).
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