Progress and emt Distribution Celebrate 10th Anniversary of Successful Partnership
Progress (PRGS) and emt Distribution mark their 10-year partnership anniversary in providing cybersecurity solutions across the Middle East and Africa. The collaboration has supported hundreds of organizations in sectors including government, finance, oil and gas, and education.
According to Gartner, the Middle East region is expected to see a 15% annual growth in cybersecurity spending. Through this partnership, organizations gain access to Progress' Infrastructure Management and Digital Experience portfolios, including Flowmon, Kemp LoadMaster, WhatsUp Gold, Chef, and MOVEit solutions for network observability, load balancing, infrastructure monitoring, automation, and secure file transfer.
Progress (PRGS) e emt Distribution celebrano il 10° anniversario della loro partnership, fornendo soluzioni di cybersicurezza in tutto il Medio Oriente e l'Africa. La collaborazione ha supportato centinaia di organizzazioni in settori tra cui quello governativo, finanziario, petrolifero e educativo.
Secondo Gartner, si prevede che la regione del Medio Oriente registrerà una crescita annuale del 15% nella spesa per la cybersicurezza. Grazie a questa partnership, le organizzazioni hanno accesso ai portafogli di gestione delle infrastrutture e di esperienza digitale di Progress, tra cui le soluzioni Flowmon, Kemp LoadMaster, WhatsUp Gold, Chef e MOVEit per l'osservabilità della rete, il bilanciamento del carico, il monitoraggio delle infrastrutture, l'automazione e il trasferimento sicuro dei file.
Progress (PRGS) y emt Distribution celebran el décimo aniversario de su asociación en la provisión de soluciones de ciberseguridad en el Medio Oriente y África. La colaboración ha apoyado a cientos de organizaciones en sectores como el gobierno, las finanzas, el petróleo y el gas, y la educación.
Según Gartner, se espera que la región del Medio Oriente experimente un crecimiento anual del 15% en el gasto en ciberseguridad. A través de esta asociación, las organizaciones obtienen acceso a los portafolios de gestión de infraestructuras y experiencia digital de Progress, que incluyen soluciones como Flowmon, Kemp LoadMaster, WhatsUp Gold, Chef y MOVEit para la observación de redes, el balanceo de carga, la monitorización de infraestructuras, la automatización y la transferencia segura de archivos.
Progress (PRGS)와 emt Distribution이 중동과 아프리카 전역에 사이버 보안 솔루션을 제공하는 10주년 파트너십을 기념합니다. 이 협력은 정부, 금융, 석유 및 가스, 교육 등 여러 분야에서 수많은 조직을 지원했습니다.
가트너에 따르면, 중동 지역의 사이버 보안 지출은 연 15% 성장할 것으로 예상됩니다. 이 파트너십을 통해 조직들은 Progress의 인프라 관리 및 디지털 경험 포트폴리오에 접근할 수 있으며, 여기에는 네트워크 관찰, 로드 밸런싱, 인프라 모니터링, 자동화 및 안전한 파일 전송을 위한 Flowmon, Kemp LoadMaster, WhatsUp Gold, Chef, MOVEit 솔루션이 포함됩니다.
Progress (PRGS) et emt Distribution célèbrent leur dixième anniversaire de partenariat dans la fourniture de solutions de cybersécurité au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique. Cette collaboration a soutenu des centaines d'organisations dans des secteurs tels que le gouvernement, la finance, le pétrole et le gaz, ainsi que l'éducation.
Selon Gartner, on s'attend à ce que la région du Moyen-Orient connaisse une croissance annuelle de 15% en matière de dépenses en cybersécurité. Grâce à ce partenariat, les organisations ont accès aux portefeuilles de gestion des infrastructures et d'expérience numérique de Progress, comprenant des solutions telles que Flowmon, Kemp LoadMaster, WhatsUp Gold, Chef et MOVEit pour l'observabilité des réseaux, l'équilibrage de charge, la surveillance des infrastructures, l'automatisation et le transfert sécurisé de fichiers.
Progress (PRGS) und emt Distribution feiern ihr 10-jähriges Partnerschaftsjubiläum in der Bereitstellung von Cybersecurity-Lösungen im Nahen Osten und in Afrika. Die Zusammenarbeit hat Hunderte von Organisationen in Bereichen wie Regierung, Finanzen, Öl und Gas sowie Bildung unterstützt.
Laut Gartner wird in der Region Naher Osten mit einem jährlichen Wachstum von 15% bei den Ausgaben für Cybersecurity gerechnet. Durch diese Partnerschaft erhalten Organisationen Zugang zu den Portfolios von Progress im Bereich Infrastrukturmanagement und digitale Erfahrung, einschließlich der Lösungen Flowmon, Kemp LoadMaster, WhatsUp Gold, Chef und MOVEit für Netzwerkbeobachtung, Lastenausgleich, Infrastrukturüberwachung, Automatisierung und sichere Dateiübertragung.
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Enduring partnership highlights both companies’ dedication to providing cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions for customers throughout the Middle East
BURLINGTON, Mass., Nov. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS), the trusted provider of AI-powered infrastructure software, today announced 10 years of partnership with emt Distribution—a leading cybersecurity distributor in the Middle East and Africa. Together, they have empowered hundreds of organizations across the region, spanning sectors such as government, finance, oil and gas and education, to strengthen their security and IT infrastructure.
“emt Distribution’s deep understanding of the Middle East market and their customer-centric approach resonate with our own values, forming the bedrock of our successful partnership,” stated Phil Dunlop, Vice President of Channels & Alliances, Progress. “We eagerly anticipate further collaboration, empowering customers to enhance their infrastructure management, especially in an era of escalating threats where downtime translates to financial losses and reputational damage.”
According to a recent forecast by Gartner, the Middle East region is projected to experience a
Through the partnership between Progress and emt Distribution, organizations gain access to products within the Progress Infrastructure Management and Digital Experience portfolios, including:
- Progress® Flowmon®: Network observability platform with AI-powered detection for cyberthreats, anomalies and fast access to actionable insights for greater network and application performance across hybrid cloud ecosystems.
- Progress® Kemp® LoadMaster®: Reliable, scalable application load balancing with layered security, available as virtual, hardware and cloud-native, with powerful SaaS management.
- Progress® WhatsUp® Gold: IT infrastructure monitoring software providing visibility into network devices, servers, virtual machines, cloud and wireless environments to quickly find and fix network problems before users are impacted.
- Progress® Chef®: Automation software for continuous compliance and delivery of critical applications and infrastructure.
- Progress® MOVEit®: Managed file transfer and automation software that helps customers secure sensitive files at rest and in transit, promotes reliable business processes and supports compliance with data security requirements.
“Progress’ continued foray into technology in the Middle East and Africa and worldwide has inspired us to focus on yearly growth in the region. Their customer-first approach and stable technology advancement year-on-year has ensured a great partnership for mutual growth not just in product adoption but in partner management, brand awareness and regional custom offerings,” said Nandini Sapru, Vice President, emt Distribution. “We are excited to enter the second decade of our partnership where we expect many more chances to grow and build regional offerings within the infrastructure management and cyber security space.”
About Progress
Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) empowers organizations to achieve transformational success in the face of disruptive change. Our software enables our customers to develop, deploy and manage responsible AI-powered applications and experiences with agility and ease. Customers get a trusted provider in Progress, with the products, expertise and vision they need to succeed. Over 4 million developers and technologists at hundreds of thousands of enterprises depend on Progress. Learn more at
Progress, Flowmon, LoadMaster, WhatsUp Gold, Chef and MOVEit are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Any other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.
Press Contacts:
Kim Baker

What growth rate is projected for cybersecurity spending in the Middle East according to the Progress (PRGS) announcement?
What key products are offered through the Progress (PRGS) and emt Distribution partnership?
Which industry sectors have benefited from the Progress (PRGS) and emt Distribution partnership?