RCP Advisors Recognized by Pensions & Investments’ Best Places to Work in Money Management and Chicago’s The Best and Brightest Companies to Work For®
RCP Advisors, a private equity investment firm focused on North American small buyout fund managers, has received two prestigious workplace recognitions in 2024. The firm was named in Pensions & Investments' Best Places to Work in Money Management awards, marking the 13th annual survey of top employers in money management. Additionally, RCP Advisors earned recognition from Chicago's Best and Brightest Companies to Work For®.
The firm's success in attracting and retaining talent is attributed to its strategic talent management, employee engagement initiatives, and entrepreneurial culture. The Best and Brightest Companies assessment evaluated various aspects including employee enrichment, engagement, retention, development, and corporate responsibility.
RCP Advisors, un'azienda di private equity che si concentra sui gestori di fondi di buyout per piccole imprese nordamericane, ha ricevuto due prestigiosi riconoscimenti sul posto di lavoro nel 2024. L'azienda è stata inclusa nei premi Pensions & Investments' Best Places to Work in Money Management, marchiando il 13° sondaggio annuale sui migliori datori di lavoro nella gestione del denaro. Inoltre, RCP Advisors ha ricevuto un riconoscimento da Chicago's Best and Brightest Companies to Work For®.
Il successo dell'azienda nell'attrarre e trattenere talenti è attribuito alla sua gestione strategica dei talenti, alle iniziative di coinvolgimento dei dipendenti e alla cultura imprenditoriale. La valutazione delle Best and Brightest Companies ha esaminato vari aspetti tra cui arricchimento dei dipendenti, coinvolgimento, retention, sviluppo e responsabilità sociale d'impresa.
RCP Advisors, una firma de inversión de capital privado centrada en los gestores de fondos de pequeñas adquisiciones en América del Norte, ha recibido dos prestigiosos reconocimientos laborales en 2024. La firma fue mencionada en los premios Pensions & Investments' Best Places to Work in Money Management, marcando la 13ª encuesta anual sobre los mejores empleadores en la gestión de dinero. Además, RCP Advisors obtuvo reconocimiento de Chicago's Best and Brightest Companies to Work For®.
El éxito de la firma en atraer y retener talento se atribuye a su gestión estratégica del talento, iniciativas de compromiso de los empleados y una cultura empresarial emprendedora. La evaluación de las Best and Brightest Companies evaluó varios aspectos, incluyendo el enriquecimiento de empleados, compromiso, retención, desarrollo y responsabilidad corporativa.
RCP Advisors, 북미의 소규모 인수합병 펀드 매니저에 집중하는 사모펀드 투자 회사, 2024년에 두 개의 권위 있는 직장 인정을 받았습니다. 이 회사는 Pensions & Investments' Best Places to Work in Money Management에서 선정되어 금융 관리 분야 최고의 고용주에 대한 13번째 연례 설문조사에 이름을 올렸습니다. 추가로, RCP Advisors는 시카고의 가장 뛰어난 기업들®에서 인정받았습니다.
인재를 유치하고 유지하는 데 있어 회사의 성공은 전략적 인재 관리, 직원 참여 이니셔티브 및 기업가 정신 문화에 기인합니다. 최고의 기업 평가에서는 직원의 발전, 참여, 이직률, 개발 및 기업의 사회적 책임 등을 포괄적으로 평가했습니다.
RCP Advisors, une société de capital-investissement axée sur les gestionnaires de fonds de rachat de petites entreprises en Amérique du Nord, a reçu deux distinctions professionnelles prestigieuses en 2024. La société a été mentionnée dans les prix Pensions & Investments' Best Places to Work in Money Management, marquant la 13e enquête annuelle sur les meilleurs employeurs dans la gestion d'argent. De plus, RCP Advisors a été reconnue par les meilleures et les plus brillantes entreprises de Chicago®.
Le succès de la société dans l'attraction et la rétention des talents est attribué à sa gestion stratégique des talents, à ses initiatives d'engagement des employés et à sa culture entrepreneuriale. L'évaluation des meilleures et des plus brillantes entreprises a évalué divers aspects tels que l'enrichissement des employés, l'engagement, la rétention, le développement et la responsabilité d'entreprise.
RCP Advisors, eine Private-Equity-Investmentgesellschaft, die sich auf nordamerikanische Small-Buyout-Fondsmanager konzentriert, hat 2024 zwei angesehene Arbeitsplatzauszeichnungen erhalten. Das Unternehmen wurde bei den Pensions & Investments' Best Places to Work in Money Management ausgezeichnet, was die 13. jährliche Umfrage zu den besten Arbeitgebern im Bereich Vermögensverwaltung markiert. Darüber hinaus erhielt RCP Advisors eine Auszeichnung von Chicago's Best and Brightest Companies to Work For®.
Der Erfolg des Unternehmens bei der Anwerbung und Bindung von Talenten wird seiner strategischen Talentverwaltung, den Initiativen zur Mitarbeiterengagement und der unternehmerischen Kultur zugeschrieben. Die Bewertung der besten und hellsten Unternehmen bewertete verschiedene Aspekte einschließlich Mitarbeiterförderung, Engagement, Bindung, Entwicklung und unternehmerische Verantwortung.
- None.
- None.
CHICAGO, Dec. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RCP Advisors, a private equity investment firm that provides access to North American small buyout fund managers through primary funds, secondary funds, and co-investment funds, is pleased to share that it was recognized in the 2024 Best Places to Work in Money Management awards announced by Pensions & Investments. The 13th annual survey and recognition program is dedicated to identifying and recognizing the best employers in the money management industry. “We are honored by this recognition. Through strategic talent management, proactive employee engagement, and innovative solutions, RCP Advisors is actively creating an environment where every person can thrive and contribute to the success of the firm,” said Katie Tarpey, Head of Human Resources.
Additionally, RCP Advisors was recognized by Chicago’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For®. Conducted by the National Association for Business Resources, the program assesses companies’ business acuteness and human resource practices based on the review of key measures, including employee enrichment, engagement, and retention; employee education and development; and community initiatives and corporate responsibility, among many others. “We have always been proud of our ability to attract and retain top talent—many of our employees have chosen to make RCP Advisors their long-term home. Our entrepreneurial culture and the opportunities we provide are key to what makes RCP Advisors a great place to build a career. We're grateful to be recognized as a best place to work.” said Jon Madorsky, Managing Partner.
Founded in 2001, RCP Advisors, a subsidiary of P10, Inc. (NYSE: PX), is a private equity investment firm that provides access to North American small buyout fund managers through primary funds, secondary funds, and co-investment funds, as well as customized solutions and research services. RCP believes it is one of the largest fund sponsors focused on this niche, with approximately
Disclosure: These recognitions included participation fees.
*“Committed capital” primarily reflects the capital commitments associated with our SMAs, focused commingled funds, and advisory accounts advised by RCP since the firm’s inception in 2001 (including funds that have since been sold, dissolved, or wound down and certain historical advisory accounts for which RCP’s advisory contracts have expired). We include capital commitments in our calculation of committed capital if (a) we have full discretion over the investment decisions in an account or have responsibility or custody of assets or (b) we do not have full discretion to make investment decisions but play a role in advising the client on asset allocation, performing investment manager due diligence and recommending investments for the client’s portfolio and/or monitoring and reporting on their investments. For our discretionary SMAs and commingled funds, as well as for our non-discretionary advisory accounts for which RCP is responsible for advising on all investments within the client’s portfolio, committed capital is calculated based on aggregate capital commitments to such accounts. For non-discretionary accounts where RCP is responsible for advising only a portion of the client portfolio investments, committed capital is calculated as capital commitments by the client to those underlying investments which were made based on RCP’s recommendation or with respect to which RCP advises the client. Committed capital does not include (i) certain historical non-discretionary advisory accounts no longer under advisement by RCP, (ii) assets managed or advised by the Private Capital Unit or HB Units of RCP 2, (iii) capital commitments to funds managed or sponsored by RCP’s affiliated (but independently operated) management companies, and (iv) RCP’s ancillary products or services.

What workplace awards did RCP Advisors receive in 2024?
What criteria were evaluated for the Best and Brightest Companies award?
What is RCP Advisors' main business focus?