Quantum eMotion Secures Key Patent in India, Bolstering Global Intellectual Property Portfolio

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Quantum eMotion Corp. (TSXV: QNC) (OTCQB: QNCCF) has secured a key patent in India for its first-generation quantum random number generation technology based on quantum tunneling. The patent, valid for 20 years, strengthens QeM's global intellectual property portfolio. CEO Francis Bellido emphasized the significance of this achievement, given India's substantial investment in quantum technologies and leadership in quantum communications.

QeM's robust patent portfolio includes five patent families spanning multiple countries:

  • 1st Generation: Quantum Tunneling for Random Number Generation
  • 2nd Generation: Pure Quantum Signal Extraction
  • 3rd Generation: Utilizing Consumer Electronics
  • 4th Generation: Cost-efficient Key Generation for Blockchain
  • 5th Generation: Advanced Hardware Wallet for Cryptocurrency

The company continues to innovate and develop new patent applications through collaborations with universities and ongoing research efforts.

Quantum eMotion Corp. (TSXV: QNC) (OTCQB: QNCCF) ha ottenuto un importante brevetto in India per la sua tecnologia di generazione di numeri casuali quantistici di prima generazione basata sul tunneling quantistico. Il brevetto, valido per 20 anni, rafforza il portafoglio di proprietà intellettuale globale di QeM. Il CEO Francis Bellido ha sottolineato l'importanza di questo traguardo, considerando i consistenti investimenti dell'India nelle tecnologie quantistiche e il suo ruolo di leader nelle comunicazioni quantistiche.

Il robusto portafoglio di brevetti di QeM include cinque famiglie di brevetti che coprono più paesi:

  • 1ª Generazione: Tunneling Quantistico per la Generazione di Numeri Casuali
  • 2ª Generazione: Estrazione di Segnali Quantistici Puri
  • 3ª Generazione: Utilizzo di Elettronica di Consumo
  • 4ª Generazione: Generazione di Chiavi Economica per Blockchain
  • 5ª Generazione: Wallet Hardware Avanzato per Criptovalute

L'azienda continua a innovare e sviluppare nuove domande di brevetto attraverso collaborazioni con università e sforzi di ricerca in corso.

Quantum eMotion Corp. (TSXV: QNC) (OTCQB: QNCCF) ha asegurado una patente clave en India para su tecnología de generación de números aleatorios cuánticos de primera generación basada en el túnel cuántico. La patente, válida por 20 años, fortalece el portafolio de propiedad intelectual global de QeM. El CEO Francis Bellido enfatizó la importancia de este logro, dada la significativa inversión de India en tecnologías cuánticas y su liderazgo en comunicaciones cuánticas.

El sólido portafolio de patentes de QeM incluye cinco familias de patentes que abarcan múltiples países:

  • 1ª Generación: Túnel Cuántico para la Generación de Números Aleatorios
  • 2ª Generación: Extracción de Señales Cuánticas Puras
  • 3ª Generación: Uso de Electrónica de Consumo
  • 4ª Generación: Generación de Claves Económica para Blockchain
  • 5ª Generación: Monedero de Hardware Avanzado para Criptomonedas

La empresa sigue innovando y desarrollando nuevas solicitudes de patentes a través de colaboraciones con universidades y esfuerzos de investigación en curso.

Quantum eMotion Corp. (TSXV: QNC) (OTCQB: QNCCF) 는 양자 터널링 기반의 최초의 양자 난수 생성 기술에 대한 주요 특허를 인도에서 확보했습니다. 20년 유효한 이 특허는 QeM의 글로벌 지식 재산 포트폴리오를 강화합니다. CEO Francis Bellido는 인도의 양자 기술에 대한 막대한 투자와 양자 통신 분야에서의 리더십을 고려했을 때 이 성과의 중요성을 강조했습니다.

QeM의 견고한 특허 포트폴리오는 여러 국가에 걸쳐 있는 다섯 개의 특허 패밀리를 포함합니다:

  • 1세대: 난수 생성을 위한 양자 터널링
  • 2세대: 순수 양자 신호 추출
  • 3세대: 소비자 전자기기 활용
  • 4세대: 블록체인을 위한 비용 효율적인 키 생성
  • 5세대: 암호화폐를 위한 고급 하드웨어 지갑

회사는 대학과의 협력 및 지속적인 연구 노력을 통해 혁신과 새로운 특허 신청 개발을 계속하고 있습니다.

Quantum eMotion Corp. (TSXV: QNC) (OTCQB: QNCCF) a obtenu un brevet clé en Inde pour sa technologie de génération de nombres aléatoires quantiques de première génération basée sur le tunnel quantique. Le brevet, valable 20 ans, renforce le portefeuille de propriété intellectuelle mondiale de QeM. Le PDG Francis Bellido a souligné l'importance de cette réalisation, compte tenu de l'investissement substantiel de l'Inde dans les technologies quantiques et de son leadership en communications quantiques.

Le solide portefeuille de brevets de QeM comprend cinq familles de brevets couvrant plusieurs pays :

  • 1ère Génération : Tunnel Quantique pour la Génération de Nombres Aléatoires
  • 2ème Génération : Extraction de Signaux Quantiques Purs
  • 3ème Génération : Utilisation de l'Électronique Grand Public
  • 4ème Génération : Génération de Clés Économique pour Blockchain
  • 5ème Génération : Portefeuille Matériel Avancé pour Cryptomonnaies

L'entreprise continue d'innover et de développer de nouvelles demandes de brevet grâce à des collaborations avec des universités et des efforts de recherche en cours.

Quantum eMotion Corp. (TSXV: QNC) (OTCQB: QNCCF) hat sich ein wichtiges Patent in Indien für seine erste Generation der quantenrandomisierte Zahlengenerierungstechnologie auf Basis des quantenmechanischen Tunnelns gesichert. Das Patent, das 20 Jahre gültig ist, stärkt das globale Portfolio geistigen Eigentums von QeM. CEO Francis Bellido betonte die Bedeutung dieses Erfolgs, angesichts von Indiens erheblichem Investment in Quantentechnologien und ihrer Führungsrolle in der quantenmechanischen Kommunikation.

Das robuste Patentportfolio von QeM umfasst fünf Patentfamilien, die mehrere Länder abdecken:

  • 1. Generation: Quanten-Tunneln zur Generierung von Zufallszahlen
  • 2. Generation: Reine quantenmechanische Signalextraktion
  • 3. Generation: Nutzung von Unterhaltungselektronik
  • 4. Generation: Kosteneffiziente Schlüsselerzeugung für Blockchain
  • 5. Generation: Fortgeschrittener Hardware-Wallet für Kryptowährungen

Das Unternehmen setzt weiterhin auf Innovation und Entwicklung neuer Patentanträge durch Kooperationen mit Universitäten und fortlaufende Forschungsarbeiten.

  • Secured a key patent in India for quantum random number generation technology
  • Robust patent portfolio covering five generations of technology across multiple countries
  • Potential for increased market presence in India's growing quantum technology sector
  • None.

Montreal, Quebec--(Newsfile Corp. - August 7, 2024) - Quantum eMotion Corp. (TSXV: QNC) (OTCQB: QNCCF) ("QeM" or the "Company") proudly announces the issuance of its first-generation patent for quantum random number generation based on quantum tunneling in India.

The Indian Patent Office has granted patent number 202047029523, titled "Method and System for Generating a Random Bit Sample," for 20 years from the date of deposit. This significant milestone underscores QeM's commitment to innovation and strengthens its intellectual property portfolio.

Francis Bellido, QeM's CEO, stated, "India's substantial investment in quantum technologies and its leadership in quantum communications make this patent grant particularly significant. As a significant player in cybersecurity, India's recognition of our unique claim is a crucial business milestone and a significant step towards global acknowledgment of our foundational intellectual property."

Recognizing the critical role of patents as key value drivers, Quantum eMotion has developed a robust portfolio comprising five patent families and trade secrets, spanning multiple countries:

1st Generation Technology: Quantum Tunneling for Random Number Generation

This revolutionary technology, which serves as the foundation of Quantum eMotion, is protected by numerous patents, including those granted in the United States, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Spain, Finland, France, Great Britain, Italy, South Korea, the Netherlands, Russia, India and Sweden. The patent application remains pending in Thailand. This technology utilizes the quantum tunneling effect to produce truly random numbers, ensuring a high level of confidence in its strength.

2nd Generation Technology: Pure Quantum Signal Extraction

The second-generation technology synergizes with the first by extracting a purely quantum signal from classical noise generated by electronics. This ensures the integrity of the quantum randomness. Patents for this technology have been granted in the United States, Australia, Germany, Spain, Finland, France, Great Britain, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Russia, India, and Sweden. Applications are pending in Brazil, Canada, China, South Korea, and Thailand.

3rd Generation Technology: Utilizing Consumer Electronics

Harnessing the affordability and availability of consumer electronics, the third-generation technology democratizes quantum number generation. Applications are pending in various countries under the PCT application process.

4th Generation Technology: Cost-efficient Key Generation for Blockchain

This technology reduces computing costs for key generation in blockchain wallets by selecting key generation schemes based on cost values. Applications are pending worldwide under the Patent Cooperation Treaty.

5th Generation Technology: Advanced Hardware Wallet for Cryptocurrency

Focused on the cryptocurrency industry, this technology integrates QeM's core technologies, including QRNG and intelligent key generation schemes, into a competitive hardware wallet. This innovation will be protected through a combination of patent applications and industrial secrets.

Future Innovations

Quantum eMotion continues to advance its technology through collaborations with universities and ongoing development efforts. New patent applications are in preparation and will be unveiled soon.

About QeM

The Company's mission is to address the growing demand for affordable hardware and software security for connected devices. QeM has become a pioneering force in classical and quantum cybersecurity solutions thanks to its patented Quantum Random Number Generator, a security solution that exploits the built-in unpredictability of quantum mechanics and promises to provide enhanced protection for high-value assets and critical systems.

The Company intends to target highly valued Financial Services, Healthcare, Blockchain Applications, Cloud-Based IT Security Infrastructure, Classified Government Networks and Communication Systems, Secure Device Keying (IOT, Automotive, Consumer Electronics) and Quantum Cryptography.

For further information, please visit our website at or contact:

Francis Bellido, Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 514.956.2525

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This press release may contain forward-looking statements that are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to vary materially from targeted results. Such risks and uncertainties include those described in the Corporation's periodic reports including the annual report or in the filings made by Quantum from time to time with securities regulatory authorities.

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What patent did Quantum eMotion (QNCCF) receive in India?

Quantum eMotion received patent number 202047029523, titled 'Method and System for Generating a Random Bit Sample,' for its first-generation quantum random number generation technology based on quantum tunneling.

How long is Quantum eMotion's (QNCCF) new Indian patent valid?

The patent granted to Quantum eMotion in India is valid for 20 years from the date of deposit.

What are the five generations of technology in Quantum eMotion's (QNCCF) patent portfolio?

Quantum eMotion's patent portfolio covers: 1) Quantum Tunneling for Random Number Generation, 2) Pure Quantum Signal Extraction, 3) Utilizing Consumer Electronics, 4) Cost-efficient Key Generation for Blockchain, and 5) Advanced Hardware Wallet for Cryptocurrency.

In which countries does Quantum eMotion (QNCCF) hold patents for its first-generation technology?

Quantum eMotion holds patents for its first-generation technology in the United States, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Spain, Finland, France, Great Britain, Italy, South Korea, the Netherlands, Russia, India, and Sweden.



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