Redfin Reports Housing Affordability Didn’t Worsen in 2024—The First Time in Four Years That Has Happened

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Redfin's latest report indicates that housing affordability in 2024 did not worsen for the first time in four years. However, the cost of buying a home remains high. A household earning the median US income of $83,782 would need to spend 41.8% of their earnings on the median-priced home at $429,734, down slightly from 42.2% in 2023 but still above the ideal 30% threshold.

Homebuyers need an income of $116,782 to afford the median-priced home, which is significantly higher than the median household income. The median monthly housing payment reached a record $2,920, up 4.3% from 2023 and 86% from 2019. Wage growth of around 4% year-over-year contributed to a slight improvement in affordability.

Texas metros like Austin, San Antonio, Dallas, and Fort Worth saw the most significant improvements in affordability, while Anaheim and Chicago experienced the steepest declines. California metros remain the least affordable, with Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Anaheim topping the list. In contrast, Rust Belt metros like Pittsburgh and Detroit are among the most affordable.

Despite the slight improvement, Redfin's Senior Economist Elijah de la Campa notes that buying a home remains out of reach for many Americans, with prices expected to rise in 2025 due to low inventory.

Il rapporto più recente di Redfin indica che l'accessibilità alla casa nel 2024 non è peggiorata per la prima volta in quattro anni. Tuttavia, il costo per acquistare una casa rimane elevato. Un nucleo familiare che guadagna il reddito medio statunitense di $83,782 dovrebbe spendere il 41.8% dei propri guadagni per la casa a prezzo medio di $429,734, leggermente in calo rispetto al 42.2% del 2023, ma ancora sopra la soglia ideale del 30%.

Gli acquirenti di case necessitano di un reddito di $116,782 per permettersi la casa a prezzo medio, che è significativamente superiore al reddito medio delle famiglie. Il pagamento mensile medio per l'abitazione ha raggiunto un record di $2,920, in aumento del 4.3% rispetto al 2023 e dell'86% rispetto al 2019. Una crescita salariale di circa il 4% anno su anno ha contribuito a un leggero miglioramento dell'accessibilità.

I mercati di Texas come Austin, San Antonio, Dallas e Fort Worth hanno visto i miglioramenti più significativi in termini di accessibilità, mentre Anaheim e Chicago hanno registrato i cali più ripidi. I mercati della California rimangono i meno accessibili, con Los Angeles, San Francisco e Anaheim che occupano le posizioni di vertice nella lista. Al contrario, i mercati della Rust Belt come Pittsburgh e Detroit sono tra i più accessibili.

Nonostante il leggero miglioramento, il Senior Economist di Redfin, Elijah de la Campa, nota che acquistare una casa rimane fuori portata per molti americani, con i prezzi previsti in aumento nel 2025 a causa della bassa disponibilità.

El último informe de Redfin indica que la asequibilidad de la vivienda en 2024 no empeoró por primera vez en cuatro años. Sin embargo, el costo de comprar una casa sigue siendo alto. Un hogar que gana el ingreso medio de EE. UU. de $83,782 necesitaría gastar el 41.8% de sus ingresos en la casa de precio medio de $429,734, una ligera disminución del 42.2% en 2023, pero aún por encima del umbral ideal del 30%.

Los compradores de vivienda necesitan un ingreso de $116,782 para poder comprar la casa de precio medio, lo que es significativamente más alto que el ingreso medio de los hogares. El pago mensual medio de vivienda alcanzó un récord de $2,920, un aumento del 4.3% con respecto a 2023 y del 86% con respecto a 2019. Un crecimiento salarial de alrededor del 4% interanual contribuyó a una ligera mejora en la asequibilidad.

Las áreas metropolitanas de Texas como Austin, San Antonio, Dallas y Fort Worth vieron las mejoras más significativas en la asequibilidad, mientras que Anaheim y Chicago experimentaron las mayores caídas. Las áreas metropolitanas de California siguen siendo las menos asequibles, con Los Ángeles, San Francisco y Anaheim encabezando la lista. En contraste, las áreas metropolitanas de Rust Belt como Pittsburgh y Detroit están entre las más asequibles.

A pesar de la ligera mejora, Elijah de la Campa, economista senior de Redfin, observa que comprar una casa sigue estando fuera del alcance de muchos estadounidenses, y se espera que los precios aumenten en 2025 debido a la baja disponibilidad.

레드핀의 최신 보고서는 2024년 주택의 소득 대비 가격 부담이 4년 만에 처음으로 악화되지 않았음을 나타냅니다. 하지만 주택 구매 비용은 여전히 높습니다. 미국의 평균 소득인 $83,782를 버는 가구는 평균 주택 가격인 $429,734를 사기 위해 소득의 41.8%를 지출해야 하며, 이는 2023년의 42.2%에서 약간 줄어든 수치지만 여전히 이상적인 30% 기준을 초과합니다.

주택 구매자는 평균 가격의 주택을 구매하기 위해 $116,782의 소득이 필요하며, 이는 평균 가구 소득보다 상당히 높습니다. 월 평균 주택 지불액은 $2,920로 기록적인 수치를 경신했으며, 이는 2023년 대비 4.3%, 2019년 대비 86% 상승한 수치입니다. 연간 약 4%의 임금 증가가 소득 부담의 약간의 개선에 기여했습니다.

텍사스의 대도시 지역인 오스틴, 샌안토니오, 댈러스, 포트워스는 소득 부담 개선이 가장 두드러졌으며, 한편 애너하임과 시카고는 가장 급격한 하락을 경험했습니다. 캘리포니아 대도시는 여전히 가장 비쌉니다. 로스앤젤레스, 샌프란시스코, 애너하임이 순위를 차지하고 있습니다. 반면, 러스트벨트 대도시인 피츠버그와 디트로이트는 가장 저렴한 지역 중 하나입니다.

소폭의 개선에도 불구하고, 레드핀의 수석 경제학자인 엘리야 드 라 캄파는 주택 구매가 여전히 많은 미국인들에게는 접근이 어렵다고 언급하며, 2025년에는 낮은 재고로 인해 가격이 상승할 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.

Le dernier rapport de Redfin indique que l'accessibilité aux logements en 2024 ne s'est pas détériorée pour la première fois en quatre ans. Cependant, le coût d'achat d'une maison reste élevé. Un ménage gagnant le revenu médian aux États-Unis de $83,782 devrait dépenser 41,8 % de ses revenus pour la maison au prix médian de $429,734, en légère baisse par rapport à 42,2 % en 2023, mais toujours au-dessus du seuil idéal de 30 %.

Les acheteurs de maisons ont besoin d'un revenu de $116,782 pour se permettre la maison au prix médian, ce qui est nettement supérieur au revenu médian des ménages. Le paiement mensuel moyen pour le logement a atteint un record de $2,920, en hausse de 4,3 % par rapport à 2023 et de 86 % par rapport à 2019. Une croissance de salaire d'environ 4 % d'une année sur l'autre a contribué à une légère amélioration de l'accessibilité.

Les zones métropolitaines du Texas comme Austin, San Antonio, Dallas et Fort Worth ont connu les améliorations les plus significatives en matière d'accessibilité, tandis qu'Anheim et Chicago ont enregistré les plus fortes baisses. Les zones métropolitaines de Californie restent les moins accessibles, Los Angeles, San Francisco et Anaheim occupant les premières places. En revanche, les métropoles de la Rust Belt comme Pittsburgh et Detroit sont parmi les plus accessibles.

Malgré cette légère amélioration, l'économiste senior de Redfin, Elijah de la Campa, note que l'achat d'une maison reste inaccessible pour de nombreux Américains, les prix devant augmenter en 2025 en raison d'une faible disponibilité.

Der neueste Bericht von Redfin zeigt, dass die Wohnungsbezogene Erschwinglichkeit im Jahr 2024 erstmals in vier Jahren nicht verschlechtert ist. Dennoch bleibt der Kaufpreis für ein Haus hoch. Ein Haushalt, der das durchschnittliche Einkommen in den USA von $83,782 erzielt, müsste 41,8 % seines Einkommens für ein Haus mit einem Medianpreis von $429,734 ausgeben, was einen leichten Rückgang gegenüber 42,2 % im Jahr 2023 darstellt, aber immer noch über der idealen Schwelle von 30 % liegt.

Für den Erwerb eines Medianpreishauses benötigt man ein Einkommen von $116,782, was erheblich höher ist als das durchschnittliche Haushaltseinkommen. Die monatliche Wohnlast erreichte einen Rekordwert von $2,920, was einem Anstieg von 4,3 % gegenüber 2023 und 86 % gegenüber 2019 entspricht. Ein Lohnwachstum von etwa 4 % im Jahresvergleich trug zu einer leichten Verbesserung der Erschwinglichkeit bei.

In texanischen Großstädten wie Austin, San Antonio, Dallas und Fort Worth wurden die bedeutendsten Verbesserungen hinsichtlich der Erschwinglichkeit festgestellt, während Anaheim und Chicago die stärksten Rückgänge erlebt haben. Die Metropolregionen in Kalifornien sind nach wie vor die am wenigsten erschwinglichen, wobei Los Angeles, San Francisco und Anaheim an der Spitze stehen. Im Vergleich dazu sind die Metropolregionen des Rust Belt, wie Pittsburgh und Detroit, unter den erschwinglichsten.

Trotz der leichten Verbesserung stellt Redfins leitender Ökonom Elijah de la Campa fest, dass der Kauf eines Hauses für viele Amerikaner weiterhin außerhalb ihrer Reichweite bleibt, wobei für 2025 Preiserhöhungen aufgrund des niedrigen Bestands erwartet werden.

  • Slight improvement in housing affordability from 42.2% in 2023 to 41.8% in 2024.
  • Wage growth outpaced the increase in monthly housing payments.
  • Texas metros like Austin and San Antonio saw significant improvements in affordability.
  • Homebuyers need an income of $116,782 to afford the median-priced home, significantly higher than the median household income.
  • Median monthly housing payment hit a record $2,920, up 4.3% from 2023 and 86% from 2019.
  • California metros remain the least affordable, with costs far exceeding the 30% earnings threshold.


The stabilization in housing affordability marks a important inflection point after years of deterioration. The $429,734 median home price coupled with a 6.72% average mortgage rate reveals a market that remains significantly stretched, with the typical household spending 41.8% of income on housing versus the recommended 30%.

The geographic divergence is particularly telling - Texas metros showing improved affordability signals the success of their aggressive building strategy, while California's continued affordability crisis (77.6% income-to-housing cost ratio in Los Angeles) highlights the consequences of restricted supply. The 4.8% national home price appreciation despite high rates suggests underlying demand strength, though the $116,782 income requirement for the median home creates a concerning affordability gap.

The data indicates a "two-speed" housing market emerging: Rust Belt cities remain relatively affordable, while coastal markets see persistent pressure. This bifurcation could accelerate demographic shifts and reshape investment flows in 2025.

The marginal improvement in affordability metrics masks deeper structural issues in the housing market. The 86% increase in median monthly payments since 2019 vastly outpacing wage growth creates an unsustainable dynamic that could impact economic mobility and wealth distribution.

The regional disparities are particularly significant from a policy perspective. The Texas model of supply-side solutions (increased construction) demonstrably improving affordability contrasts with markets like Anaheim, where prices surged 12.4% amid supply constraints. This natural experiment in housing policy approaches provides valuable insights for policymakers.

The persistent gap between median household income ($83,782) and required homebuyer income ($116,782) suggests potential long-term implications for wealth building and economic stability among middle-income households, potentially requiring policy intervention beyond monetary policy tools.

A homebuyer needed to earn an annual income of at least $116,782 to spend no more than 30% of their earnings on monthly housing payments for the median-priced home.

SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- (NASDAQ: RDFN) — A household making the $83,782 median U.S. income in 2024 would’ve had to spend 41.8% of their earnings on monthly housing costs if they bought the $429,734 median-priced U.S. home, according to a new report from Redfin (, the technology-powered real estate brokerage. That’s a slight improvement from 42.2% in 2023, but is considerably less affordable than the typical share of 30% or lower recorded throughout the 2010s.

“Affordability improved ever so slightly this year because wage growth outpaced the growth in monthly housing payments,” said Redfin Senior Economist Elijah de la Campa. “But that’s not to say buying a home became affordable. For many Americans, buying a home remains more out of reach than ever and that’s unlikely to change anytime soon. Even with inventory trending upwards, we still expect prices to continue rising in 2025 due to a lack of homes for sale—pushing more would-be homebuyers to rent instead.”

Homebuyers need to earn $116,782 to afford the typical home

In 2024, a homebuyer needed to earn an annual income of at least $116,782 if they wanted to spend no more than 30% of their earnings on monthly housing payments for the median-priced home. That’s a record high and is $33,000 more than the typical household makes in a year.

The median monthly housing payment for homebuyers hit a record of $2,920 in 2024, rising 4.3% from 2023 and 86% from 2019. In contrast, wages have grown around 4% year over year throughout 2024. The slight improvement in affordability this year is mainly due to the slightly lower average mortgage rate (6.72%), compared to 2023 (6.81%). It was the fourth consecutive year in which the income needed to keep home payments affordable was higher than the median household income.

Texas metros top list for improved affordability in 2024; Anaheim and Chicago saw the biggest decreases in affordability

In Austin, TX, a household making the $103,717 median income in 2024 would have had to spend 39.6% of their earnings on monthly housing costs if they bought the $444,928 median-priced home there, down from 42.8% in 2023. That was the biggest improvement in affordability among the 50 most populous U.S. metropolitan areas.

Housing construction has boomed in Texas in recent years, especially during the pandemic when remote workers flocked to more affordable metros in the Sun Belt. With inventory up and demand easing, prices are now starting to fall, leading to improvements in affordability.

Following Austin, the next four metros in order of improved affordability were San Antonio (-2.3 ppts to 35.4% of household income), Dallas (-2 ppts to 38.9%), Fort Worth, TX (-1.6 ppts to 36.7%) and Portland, OR (-1.4 ppts to 45%).

On the other end of the spectrum is Anaheim, CA, where a household making the $121,925 median income in 2024 would’ve had to spend 75.9% of their earnings on monthly housing costs if they bought the $1,165,965 median-priced home. That’s up from 71.8% in 2023—the biggest jump among the top 50 metros. Next came Chicago (+2 ppts to 34.7%), Miami (+1.7 ppts to 63.1%), Newark, NJ (+1.6 ppts to 48.8%) and San Jose, CA (+1.5 ppts to 73.9%).

Housing affordability worsened in those metros largely because home prices soared. Anaheim posted a 12.4% increase in home prices in 2024—the biggest jump among the major metros—while Chicago (8.6%), Miami (7.9%), Newark (11.3%) and San Jose (8.6%) all posted gains higher than the national level (4.8%).

California leads list of least affordable metros; Rust Belt metros are among most affordable

The five least affordable major metros are all in California. In Los Angeles, someone making the median income in 2024 would’ve had to spend 77.6% of their earnings on monthly housing costs if they bought the median priced home.

Next came San Francisco (76.2%), Anaheim, CA (75.9%), San Jose, CA (73.9%) and San Diego (67.3%). The least affordable non-California metro is New York, where homebuyers on the median income would need to spend 65.9% of their earnings on housing costs.

In many areas, buying a home remains affordable, using the rule of thumb that a homebuyer should spend no more than 30% of their income on housing payments—especially in the Rust Belt, where the median home price remains under $300,000 in a number of metros. In Pittsburgh, someone making the median income in 2024 would’ve had to spend 25.3% of their earnings on monthly housing costs if they bought the median priced home—the lowest share among the metros Redfin analyzed and below the 30% threshold. Next came Detroit (25.5%), St. Louis (26%), Cleveland (26.4%) and Warren, MI (28%).

To view the full report, including charts, methodology and additional metro-level data, please visit:

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Source: Redfin


What does the RDFN report say about housing affordability in 2024?

The RDFN report indicates that housing affordability did not worsen in 2024 for the first time in four years, but costs remain high.

How much income is needed to afford a median-priced home in 2024 according to RDFN?

According to RDFN, a homebuyer needs an annual income of $116,782 to afford the median-priced home in 2024.

How did housing affordability change in Texas metros according to RDFN?

Texas metros like Austin and San Antonio saw significant improvements in affordability, with Austin showing the biggest improvement among the top 50 metros.

Which areas saw the biggest decrease in housing affordability according to RDFN?

According to RDFN, Anaheim, CA, saw the biggest decrease in affordability, followed by Chicago, Miami, Newark, and San Jose.

What is the median monthly housing payment in 2024 according to RDFN?

The median monthly housing payment in 2024 is $2,920, a record high according to RDFN.

Which metros are the least affordable according to RDFN?

California metros like Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Anaheim are the least affordable according to RDFN.

Which metros are the most affordable according to RDFN?

Rust Belt metros like Pittsburgh and Detroit are among the most affordable according to RDFN.

What does RDFN predict for home prices in 2025?

RDFN predicts that home prices will continue to rise in 2025 due to a lack of homes for sale.

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