Seabridge's KSM Project Substantially Started Determination Challenged by Tsetsaut Skii km Lax Ha
Seabridge Gold faces a legal challenge as Tsetsaut Skii km Lax Ha (TSKLH) filed a petition against British Columbia's determination that the KSM Project is 'substantially started'. The challenge questions the consultation process and seeks to overturn the July 25, 2024 determination. Seabridge had completed or initiated 94 of 336 project components, investing $444 million. The project received support from major Indigenous groups and local communities. The petition doesn't affect the current determination, which will remain valid if successfully defended. A final decision could take over a year.
Seabridge Gold affronta una sfida legale poiché Tsetsaut Skii km Lax Ha (TSKLH) ha presentato una petizione contro la determinazione della Columbia Britannica secondo cui il Progetto KSM è 'sostanzialmente avviato'. La sfida mette in discussione il processo di consultazione e mira a ribaltare la determinazione del 25 luglio 2024. Seabridge ha completato o avviato 94 dei 336 componenti del progetto, investendo 444 milioni di dollari. Il progetto ha ricevuto supporto da importanti gruppi indigeni e comunità locali. La petizione non influisce sulla determinazione attuale, che rimarrà valida se difesa con successo. Una decisione finale potrebbe richiedere oltre un anno.
Seabridge Gold enfrenta un desafío legal, ya que Tsetsaut Skii km Lax Ha (TSKLH) presentó una petición contra la determinación de Columbia Británica de que el Proyecto KSM está 'sustancialmente iniciado'. El desafío cuestiona el proceso de consulta y busca anular la determinación del 25 de julio de 2024. Seabridge había completado o iniciado 94 de los 336 componentes del proyecto, invirtiendo 444 millones de dólares. El proyecto recibió apoyo de importantes grupos indígenas y comunidades locales. La petición no afecta la determinación actual, que permanecerá válida si se defiende con éxito. Una decisión final podría tardar más de un año.
Seabridge Gold는 Tsetsaut Skii km Lax Ha (TSKLH)가 KSM 프로젝트가 '실질적으로 시작되었다'는 브리티시컬럼비아의 결정에 대해 청원서를 제출함에 따라 법적 도전에 직면해 있습니다. 이 도전은 상담 절차에 의문을 제기하며 2024년 7월 25일의 결정을 뒤집으려 합니다. Seabridge는 336개 프로젝트 구성요소 중 94개를 완료하거나 시작했으며, 4억 4천4백만 달러를 투자했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 주요 원주율 그룹과 지역 사회로부터 지원을 받았습니다. 이 청원서는 현재 결정을 영향을 미치지 않으며, 성공적으로 방어할 경우 유효성을 유지합니다. 최종 결정은 1년 이상 걸릴 수 있습니다.
Seabridge Gold fait face à un défi juridique, car Tsetsaut Skii km Lax Ha (TSKLH) a déposé une pétition contre la détermination de la Colombie-Britannique selon laquelle le Projet KSM est 'substantiellement commencé'. Ce défi remet en question le processus de consultation et vise à annuler la détermination du 25 juillet 2024. Seabridge a complété ou initié 94 des 336 composants du projet, investi 444 millions de dollars. Le projet a reçu le soutien de grands groupes autochtones et des communautés locales. La pétition n'affecte pas la détermination actuelle, qui restera valable si elle est défendue avec succès. Une décision finale pourrait prendre plus d'un an.
Seabridge Gold steht vor einer rechtlichen Herausforderung, da Tsetsaut Skii km Lax Ha (TSKLH) eine Petition gegen die Feststellung British Columbias eingereicht hat, dass das KSM-Projekt 'wesentlich begonnen' wurde. Die Herausforderung stellt den Konsultationsprozess in Frage und zielt darauf ab, die Feststellung vom 25. Juli 2024 aufzuheben. Seabridge hatte 94 von 336 Projektkomponenten abgeschlossen oder initiiert und 444 Millionen Dollar investiert. Das Projekt erhielt Unterstützung von wichtigen indigenen Gruppen und lokalen Gemeinschaften. Die Petition hat keine Auswirkungen auf die aktuelle Feststellung, die gültig bleibt, wenn sie erfolgreich verteidigt wird. Eine endgültige Entscheidung könnte über ein Jahr in Anspruch nehmen.
- Completed or initiated 94 of 336 KSM Project components
- Invested $444 million in project development
- Received support from major Indigenous groups and local communities
- Current 'substantially started' determination remains valid during legal proceedings
- Legal challenge could potentially delay or complicate project development
- Risk of having to restart the determination process if TSKLH petition succeeds
The legal challenge to KSM Project's "substantially started" status presents significant implications for Seabridge Gold. The petition by TSKLH primarily contests the consultation process, not the actual progress of the project. Key evidence supports Seabridge's position:
The risk level appears manageable for several reasons: 1) The SS Determination remains valid during legal proceedings, 2) Even if TSKLH succeeds, the likely remedy would be a procedural reset rather than project cancellation and 3) The documented consultation process suggests reasonable engagement with TSKLH. The timeline of potential resolution (1+ year) provides stability for near-term operations.
The "substantially started" determination is important for Seabridge's KSM Project as it removes the July 2026 Environmental Assessment Certificate expiration risk. The project's progress metrics are impressive:
- Construction initiated on 28% of total project components
- Significant capital deployment of
$444 million - Strong regional stakeholder support, including major Indigenous groups
Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - November 25, 2024) - Seabridge Gold Inc. (TSX: SEA) (NYSE: SA) ("Seabridge" or the "Company") announced today that the Tsetsaut Skii km Lax Ha ("TSKLH") has filed a Petition in the British Columbia Supreme Court against the Province of British Columbia and relevant Ministries (collectively, the "Province") seeking judicial review of the determination by the Chief Executive Assessment Officer ("CEAO"), of the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office ("EAO") that Seabridge's KSM Project has been "substantially started". TSKLH is an Indigenous group claiming an extensive traditional territory in northwest British Columbia, including the area of the KSM Project, and it contests rights of the Nisga'a Nation and Tahltan Nation over the area of the eastern side of the KSM Project.
Under the B.C. Environmental Assessment Act, a project's Environmental Assessment Certificate ("EAC") expires if the project has not been substantially started by the deadline specified in its EAC. However, the B.C. Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy may determine that a project has been "substantially started" before the deadline, in which case the EAC is no longer subject to expiry. KSM's EAC deadline was July 29, 2026. In response to the Company's application submitted on January 16, 2024, the CEAO determined that the KSM Project was "substantially started" on July 25, 2024 (the "SS Determination").
In its Petition, TSKLH are seeking a declaration that the Province failed to fulfill its duty to consult TSKLH in respect of the SS Determination and an order quashing the SS Determination on the basis that the Province failed to fulfill its duty to consult, the Province failed to discharge its duty of procedural fairness and/or that the SS Determination was unreasonable.
The information presented in the Petition materials reveals that the consultation process included:
- TSKLH receiving a copy of Seabridge's application for a SS Determination on January 17, 2024, the day after it was submitted;
- TSKLH repeatedly asking for in depth consultation on the SS Determination;
- the Province responding that TSKLH would be consulted;
- TSKLH being provided the draft report of the EAO on the "substantially started" application (the "EAO Report") and being given a month to review it;
- TSKLH making a detailed submission on July 19, 2024 to the EAO expressing its views on the information in the Company's application and the EAO Report (TSKLH's submission made similar arguments to the ones put forward in the Petition).
The Company does not have access to the record of consultation between the Province and TSKLH and is therefore unable to offer a fully informed view on the merits of TSKLH's claims of the Province's failure to: (i) fulfill the duty to consult or (ii) conduct its process for arriving at the SS Determination with procedural fairness.
In its application, Seabridge set forth that it had completed or initiated construction of 94 of the 336 components of the KSM Project as described in its EAC and had spent
Seabridge Chairman and CEO Rudi Fronk commented that: "Seabridge's application for a 'substantially started' determination was widely supported by the communities of northwest British Columbia, including Indigenous communities. TSKLH were provided the relevant information early and participated in the Province's review process, including submitting comments for the Province's consideration. TSKLH may not agree with the ultimate 'substantially started' determination, but Seabridge is confident that there is ample evidence that the determination was reasonable." He added: "Seabridge plans to participate in defending the validity of the 'substantially started' determination and will be conferring with its legal counsel on the ways in which it may do so."
The SS Determination is unaffected by the Petition and will remain in place if the Province successfully defends the SS Determination. Even if TSKLH is successful, a typical order in these circumstances would require the EAO to return to its "substantially started" determination process, either to expand consultation of TSKLH or reconsider the reasons for its determination, and then a fresh determination would be issued. We are advised that a final decision on the TSKLH Petition could take a year or more.
About Seabridge Gold
Seabridge holds a
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Forward Looking Statements
This document contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation and "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. This information and these statements, referred to herein as "forward-looking statements" are made as of the date of this document. Forward-looking statements relate to future events or future performance and reflect current estimates, predictions, interpretations, expectations or beliefs regarding future events and include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to: (i) the SS Determination being reasonable; (ii) the typical order if TSKLH are successful; and (iii) the timing of a final decision on the Petition.
All forward-looking statements are based on Seabridge's or its consultants' current beliefs as well as various assumptions made by them and information currently available to them. Although management considers these assumptions to be reasonable based on information currently available to it, they may prove to be incorrect.
Forward-looking statements involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from Seabridge's plans or expectations include the risk that: (i) the SS Determination is found to be unreasonable; (ii) the outcome of a successful result for TSKLH involves a more thorough rejection of the Province's consultation process; (iii) the final decision takes much longer than anticipated, and other risks outlined in statements made by Seabridge from time to time in the filings made by Seabridge with securities regulators. Seabridge disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as otherwise required by applicable securities legislation.
We caution readers not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements as a number of important factors could cause the actual outcomes to differ materially from the beliefs, plans, objectives, expectations, anticipations, estimates assumptions and intentions expressed in such forward-looking statements.
"Rudi Fronk"
Chairman & C.E.O.
For further information please contact:
Rudi P. Fronk, Chairman and C.E.O.
Tel: (416) 367-9292 • Fax: (416) 367-2711
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