A New Era of Growth and Innovation at JP3E - A Message from the New CEO

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JP 3E Holdings, Inc. (OTC: SPZI) announces the appointment of Diego Baez as its new CEO, marking a new era of growth and innovation. The company, formerly known as Spooz, Inc., is focusing on three key areas: Real Estate Development, Commodity Trading, and Trade Financing and Global Payments. JP3E's collaboration with Bloxcross aims to integrate advanced blockchain and digital finance technologies into their global trade operations.

The new CEO emphasizes the importance of establishing a robust corporate foundation to support ambitious growth plans. He promises to introduce new products and services designed to revolutionize the trade industry and drive sustainable growth. Shareholders can expect regular updates on the company's progress and initiatives aimed at improving financial performance and generating increased returns.

JP 3E Holdings, Inc. (OTC: SPZI) annuncia la nomina di Diego Baez come nuovo CEO, segnando un'era di crescita e innovazione. L'azienda, precedentemente nota come Spooz, Inc., si concentra su tre aree chiave: Sviluppo Immobiliare, Commercio di Merci e Finanziamento Commerciale e Pagamenti Globali. La collaborazione di JP3E con Bloxcross mira ad integrare tecnologie avanzate di blockchain e finanza digitale nelle loro operazioni commerciali globali.

Il nuovo CEO sottolinea l'importanza di stabilire una solida base aziendale per supportare ambiziosi piani di crescita. Promette di introdurre nuovi prodotti e servizi progettati per rivoluzionare l'industria commerciale e promuovere una crescita sostenibile. Gli azionisti possono aspettarsi aggiornamenti regolari sui progressi dell'azienda e iniziative mirate a migliorare le performance finanziarie e generare rendimenti crescenti.

JP 3E Holdings, Inc. (OTC: SPZI) anuncia el nombramiento de Diego Baez como su nuevo CEO, marcando una nueva era de crecimiento e innovación. La compañía, anteriormente conocida como Spooz, Inc., se está enfocando en tres áreas clave: Desarrollo Inmobiliario, Comercio de Productos Básicos y Financiación Comercial y Pagos Globales. La colaboración de JP3E con Bloxcross tiene como objetivo integrar tecnologías avanzadas de blockchain y finanzas digitales en sus operaciones comerciales globales.

El nuevo CEO enfatiza la importancia de establecer una sólida base corporativa para respaldar planes de crecimiento ambiciosos. Promete introducir nuevos productos y servicios diseñados para revolucionar la industria del comercio y promover un crecimiento sostenible. Los accionistas pueden esperar actualizaciones periódicas sobre el progreso de la empresa y las iniciativas destinadas a mejorar el rendimiento financiero y generar mayores retornos.

JP 3E Holdings, Inc. (OTC: SPZI)는 Diego Baez을(를) 새로운 CEO로 임명했다고 발표하며, 이는 성장과 혁신의 새로운 시대를 의미합니다. 이전에 Spooz, Inc.로 알려졌던 이 회사는 부동산 개발, 상품 거래 및 무역 금융과 글로벌 결제의 세 가지 주요 영역에 집중하고 있습니다. JP3E는 Bloxcross와의 협력을 통해 글로벌 무역 운영에 첨단 블록체인 및 디지털 금융 기술을 통합할 계획입니다.

새로운 CEO는 야심찬 성장 계획을 지원하기 위해 강력한 기업 기반을 구축하는 중요성을 강조합니다. 그는 무역 산업을 혁신하고 지속 가능한 성장을 촉진하기 위해 설계된 새로운 제품과 서비스를 도입할 것을 약속합니다. 주주들은 회사의 발전과 금융 성과를 개선하고 수익을 증대시키기 위한 이니셔티브에 대한 정기적인 업데이트를 기대할 수 있습니다.

JP 3E Holdings, Inc. (OTC: SPZI) annonce la nomination de Diego Baez en tant que nouveau PDG, marquant une nouvelle ère de croissance et d'innovation. L'entreprise, anciennement connue sous le nom de Spooz, Inc., se concentre sur trois domaines clés : Développement Immobilier, Commerce de Matières Premières et Financement Commercial et Paiements Mondiaux. La collaboration de JP3E avec Bloxcross vise à intégrer des technologies avancées de blockchain et de finance numérique dans leurs opérations commerciales mondiales.

Le nouveau PDG souligne l'importance d'établir une base solide pour soutenir des plans de croissance ambitieux. Il promet d'introduire de nouveaux produits et services destinés à révolutionner le secteur du commerce et à favoriser une croissance durable. Les actionnaires peuvent s'attendre à des mises à jour régulières sur les progrès de l'entreprise et les initiatives visant à améliorer la performance financière et à générer des rendements accrus.

JP 3E Holdings, Inc. (OTC: SPZI) gibt die Ernennung von Diego Baez zum neuen CEO bekannt, was eine neue Ära des Wachstums und der Innovation einleitet. Das Unternehmen, das früher als Spooz, Inc. bekannt war, konzentriert sich auf drei Schlüsselbereiche: Immobilienentwicklung, Rohstoffhandel und Handelsfinanzierung sowie globale Zahlungen. Die Zusammenarbeit von JP3E mit Bloxcross zielt darauf ab, fortschrittliche Blockchain- und digitale Finanztechnologien in ihre globalen Handelsoperationen zu integrieren.

Der neue CEO betont die Bedeutung der Schaffung eines soliden Unternehmensfundaments zur Unterstützung ehrgeiziger Wachstumspläne. Er verspricht, neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen einzuführen, die darauf abzielen, die Handelsbranche zu revolutionieren und nachhaltiges Wachstum zu fördern. Aktionäre können regelmäßige Updates über die Fortschritte des Unternehmens und Initiativen zur Verbesserung der finanziellen Leistung und zur Steigerung der Renditen erwarten.

  • Appointment of new CEO Diego Baez, potentially bringing fresh leadership and vision
  • Focus on three key growth areas: Real Estate Development, Commodity Trading, and Trade Financing
  • Collaboration with Bloxcross to integrate blockchain and digital finance technologies
  • Plans to introduce new products and services to revolutionize the trade industry
  • Commitment to improving financial performance and generating increased returns for shareholders
  • Potential disruption or uncertainty due to leadership change
  • Lack of specific financial targets or metrics in the announcement
  • No mention of current financial position or immediate revenue impacts

NEW YORK, Aug. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- JP 3E Holdings, Inc. (OTC: SPZI), formerly Spooz, Inc.

Dear JP3E Shareholders,

I am both honored and excited to introduce myself as the new CEO of JP 3E Holdings. As we embark on this pivotal moment in our company's history, I am eager to share the vision and strategic direction to guide us into a future brimming with potential and opportunity.

At JP3E, we are at the intersection of cutting-edge technologies and expanding market opportunities. Our collaboration with Bloxcross and our global trade operations position us uniquely for significant growth. This partnership not only diversifies our portfolio but also integrates advanced blockchain and digital finance technologies, crucial for thriving in today’s fast-paced global market.

To support our ambitious growth plans, we must first establish a robust corporate foundation. My immediate focus is on reinforcing JP3E’s economic stature and profitability to ensure stability, long term success, and foster a strong corporate ethos.

Our strategy revolves around three key areas: (1) Real Estate Development, (2) Commodity Trading, and (3) Trade Financing and Global Payments. We are excited to introduce new products and services designed to revolutionize the trade industry and drive sustainable growth. These initiatives are aimed not only at expanding our capabilities but also at enhancing the value we deliver to our shareholders.

In the coming months, we will unveil several initiatives that are set to positively impact our financial performance and generate increased returns. Your trust and support have been instrumental in our success, and as we move forward, I invite your continued engagement and feedback. Transparency and open communication will be central to our approach as we navigate this exciting journey.

Expect regular updates on our progress. Your ongoing support is vital to our success, and I am confident that, together, we will elevate JP3E to new heights. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our shared vision. Here’s to a future of groundbreaking growth and innovation at JP3E.

Warm regards,

Diego Baez
CEO, JP 3E Holdings, Inc.

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For additional information on the Global Trade Financing Platform via Bloxcross, Inc., reach

About JP 3E Holdings, Inc.

JP3E is a global leader in commodity trading, known for its innovative approach to optimizing trade processes and solutions across numerous sectors. With a commitment to sustainability and market leadership, JP3E continues to drive new trends and solutions in global commodity markets.

About Bloxcross, Inc.

Bloxcross is at the forefront of financial technology, specializing in blockchain-based solutions for cross-border payments and trade finance. Dedicated to streamlining global financial transactions, Bloxcross provides secure, fast, and cost-effective services to clients worldwide. To learn more about their groundbreaking solutions, visit

Company Contact:

John K. Park, Chairman
732-241-0598 Office


Who is the new CEO of JP3E Holdings (SPZI)?

The new CEO of JP3E Holdings (SPZI) is Diego Baez, as announced on August 30, 2024.

What are the main focus areas for JP3E Holdings (SPZI) under the new leadership?

Under the new leadership, JP3E Holdings (SPZI) is focusing on three key areas: Real Estate Development, Commodity Trading, and Trade Financing and Global Payments.

How is JP3E Holdings (SPZI) planning to integrate new technologies?

JP3E Holdings (SPZI) is collaborating with Bloxcross to integrate advanced blockchain and digital finance technologies into their global trade operations.

What changes can shareholders expect from JP3E Holdings (SPZI) in the near future?

Shareholders can expect new products and services aimed at revolutionizing the trade industry, initiatives to improve financial performance, and regular updates on the company's progress.



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Software - Application
United States of America