SS&C GlobeOp Forward Redemption Indicator
SS&C GlobeOp's Forward Redemption Indicator for November 2024 reached 2.91%, up from 2.23% in October but lower than the 3.49% recorded last year and the five-year November average of 3.52%. The indicator represents redemption notices from hedge fund investors on SS&C GlobeOp's platform divided by assets under administration. The SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index shows a flash estimate of 0.25% for the current month, with year-to-date returns at 6.80% and last 12-month performance at 11.15%.
L'indicatore di Rimborso Anticipato di SS&C GlobeOp per il novembre 2024 ha raggiunto il 2,91%, in aumento rispetto al 2,23% di ottobre, ma inferiore al 3,49% registrato lo scorso anno e alla media di novembre degli ultimi cinque anni del 3,52%. L'indicatore rappresenta i preavvisi di rimborso da parte degli investitori in hedge fund sulla piattaforma di SS&C GlobeOp, divisi per gli attivi in gestione. L'Indice di Performance degli Hedge Fund di SS&C GlobeOp mostra una stima rapida dello 0,25% per il mese attuale, con rendimenti dall'inizio dell'anno al 6,80% e una performance negli ultimi 12 mesi del 11,15%.
El Indicador de Redención Anticipada de SS&C GlobeOp para noviembre de 2024 alcanzó el 2,91%, un aumento desde el 2,23% de octubre, pero inferior al 3,49% registrado el año pasado y a la media de noviembre de los últimos cinco años del 3,52%. El indicador representa los avisos de redención de los inversores de hedge funds en la plataforma de SS&C GlobeOp divididos por los activos bajo administración. El Índice de Rendimiento de Hedge Funds de SS&C GlobeOp muestra una estimación rápida del 0,25% para el mes actual, con rendimientos acumulados del 6,80% y un rendimiento de los últimos 12 meses del 11,15%.
SS&C GlobeOp의 2024년 11월 환매 지표는 2.91%에 도달했으며, 이는 10월의 2.23%에서 증가했지만, 지난해의 3.49%와 지난 5년 동안의 11월 평균 3.52%보다는 낮습니다. 이 지표는 SS&C GlobeOp 플랫폼에서 헤지 펀드 투자자들의 환매 통지를 관리 자산으로 나눈 것입니다. SS&C GlobeOp 헤지 펀드 성과 지수는 현재 월에 대해 0.25%의 빠른 추정치를 보여주며, 연초 대비 수익률은 6.80%, 지난 12개월 성과는 11.15%입니다.
L'indicateur de Remboursement Anticipé de SS&C GlobeOp pour novembre 2024 a atteint 2,91%, en hausse par rapport à 2,23% en octobre, mais inférieur aux 3,49% enregistrés l'année dernière et à la moyenne de novembre des cinq dernières années de 3,52%. Cet indicateur représente les avis de remboursement des investisseurs en hedge funds sur la plateforme de SS&C GlobeOp, divisés par les actifs sous administration. L'Indice de Performance des Hedge Funds de SS&C GlobeOp indique une estimation rapide de 0,25% pour le mois en cours, avec un rendement depuis le début de l'année de 6,80% et une performance des 12 derniers mois de 11,15%.
Der Forward-Rücknahmeindikator von SS&C GlobeOp für den November 2024 erreichte 2,91%, ein Anstieg von 2,23% im Oktober, aber niedriger als die 3,49%, die im letzten Jahr aufgezeichnet wurden, sowie der fünfjährige Durchschnitt von 3,52% im November. Der Indikator repräsentiert Rücknahmeankündigungen von Hedgefonds-Investoren auf der SS&C GlobeOp-Plattform geteilt durch die verwalteten Vermögenswerte. Der SS&C GlobeOp Hedgefonds-Performance-Index zeigt eine Blitzschätzung von 0,25% für den aktuellen Monat, mit einer bisher erzielten Rendite von 6,80% und einer Performance der letzten 12 Monate von 11,15%.
- Redemption rate (2.91%) remains below the five-year average of 3.52%
- Strong hedge fund performance with 11.15% returns over last 12 months
- YTD returns of 6.80% showing positive momentum
- Monthly redemption rate increased from 2.23% to 2.91%
The latest redemption indicator shows a positive trend for hedge fund asset retention. While November notifications increased to
The reduced redemption rate coupled with increased market volatility suggests growing investor confidence in hedge fund strategies. This trend benefits SS&C as a major fund administrator, potentially leading to stable or growing assets under administration and associated fee revenue. The company's platform currently handles approximately
SS&C GlobeOp Forward Redemption Indicator: November notifications
"SS&C GlobeOp's Forward Redemption Indicator for November 2024 was
The SS&C GlobeOp Forward Redemption Indicator represents the sum of forward redemption notices received from investors in hedge funds administered by SS&C GlobeOp on the SS&C GlobeOp platform, divided by the AuA at the beginning of the month for SS&C GlobeOp fund administration clients on the SS&C GlobeOp platform. Forward redemptions as a percentage of SS&C GlobeOp's assets under administration on the SS&C GlobeOp platform have trended significantly lower since reaching a high of
Published on the 15th business day of the month, the SS&C GlobeOp Forward Redemption Indicator presents a timely and accurate view of the redemption pipeline for investors in hedge funds on the SS&C GlobeOp administration platform. Movements in the Indicator reflect investor confidence in their allocations to hedge funds. Indicator data is based on actual investor redemption notifications received. Unlike subscriptions, redemption notifications are typically received 30-90 days in advance of the redemption date. Investors may, and sometimes do, cancel redemption notices. In addition, the establishment and enforcement of redemption notices may vary from fund to fund.
SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index
Base | 100 points on 31 December 2005 |
Flash estimate (current month) | |
Year-to-date (YTD) | |
Last 12 month (LTM) | |
Life to date (LTD) | |
*All numbers reported above are gross |
SS&C GlobeOp Capital Movement Index
Base | 100 points on 31 December 2005 |
All time high | 150.77 in September 2013 |
All time low | 99.67 in January 2006 |
12-month high | 127.17 in December 2023 |
12-month low | 123.64 in April 2024 |
Largest monthly change | - 15.21 in January 2009 |
SS&C GlobeOp Forward Redemption Indicator
All time high | |
All time low | |
12-month high | |
12-month low | |
Largest monthly change |
About the SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Index®
The SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Index (the Index) is a family of indices published by SS&C GlobeOp. A unique set of indices by a hedge fund administrator, it offers clients, investors and the overall market a welcome transparency on liquidity, investor sentiment and performance. The Index is based on a significant platform of diverse and representative assets.
The SS&C GlobeOp Capital Movement Index and the SS&C GlobeOp Forward Redemption Indicator provide monthly reports based on actual and anticipated capital movement data independently collected from all hedge fund clients for whom SS&C GlobeOp provides administration services on the SS&C GlobeOp platform.
The SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index is an asset-weighted benchmark of the aggregate performance of funds for which SS&C GlobeOp provides monthly administration services on the SS&C GlobeOp platform. Flash estimate, interim and final values are provided, in each of three months respectively, following each business month-end.
While individual fund data is anonymized by aggregation, the SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Index data will be based on the same reconciled fund data that SS&C GlobeOp uses to produce fund net asset values (NAV). Funds acquired through the acquisition of Citi Alternative Investor Services are integrated into the index suite starting with the January 2017 reporting periods. SS&C GlobeOp's total assets under administration on the SS&C GlobeOp platform represent approximately
About SS&C Technologies
SS&C is a global provider of services and software for the financial services and healthcare industries. Founded in 1986, SS&C is headquartered in
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