Baralan and Stratasys Transform Cosmetic Packaging with PolyJet 3D Printing Technology
Stratasys announces collaboration with Baralan, a leading cosmetic packaging provider, to revolutionize cosmetic packaging using PolyJet 3D printing technology. Baralan is implementing this technology to produce end-use parts on glass and plastic containers, enabling customized, fully decorated packaging for high-end brands. The technology allows for intricate, multi-color, multi-effect designs directly on containers, supporting both personalization and low-volume production runs while promoting sustainability and waste reduction. The solution offers cost-effective customization without requiring significant equipment investments.
Stratasys annuncia una collaborazione con Baralan, un leader nel settore del packaging cosmetico, per rivoluzionare il packaging cosmetico utilizzando la tecnologia di stampa 3D PolyJet. Baralan sta implementando questa tecnologia per produrre parti pronte all'uso su contenitori in vetro e plastica, consentendo confezioni personalizzate e completamente decorate per marchi di alta gamma. La tecnologia permette di realizzare design intricati, multicolore e a più effetti direttamente sui contenitori, sostenendo sia la personalizzazione che produzioni a bassa tiratura, promuovendo al contempo la sostenibilità e la riduzione dei rifiuti. La soluzione offre una personalizzazione economica senza la necessità di significativi investimenti in attrezzature.
Stratasys anuncia una colaboración con Baralan, un proveedor líder de envases cosméticos, para revolucionar el embalaje cosmético utilizando la tecnología de impresión 3D PolyJet. Baralan está implementando esta tecnología para producir piezas listas para usar en envases de vidrio y plástico, permitiendo un embalaje personalizado y completamente decorado para marcas de alta gama. La tecnología permite diseños intrincados, multicolores y multiefectos directamente en los envases, apoyando tanto la personalización como las producciones en pequeñas cantidades, al mismo tiempo que fomenta la sostenibilidad y la reducción de residuos. La solución ofrece personalización rentable sin la necesidad de inversiones significativas en equipos.
Stratasys는 화장품 포장업체 Baralan과 협력하여 PolyJet 3D 프린팅 기술을 사용해 화장품 포장을 혁신한다고 발표했습니다. Baralan은 이 기술을 활용하여 유리 및 플라스틱 용기에서 최종 사용 부품을 생산하며, 고급 브랜드를 위한 맞춤형 완전 장식 포장을 가능하게 합니다. 이 기술은 용기에서 복잡하고 다채로운 다효과 디자인을 직접 구현할 수 있게 해주며, 개인화와 소량 생산을 지원하면서 지속 가능성과 폐기물 감소를 촉진합니다. 이 솔루션은 상당한 장비 투자가 필요 없이 비용 효율적인 맞춤화를 제공합니다.
Stratasys annonce une collaboration avec Baralan, un fournisseur leader d'emballages cosmétiques, pour révolutionner l'emballage cosmétique grâce à la technologie d'impression 3D PolyJet. Baralan met en œuvre cette technologie pour produire des pièces prêtes à l'emploi sur des contenants en verre et en plastique, permettant un emballage personnalisé et entièrement décoré pour des marques haut de gamme. La technologie permet des designs complexes, multicolores et à plusieurs effets directement sur les contenants, soutenant à la fois la personnalisation et les productions en faible volume tout en promouvant la durabilité et la réduction des déchets. La solution offre une personnalisation rentable sans nécessiter d'investissements importants en équipements.
Stratasys kündigt eine Zusammenarbeit mit Baralan, einem führenden Anbieter von kosmetischen Verpackungen, an, um die kosmetische Verpackung mit PolyJet 3D-Drucktechnologie zu revolutionieren. Baralan implementiert diese Technologie, um verwendbare Teile auf Glas- und Plastikbehältern zu produzieren, was maßgeschneiderte, vollständig dekorierte Verpackungen für hochwertige Marken ermöglicht. Die Technologie erlaubt komplizierte, mehrfarbige und multieffektive Designs direkt auf den Behältern, unterstützt sowohl Personalisierung als auch Kleinserienproduktionen und fördert gleichzeitig Nachhaltigkeit und Abfallreduzierung. Die Lösung bietet kosteneffiziente Anpassungen, ohne dass bedeutende Investitionen in die Ausrüstung erforderlich sind.
- Enables cost-effective customization for packaging production
- Supports low-volume production runs without major equipment investment
- Expands creative possibilities for high-end cosmetic brands
- None.
This collaboration showcases a significant advancement in cosmetic packaging manufacturing, though its immediate financial impact on Stratasys appears The implementation of PolyJet technology for direct-to-container printing represents an innovative solution for high-end cosmetic brands, enabling customized, low-volume production without traditional tooling investments.
The technology's ability to produce multi-color, multi-material designs with various textures and properties positions Stratasys well in the
While promising, this partnership with Baralan currently represents a relatively small revenue stream compared to Stratasys' core industrial applications. The technology's success in this vertical could lead to broader adoption across the cosmetics industry, but meaningful revenue impact would likely take several quarters to materialize.
Baralan leverages Stratasys' technology to unlock creative packaging designs for high-end cosmetic brands, enhancing product personalization and sustainability

3D printed containers for Baralan, a leading provider of cosmetic packaging. (Photo: Business Wire)
Baralan’s use of PolyJet technology enables intricate, multi-color, multi-effect designs directly on bottles and containers, overcoming traditional manufacturing constraints and giving cosmetic brands the flexibility to create eye-catching, brand-specific packaging that resonates with consumers. This solution empowers cosmetic companies to achieve cost-effective customization while minimizing waste in production.
“Product customization is fundamental for the brand image,” said Maurizio Ficcadenti, Global R&D Manager at Baralan. “With Stratasys’ solution, we can now offer unique and highly recognizable packaging without the need for costly investments in equipment. This approach aligns with our sustainability goals, and it allows us to meet the growing demand for eco-friendly yet distinctive packaging options in the cosmetics industry.”
“The collaboration with Baralan demonstrates how our technology is driving innovation in the cosmetics sector by enabling high-quality, end-use packaging with faster design iterations,” said Zehavit Reisin, Senior VP, Consumer Solutions Global Sales and Materials Business at Stratasys. “Using our full-color, multi-material with the capabilities of replicating textures, translucency and supporting different properties on different substrates, brands can achieve greater creative freedom and sustainability in their packaging solutions.”
About Stratasys
Stratasys is leading the global shift to additive manufacturing with innovative 3D printing solutions for industries such as aerospace, automotive, consumer products, and healthcare. Through smart and connected 3D printers, polymer materials, a software ecosystem, and parts on demand, Stratasys solutions deliver competitive advantages at every stage in the product value chain. The world’s leading organizations turn to Stratasys to transform product design, bring agility to manufacturing and supply chains, and improve patient care.
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Source: Stratasys Ltd.