Streamline Health® Announces New eValuator™ Contract with Deaconess Health System
Streamline Health Solutions (NASDAQ: STRM) has signed a new contract with Deaconess Health System, a 1,200-bed Indiana-based health system, for its eValuator solution. The technology will be used to optimize pre-bill coding accuracy and financial outcomes.
Deaconess selected eValuator for its unique capabilities in improving coding and billing workflows within the mid-revenue cycle. The AI-enhanced pre-bill code auditing solution helps healthcare providers accurately capture, bill, and receive payment for services while avoiding denials.
Deaconess Health System serves a population of more than 1.5 million across southwestern Indiana, western Kentucky, and southeastern Illinois, operating across 19 hospital locations throughout the Tri-State area.
Streamline Health Solutions (NASDAQ: STRM) ha firmato un nuovo contratto con Deaconess Health System, un sistema sanitario con 1.200 letti situato in Indiana, per la sua soluzione eValuator. La tecnologia sarà utilizzata per ottimizzare l'accuratezza della codifica pre-fattura e i risultati finanziari.
Deaconess ha scelto eValuator per le sue capacità uniche nel migliorare i flussi di lavoro di codifica e fatturazione all'interno del ciclo di entrate intermedio. La soluzione di audit della codifica pre-fattura potenziata dall'IA aiuta i fornitori di assistenza sanitaria a catturare, fatturare e ricevere pagamenti per i servizi in modo accurato, evitando i dinieghi.
Il Deaconess Health System serve una popolazione di oltre 1,5 milioni di persone nel sud-ovest dell'Indiana, nel Kentucky occidentale e nell'Illinois sud-orientale, operando in 19 strutture ospedaliere in tutta l'area Tri-State.
Streamline Health Solutions (NASDAQ: STRM) ha firmado un nuevo contrato con Deaconess Health System, un sistema de salud de 1.200 camas ubicado en Indiana, para su solución eValuator. La tecnología se utilizará para optimizar la precisión de la codificación pre-factura y los resultados financieros.
Deaconess eligió eValuator por sus capacidades únicas para mejorar los flujos de trabajo de codificación y facturación dentro del ciclo de ingresos medio. La solución de auditoría de código pre-factura mejorada con IA ayuda a los proveedores de atención médica a capturar, facturar y recibir pagos por los servicios de manera precisa, evitando rechazos.
El Deaconess Health System atiende a una población de más de 1.5 millones de personas en el suroeste de Indiana, el oeste de Kentucky y el sureste de Illinois, operando en 19 ubicaciones hospitalarias en toda el área Tri-State.
스트림라인 헬스 솔루션즈(NASDAQ: STRM)가 인디애나에 본사를 둔 1,200병상 의료 시스템인 디컨네스 헬스 시스템과 eValuator 솔루션을 위한 새로운 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 기술은 사전 청구 코딩 정확성과 재무 결과를 최적화하는 데 사용됩니다.
디컨네스는 중간 수익 주기 내에서 코딩 및 청구 워크플로를 개선하는 독특한 기능으로 eValuator를 선택했습니다. AI-enhanced 사전 청구 코드 감사 솔루션은 의료 제공자가 서비스를 정확하게 캡처하고 청구하며 지불을 받을 수 있도록 도와주며 거부를 피하는 데 기여합니다.
디컨네스 헬스 시스템은 인디애나 남서부, 켄터키 서부, 일리노이 남동부에 걸쳐 150만 명 이상의 인구를 대상으로 서비스를 제공하며, 트라이 스테이트 지역 내 19개 병원에서 운영되고 있습니다.
Streamline Health Solutions (NASDAQ: STRM) a signé un nouveau contrat avec le Deaconess Health System, un système de santé de 1 200 lits basé dans l'Indiana, pour sa solution eValuator. La technologie sera utilisée pour optimiser la précision du codage pré-facturation et les résultats financiers.
Deaconess a choisi eValuator pour ses capacités uniques à améliorer les flux de travail de codage et de facturation au sein du cycle de revenus intermédiaire. La solution d’audit de code pré-facturation améliorée par l'IA aide les prestataires de soins de santé à capturer, facturer et recevoir des paiements pour les services tout en évitant les refus.
Le Deaconess Health System sert une population de plus de 1,5 million de personnes dans le sud-ouest de l'Indiana, l'ouest du Kentucky et le sud-est de l'Illinois, avec 19 établissements hospitaliers dans toute la région Tri-State.
Streamline Health Solutions (NASDAQ: STRM) hat einen neuen Vertrag mit dem Deaconess Health System, einem 1.200-Betten-Krankenhaussystem in Indiana, für seine eValuator-Lösung unterzeichnet. Die Technologie wird zur Optimierung der Genauigkeit der Vorabrechnungs-Codierung und der finanziellen Ergebnisse eingesetzt.
Deaconess wählte eValuator wegen seiner einzigartigen Fähigkeiten zur Verbesserung der Codierungs- und Abrechnungsabläufe innerhalb des mittleren Einnahmezyklus. Die KI-unterstützte Auditing-Lösung zur Vorabrechnung hilft den Gesundheitsdienstleistern, Dienstleistungen genau zu erfassen, abzurechnen und Zahlungen zu erhalten, während sie Ablehnungen vermeidet.
Das Deaconess Health System bedient eine Population von mehr als 1,5 Millionen Menschen im Südwesten von Indiana, im Westen von Kentucky und im Südosten von Illinois und betreibt 19 Krankenhäuser in der Tri-State-Region.
- Secured new contract with major 1,200-bed health system
- Expansion into significant market serving 1.5 million population
- Partnership with 19-location hospital system enhances market presence
- None.
This deal marks a strategic win for Streamline Health in the competitive healthcare revenue cycle management space. The partnership with a 1,200-bed health system represents a significant client acquisition that could materially impact STRM's revenue stream, particularly given Deaconess's substantial market presence serving 1.5 million residents across three states.
eValuator's AI-powered pre-bill auditing technology addresses a critical pain point in healthcare finance - coding accuracy and revenue leakage. With an average hospital losing 1-3% of revenue due to coding errors, this implementation could potentially save Deaconess millions annually while providing STRM with recurring revenue. For a micro-cap company like STRM (
The selection by Deaconess, particularly noting eValuator's "unique capabilities," suggests STRM's technology maintains competitive advantages in the mid-revenue cycle optimization space. This could accelerate sales pipeline conversion with similar-sized health systems seeking proven solutions.
The strategic importance of this contract extends beyond immediate revenue implications. Deaconess's selection of eValuator for pre-bill coding accuracy optimization addresses a growing industry challenge where healthcare providers face increasing pressure to maximize appropriate reimbursement while ensuring compliance.
With 19 affiliated hospital locations in Deaconess's network, this implementation represents a substantial footprint for STRM's technology. The potential for expanded utilization across the health system's network could drive additional recurring revenue opportunities. More importantly, success with a system of this scale could serve as a powerful reference case for other major health systems evaluating pre-bill coding solutions.
The emphasis on automation and workflow improvement in the statement from Deaconess's Revenue Cycle Officer indicates this is likely a comprehensive implementation, not just a deployment. This suggests a deeper integration into Deaconess's revenue cycle operations, which typically translates to higher contract values and stronger client retention.
1,200 bed health system selects eValutor’s pre-bill code audit technology to improve coding accuracy
ATLANTA, Jan. 15, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Streamline Health Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: STRM), a leading provider of solutions that enable healthcare providers to improve financial performance, announced that it has signed a new contract for the use of eValuator with Deaconess Health System, a 1,200 bed Indiana-based health system. Deaconess selected Streamline Health’s eValuator solution to optimize its pre-bill coding accuracy and financial outcomes.
“We were seeking automation to assist with improving coding and billing workflows as well as accuracy within the mid-revenue cycle. eValuator’s unique capabilities stood apart and best fit our organizational priorities” stated Rebecca Conen, VP/Chief Revenue Cycle Officer, Healthcare Resource Solutions, LLC.
Streamline Health is leading an industry movement to improve health system financial performance through pre-bill technology solutions. eValuator’s AI-enhanced pre-bill code auditing ensures that providers can accurately capture, bill and ultimately be paid for all the care they provide while avoiding denials.
“We are honored to partner with Deaconess Health System, a leader in delivering exceptional care to Indiana communities” stated Ben Stilwill, Chief Executive Officer. “Together, we aim to optimize their coding processes and accuracy so they can focus on what matters most—serving their patients with the highest quality care”.
About Streamline Health
Streamline Health Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq: STRM) enables healthcare organizations to proactively address revenue leakage and improve financial performance. We deliver integrated solutions, technology-enabled services and analytics that drive compliant revenue leading to improved financial performance across the enterprise. For more information, visit
About Deaconess Health System
Deaconess Health System is the premiere provider of health care services to a population of more than 1.5 million in southwestern Indiana, western Kentucky and southeastern Illinois. Serving a population of more than 1.5 million residents, the system consists of 19 wholly owned, joint ventured, sponsored or affiliated hospital locations situated throughout the Tri-State.
To Learn More
Jacob Goldberger
Vice President, Finance
Source: Streamline Health Solutions, Inc.

What is the new contract Streamline Health (STRM) signed with Deaconess Health System?
How will eValuator benefit Deaconess Health System's operations?
What is the size of Deaconess Health System's service area for STRM's eValuator?