Tims China Announces Q3 2024 Results Date & Conference Call
TH International (Tims China), the exclusive operator of Tim Hortons coffee shops in China, has announced its plans to release Q3 2024 financial results. The results will be made public before market opening on Tuesday, November 12, 2024. Following the release, the company will host a conference call at 8:00 AM EST (9:00 PM China Standard Time) to discuss the results.
Investors and interested parties can access the conference call via a webcast on the company's investor relations website at https://ir.timschina.com/events-presentations/presentations-webcasts. This announcement provides shareholders and analysts with a clear timeline for accessing Tims China's latest financial performance data and engaging with company management.
TH International (Tims China), l'operatore esclusivo delle caffetterie Tim Hortons in Cina, ha annunciato i suoi piani per rilasciare i risultati finanziari del terzo trimestre 2024. I risultati saranno resi pubblici prima dell'apertura dei mercati martedì 12 novembre 2024. Dopo il rilascio, l'azienda ospiterà una conference call alle 8:00 AM EST (9:00 PM ora standard cinese) per discutere i risultati.
Gli investitori e le parti interessate possono accedere alla conference call tramite un webcast sul sito web delle relazioni con gli investitori dell'azienda all'indirizzo https://ir.timschina.com/events-presentations/presentations-webcasts. Questo annuncio fornisce agli azionisti e agli analisti una chiara tempistica per accedere ai dati più recenti sulle performance finanziarie di Tims China e interagire con il management dell'azienda.
TH International (Tims China), el operador exclusivo de las cafeterías Tim Hortons en China, ha anunciado sus planes para publicar los resultados financieros del tercer trimestre de 2024. Los resultados se harán públicos antes de la apertura del mercado el martes 12 de noviembre de 2024. Después de la publicación, la compañía llevará a cabo una llamada de conferencia a las 8:00 AM EST (9:00 PM hora estándar de China) para discutir los resultados.
Los inversores y partes interesadas pueden acceder a la llamada de conferencia a través de un webcast en el sitio web de relaciones con inversores de la compañía en https://ir.timschina.com/events-presentations/presentations-webcasts. Este anuncio proporciona a los accionistas y analistas un cronograma claro para acceder a los datos más recientes del rendimiento financiero de Tims China e interactuar con la dirección de la empresa.
TH International (Tims China), 중국 내 Tim Hortons 커피숍의 독점 운영업체,는 2024년 3분기 재무 결과 발표 계획을 발표했습니다. 결과는 2024년 11월 12일 화요일 시장 개장 전에 공개될 예정입니다. 발표 후, 회사는 동부 표준시 기준 오전 8:00 (중국 표준시 기준 오후 9:00) 에 결과를 논의하기 위한 컨퍼런스 콜을 진행합니다.
투자자 및 이해관계자는 회사의 투자자 관계 웹사이트를 통해 웨비나에 접속할 수 있으며, 링크는 https://ir.timschina.com/events-presentations/presentations-webcasts입니다. 이 발표는 주주 및 분석가에게 Tims China의 최신 재무 성과 데이터에 접근하고 회사 경영진과 소통할 수 있는 명확한 일정을 제공합니다.
TH International (Tims China), l'opérateur exclusif des cafés Tim Hortons en Chine, a annoncé ses projets de publication des résultats financiers du troisième trimestre 2024. Les résultats seront rendus publics avant l'ouverture du marché le mardi 12 novembre 2024. Suite à cette publication, l'entreprise organisera une conférence téléphonique à 8h00 EST (21h00 heure normale de Chine) pour discuter des résultats.
Les investisseurs et les parties intéressées peuvent accéder à la conférence téléphonique via un webinaire sur le site web des relations investisseurs de l'entreprise à l'adresse https://ir.timschina.com/events-presentations/presentations-webcasts. Cette annonce fournit aux actionnaires et aux analystes un calendrier clair pour accéder aux données financières les plus récentes de Tims China et interagir avec la direction de l'entreprise.
TH International (Tims China), der exklusive Betreiber der Tim Hortons Cafés in China, hat die Pläne zur Veröffentlichung der finanziellen Ergebnisse für das 3. Quartal 2024 bekannt gegeben. Die Ergebnisse werden vor Markteröffnung am Dienstag, den 12. November 2024 veröffentlicht. Nach der Bekanntgabe wird das Unternehmen um 8:00 Uhr EST (21:00 Uhr chinesische Standardzeit) eine Konferenzschaltung abhalten, um die Ergebnisse zu besprechen.
Investoren und Interessierte können über einen Webcast auf der Investor-Relations-Website des Unternehmens zugreifen unter https://ir.timschina.com/events-presentations/presentations-webcasts. Diese Ankündigung bietet Aktionären und Analysten einen klaren Zeitrahmen, um auf die neuesten Finanzdaten von Tims China zuzugreifen und mit der Unternehmensführung zu interagieren.
- Timely disclosure of financial results, demonstrating transparency
- Investor engagement through conference call and webcast
- None.
SHANGHAI, and NEW YORK, Oct. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- TH International Limited (“Tims China” (Nasdaq: THCH)), the exclusive operator of Tim Hortons coffee shops in China, plans to release its third quarter results before market opening on Tuesday November 12, 2024, with a conference call to follow at 8:00 AM EST or 9:00 PM China Standard Time. The conference call will be webcast, and can be accessed on the company website at https://ir.timschina.com/events-presentations/presentations-webcasts.
TH International Limited (Nasdaq: THCH) (“Tims China”) is the parent company of the exclusive master franchisees of Tim Hortons coffee shops in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau. Tims China was founded by Cartesian Capital Group and Tim Hortons Restaurants International, a subsidiary of Restaurant Brands International (TSX: QSR) (NYSE: QSR).
The company’s philosophy is rooted in world-class execution and data-driven decision making and centered around true local relevance, continuous innovation, genuine community, and absolute convenience. For more information, please visit https://www.timschina.com.
Investor Relations
IR@timschina.com or Gemma.Bakx@cartesiangroup.com
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When will Tims China (THCH) release its Q3 2024 financial results?
What time is the Tims China (THCH) Q3 2024 earnings conference call?
How can investors access Tims China's (THCH) Q3 2024 earnings call?