ReposiTrak Welcomes 50 New Nut Butter Product Suppliers to Rapidly Expanding Food Traceability Network
ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK) announces the addition of 50 new nut butter product suppliers to its Traceability Network, strengthening its position as the world's largest food traceability and regulatory compliance network. The new members include major global players: the world's largest food and beverage company, a Belgian snacking innovator founded in 1932, and a U.S.-based snack food leader established in 1913.
These suppliers will exchange FDA-required Key Data Elements (KDEs) for Critical Tracking Events (CTEs) ahead of the January 2026 deadline. The platform requires no additional hardware or software, offering unlimited trading partner connections for a flat fee.
ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK) annuncia l'aggiunta di 50 nuovi fornitori di burro di nocciola alla sua Rete di Tracciabilità, consolidando la sua posizione come la rete di tracciabilità alimentare e conformità normativa più grande al mondo. I nuovi membri includono importanti attori globali: la più grande azienda alimentare e delle bevande al mondo, un innovatore belga nel settore degli snack fondato nel 1932 e un leader statunitense nel settore degli snack fondato nel 1913.
Questi fornitori scambieranno gli Elementi Chiave di Dati (KDE) richiesti dalla FDA per gli Eventi di Tracciamento Critico (CTE) prima della scadenza di gennaio 2026. La piattaforma non richiede hardware o software aggiuntivi, offrendo connessioni illimitate con partner commerciali per una tassa fissa.
ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK) anuncia la incorporación de 50 nuevos proveedores de mantequilla de nuez a su Red de Trazabilidad, reforzando su posición como la red de trazabilidad alimentaria y cumplimiento normativo más grande del mundo. Los nuevos miembros incluyen actores globales importantes: la mayor empresa de alimentos y bebidas del mundo, un innovador belga en bocadillos fundado en 1932 y un líder estadounidense en alimentos para bocadillos establecido en 1913.
Estos proveedores intercambiarán los Elementos Clave de Datos (KDE) requeridos por la FDA para los Eventos de Seguimiento Crítico (CTE) antes de la fecha límite de enero de 2026. La plataforma no requiere hardware o software adicional, ofreciendo conexiones ilimitadas con socios comerciales por una tarifa fija.
ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK)은 50개의 새로운 너트 버터 제품 공급업체를 트레이서빌리티 네트워크에 추가했다고 발표하며, 세계 최대의 식품 트레이서빌리티 및 규제 준수 네트워크로서의 입지를 강화하고 있습니다. 새로운 회원에는 세계 최대의 식음료 회사, 1932년에 설립된 벨기에 스낵 혁신 기업, 그리고 1913년에 설립된 미국 브랜드 스낵 리더가 포함되어 있습니다.
이 공급업체들은 2026년 1월 마감일 전에 FDA가 요구하는 핵심 데이터 요소(KDE)를 중요한 추적 이벤트(CTE)와 교환할 것입니다. 이 플랫폼은 추가 하드웨어나 소프트웨어를 요구하지 않으며, 고정 요금으로 무제한의 거래 파트너 연결을 제공합니다.
ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK) annonce l'ajout de 50 nouveaux fournisseurs de beurre de noix à son Réseau de Traçabilité, renforçant sa position en tant que plus grand réseau de traçabilité alimentaire et de conformité réglementaire au monde. Les nouveaux membres incluent des acteurs mondiaux majeurs : la plus grande entreprise alimentaire et de boissons au monde, un innovateur belge en collation fondé en 1932, et un leader américain des collations établi en 1913.
Ces fournisseurs échangeront les Éléments de Données Clés (KDE) exigés par la FDA pour les Événements de Suivi Critiques (CTE) avant la date limite de janvier 2026. La plateforme ne nécessite aucun matériel ou logiciel supplémentaire, offrant des connexions illimitées avec les partenaires commerciaux pour un tarif fixe.
ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK) kündigt die Aufnahme von 50 neuen Anbietern von Nussbutterprodukten in sein Rückverfolgbarkeitsnetzwerk an und stärkt damit seine Position als das größte Netzwerk für Lebensmittelsicherheit und regulatorische Compliance weltweit. Zu den neuen Mitgliedern gehören bedeutende globale Akteure: das größte Lebensmittel- und Getränkeunternehmen der Welt, ein 1932 gegründeter belgischer Snack-Innovator und ein 1913 gegründeter, in den USA ansässiger Snacklebensmittel führer.
Diese Anbieter werden die von der FDA geforderten Schlüssel-Datenelemente (KDE) für kritische Rückverfolgungsereignisse (CTE) vor der Frist im Januar 2026 austauschen. Die Plattform erfordert keine zusätzliche Hardware oder Software und bietet unbegrenzte Handelspartnerverbindungen gegen eine Pauschalgebühr.
- Addition of 50 new suppliers to the traceability network, including major global food companies
- Platform enables compliance with FDA requirements ahead of 2026 deadline
- Low-cost solution with flat fee structure and no hardware/software requirements
- None.
The addition of 50 nut butter suppliers to ReposiTrak's network represents a significant expansion of their market presence in the food traceability sector. This development is particularly noteworthy as it includes major global food manufacturers, strengthening ReposiTrak's position as a leading compliance solution provider.
The timing is strategic, as food companies must comply with FDA's FSMA 204 traceability requirements by January 2026. ReposiTrak's software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, requiring no additional hardware investment, presents a compelling value proposition that could drive accelerated adoption and recurring revenue growth.
The inclusion of global food giants signals strong market validation and could lead to expanded opportunities across their vast product portfolios. With a current market cap of
Ahead of regulatory deadlines, 50 nut butter product suppliers join ReposiTrak for its innovative hardware-free traceability solutions
Among the 50 new suppliers, three especially reflect the diversity and strength represented in this group. One is the world’s largest food and beverage company, founded more than 150 years ago, and globally recognized for its portfolio covering almost every food and beverage category. Another is a
“Suppliers are joining not just to meet FDA requirements, but also to align with the stricter demands of many retailers,” stated Randy Fields, chairman and CEO of ReposiTrak. “Nut butters are a perfect example, as they’re used in a wide range of foods across stores, and many retailers now require traceability for all products on their shelves. ReposiTrak ensures seamless traceability for everyone, meeting both regulatory and customer requirements.”
The ReposiTrak Traceability Network requires no additional hardware or software and the ReposiTrak team assists in making the connections needed under the new regulation. Suppliers can connect to an unlimited number of trading partners and share data for a low, flat fee.
About ReposiTrak
ReposiTrak (NYSE: TRAK) provides retailers, suppliers, food manufacturers and wholesalers with a robust solution suite to help reduce risk and remain in compliance with regulatory requirements, enhance operational controls and increase sales with unrivaled brand protection. Consisting of three product families – food traceability, compliance and risk management and supply chain solutions – ReposiTrak’s integrated, cloud-based applications are supported by an unparalleled team of experts. For more information, please visit
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John Merrill, CFO
Rob Fink
Source: ReposiTrak