Coverdash Partners With LendingTree to Launch Its First-Ever Insurance Offering for Startups and SMBs
LendingTree (TREE) has partnered with insurtech broker Coverdash to launch its first-ever business insurance offering for startups and SMBs. The integration enables LendingTree customers to access instant quotes and purchase various business insurance policies directly on the platform. The partnership expands LendingTree's services beyond loans and financial products, offering coverage options including General Liability, Workers' Compensation, Business Owners Policy, and Cyber Insurance. According to a Federal Reserve Bank study, businesses with lower risk profiles, including those carrying insurance, were 25% more likely to secure loan approvals compared to higher-risk businesses.
LendingTree (TREE) ha stretto una partnership con il broker insurtech Coverdash per lanciare la sua prima offerta di assicurazione per le imprese dedicata a startup e PMI. Questa integrazione consente ai clienti di LendingTree di accedere a preventivi istantanei e di acquistare direttamente sulla piattaforma diverse polizze assicurative per le imprese. La partnership amplia i servizi di LendingTree oltre prestiti e prodotti finanziari, offrendo opzioni di copertura che includono Responsabilità Civile Generale, Assicurazione per Infortuni sul Lavoro, Polizza per Proprietari di Attività e Assicurazione Cyber. Secondo uno studio della Federal Reserve Bank, le imprese con profili di rischio più bassi, comprese quelle con assicurazione, avevano il 25% in più di probabilità di ottenere approvazioni per prestiti rispetto alle imprese ad alto rischio.
LendingTree (TREE) se ha asociado con el corredor de insurtech Coverdash para lanzar su primera oferta de seguros para negocios dirigida a startups y pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMEs). Esta integración permite a los clientes de LendingTree acceder a cotizaciones instantáneas y adquirir directamente en la plataforma diversas pólizas de seguros comerciales. La colaboración amplía los servicios de LendingTree más allá de préstamos y productos financieros, ofreciendo opciones de cobertura que incluyen Responsabilidad Civil General, Compensación de Trabajadores, Póliza para Propietarios de Negocios y Seguros Cibernéticos. Según un estudio del Banco de la Reserva Federal, las empresas con perfiles de riesgo más bajos, que incluyen aquellas que tienen seguros, tenían un 25% más de probabilidades de obtener aprobaciones de préstamos en comparación con las empresas de mayor riesgo.
LendingTree (TREE)은 스타트업과 중소기업을 위한 첫 번째 비즈니스 보험 상품을 출시하기 위해 인슈어테크 중개업체 Coverdash와 파트너십을 체결했습니다. 이 통합을 통해 LendingTree 고객들은 즉시 견적을 받고 플랫폼에서 다양한 비즈니스 보험 정책을 직접 구매할 수 있습니다. 이 파트너십은 LendingTree의 서비스를 대출과 금융 상품을 넘어 확장하여 일반 책임, 근로자 보상, 사업자 보험 및 사이버 보험 등의 보장 옵션을 제공합니다. 연준 은행의 연구에 따르면, 보험을 보유한 낮은 위험 프로필을 가진 기업들이 높은 위험 기업에 비해 대출 승인 가능성이 25% 더 높았습니다.
LendingTree (TREE) a établi un partenariat avec le courtier insurtech Coverdash pour lancer sa toute première offre d'assurance pour entreprises destinée aux startups et aux PME. Cette intégration permet aux clients de LendingTree d'accéder à des devis instantanés et d'acheter directement sur la plateforme diverses polices d'assurance pour entreprises. Ce partenariat élargit les services de LendingTree au-delà des prêts et des produits financiers, offrant des options de couverture telles que la Responsabilité Civile Générale, l'Assurance Maladie des Travailleurs, la Police des Propriétaires d'Entreprises et l'Assurance Cybernétique. Selon une étude de la Réserve Fédérale, les entreprises avec des profils de risque plus faibles, y compris celles ayant une assurance, avaient 25 % plus de chances d'obtenir une approbation de prêt par rapport aux entreprises à risque élevé.
LendingTree (TREE) hat eine Partnerschaft mit dem Insurtech-Broker Coverdash geschlossen, um sein erstes Angebot von Geschäftsinternationalversicherungen für Startups und KMU einzuführen. Die Integration ermöglicht es den Kunden von LendingTree, sofortige Angebote zu erhalten und verschiedene Geschäftsinternationalversicherungen direkt auf der Plattform zu erwerben. Die Partnerschaft erweitert die Dienstleistungen von LendingTree über Kredite und Finanzprodukte hinaus und bietet Versicherungsmöglichkeiten wie Allgemeine Haftpflicht, Arbeiterentschädigung, Betriebshaftpflicht und Cyber-Versicherung. Laut einer Studie der Federal Reserve Bank hatten Unternehmen mit geringeren Risiko-Profilen, einschließlich solcher mit Versicherungsschutz, eine um 25 % höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit, Kreditzusagen zu erhalten, verglichen mit risikoreicheren Unternehmen.
- Integration of insurance services expands LendingTree's product offering beyond financial services
- Businesses with insurance coverage are 25% more likely to secure loan approvals
- Platform integration enables instant quote comparison from multiple carriers
- None.
This strategic partnership represents a significant business expansion for LendingTree into the insurance sector, leveraging Coverdash's insurtech platform. The integration has multiple revenue implications: direct commission potential from insurance sales, increased loan approval rates through better-insured customers and enhanced customer retention through a broader service offering.
The embedded insurance platform addresses a critical market gap, as businesses with proper insurance coverage are
The partnership positions LendingTree to capture a larger share of the SMB financial services market, diversifying revenue streams beyond lending. However, success will depend on execution, customer adoption rates and the competitive response from established insurance platforms.
This partnership marks an important step in LendingTree’s evolution by expanding its services for small businesses beyond loans and financial products to now include comprehensive insurance solutions. A study by the Federal Reserve Bank found that businesses that demonstrated lower risk profiles – which includes carrying insurance – were
“LendingTree’s legacy in financial services is unmatched, and we’re incredibly proud to have our embedded experience power their expansion into business insurance,” said Ralph Betesh, Co-Founder and CEO of Coverdash. “Meeting financial requirements while starting a business is complex – our partnership lets business owners easily access trusted resources in one place at every stage of their company’s life cycle.”
The integration removes traditional barriers to acquiring business insurance and simplifies the process for business owners, helping them manage risk and protect their operations. Coverdash’s embedded technology enables SMBs to access instant quotes from the nation’s most recognized carriers, allowing them to compare and purchase policies that meet their specific needs. These coverage options include General Liability, Workers' Compensation, Business Owners Policy, Cyber Insurance and more. Coverdash empowers partners like LendingTree to increase customer engagement, boost revenue, and reduce customer acquisition costs by offering business insurance as an additional product.
“We’ve always played an integral role in helping small businesses get off the ground with our loans and financing programs, so offering business insurance was the natural next step,” said Jenn Ash, General Manager, Small Business & Student Loans at LendingTree. “This partnership with Coverdash deepens our commitment to supporting our customers' growth, reinforcing our position as their trusted, long-term partner for all of their financial services needs."
Coverdash and LendingTree are on a dedicated mission to help small and medium-sized businesses succeed by simplifying financial solutions. Together, they are not only providing an innovative and frictionless experience for securing essential coverage but also empowering small business owners to focus on what they do best – growing their businesses with confidence.
About Coverdash
Founded in 2022, Coverdash is a fully-digital business insurance agency committed to transforming the business insurance process for startups and small businesses. Coverdash's revolutionary embedded technology enables any partner to host its end-to-end insurance experience with a single line of code. Coverdash serves SMBs and startups from concept all the way to Series D+. The company is headquartered in
About LendingTree
LendingTree (NASDAQ: TREE) is one of the nation's largest and most experienced online financial platforms, created to empower consumers and businesses alike to win financially. LendingTree provides customers with access to a broad range of financial products—including loans, credit cards, insurance, and more—through its network of over 600 financial partners. Since its founding, LendingTree has helped over 120 million customers obtain financing, save money, and improve their financial health. For more information, visit
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Source: Coverdash