VNET and Dajia Investment Ink Definitive Agreement on a Pre-REITs Fund
VNET Group has signed a definitive agreement with Dajia Investment to form a pre-REITs fund for investing in hyperscale data centers in mainland China. The initial assets for the Fund include VNET's Taicang IDC Campus's first and second phases, with 210MW total IT capacity valued at RMB5.74 billion (10.1x EV/EBITDA). VNET will maintain 51% equity in the assets through the Fund, while Dajia will hold 49%. VNET will consolidate the Fund's financial results and continue operating the assets to maintain IDC services for customers.
VNET Group ha firmato un accordo definitivo con Dajia Investment per formare un fondo pre-REITs destinato a investire in centri dati hyperscale nella Cina continentale. Gli asset iniziali del Fondo comprendono le prime due fasi del campus IDC di VNET a Taicang, con una capacità IT totale di 210 MW valutata 5,74 miliardi di RMB (10,1x EV/EBITDA). VNET manterrà il 51% di partecipazione negli asset tramite il Fondo, mentre Dajia possiederà il 49%. VNET consolidarà i risultati finanziari del Fondo e continuerà a gestire gli asset per mantenere i servizi IDC per i clienti.
VNET Group ha firmado un acuerdo definitivo con Dajia Investment para formar un fondo pre-REITs destinado a invertir en centros de datos hyperscale en la China continental. Los activos iniciales del Fondo incluyen las primeras y segundas fases del campus IDC de VNET en Taicang, con una capacidad total de IT de 210 MW valorada en 5.74 mil millones de RMB (10.1x EV/EBITDA). VNET mantendrá el 51% de participación en los activos a través del Fondo, mientras que Dajia poseerá el 49%. VNET consolidará los resultados financieros del Fondo y continuará operando los activos para mantener los servicios IDC para los clientes.
VNET Group는 Dajia Investment와 함께 중국 본토의 하이퍼 스케일 데이터 센터에 투자하기 위한 프리 REITs 펀드를 설립하기 위한 최종 계약을 체결했습니다. 펀드의 초기 자산은 VNET의 타이창 IDC 캠퍼스의 첫 번째 및 두 번째 단계로, 총 IT 용량 210MW가 57.4억 RMB(10.1배 EV/EBITDA)로 평가됩니다. VNET은 펀드를 통해 자산의 51% 지분을 유지하며, Dajia는 49%를 보유합니다. VNET은 펀드의 재무 결과를 통합하고 고객을 위해 IDC 서비스를 유지하기 위해 자산을 계속 운영할 것입니다.
VNET Group a signé un accord définitif avec Dajia Investment pour former un fonds pré-REITs destiné à investir dans des centres de données hyperscale en Chine continentale. Les actifs initiaux du Fonds comprennent les première et deuxième phases du campus IDC de VNET à Taicang, avec une capacité IT totale de 210 MW évaluée à 5,74 milliards de RMB (10,1x EV/EBITDA). VNET maintiendra 51% de participation dans les actifs par le biais du Fonds, tandis que Dajia détiendra 49%. VNET consolidera les résultats financiers du Fonds et continuera d'exploiter les actifs pour maintenir les services IDC pour les clients.
VNET Group hat einen endgültigen Vertrag mit Dajia Investment unterzeichnet, um einen Pre-REITs-Fonds zur Investition in hyperscale Rechenzentren im Festlandchina zu gründen. Die ursprünglichen Vermögenswerte des Fonds umfassen die ersten beiden Phasen des IDC-Campus von VNET in Taicang, mit einer Gesamtkapazität von 210 MW, die auf 5,74 Milliarden RMB (10,1x EV/EBITDA) geschätzt wird. VNET wird 51% Eigenkapital an den Vermögenswerten über den Fonds halten, während Dajia 49% hält. VNET wird die finanziellen Ergebnisse des Fonds konsolidieren und die Vermögenswerte weiterhin betreiben, um IDC-Dienste für die Kunden aufrechtzuerhalten.
- Strategic partnership with major institutional investor Dajia Investment
- Assets valued at RMB5.74 billion with 10.1x EV/EBITDA multiple
- Maintains operational control with 51% equity retention
- Improves balance sheet efficiency through new financing structure
- Reduces full ownership of revenue-generating assets from 100% to 51%
This strategic partnership with Dajia represents a significant financial restructuring for VNET, unlocking value from existing assets while maintaining operational control. The
The pre-REITs fund structure suggests potential future securitization opportunities and demonstrates VNET's innovative approach to capital management. This deal could serve as a template for future asset monetization while maintaining operational integrity. The transaction should strengthen VNET's balance sheet and provide additional capital for growth initiatives while keeping the assets consolidated on their financial statements.
The formation of this pre-REITs fund represents a pioneering move in China's data center real estate sector. With 210MW of IT capacity, the Taicang IDC Campus assets provide a substantial foundation for institutional investment in digital infrastructure. The involvement of Dajia Insurance Group, a major institutional investor, validates the maturity of data center assets as an institutional-grade real estate class in China.
This structure could pave the way for China's first data center REITs, potentially creating a new avenue for capital market participation in digital infrastructure. The implied valuation metrics suggest strong market recognition of the assets' quality and future growth potential in this strategic location.
Pursuant to the Agreement, the underlying assets (the "Assets") for the Fund's initial investment are the first and second phases of VNET's Taicang IDC Campus, which currently has a total IT capacity of approximately 210MW and an estimated value of
Josh Sheng Chen, Founder, Executive Chairperson and interim Chief Executive Officer of VNET, commented, "We are thrilled to announce this transaction. It demonstrates our prowess in effectively managing capital and asset operating cycles, bolstering our capital sources with long-term investors while further enhancing our balance sheet efficiency. We will continue to pursue innovative financing structures and explore exits for our existing premium data centers, building a healthy, sustainable capital and asset cycle that propels our long-term growth while contributing to
About VNET
VNET Group, Inc. is a leading carrier- and cloud-neutral internet data center services provider in
About Dajia Investment Holding Company Ltd.
Dajia Investment Holding Company Ltd. is an alternative asset investment management company wholly owned by Dajia Insurance Group. It invests in high-quality assets with growth potential across
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This announcement contains forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the
Investor Relations Contact:
Xinyuan Liu
Tel: +86 10 8456 2121
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