Eco Wave Power Receives Final Permit from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for U.S. First Wave Energy Project, at Port of Los Angeles
Eco Wave Power (NASDAQ: WAVE) has received the final Nationwide Permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for its wave energy project at the Port of Los Angeles, marking it as the first onshore wave energy installation in the United States. The permit authorizes the installation of eight wave energy floaters and an energy conversion unit at AltaSea's premises. The project, developed in collaboration with Shell, is scheduled for completion by the end of Q1 2025. This achievement fulfills key milestones under their agreement announced in April 2024, expected to boost revenues in Q4 2024.
Eco Wave Power (NASDAQ: WAVE) ha ricevuto il permesso nazionale definitivo dal U.S. Army Corps of Engineers per il suo progetto di energia dalle onde presso il Porto di Los Angeles, contrassegnandolo come la prima installazione di energia ondosa a terra negli Stati Uniti. Il permesso autorizza l'installazione di otto galleggianti per energia ondosa e un'unità di conversione energetica nei locali di AltaSea. Il progetto, sviluppato in collaborazione con Shell, è programmato per essere completato entro la fine del primo trimestre 2025. Questo traguardo completa importanti obiettivi sotto l'accordo annunciato nell'aprile 2024, previsto per aumentare i ricavi nel quarto trimestre 2024.
Eco Wave Power (NASDAQ: WAVE) ha recibido el permiso nacional final del Cuerpo de Ingenieros del Ejército de EE. UU. para su proyecto de energía de las olas en el puerto de Los Ángeles, marcándolo como la primera instalación de energía de olas en tierra en los Estados Unidos. El permiso autoriza la instalación de ocho flotadores para energía de olas y una unidad de conversión de energía en las instalaciones de AltaSea. El proyecto, desarrollado en colaboración con Shell, está programado para completarse a finales del primer trimestre de 2025. Este logro cumple con hitos clave bajo su acuerdo anunciado en abril de 2024, que se espera aumente los ingresos en el cuarto trimestre de 2024.
에코 웨이브 파워 (NASDAQ: WAVE)는 로스앤젤레스 항의 파력 에너지 프로젝트에 대해 미 육군 공병대의 최종 국가 허가를 받았습니다. 이는 미국 최초의 육상 파력 에너지 설치로 기록됩니다. 이 허가는 알타시(AltaSea) 부지에 8개의 파력 에너지 부유체와 에너지 변환 장치의 설치를 허가합니다. 이 프로젝트는 셸과 협력하여 개발되었으며, 2025년 1분기 말까지 완료될 예정입니다. 이 성과는 2024년 4월 발표된 계약의 주요 이정표를 충족하며, 2024년 4분기 매출 증가가 예상됩니다.
Eco Wave Power (NASDAQ: WAVE) a reçu le permis national final de l'U.S. Army Corps of Engineers pour son projet d'énergie des vagues au port de Los Angeles, le marquant comme la première installation terrestre d'énergie des vagues aux États-Unis. Le permis autorise l'installation de huit flotteurs d'énergie des vagues et d'une unité de conversion d'énergie dans les locaux d'AltaSea. Le projet, développé en collaboration avec Shell, est prévu pour être achevé d'ici la fin du premier trimestre 2025. Cette réalisation satisfait des jalons clés dans le cadre de leur accord annoncé en avril 2024, attendu pour augmenter les revenus au quatrième trimestre 2024.
Eco Wave Power (NASDAQ: WAVE) hat die endgültige landesweite Genehmigung des U.S. Army Corps of Engineers für sein Wellenenergieprojekt im Hafen von Los Angeles erhalten, wodurch es als die erste landgestützte Wellenenergieanlage in den Vereinigten Staaten gilt. Die Genehmigung autorisiert die Installation von acht Wellenenergie-Flößen und einer Energieumwandlungseinheit auf dem Gelände von AltaSea. Das Projekt, das in Zusammenarbeit mit Shell entwickelt wird, soll bis Ende des 1. Quartals 2025 abgeschlossen sein. Dieser Erfolg erfüllt wichtige Meilensteine im Rahmen ihrer im April 2024 angekündigten Vereinbarung, die voraussichtlich die Einnahmen im 4. Quartal 2024 steigern wird.
- First-ever onshore wave energy installation approval in the United States
- Strategic partnership with Shell expected to boost Q4 2024 revenues
- Final regulatory approval received, clearing path for project execution
- Project completion timeline set for Q1 2025
- None.
This permit approval represents a significant milestone for Eco Wave Power's commercialization strategy. The Port of Los Angeles project, while small in scale with eight floaters, serves as a important proof-of-concept for U.S. wave energy deployment. The collaboration with Shell, a major energy player, adds substantial credibility and is expected to generate revenue in
The project's strategic location at one of America's busiest ports provides high visibility and potential for scaling. The use of existing infrastructure (concrete wharf) demonstrates cost-effective implementation, while the modular design using standard shipping containers suggests scalability. With the U.S. wave energy potential estimated at 1,400 terawatt-hours annually, successful demonstration could unlock significant market opportunities.
The Nationwide Permit approval under NWP 52 sets a valuable regulatory precedent for wave energy projects in U.S. waters. This streamlined permitting process through the Army Corps of Engineers could accelerate future deployments. The permit's scope, covering both marine infrastructure and onshore components, creates a comprehensive regulatory framework that other wave energy projects can reference.
The Q1 2025 installation timeline is realistic given the pre-existing infrastructure and completed shipment of conversion units. This regulatory milestone, combined with the Shell partnership milestones, positions WAVE for potential revenue recognition and demonstrates progress in navigating complex regulatory environments.
This milestone marks a significant step forward in the development of Eco Wave Power's pioneering wave energy project, which is set to become the first onshore wave energy installation in
The system will also include an energy conversion unit, comprised of two 20-foot shipping containers, which will be placed on the wharf deck and connected to the floaters. With the conversion unit already shipped and located on site, Eco Wave Power plans to complete installation by the end of Q1 2025.
In addition to securing the final permit, this achievement marks the completion of two key milestones under Eco Wave Power's agreement with Shell International Exploration and Production Inc ("Shell"), which is expected to boost the Company's revenues in Q4, 2024
The agreement between the parties was announced in April 2024, according to which, Eco Wave Power and Shell will collaborate for the development of a wave energy pilot in the Port of
"We are thrilled to receive this final permit and move one step closer to bringing wave energy to the
About Eco Wave Power Global AB (publ)
Eco Wave Power is a leading onshore wave energy company revolutionizing clean energy with its patented, smart, and cost-efficient technology that converts ocean and sea waves into sustainable electricity.
Dedicated to combating climate change, Eco Wave Power operates the first grid-connected wave energy system in
Expanding globally, Eco Wave Power is preparing to install projects at the Port of
Eco Wave Power's American Depositary Shares (WAVE) are traded on the Nasdaq Capital Market. Learn more at
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