Webuy Achieves Record $2.9 Million in Sales within Just Three Days at NATAS Fair 2024
Webuy (Nasdaq: WBUY), a Southeast Asian community e-commerce retailer, announced it achieved record sales of $2.9 million over three days at the NATAS Fair 2024. The event, held in Singapore, is one of Southeast Asia's largest travel and consumer fairs, attracting approximately 100,000 visitors. The sales surge was driven by Webuy's 'Travel with Webuy' tour packages. CEO Vincent Xue Bin expressed satisfaction with the positive reception, attributing the success to their unique social e-commerce platform and group leader sales model. Webuy plans to expand its high-margin travel offerings within the estimated US$30 billion Southeast Asia travel and tourism market.
Webuy (Nasdaq: WBUY), un rivenditore di e-commerce della comunità del Sud-est asiatico, ha annunciato di aver raggiunto vendite record di 2,9 milioni di dollari in tre giorni al NATAS Fair 2024. L'evento, tenutosi a Singapore, è una delle fiere di viaggio e consumo più grandi del Sud-est asiatico, attirando circa 100.000 visitatori. L'impennata delle vendite è stata guidata dai pacchetti turistici 'Travel with Webuy'. Il CEO Vincent Xue Bin ha espresso soddisfazione per la ricezione positiva, attribuendo il successo alla loro piattaforma unica di e-commerce sociale e al modello di vendita tramite capi gruppo. Webuy prevede di espandere le sue offerte di viaggio ad alto margine all'interno del mercato stimato del turismo e dei viaggi nel Sud-est asiatico, che ammonta a 30 miliardi di dollari USA.
Webuy (Nasdaq: WBUY), un minorista de comercio electrónico comunitario en el sudeste asiático, anunció que alcanzó ventas récord de 2.9 millones de dólares en tres días durante la Feria NATAS 2024. El evento, realizado en Singapur, es una de las ferias de viajes y consumo más grandes del sudeste asiático, atrayendo aproximadamente a 100,000 visitantes. El aumento en las ventas fue impulsado por los paquetes turísticos 'Travel with Webuy'. El CEO Vincent Xue Bin expresó su satisfacción por la recepción positiva, atribuyendo el éxito a su singular plataforma de comercio electrónico social y al modelo de ventas a través de líderes de grupo. Webuy planea expandir su oferta de viajes de alto margen dentro del estimado mercado de turismo y viajes del sudeste asiático, que asciende a 30 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses.
Webuy (Nasdaq: WBUY)는 동남아시아 지역 사회 전자상거래 소매업체로, NATAS 박람회 2024에서 3일 동안 290만 달러의 역대 판매 기록을 달성했다고 발표했습니다. 싱가포르에서 열린 이번 행사는 동남아시아에서 가장 큰 여행 및 소비 박람회 중 하나로, 약 10만 명의 관람객을 끌어모았습니다. 판매 급증은 Webuy의 'Travel with Webuy' 투어 패키지에 의해 촉진되었습니다. CEO Vincent Xue Bin은 긍정적인 반응에 만족을 표하며, 성공의 원인을 그들의 독특한 소셜 전자상거래 플랫폼과 그룹 리더 판매 모델에 두었습니다. Webuy는 예상되는 300억 달러 규모의 동남아시아 여행 및 관광 시장 내에서 향후 고수익 여행 상품을 확장할 계획입니다.
Webuy (Nasdaq: WBUY), un détaillant de commerce électronique communautaire en Asie du Sud-Est, a annoncé avoir réalisé des ventes record de 2,9 millions de dollars en trois jours lors de la foire NATAS 2024. L'événement, qui s'est déroulé à Singapour, est l'une des plus grandes foires de voyage et de consommation en Asie du Sud-Est, attirant environ 100 000 visiteurs. La hausse des ventes a été entraînée par les forfaits de voyage 'Travel with Webuy'. Le PDG Vincent Xue Bin a exprimé sa satisfaction quant à l'accueil positif, attribuant le succès à leur plateforme unique de commerce électronique social et à leur modèle de vente par chefs de groupe. Webuy prévoit d'élargir ses offres de voyage à forte marge dans le marché du tourisme et des voyages du Sud-Est asiatique, estimé à 30 milliards de dollars américains.
Webuy (Nasdaq: WBUY), ein E-Commerce-Händler aus der Gemeinschaft in Südostasien, gab bekannt, dass er während der NATAS Fair 2024 Rekordverkäufe von 2,9 Millionen US-Dollar innerhalb von drei Tagen erzielt hat. Die Veranstaltung, die in Singapur stattfand, gehört zu den größten Reise- und Verbrauchermessen in Südostasien und zieht etwa 100.000 Besucher an. Der Verkaufsanstieg wurde durch die Reiseangebote von Webuy mit dem Titel 'Travel with Webuy' angetrieben. CEO Vincent Xue Bin äußerte Zufriedenheit über die positive Resonanz und führte den Erfolg auf ihre einzigartige soziale E-Commerce-Plattform sowie das Verkaufsmodell durch Gruppenleiter zurück. Webuy plant, sein margenstarkes Reiseangebot innerhalb des geschätzten 30 Milliarden US-Dollar schweren Reise- und Tourismussektors in Südostasien auszubauen.
- Record $2.9 million in sales within three days at NATAS Fair 2024.
- Strong reception of 'Travel with Webuy' tour packages.
- Plans to expand high-margin travel offerings in the US$30 billion Southeast Asia market.
- None.
Webuy's record-breaking
However, it's important to consider this event in the broader context of Webuy's overall financial performance. While impressive, we need to see how this translates into sustained revenue growth and profitability over time. The
Webuy's success at NATAS Fair 2024 highlights the growing trend of social e-commerce in the travel sector. Their unique group leader sales model appears to resonate well with consumers, potentially offering a competitive edge in customer acquisition and retention. The strong sales figure suggests that Webuy has effectively tapped into consumer preferences for community-driven purchasing decisions in travel.
However, it's important to note that the travel industry is highly cyclical and sensitive to economic fluctuations. Webuy's ability to maintain this momentum outside of major events like NATAS Fair will be crucial. Investors should watch for consistent performance across various sales channels and the company's adaptability to changing travel trends and potential market disruptions.
Webuy's success at NATAS Fair 2024 underscores the power of their social e-commerce platform in driving sales. Their ability to generate
From a tech perspective, Webuy's platform must handle high-volume transactions and real-time inventory management to support such rapid sales. As they expand their travel offerings, the scalability and reliability of their tech stack will be crucial. Investors should monitor Webuy's continued investment in technology, particularly in areas like AI-driven personalization and mobile optimization, to maintain their competitive edge in the evolving e-commerce landscape.
Singapore, Aug. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Webuy Global Ltd. (Nasdaq: WBUY) (“Webuy” or the “Company”), a Southeast Asian community e-commerce retailer, today announced it generated a record
Webuy team at NATAS 2024
The NATAS Fair, organized by the National Association of Travel Agents Singapore (NATAS), is one of the largest and most influential travel and consumer fairs in Southeast Asia, regularly drawing around 100,000 visitors per event.
Vincent Xue Bin, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Webuy, stated, “We are extremely pleased with the positive reception and strong sales of our tour packages at the NATAS Fair 2024—illustrated by our unprecedented
About Webuy Global Ltd
Webuy Global Ltd. (Nasdaq: WBUY) is an innovative, technology-focused company with a goal of building the most trusted retail brand and advanced e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia, designed to leverage data in order to provide a community-driven experience for consumers. The Company's unique 'group buy' business model is set to revolutionize traditional shopping practices by offering substantial cost savings to customers through an efficient purchasing model and community-centric approach. Akin to group purchases and bulk orders, this approach simplifies the process for customers, eliminating the need for individual bulk purchases. Furthermore, the Company’s business model streamlines the traditional supply chain by minimizing the involvement of intermediaries, thereby offering a more direct "farm-to-table" supply model. The Company’s vision is to enable the ten million families in Southeast Asia to live a healthier, higher-quality lifestyle. Additional information about the Company is available at http://webuy.global/.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements regarding the Company’s current expectations. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict. These risks and uncertainties are described more fully in the section captioned "Risk Factors" in the Company’s registration statement on Form F-1 related to the public offering (SEC File No. 333-271604) and annual report on Form 20-F. Forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are made as of this date, and the Company undertakes no duty to update such information except as required under applicable law.

What record did Webuy (WBUY) achieve at the NATAS Fair 2024?
Which product drove Webuy's (WBUY) sales at the NATAS Fair 2024?
What is Webuy's (WBUY) strategy following the NATAS Fair 2024?