Amid Strong Demand for Sustainably Sourced Products, ADM Issues Second Annual Report Detailing Global Regenerative Agriculture Efforts and Progress

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ADM (NYSE: ADM) has released its second annual report on global regenerative agriculture efforts, highlighting significant progress and future goals. The report details ADM's approach, regional programs, and partnerships across the value chain. Key achievements in 2023 include reducing Scope 3 emissions by 310,000 metric tons of CO2e and sequestering 263,700 metric tons of CO2. ADM has expanded its goal to 5 million regenerative acres by 2025, potentially reducing CO2 equivalent to powering 125,000 homes for a year.

The company's farmer-centric approach has successfully delivered over 2.8 million acres in 2023, with a 2024 target of 3.5 million acres. ADM's efforts have been recognized as finalists in prestigious sustainability awards. The report emphasizes ADM's commitment to meeting growing consumer demand for sustainably sourced products while supporting farmers and strengthening the global food system.

ADM (NYSE: ADM) ha pubblicato il suo secondo rapporto annuale sugli sforzi globali in materia di agricoltura rigenerativa, evidenziando progressi significativi e obiettivi futuri. Il rapporto dettagliato l'approccio di ADM, i programmi regionali e le collaborazioni lungo la filiera. I risultati chiave nel 2023 includono la riduzione delle emissioni di Scope 3 di 310.000 tonnellate metriche di CO2e e il sequestro di 263.700 tonnellate metriche di CO2. ADM ha ampliato il suo obiettivo a 5 milioni di acri rigenerativi entro il 2025, riducendo potenzialmente il CO2 equivalente all'energia necessaria per riscaldare 125.000 case in un anno.

L’approccio centrato sugli agricoltori dell'azienda ha generato con successo oltre 2,8 milioni di acri nel 2023, con un obiettivo per il 2024 di 3,5 milioni di acri. Gli sforzi di ADM sono stati riconosciuti come finalisti in premi di sostenibilità prestigiosi. Il rapporto sottolinea l'impegno di ADM nel soddisfare la crescente domanda dei consumatori di prodotti sostenibilmente sorgenti, supportando al contempo gli agricoltori e rafforzando il sistema alimentare globale.

ADM (NYSE: ADM) ha publicado su segundo informe anual sobre los esfuerzos globales en agricultura regenerativa, destacando avances significativos y objetivos futuros. El informe detalla el enfoque de ADM, los programas regionales y las asociaciones a lo largo de la cadena de valor. Los logros clave en 2023 incluyen la reducción de las emisiones de Scope 3 en 310,000 toneladas métricas de CO2e y el secuestro de 263,700 toneladas métricas de CO2. ADM ha ampliado su objetivo a 5 millones de acres regenerativos para 2025, lo que podría reducir el CO2 equivalente a la energía necesaria para alimentar 125,000 hogares durante un año.

El enfoque centrado en los agricultores de la empresa ha logrado más de 2.8 millones de acres en 2023, con un objetivo de 2024 de 3.5 millones de acres. Los esfuerzos de ADM han sido reconocidos como finalistas en premios de sostenibilidad de prestigio. El informe enfatiza el compromiso de ADM de satisfacer la creciente demanda de los consumidores de productos de origen sostenible, al mismo tiempo que apoya a los agricultores y fortalece el sistema alimentario global.

ADM(NYSE: ADM)는 전 세계 재생 농업 노력을 주제로 한 두 번째 연례 보고서를 발표하며 주목할 만한 진전과 미래 목표를 강조했습니다. 보고서는 ADM의 접근 방식, 지역 프로그램 및 가치 사슬 전반의 파트너십을 자세히 설명합니다. 2023년의 주요 성과로는 Scope 3 배출량을 310,000 미터 톤의 CO2e 만큼 줄이고, 263,700 미터 톤의 CO2를 격리한 것이 있습니다. ADM은 2025년까지 500만 재생 에이커로 목표를 확장했으며, 이는 1년 동안 125,000 가구에 전력을 공급할 수 있는 CO2를 줄일 수 있습니다.

회사의 농민 중심 접근 방식은 2023년까지 280만 에이커 이상을 성공적으로 제공하였으며, 2024년 목표는 350만 에이커입니다. ADM의 노력은 저명한 지속 가능성 상에서 최종 후보로 선정되었습니다. 보고서는 ADM이 지속 가능한 제품에 대한 소비자 수요를 충족하기 위해 노력하고, 농부를 지원하며 글로벌 식량 시스템을 강화하고자 하는 의지를 강조합니다.

ADM (NYSE : ADM) a publié son deuxième rapport annuel sur les efforts mondiaux en matière de agriculture régénérative, mettant en lumière des progrès significatifs et des objectifs futurs. Le rapport détaille l'approche d'ADM, les programmes régionaux et les partenariats tout au long de la chaîne de valeur. Les réalisations clés de 2023 incluent la réduction des émissions de Scope 3 de 310 000 tonnes métriques de CO2e et le séquestration de 263 700 tonnes métriques de CO2. ADM a élargi son objectif à 5 millions d'acres régénératifs d'ici 2025, ce qui pourrait réduire les émissions de CO2 équivalentes à alimenter 125 000 foyers pendant un an.

L'approche centrée sur les agriculteurs de l'entreprise a permis de livrer avec succès plus de 2,8 millions d'acres en 2023, avec un objectif de 3,5 millions d'acres pour 2024. Les efforts d'ADM ont été reconnus en tant que finalistes de prix de durabilité prestigieux. Le rapport souligne l'engagement d'ADM à répondre à la demande croissante des consommateurs pour des produits d'origine durable tout en soutenant les agriculteurs et en renforçant le système alimentaire mondial.

ADM (NYSE: ADM) hat seinen zweiten Jahresbericht über die globalen regenerative Landwirtschaft veröffentlicht, der bedeutende Fortschritte und zukünftige Ziele hervorhebt. Der Bericht beschreibt den Ansatz von ADM, regionale Programme und Partnerschaften entlang der Wertschöpfungskette. Wichtige Erfolge im Jahr 2023 umfassen die Reduzierung der Scope-3-Emissionen um 310.000 metrische Tonnen CO2e sowie die Bindung von 263.700 metrischen Tonnen CO2. ADM hat sein Ziel auf 5 Millionen regenerative Acres bis 2025 ausgeweitet, was potenziell CO2 entsprechend dem Energieverbrauch von 125.000 Haushalten für ein Jahr reduzieren könnte.

Der landwirtezentrierte Ansatz des Unternehmens hat 2023 erfolgreich über 2,8 Millionen Acres geliefert, mit einem Ziel von 3,5 Millionen Acres für 2024. Die Bemühungen von ADM wurden als Finalisten bei renommierten Nachhaltigkeitspreisen anerkannt. Der Bericht betont das Engagement von ADM, die steigende Nachfrage der Verbraucher nach nachhaltig beschafften Produkten zu erfüllen, während sie gleichzeitig Landwirte unterstützen und das globale Lebensmittelsystem stärken.

  • Reduced Scope 3 emissions by 310,000 metric tons of CO2e in 2023
  • Sequestered 263,700 metric tons of CO2 in 2023
  • Achieved over 2.8 million regenerative acres in 2023
  • Set ambitious goal of 5 million regenerative acres by 2025
  • Recognized as finalist in 2023 Reuters Responsible Business Awards and 2024 Fast Company World Changing Ideas Awards
  • None.

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ADM (NYSE: ADM), a global leader in innovative solutions from nature, today issued its second annual report detailing its accelerating global work to advance regenerative agriculture practices. The comprehensive report includes:

(Photo: Business Wire)

(Photo: Business Wire)

  • Explanations of ADM’s definition, principles and approach to regenerative agriculture.
  • In-depth updates on the company’s regenerative agriculture programs in four regions: North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia Pacific.
  • Details and examples of how ADM’s work spans the value chain by connecting thousands of farmers around the globe with technical assistance partners such as Farmers Business Network, Map of Ag, American Farmland Trust, Ceres Rural, and Bayer S.A., and downstream customers like Ooni Pizza Ovens, The J.M. Smucker Co., and more.
  • Accomplishments and outcomes from 2023, including reducing our Scope 3 footprint by 310,000 metric tons of CO2e and sequestering 263,700 metric tons of CO2 – equivalent to removing more than 135,000 cars from the road for a year.
  • A reiteration of the company’s new, expanded goal of 5 million acres by 2025, which would have the potential of reducing and sequestering CO2 equivalent to what would be emitted by powering 125,000 homes for a full year.

“Consumers are demanding more sustainably sourced products, and farmers know that enhancing soil health and biodiversity, being more efficient with inputs, and improving carbon intensity are good for their businesses and critical for their futures,” said Greg Morris, president of ADM’s Ag Services and Oilseeds business. “It’s the same for ADM: Regenerative agriculture is a great example of how we are partnering with growers to support agriculture, strengthen our global food system and meet growing and evolving commercial demand while living up to our purpose and building a brighter tomorrow. This report is an important element of that work: We believe it’s critical to share our progress in this area, show our data, and be specific about our goals so our stakeholders can see what our commitment means and how it translates to real progress. We’re proud to lead in this space as we continue to accelerate toward 5 million regenerative acres in 2025.”

ADM has a broad and ambitious approach to regenerative agriculture, working with partners spanning the value chain. ADM knows that farmers are stewards of the land, and the company offers an array of programs that suit all farmers, meeting their varied needs and empowering each of them in the ways that work best for their individual situations, including via direct financial incentives; easy processes and cutting-edge technologies to ensure low barriers to entry; and a broad range of support and guidance from both internal and third-party experts.

Simultaneously, retail and CPG leaders understand the urgency of expanding regenerative agriculture to meet consumer demand, and ADM is partnering to bring consumer brands together with farmers to meet those needs.

ADM’s innovative, farmer-centric approach to regenerative agriculture successfully delivered more than 2.8 million acres in 2023, and has earned honors including positions as finalists in the 2023 Reuters Responsible Business Awards and the 2024 Fast Company World Changing Ideas Awards. ADM is continuing to accelerate its efforts, with a 2024 goal of 3.5 million regenerative acres, and a 2025 goal of 5 million.

Read ADM’s full 2024 Regenerative Agriculture Report here.

About ADM

ADM unlocks the power of nature to enrich the quality of life. We’re an essential global agricultural supply chain manager and processor, providing food security by connecting local needs with global capabilities. We’re a premier human and animal nutrition provider, offering one of the industry’s broadest portfolios of ingredients and solutions from nature. We’re a trailblazer in health and well-being, with an industry-leading range of products for consumers looking for new ways to live healthier lives. We’re a cutting-edge innovator, guiding the way to a future of new consumer and industrial solutions. And we're a leader in sustainability, scaling across entire value chains to help decarbonize the multiple industries we serve. Around the globe, our innovation and expertise are meeting critical needs while nourishing quality of life and supporting a healthier planet. Learn more at

Source: Corporate Release
Source: ADM

ADM Media Relations

Jackie Anderson


Source: ADM


What is ADM's 2025 goal for regenerative agriculture acres?

ADM's goal is to reach 5 million regenerative agriculture acres by 2025.

How many regenerative acres did ADM achieve in 2023?

ADM successfully delivered over 2.8 million regenerative acres in 2023.

What were ADM's key environmental achievements in 2023 related to regenerative agriculture?

In 2023, ADM reduced its Scope 3 footprint by 310,000 metric tons of CO2e and sequestered 263,700 metric tons of CO2, equivalent to removing more than 135,000 cars from the road for a year.

What is ADM's regenerative agriculture target for 2024?

ADM's goal for 2024 is to achieve 3.5 million regenerative acres.

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