AM Best Affirms Credit Ratings of Ameriprise Financial, Inc. and Its Subsidiaries
AM Best has affirmed the A+ (Superior) Financial Strength Rating and aa- (Superior) Long-Term Issuer Credit Ratings for RiverSource Life Insurance Company and its subsidiary. The ratings reflect Ameriprise Financial Group's very strong balance sheet strength, strong operating performance, and favorable business profile. The company shows positive operating metrics including continued net income growth, premium growth, and a 45% return on equity. AM Best also affirmed ratings for Ameriprise Captive Insurance Company and various Ameriprise Financial debt instruments, all with stable outlooks.
AM Best ha confermato il A+ (Superiore) Rating di Forza Finanziaria e il aa- (Superiore) Rating di Credito a Lungo Termine per RiverSource Life Insurance Company e la sua controllata. I rating riflettono la molto forte solidità patrimoniale del gruppo Ameriprise Financial, una forte performance operativa e un profilo aziendale favorevole. L'azienda presenta metriche operative positive, tra cui una continua crescita del reddito netto, crescita dei premi e un 45% di ritorno sul capitale. AM Best ha confermato anche i rating per Ameriprise Captive Insurance Company e vari strumenti di debito di Ameriprise Financial, tutti con prospettive stabili.
AM Best ha afirmado la calificación de A+ (Superior) en Fuerza Financiera y la calificación de crédito a largo plazo aa- (Superior) para RiverSource Life Insurance Company y su filial. Las calificaciones reflejan la muy fuerte solidez de balance del grupo Ameriprise Financial, un fuerte rendimiento operativo y un perfil empresarial favorable. La compañía muestra métricas operativas positivas, incluyendo un crecimiento continuo del ingreso neto, crecimiento de primas y un 45% de retorno sobre el capital. AM Best también confirmó calificaciones para Ameriprise Captive Insurance Company y varios instrumentos de deuda de Ameriprise Financial, todos con perspectivas estables.
AM Best는 RiverSource Life Insurance Company와 그 자회사의 A+ (우수) 재무 건전성 등급 및 aa- (우수) 장기 발행자 신용 등급을 확정했습니다. 이 등급은 Ameriprise Financial Group의 매우 강한 재무 상태, 강력한 운영 성과 및 유리한 비즈니스 프로필을 반영합니다. 이 회사는 지속적인 순이익 증가, 보험료 증가 및 45% 자기자본 수익률을 포함한 긍정적인 운영 지표를 보여줍니다. AM Best는 또한 Ameriprise Captive Insurance Company와 다양한 Ameriprise Financial 채무 상품에 대한 등급을 확정했으며, 모두 안정적인 전망을 가지고 있습니다.
AM Best a confirmé la note de A+ (Supérieur) pour la solidité financière et la note de crédit à long terme aa- (Supérieur) pour RiverSource Life Insurance Company et sa filiale. Ces notes reflètent la très forte solidité du bilan du groupe Ameriprise Financial, une forte performance opérationnelle et un profil d'entreprise favorable. La société affiche des indicateurs opérationnels positifs, y compris une croissance continue du résultat net, une croissance des primes et un 45 % de retour sur capitaux propres. AM Best a également confirmé les notes pour Ameriprise Captive Insurance Company et divers instruments de dette d'Ameriprise Financial, tous avec des perspectives stables.
AM Best hat die A+ (Überragend) Finanzkraftbewertung und die aa- (Überragend) Langfristige Kreditbewertung für die RiverSource Life Insurance Company und ihre Tochtergesellschaft bestätigt. Die Bewertungen spiegeln die sehr starke Bilanzkraft der Ameriprise Financial Group, die starke operative Leistung und das günstige Geschäftprofil wider. Das Unternehmen zeigt positive betriebliche Kennzahlen, einschließlich eines kontinuierlichen Wachstums des Nettogewinns, Wachstums der Prämien und einer 45% Rendite auf das Eigenkapital. AM Best bestätigte auch die Bewertungen für die Ameriprise Captive Insurance Company und verschiedene Schuldinstrumente von Ameriprise Financial, die alle mit stabilen Ausblicken versehen sind.
- Very strong balance sheet strength assessment
- 45% return on equity, well above industry averages
- Continued positive operating net income and premium growth
- Strong distribution capabilities through adviser channel
- Successful balance sheet de-risking from interest rate volatility
- None.
The affirmation of Ameriprise's superior credit ratings by AM Best demonstrates the company's robust financial position and operational excellence. Key strengths include a very strong balance sheet, an impressive
The ratings cover
The ratings reflect Ameriprise Financial Group’s balance sheet strength, which AM Best assesses as very strong, as well as its strong operating performance, favorable business profile and appropriate enterprise risk management (ERM).
The balance sheet metrics for the RiverSource L/H grouped companies remain supportive of the very strong balance sheet strength assessment. On an enterprise level, the L/H group has taken various steps to de-risk the balance sheet from interest rate volatility, and this has been accomplished through reinsurance and the reduction of interest sensitive products. AM Best views the capabilities of Ameriprise’s mature risk management program supportive of this strategy. The L/H group’s operating metrics include continued positive operating net income, growth in premiums, and a return on equity well above industry averages (
The ratings also reflect ACIC’s balance sheet strength, which AM Best assesses as very strong, as well as its strong operating performance, limited business profile and appropriate ERM. ACIC benefits from rating enhancement due to its strategic importance as a single-parent captive insurance provider.
AM Best assesses ACIC’s business profile as limited due to its narrow market focus as a single-parent captive serving just one customer (its parent) for a limited amount of exposure. ACIC provides various coverages to Ameriprise in the form of errors and omissions policies, a workers’ compensation deductible reimbursement policy, fidelity bonds and property terrorism (nuclear, biological, chemical or radiological). The captive has generated strong operating performance as demonstrated by its five-year average pre-tax return on revenue and equity ratios, which compare favorably with the averages for AM Best’s commercial casualty composite. Additionally, ACIC benefits from a very low expense ratio.
The following Long-Term IRs have been affirmed with stable outlooks:
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. —
— “a-” (Excellent) on
— “a-” (Excellent) on
— “a-” (Excellent) on
— “a-” (Excellent) on
— “a-” (Excellent) on
The following indicative Long-Term IRs have been affirmed with stable outlooks under the current shelf registration:
Ameriprise Financial, Inc.—
— “a-” (Excellent) on senior unsecured debt
— “bbb+” (Good) on subordinated debt
— “bbb” (Good) on preferred stock
AM Best remains the leading rating agency of alternative risk transfer entities, with more than 200 such vehicles rated in
This press release relates to Credit Ratings that have been published on AM Best’s website. For all rating information relating to the release and pertinent disclosures, including details of the office responsible for issuing each of the individual ratings referenced in this release, please see AM Best’s Recent Rating Activity web page. For additional information regarding the use and limitations of Credit Rating opinions, please view Guide to Best's Credit Ratings. For information on the proper use of Best’s Credit Ratings, Best’s Performance Assessments, Best’s Preliminary Credit Assessments and AM Best press releases, please view Guide to Proper Use of Best’s Ratings & Assessments.
AM Best is a global credit rating agency, news publisher and data analytics provider specializing in the insurance industry. Headquartered in
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Source: AM Best