AppLovin Finds Customers Acquired Through In-App Ads More Engaged, Loyal Than Those Acquired By Social Media

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AppLovin (NASDAQ: APP) has released its Consumer Mobile Trends 2024 report, highlighting the effectiveness of in-app advertising for mobile apps and direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands. The report reveals that customers acquired through in-app ads are more engaged and loyal than those from other channels, particularly social media.

Key findings include:

  • Fintech customers acquired via in-app ads open their apps 9 times per month on average, compared to 5.8 times for social media-acquired customers
  • Nearly 50% of online transactions will occur on mobile devices this year, expected to reach 62% by the end of 2025
  • Mobile in-app advertising can reach over 5 billion global smartphone users daily
  • In-app ads offer enhanced brand safety due to app store guidelines and 100% share-of-voice

The report provides a framework for starting and scaling in-app advertising, emphasizing the importance of meeting customers where they are in the mobile environment.

AppLovin (NASDAQ: APP) ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto sulle Tendenze del Mobile Consumer 2024, evidenziando l'efficacia della pubblicità in-app per le app mobili e i marchi direct-to-consumer (DTC). Il rapporto rivela che i clienti acquisiti tramite annunci in-app sono più coinvolti e fedeli rispetto a quelli provenienti da altri canali, in particolare dai social media.

I risultati chiave includono:

  • I clienti fintech acquisiti tramite annunci in-app aprono le loro app in media 9 volte al mese, rispetto alle 5,8 volte dei clienti acquisiti dai social media.
  • Quasi il 50% delle transazioni online avverrà su dispositivi mobili quest'anno, e si prevede che raggiunga il 62% entro la fine del 2025.
  • La pubblicità in-app mobile può raggiungere oltre 5 miliardi di utenti globali di smartphone ogni giorno.
  • Gli annunci in-app offrono una maggiore sicurezza del marchio grazie alle linee guida degli app store e al 100% di share-of-voice.

Il rapporto fornisce un quadro per iniziare e scalare la pubblicità in-app, sottolineando l'importanza di incontrare i clienti dove si trovano nell'ambiente mobile.

AppLovin (NASDAQ: APP) ha lanzado su Informe de Tendencias Móviles del Consumidor 2024, destacando la efectividad de la publicidad en la app para aplicaciones móviles y marcas directas al consumidor (DTC). El informe revela que los clientes adquiridos a través de anuncios en la app son más comprometidos y leales que aquellos de otros canales, especialmente de las redes sociales.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • Los clientes de fintech adquiridos a través de anuncios en la app abren sus aplicaciones un promedio de 9 veces al mes, en comparación con 5.8 veces para los clientes adquiridos de las redes sociales.
  • Casi el 50% de las transacciones en línea ocurrirán en dispositivos móviles este año, y se espera que alcancen el 62% para finales de 2025.
  • La publicidad en la app móvil puede alcanzar a más de 5 mil millones de usuarios globales de teléfonos inteligentes cada día.
  • Los anuncios en la app ofrecen una mayor seguridad de marca gracias a las directrices de las tiendas de aplicaciones y al 100% de participación de voz.

El informe proporciona un marco para iniciar y escalar la publicidad en la app, enfatizando la importancia de encontrar a los clientes donde se encuentran en el entorno móvil.

AppLovin (NASDAQ: APP)는 2024 소비자 모바일 트렌드 보고서를 발표하며, 모바일 앱과 DTC(Direct-to-Consumer) 브랜드의 인앱 광고 효과성을 강조했습니다. 보고서에 따르면 인앱 광고를 통해 확보된 고객들이 다른 채널, 특히 소셜 미디어에서 온 고객들보다 더욱 몰입하고 충성도가 높다고 합니다.

주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 인앱 광고를 통해 확보한 핀테크 고객은 평균적으로 한 달에 9번 앱을 열지만, 소셜 미디어에서 확보한 고객은 5.8번에 불과합니다.
  • 올해 온라인 거래의 거의 50%가 모바일 기기에서 발생할 것이며, 2025년 말까지 62%에 이를 것으로 예상됩니다.
  • 모바일 인앱 광고는 매일 전 세계 50억 명 이상의 스마트폰 사용자에게 도달할 수 있습니다.
  • 인앱 광고는 앱 스토어 가이드라인과 100% 음성 점유율 덕분에 향상된 브랜드 안전성을 제공합니다.

보고서는 인앱 광고를 시작하고 확장하기 위한 프레임워크를 제공하며, 모바일 환경에서 고객을 만나는 것이 중요하다고 강조하고 있습니다.

AppLovin (NASDAQ: APP) a publié son Rapport sur les tendances mobiles des consommateurs 2024, soulignant l'efficacité de la publicité in-app pour les applications mobiles et les marques direct-to-consumer (DTC). Le rapport révèle que les clients acquis via des annonces in-app sont plus engagés et fidèles que ceux provenant d'autres canaux, en particulier des réseaux sociaux.

Les résultats clés incluent :

  • Les clients fintech acquis via des annonces in-app ouvrent leurs applications en moyenne 9 fois par mois, contre 5,8 fois pour les clients acquis par les réseaux sociaux.
  • La publicité in-app mobile peut atteindre plus de 5 milliards d'utilisateurs de smartphones dans le monde chaque jour.
  • Les annonces in-app offrent une sécurité de marque accrue grâce aux directives des magasins d'applications et à 100% de part de voix.

Le rapport fournit un cadre pour commencer et développer la publicité in-app, en soulignant l'importance de rencontrer les clients là où ils se trouvent dans l'environnement mobile.

AppLovin (NASDAQ: APP) hat seinen Bericht über Mobile Verbrauchertrends 2024 veröffentlicht, der die Effektivität von In-App-Werbung für mobile Apps und Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Marken hervorhebt. Der Bericht zeigt, dass Kunden, die über In-App-Anzeigen gewonnen werden, engagierter und loyaler sind als solche aus anderen Kanälen, insbesondere sozialen Medien.

Wesentliche Erkenntnisse sind:

  • Fintech-Kunden, die über In-App-Anzeigen gewonnen wurden, öffnen ihre Apps durchschnittlich 9 Mal im Monat, verglichen mit 5,8 Mal für durch soziale Medien gewonnene Kunden.
  • Fast 50% der Online-Transaktionen werden in diesem Jahr auf mobilen Geräten stattfinden, wobei bis Ende 2025 mit 62% gerechnet wird.
  • Mobile In-App-Werbung kann täglich über 5 Milliarden globale Smartphone-Nutzer erreichen.
  • In-App-Anzeigen bieten eine verbesserte Markensicherheit aufgrund von App-Store-Richtlinien und 100% Share-of-Voice.

Der Bericht bietet einen Rahmen für den Start und die Skalierung von In-App-Werbung und betont die Bedeutung, die Kunden dort zu treffen, wo sie sich in der mobilen Umgebung befinden.

  • In-app ad customers show higher engagement, opening apps 9 times per month vs 5.8 times for social media-acquired customers
  • Mobile transactions expected to reach 62% of online transactions by end of 2025
  • In-app advertising can reach over 5 billion global smartphone users daily
  • Enhanced brand safety due to app store guidelines and 100% share-of-voice in mobile apps
  • None.


The AppLovin Consumer Mobile Trends 2024 report highlights a significant shift in consumer behavior and marketing strategies. The key takeaway is that customers acquired through in-app ads show higher engagement and loyalty compared to those from social media. This is particularly evident in the fintech sector, where in-app ad customers open apps 55% more frequently than social media-acquired customers.

The report underscores the growing importance of mobile in-app advertising, with projections indicating that nearly 62% of online transactions will occur on mobile devices by the end of 2025. This trend presents a substantial opportunity for direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands to expand their reach and drive growth.

For AppLovin (NASDAQ: APP), this report serves as a strong marketing tool to promote its advertising platform. By emphasizing the effectiveness of in-app advertising, AppLovin is positioning itself as a key player in the evolving digital marketing landscape. However, the actual impact on AppLovin's financials will depend on how successfully they can convert these insights into increased adoption of their platform by advertisers.

AppLovin's report highlights the technological advantages of mobile in-app advertising. The platform's ability to leverage AI for targeting and optimization, as mentioned by OTTO's Growth Expert, is a significant selling point. This AI-driven approach allows for more efficient user acquisition and higher-value purchases.

The report also touches on an important aspect of mobile advertising: brand safety. With app store reviews and guidelines acting as a filter and in-app ads maintaining 100% share-of-voice, advertisers can have more confidence in where their ads appear. This addresses a major concern in digital advertising and could drive more brands towards in-app advertising.

From a tech perspective, AppLovin's platform seems well-positioned to capitalize on these trends. However, the company will need to continue innovating to stay ahead in the competitive adtech space, particularly in AI and machine learning capabilities for ad targeting and optimization.

AppLovin’s Consumer Mobile Trends 2024 report details the essentials of marketing channel diversification; provides the framework for starting and scaling in-app advertising

PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- AppLovin (NASDAQ: APP), a leading marketing platform, today released Consumer Mobile Trends 2024, a new report explaining how consumer mobile apps and direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands can leverage mobile in-app advertising to deliver new growth and expand the reach and impact of their campaigns.

Consumer Mobile Trends 2024 (Image source: AppLovin)

Consumer Mobile Trends 2024 (Image source: AppLovin)

The report suggests that customers acquired through in-app ads are more engaged and loyal than from other channels. For instance, in the fintech sector, in-app ad customers open their apps 9 times per month on average, compared to 5.8 times for social media-acquired customers1. This increased engagement leads to more repeat transactions, drives higher revenue and allows marketers to reinvest back in their business.

“The shift in consumer behavior toward mobile devices has driven the need for a corresponding shift in marketing toward mobile in-app advertising,” Andrey Kazakov, VP of Demand at AppLovin. “Simply put, brands need to meet their customers where they are. The mobile environment is purpose-built to drive performance, making it a natural fit for DTC brands to engage with customers and drive meaningful engagement and retention.”

Nearly 50% of online transactions will occur on mobile devices this year and are expected to reach 62% by the end of 2025. AppLovin’s Consumer Mobile Trends 2024 report provides a framework for starting and scaling in-app advertising, and dives into:

  • Shifts in consumer behavior impacting mobile spending. As reliance on mobile devices increases, consumer spending has reached unprecedented levels.
  • How mobile in-app advertising delivers untapped scale. Consumer brands can reach over 5 billion global smartphone users every day with mobile in-app advertising -- a scale that rivals any other marketing channel.
  • Brand safety as a built-in function of mobile advertising. Mobile apps are subject to app store reviews and guidelines, and in-app ads maintain 100% share-of-voice, thus unlikely to appear next to risky content.

“We’re able to launch, monitor, and optimize our mobile in-app campaigns with minimal effort,” said Marian Bucher, Growth Expert at online shopping platform OTTO. “AI technology excels at pinpointing the right users to grow the volume and average order value of purchases.”

To view the full Consumer Mobile Trends 2024 report, please visit here.

About AppLovin

AppLovin makes technologies that help businesses of every size connect to their ideal customers. The company provides end-to-end software and AI solutions for businesses to reach, monetize and grow their global audiences. For more information about AppLovin, visit:

1Adjust Data, 1H 2024

Source: AppLovin Corp.


Joshua Grandy

Source: AppLovin Corp.


What are the key findings of AppLovin's Consumer Mobile Trends 2024 report?

The report reveals that customers acquired through in-app ads are more engaged and loyal than those from other channels. It highlights that in-app ad customers in the fintech sector open their apps 9 times per month on average, compared to 5.8 times for social media-acquired customers. The report also predicts that 62% of online transactions will occur on mobile devices by the end of 2025.

How does in-app advertising compare to social media advertising according to AppLovin's report?

According to the report, in-app advertising leads to more engaged and loyal customers compared to social media advertising. For example, in the fintech sector, customers acquired through in-app ads open their apps 9 times per month on average, while those acquired through social media open their apps 5.8 times per month.

What is the potential reach of mobile in-app advertising as stated in AppLovin's report?

AppLovin's report states that mobile in-app advertising can reach over 5 billion global smartphone users every day, rivaling the scale of any other marketing channel.

How does AppLovin (APP) address brand safety concerns in mobile advertising?

AppLovin's report highlights that mobile apps are subject to app store reviews and guidelines, and in-app ads maintain 100% share-of-voice. This makes it unlikely for ads to appear next to risky content, thus providing enhanced brand safety as a built-in function of mobile advertising.

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