Accuray Incorporated Reports Inducement Award Under NASDAQ Listing Rules
Accuray (NASDAQ: ARAY) has granted equity inducement awards to Mike Murphy, their new Vice President, Corporate Controller. The awards consist of 150,000 restricted stock units of company common stock, effective November 29, 2024. The Inducement Awards were granted outside the company's current equity plan but follow similar terms to their 2016 Equity Incentive Plan. The restricted stock units will vest at 25% annually over four years, starting from October 31, 2024, contingent on Murphy's continued employment.
Accuray (NASDAQ: ARAY) ha concesso premi in azioni a Mike Murphy, il nuovo Vice Presidente e Controller Aziendale. I premi consistono in 150.000 unità di azioni vincolate delle azioni ordinarie della società, con decorrenza dal 29 novembre 2024. I premi sono stati concessi al di fuori del piano azionario attuale dell'azienda, ma seguono termini simili a quelli del loro Piano di Incentivazione Azionaria del 2016. Le unità di azioni vincolate matureranno al 25% annuale nel corso di quattro anni, a partire dal 31 ottobre 2024, a condizione che Murphy continui a essere impiegato.
Accuray (NASDAQ: ARAY) ha otorgado premios de incentivos en acciones a Mike Murphy, su nuevo Vicepresidente y Controlador Corporativo. Los premios constan de 150.000 unidades de acciones restringidas de acciones ordinarias de la empresa, con efecto a partir del 29 de noviembre de 2024. Los Premios de Incentivo se otorgaron fuera del actual plan de acciones de la empresa, pero siguen términos similares a su Plan de Incentivo de Capital de 2016. Las unidades de acciones restringidas se consolidarán al 25% anualmente durante cuatro años, comenzando el 31 de octubre de 2024, dependiendo de la continuación del empleo de Murphy.
Accuray (NASDAQ: ARAY)는 새로운 부사장인 Mike Murphy에게 주식 인센티브 보상을 지급했습니다. 이 보상은 2024년 11월 29일부터 유효한 150,000주의 제한된 주식 단위로 구성되어 있습니다. 인센티브 보상은 회사의 현재 주식 계획 외부에서 지급되지만, 2016년 주식 인센티브 계획과 유사한 조건을 따릅니다. 이 제한된 주식 단위는 머피의 지속적인 고용을 조건으로 연간 25%씩 4년에 걸쳐 확정됩니다.
Accuray (NASDAQ: ARAY) a accordé des primes d'incitation en actions à Mike Murphy, son nouveau vice-président et contrôleur de l'entreprise. Les primes consistent en 150 000 unités d'actions restreintes d'actions ordinaires de la société, effectives à partir du 29 novembre 2024. Les primes d'incitation ont été accordées en dehors du plan actuel d'actions de l'entreprise, mais suivent des termes similaires à ceux de leur Plan d'Incitation en Actions de 2016. Les unités d'actions restreintes seront acquises à 25% par an sur quatre ans, à partir du 31 octobre 2024, sous réserve de la poursuite de l'emploi de Murphy.
Accuray (NASDAQ: ARAY) hat Mike Murphy, ihrem neuen Vice President und Corporate Controller, Aktienanreize gewährt. Die Auszeichnungen bestehen aus 150.000 beschränkten Aktieneinheiten des Stammkapitals des Unternehmens, gültig ab dem 29. November 2024. Die Anreizpreise wurden außerhalb des aktuellen Aktienplans der Gesellschaft gewährt, folgen jedoch ähnlichen Bedingungen wie ihr Aktienoptionsplan von 2016. Die beschränkten Aktieneinheiten werden jährlich zu 25% über vier Jahre ab dem 31. Oktober 2024 fällig, abhängig von Murphys fortdauernder Beschäftigung.
- None.
- None.
Twenty-five percent of the restricted stock units subject to the restricted stock unit award will vest on each yearly anniversary of October 31, 2024, subject to Mr. Murphy's continued service through each applicable vesting date.
About Accuray
Accuray is committed to expanding the powerful potential of radiation therapy to improve as many lives as possible. We invent unique, market-changing solutions that are designed to deliver radiation treatments for even the most complex cases—while making commonly treatable cases even easier—to meet the full spectrum of patient needs. We are dedicated to continuous innovation in radiation therapy for oncology, neuro-radiosurgery, and beyond, as we partner with clinicians and administrators, empowering them to help patients get back to their lives, faster. Accuray is headquartered in
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Beth Kaplan
Public Relations Director, Accuray
+1 (408) 789-4426
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