AstraZeneca awards $3.5M for projects to improve access to healthcare for patients across the US
AstraZeneca has pledged $3.5 million to nonprofit organizations across the US through its Accelerate Change Together (ACT) on Health Equity initiative, bringing total contributions to over $15 million. The program will fund 53 nonprofit programs, including 45 local organizations receiving $30,000 each and eight national nonprofits sharing $2.15 million. The initiatives focus on improving healthcare access, addressing social determinants of health, advancing chronic disease care, and expanding STEM education in underserved communities. The funding supports programs targeting asthma, cardiovascular disease, COPD, heart failure, lupus, and oncology.
AstraZeneca ha promesso 3,5 milioni di dollari a organizzazioni nonprofit negli Stati Uniti attraverso la sua iniziativa Accelerate Change Together (ACT) per l'equità sanitaria, portando il totale dei contributi a oltre 15 milioni di dollari. Il programma finanzierà 53 programmi nonprofit, comprese 45 organizzazioni locali che riceveranno 30.000 dollari ciascuna e otto nonprofit nazionali che condivideranno 2,15 milioni di dollari. Le iniziative si concentrano sul miglioramento dell'accesso sanitario, affrontando i determinanti sociali della salute, avanzando la cura delle malattie croniche e ampliando l'educazione STEM nelle comunità svantaggiate. I fondi sosterranno programmi che mirano all'asma, alle malattie cardiovascolari, alla BPCO, all'insufficienza cardiaca, al lupus e all'oncologia.
AstraZeneca se ha comprometido a destinar 3,5 millones de dólares a organizaciones sin fines de lucro en EE. UU. a través de su iniciativa Accelerate Change Together (ACT) sobre Equidad en Salud, llevando las contribuciones totales a más de 15 millones de dólares. El programa financiará 53 programas sin fines de lucro, incluyendo 45 organizaciones locales que recibirán 30,000 dólares cada una y ocho organizaciones nacionales que compartirán 2,15 millones de dólares. Las iniciativas se centran en mejorar el acceso a la atención médica, abordar los determinantes sociales de la salud, avanzar en la atención de enfermedades crónicas y expandir la educación STEM en comunidades desatendidas. La financiación apoya programas que abordan el asma, enfermedades cardiovasculares, EPOC, insuficiencia cardíaca, lupus y oncología.
아스트라제네카는 미국 내 비영리 기관에 350만 달러를 지원하기로 약속하며, 이를 통해 건강 평등을 위한 Accelerate Change Together (ACT) 이니셔티브의 총 기부액이 1500만 달러를 넘어섰습니다. 이 프로그램은 53개의 비영리 프로그램에 자금을 지원하며, 이 중 45개의 지역 단체는 각각 3만 달러를 받고, 8개의 전국 단체는 215만 달러를 나눠 가집니다. 이 이니셔티브는 의료 접근성 향상, 건강의 사회적 결정 요인 해결, 만성 질환 치료 진전, 그리고 저소득 지역 사회의 STEM 교육 확대에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 자금은 천식, 심혈관 질환, COPD, 심부전, 루푸스 및 종양학을 겨냥한 프로그램을 지원합니다.
AstraZeneca s'est engagé à verser 3,5 millions de dollars à des organisations à but non lucratif aux États-Unis à travers son initiative Accelerate Change Together (ACT) sur l'équité en santé, portant le total des contributions à plus de 15 millions de dollars. Le programme financera 53 programmes à but non lucratif, dont 45 organisations locales recevront chacune 30 000 dollars et huit organismes nationaux partageront 2,15 millions de dollars. Les initiatives visent à améliorer l'accès aux soins de santé, à traiter les déterminants sociaux de la santé, à faire progresser les soins des maladies chroniques et à élargir l'éducation STEM dans les communautés défavorisées. Le financement soutient des programmes ciblant l'asthme, les maladies cardiovasculaires, la BPCO, l'insuffisance cardiaque, le lupus et l'oncologie.
AstraZeneca hat sich verpflichtet, 3,5 Millionen Dollar an gemeinnützige Organisationen in den USA durch seine Initiative Accelerate Change Together (ACT) zur Gesundheitsgerechtigkeit bereitzustellen, was die Gesamtsumme der Beiträge auf über 15 Millionen Dollar anhebt. Das Programm finanziert 53 gemeinnützige Programme, darunter 45 lokale Organisationen, die jeweils 30.000 Dollar erhalten, und acht nationale gemeinnützige Organisationen, die sich 2,15 Millionen Dollar teilen. Die Initiativen konzentrieren sich darauf, den Zugang zur Gesundheitsversorgung zu verbessern, soziale Determinanten der Gesundheit anzugehen, die Versorgung chronischer Krankheiten voranzutreiben und die STEM-Ausbildung in benachteiligten Gemeinschaften auszubauen. Die Finanzierung unterstützt Programme, die sich auf Asthma, Herzkrankheiten, COPD, Herzinsuffizienz, Lupus und Onkologie konzentrieren.
- Significant financial commitment of $3.5M to healthcare access initiatives
- Broad reach supporting 53 nonprofit programs across the US
- Strategic focus on multiple therapeutic areas including cardiovascular, respiratory, and oncology
- None.
This charitable initiative, while commendable, has minimal direct impact on AstraZeneca's financial performance or stock value. The
US ACT on Health Equity contributions support AstraZeneca’s long-term ambition in health equity and total more than
Now in its fourth year, ACT on Health Equity will fund 53 nonprofit programs which aim to improve access to healthcare, address housing and nutrition as social determinants of health, advance culturally competent chronic disease care, and expand Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education and career readiness among historically excluded and disenfranchised populations.
Mohit Manrao, Senior Vice President, Head of US Oncology, AstraZeneca, said: “To move the needle on health equity and achieve lasting change requires long-term commitments and investments, and true, cross-sector partnership. Through these financial contributions, our goal is to help eliminate disparities that prevent all people from living their healthiest life and build healthier communities.”
AstraZeneca’s ACT on Health Equity: Community Solutions Challenge has awarded 45 local and regional nonprofits
Through ACT on Health Equity: National Strategic Collaborations, eight nonprofits have received a total of
Arthur Crawford, CEO of Silver Sage and 2024 Community Solutions Challenge recipient, said: “Community-based initiatives are critical to breaking down barriers that have long contributed to disparities in health and well-being within our communities. With the help of AstraZeneca, our program will continue to play a vital role in addressing the unmet needs of underserved Hispanic seniors, providing culturally relevant resources and opportunities for social connection to combat loneliness and promote healthier lives.”
To learn more about the 2024 ACT on Health Equity recipients, visit AZ&You Blog.
About AstraZeneca ACT on Health Equity
AstraZeneca is driven by our purpose to deliver life-changing medicines to all patients, yet systemic barriers including social determinants of health prevent millions of people in the US from accessing medicines to achieve their best possible health outcomes. As part of our global sustainability commitments, in 2021 we created Accelerate Change Together (ACT) on Health Equity, a US enterprise-wide initiative informed by independent cross-sector leaders and built on our core values, to help transform the way we do business to improve access, affordability and outcomes for people in the disease areas and communities we serve, with emphasis on those from historically excluded and disenfranchised populations. The initiative includes a first-of-its-kind Health Equity Advisory Council, comprised of a distinguished group of external community leaders, academics, healthcare professionals and nonprofit executives who have diverse expertise in advancing health equity among US communities. For more information, please visit
About AstraZeneca
AstraZeneca is a global, science-led biopharmaceutical company that focuses on the discovery, development and commercialization of prescription medicines in Oncology, Rare Diseases and BioPharmaceuticals, including Cardiovascular, Renal & Metabolism, and Respiratory & Immunology. Based in
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Source: AstraZeneca