Caterpillar Raises Record $15.2 Million in United Way Campaign
Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE: CAT) and its employees, retirees, and the Caterpillar Foundation have pledged $15.2 million to United Way chapters across the US, Mexico, Canada, and Panama for 2024-2025. This marks a record-breaking amount for the third consecutive year, increasing from $14.8 million in 2023. During August and September, employees contributed over 14,500 volunteer hours through the Foundation's Volunteer Service Match Program. The Caterpillar Foundation matches employee and retiree donations dollar for dollar, with over $236 million raised since 2000. The campaign supports 528 United Way chapters globally.
Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE: CAT) e i suoi dipendenti, pensionati e la Caterpillar Foundation hanno promesso 15,2 milioni di dollari a capitoli dell'United Way in tutto il US, Messico, Canada e Panama per il 2024-2025. Questo rappresenta un importo record per il terzo anno consecutivo, in aumento rispetto ai 14,8 milioni di dollari nel 2023. Durante agosto e settembre, i dipendenti hanno contribuito con oltre 14.500 ore di volontariato attraverso il Programma di Abbinamento del Servizio Volontario della Fondazione. La Caterpillar Foundation abbina le donazioni di dipendenti e pensionati dollaro per dollaro, con oltre 236 milioni di dollari raccolti dal 2000. La campagna supporta 528 capitoli dell'United Way a livello globale.
Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE: CAT) y sus empleados, jubilados y la Fundación Caterpillar se han comprometido a donar 15,2 millones de dólares a capítulos de United Way en todo Estados Unidos, México, Canadá y Panamá para 2024-2025. Esta cifra marca un monto récord por tercer año consecutivo, aumentando desde los 14,8 millones de dólares en 2023. Durante agosto y septiembre, los empleados contribuyeron con más de 14,500 horas de voluntariado a través del Programa de Coincidencia de Servicios Voluntarios de la Fundación. La Fundación Caterpillar iguala las donaciones de empleados y jubilados dólar por dólar, habiendo recaudado más de 236 millones de dólares desde 2000. La campaña apoya a 528 capítulos de United Way en todo el mundo.
Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE: CAT)와 그 직원들, 퇴직자들, 그리고 캐터필라 재단은 2024-2025년 동안 미국, 멕시코, 캐나다 및 파나마의 유나이티드 웨이 지부에 1,520만 달러를 기부하기로 약속했습니다. 이는 2023년의 1,480만 달러에서 증가하여 3년 연속 기록적인 금액을 나타냅니다. 8월과 9월 동안 직원들은 재단의 자원봉사 서비스 매칭 프로그램을 통해 14,500시간 이상의 자원봉사 시간을 기여했습니다. 캐터필라 재단은 직원 및 퇴직자의 기부를 달러당 달러로 매칭하며, 2000년 이후로 2억 3천6백만 달러 이상을 모금했습니다. 이 캠페인은 전 세계 528개의 유나이티드 웨이 지부를 지원합니다.
Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE: CAT) et ses employés, retraités et la Fondation Caterpillar se sont engagés à verser 15,2 millions de dollars aux sections de United Way à travers les États-Unis, le Mexique, le Canada et le Panama pour 2024-2025. C'est un montant record pour la troisième année consécutive, en augmentation par rapport à 14,8 millions de dollars en 2023. Pendant les mois d'août et de septembre, les employés ont contribué avec plus de 14 500 heures de bénévolat par le biais du Programme de Correspondance de Service Bénévole de la Fondation. La Fondation Caterpillar égalise les dons des employés et des retraités dollar pour dollar, avec plus de 236 millions de dollars recueillis depuis 2000. La campagne soutient 528 sections de United Way dans le monde entier.
Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE: CAT) und seine Mitarbeiter, Rentner und die Caterpillar-Stiftung haben sich verpflichtet, 15,2 Millionen Dollar an United Way-Organisationen in den USA, Mexiko, Kanada und Panama für 2024-2025 zu spenden. Dies stellt einen Rekordbetrag für das dritte Jahr in Folge dar und ist eine Erhöhung gegenüber 14,8 Millionen Dollar im Jahr 2023. Im August und September haben die Mitarbeiter über 14.500 Freiwilligenstunden im Rahmen des Freiwilligen-Service-Matching-Programms der Stiftung beigetragen. Die Caterpillar-Stiftung gleicht die Spenden von Mitarbeitern und Rentnern dollar für dollar aus und hat seit 2000 über 236 Millionen Dollar gesammelt. Die Kampagne unterstützt weltweit 528 United Way-Kapitel.
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- None.
While the
Funds will help improve the lives of individuals in communities across
Employees generously donated to the United Way campaign and recorded over 14,500 volunteer hours through the Caterpillar Foundation Volunteer Service Match Program during August and September, which will generate additional matching funds for charities in Caterpillar communities.
"I want to express my sincere thanks to our employees and retirees whose continued generosity is demonstrated by our campaign increase from
The United Way has been Caterpillar's only annual solicitation for funds to its employees and retirees for over 70 years. The Caterpillar Foundation matches employee and retiree donations dollar for dollar. Since 2000, more than
United Way assesses local community needs, finds efficient programs that deliver measurable outcomes and works to eliminate those needs in the future by identifying the causes and creating long-term solutions.
Caterpillar is part of the United Way's Global Corporate Leadership Program, which includes 86 corporate partners that raise more than
About Caterpillar
With 2023 sales and revenues of
About the Caterpillar Foundation
Founded in 1952, Caterpillar's philanthropic organization, the Caterpillar Foundation, has contributed nearly
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SOURCE Caterpillar Inc.