CNFinance Announces Change of Name and the Results of its Extraordinary General Meeting
CNFinance Holdings (NYSE: CNF), a leading home equity loan service provider in China, announced the results of its extraordinary general meeting held on November 29, 2024. Shareholders approved two key resolutions: (1) changing the company's Chinese name from '泛華金融控股有限公司' to '深泛联控股有限公司' while maintaining 'CNFinance Holdings ' in English, and (2) replacing the existing Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association with a Second Amended version. The name change takes effect around November 29, 2024, with no changes to ISIN and CUSIP codes. Shareholders need not take any action regarding these changes.
CNFinance Holdings (NYSE: CNF), un importante fornitore di servizi di prestiti ipotecari in Cina, ha annunciato i risultati della sua assemblea generale straordinaria tenutasi il 29 novembre 2024. Gli azionisti hanno approvato due risoluzioni chiave: (1) il cambiamento del nome cinese dell'azienda da '泛華金融控股有限公司' a '深泛联控股有限公司', mantenendo 'CNFinance Holdings' in inglese, e (2) la sostituzione dell'attuale Memorandum e Articoli di Associazione modificati e ripristinati con una seconda versione emendata. Il cambiamento di nome entrerà in vigore intorno al 29 novembre 2024, senza variazioni nei codici ISIN e CUSIP. Gli azionisti non sono tenuti a compiere alcuna azione riguardo a queste modifiche.
CNFinance Holdings (NYSE: CNF), un proveedor líder de servicios de préstamos sobre el capital de viviendas en China, anunció los resultados de su asamblea general extraordinaria celebrada el 29 de noviembre de 2024. Los accionistas aprobaron dos resoluciones clave: (1) cambiar el nombre chino de la compañía de '泛華金融控股有限公司' a '深泛联控股有限公司', manteniendo 'CNFinance Holdings' en inglés, y (2) reemplazar el actual Memorando y Artículos de Asociación enmendados y restablecidos con una segunda versión enmendada. El cambio de nombre entrará en vigor alrededor del 29 de noviembre de 2024, sin cambios en los códigos ISIN y CUSIP. Los accionistas no necesitan tomar ninguna acción respecto a estos cambios.
CNFinance Holdings (NYSE: CNF)는 중국의 주택 자산 대출 서비스 제공업체로서 2024년 11월 29일에 개최된 Extraordinary General Meeting의 결과를 발표했습니다. 주주들은 두 가지 주요 결의를 승인했습니다: (1) 회사의 중국 이름을 '泛華金融控股有限公司'에서 '深泛联控股有限公司'로 변경하되, 영어로는 'CNFinance Holdings'를 유지하는 것, 그리고 (2) 기존의 수정되고 재진술된 정관과 규약을 제2회 수정판으로 교체하는 것입니다. 이름 변경은 2024년 11월 29일경 효력이 발생하며, ISIN 및 CUSIP 코드에는 변화가 없습니다. 주주들은 이러한 변경과 관련하여 어떠한 조치를 취할 필요가 없습니다.
CNFinance Holdings (NYSE: CNF), un fournisseur de services de prêts sur valeur domiciliaire leader en Chine, a annoncé les résultats de son assemblée générale extraordinaire qui s'est tenue le 29 novembre 2024. Les actionnaires ont approuvé deux résolutions clés : (1) le changement du nom chinois de la société de '泛華金融控股有限公司' à '深泛联控股有限公司', tout en conservant 'CNFinance Holdings' en anglais, et (2) le remplacement du mémorandum et des articles de statut existants par une seconde version modifiée. Le changement de nom prendra effet autour du 29 novembre 2024, sans changement des codes ISIN et CUSIP. Les actionnaires n'ont pas besoin de prendre de mesures concernant ces changements.
CNFinance Holdings (NYSE: CNF), ein führender Anbieter von Eigenheimkrediten in China, gab die Ergebnisse seiner außerordentlichen Hauptversammlung bekannt, die am 29. November 2024 stattfand. Die Aktionäre genehmigten zwei wichtige Beschlüsse: (1) die Änderung des chinesischen Namens des Unternehmens von '泛華金融控股有限公司' in '深泛联控股有限公司', während 'CNFinance Holdings' auf Englisch beibehalten wird, und (2) die Ersetzung der bestehenden geänderten und neu gefassten Satzung und Gesellschaftsvertrag durch eine zweite geänderte Version. Die Namensänderung tritt um den 29. November 2024 in Kraft, ohne dass sich ISIN- und CUSIP-Codes ändern. Die Aktionäre müssen in Bezug auf diese Änderungen keine Maßnahmen ergreifen.
- None.
- None.
At the extraordinary general meeting, each of the following resolutions submitted for shareholder approval was adopted, and after the adoption of the proposed resolutions, all corporate authorizations and actions contemplated thereunder were approved:
(i) As a Special Resolution that the name of the Company be changed from "CNFinance Holdings Limited 泛華金融控股有限公司" to "CNFinance Holdings Limited 深泛联控股有限公司" (the "Change of Name") and as an Ordinary Resolution, each of the directors and officers of the Company be authorized to make filings, take any and all action that might be necessary, appropriate or desirable to effect the foregoing resolution as such director or officer, in his or her absolute discretion, thinks fit;
(ii) As a Special Resolution, in connection with the Change of Name, that the existing Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company be and are hereby replaced in their entirety with the Second Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association, a copy of which is annexed to the notice of extraordinary general meeting.
The Change of Name will take effect on or around November 29, 2024. The Company's ISIN and CUSIP codes will remain unchanged. Shareholders are not required to take any specific action regarding the above changes.
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About CNFinance Holdings Limited
CNFinance Holdings Limited (NYSE: CNF) ("CNFinance" or the "Company") is a leading home equity loan service provider in
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SOURCE CNFinance Holdings Limited