Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund - EDI STOCK NEWS

Welcome to our dedicated page for Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund news (Ticker: EDI), a resource for investors and traders seeking the latest updates and insights on Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund stock.

Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund (symbol: EDI) is a closed-end balanced mutual fund managed by Stone Harbor Investment Partners LP. Established on October 25, 2012, and domiciled in the United States, the fund focuses on investing in public equity and fixed income securities from emerging markets worldwide. This investment strategy allows the fund to tap into the growth potential of developing economies while also diversifying risks associated with such investments.

EDI aims to deliver consistent income and potential capital appreciation by allocating its assets across a diverse range of countries and sectors. The fund's core business involves in-depth research and active management to identify undervalued securities and emerging market opportunities. With a dedicated team of experienced investment professionals, the fund leverages local market insights and global perspectives to make well-informed investment decisions.

Recent achievements of Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund include steady performance metrics and successful execution of strategic asset allocation. The fund's current projects include increasing exposure to high-growth sectors within emerging markets and exploring new opportunities to enhance its income-generating capabilities. Additionally, the fund maintains robust partnerships with local and international financial institutions to facilitate its investment activities.

Financially, EDI has demonstrated resilience and adaptive strategies in the face of global market fluctuations. The fund's balanced approach to equity and fixed income investments ensures a stable income stream for its investors. Ongoing analysis and adjustments in portfolio composition help the fund navigate economic uncertainties and capitalize on emerging trends.

Overall, Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund is a significant player in the realm of emerging market investments. By combining rigorous research, strategic asset allocation, and experienced management, the fund continues to provide valuable opportunities for investors looking to benefit from the potential growth of emerging economies.

Rhea-AI Summary
Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund (EDI) has completed its reorganization with Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Income Fund (EDF), resulting in the dissolution of EDI and the continuation of EDF with the same ticker symbol. Each share of EDI common stock converted into an equivalent dollar amount of shares of common stock of EDF, with former EDI shareholders being credited 1.153733 shares of EDF for every share of EDI common stock they held.
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Rhea-AI Summary
Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Income Fund (NYSE: EDF) announces monthly distributions and reorganization with Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund (NYSE: EDI). The monthly distributions, estimated at $0.06 per share, will be paid on December 19, 2023, January 30, 2024, and February 28, 2024. The reorganization with EDI is scheduled for December 15, 2023, retaining the EDF ticker symbol and cusip 86164T107.
Rhea-AI Impact
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Rhea-AI Summary
Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund (NYSE: EDI) has announced its reorganization with and into Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Income Fund (NYSE: EDF), scheduled for December 15, 2023. The reorganization was delayed due to regulatory approval related to the transfer or sale of certain foreign assets, which has now been resolved. Additionally, EDI announced a monthly distribution of $0.07, with the board discontinuing the dividend reinvestment program in advance of the last monthly distribution before the reorganization. The fund intends to distribute the greater of $0.07 per share or all available net investment income and net short- and long-term capital gains before the reorganization date, with any supplemental distribution to be announced on December 5, 2023.
Rhea-AI Impact
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Rhea-AI Summary
Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund (NYSE: EDI) announces monthly distributions. Reorganization with Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Income Fund (NYSE: EDF) delayed pending regulatory approval. Distributions will proceed if reorganization has not occurred.
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Rhea-AI Summary
Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund (EDI) announces monthly distributions and delay in reorganization
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What is Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund (EDI)?

EDI is a closed-end balanced mutual fund managed by Stone Harbor Investment Partners LP, investing in public equity and fixed income securities of emerging markets.

When was Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund established?

The fund was established on October 25, 2012.

Where is Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund domiciled?

The fund is domiciled in the United States.

What is the main objective of Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund?

The main objective is to deliver consistent income and potential capital appreciation by investing in emerging market securities.

How does EDI manage its investments?

EDI employs in-depth research and active management to identify undervalued securities and emerging market opportunities.

What are the recent achievements of Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund?

Recent achievements include steady performance metrics and successful strategic asset allocation.

What types of securities does EDI invest in?

EDI invests in public equity and fixed income securities of emerging market countries.

What is the strategy of EDI in emerging markets?

EDI focuses on increasing exposure to high-growth sectors and exploring new opportunities for income generation.

How does EDI handle market fluctuations?

EDI uses a balanced approach to equity and fixed income investments, along with ongoing analysis and portfolio adjustments, to navigate market fluctuations.

Who manages Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund?

The fund is managed by Stone Harbor Investment Partners LP, with a team of experienced investment professionals.

Virtus Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund


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Securities and Commodity Exchanges
Finance and Insurance
New York