Eaton’s high-performance propellant tanks selected by MDA Space for MDA AURORA™ satellite technology
Eaton has been selected by MDA Space to provide high-performance propellant storage tanks for the MDA AURORA™ satellite technology. The tanks will store and transfer fuel to satellite propulsion systems in orbit, supporting the transition from analog to digital satellite technology. This technology will be utilized in Telesat's Low Earth Orbit constellation, Telesat Lightspeed, aimed at providing global enterprise-class connectivity. The software-defined MDA AURORA™ product line offers operators enhanced flexibility and functionality while reducing costs and time to market.
Eaton è stata selezionata da MDA Space per fornire serbatoi di stoccaggio del propellente ad alte prestazioni per la tecnologia satellitare MDA AURORA™. I serbatoi immagazzineranno e trasferiranno carburante ai sistemi di propulsione satellitare in orbita, supportando la transizione dalla tecnologia satellitare analogica a quella digitale. Questa tecnologia sarà utilizzata nella costellazione a bassa orbita terrestre di Telesat, Telesat Lightspeed, mira a fornire connettività globale di livello enterprise. La linea di prodotti MDA AURORA™ definita dal software offre agli operatori maggiore flessibilità e funzionalità, riducendo allo stesso tempo i costi e i tempi di immissione sul mercato.
Eaton ha sido seleccionada por MDA Space para proporcionar tanques de almacenamiento de propelente de alto rendimiento para la tecnología de satélites MDA AURORA™. Los tanques almacenarán y transferirán combustible a los sistemas de propulsión de satélites en órbita, apoyando la transición de la tecnología de satélites analógica a la digital. Esta tecnología se utilizará en la constelación de Telesat en órbita terrestre baja, Telesat Lightspeed, destinada a proporcionar conectividad global de clase empresarial. La línea de productos MDA AURORA™ definida por software ofrece a los operadores una mayor flexibilidad y funcionalidad, al tiempo que reduce costos y tiempos de comercialización.
이튼(Eaton)은 MDA 스페이스(MDA Space)로부터 MDA AURORA™ 위성 기술을 위한 고성능 연료 저장 탱크를 제공하도록 선정되었습니다. 이 탱크는 궤도에서 위성 추진 시스템에 연료를 저장하고 전달하며, 아날로그 위성 기술에서 디지털 기술로의 전환을 지원합니다. 이 기술은 텔레샛의 저지구 궤도 별자리인 텔레샛 라이츠피드(Telesat Lightspeed)에서 사용되며, 전 세계 기업급 연결성을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 소프트웨어 정의된 MDA AURORA™ 제품 라인은 운영자에게 향상된 유연성과 기능성을 제공하면서 비즈니스 비용과 시장 진입 시간을 줄입니다.
Eaton a été sélectionnée par MDA Space pour fournir des réservoirs de stockage de propulseur haute performance pour la technologie satellite MDA AURORA™. Les réservoirs stockeront et transféreront du carburant vers les systèmes de propulsion des satellites en orbite, soutenant la transition de la technologie satellite analogique à la technologie numérique. Cette technologie sera utilisée dans la constellation en orbite basse de Telesat, Telesat Lightspeed, qui vise à fournir une connectivité globale de classe entreprise. La gamme de produits MDA AURORA™ définie par logiciel offre aux opérateurs une flexibilité et une fonctionnalité accrues tout en réduisant les coûts et le temps de mise sur le marché.
Eaton wurde von MDA Space ausgewählt, um Hochleistungs-Propellantlagertanks für die Satellitentechnologie MDA AURORA™ bereitzustellen. Die Tanks werden Treibstoff für die Satellitenantriebssysteme im Orbit speichern und übertragen und unterstützen den Übergang von analoger zu digitaler Satellitentechnologie. Diese Technologie wird in Telesats Low Earth Orbit-Konstellation, Telesat Lightspeed, zum Einsatz kommen, die darauf abzielt, globale Unternehmensverbindungen bereitzustellen. Die softwaredefinierte Produktsuite MDA AURORA™ bietet Betreibern mehr Flexibilität und Funktionalität, während gleichzeitig Kosten und Markteinführungszeiten gesenkt werden.
- Contract win with MDA Space for satellite propellant tanks
- Integration into Telesat's LEO constellation project expands market presence
- Reported revenues of $23.2 billion in 2023
- None.
This contract win for satellite propellant tanks represents a strategic advancement into the growing space technology sector. The deal with MDA Space for their AURORA™ digital satellite technology positions Eaton to capture market share in the expanding LEO satellite constellation market, particularly through the connection to Telesat's Lightspeed project. The space industry is experiencing rapid growth, with the satellite propulsion systems market expected to expand significantly. While the specific contract value isn't disclosed, the partnership with MDA Space and indirect connection to Telesat's constellation project suggests meaningful long-term revenue potential. Eaton's
The global satellite industry is undergoing a fundamental shift from analog to digital technology, creating substantial market opportunities. The LEO satellite market is projected to grow at a CAGR of over
- Eaton’s propellant tanks power the propulsion system of MDA AURORA’s new satellite technology, which will extend communication networks to around the globe
“As the demand for more advanced and reliable space technologies grows, we are excited to support our customers in expanding network availability and connectivity to underserved areas around the world,” said Kevin McKeown, senior vice president and general manager, Mission Systems Division, Eaton’s Aerospace Group. “We’re confident that our robust propellant tanks designed to endure extreme conditions will power mission success.”
Eaton’s propellant storage tanks will provide secure fuel storage in addition to safe and efficient transfer of fuel to the satellite’s propulsion system during orbit. The MDA AURORA™ supply chain will help support product deliveries for anchor customer Telesat’s Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellation Telesat Lightspeed. This advanced, innovative global network will bring enterprise-class connectivity to customers worldwide.
Designed to meet the changing technical and business requirements of the satellite industry, the software-defined MDA AURORA™ product line provides operators with unparalleled flexibility and functionality, dramatically enhancing constellation performance at reduced cost and time to market.
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Katie Kennedy