Globalstar Partner Spotter Achieves Milestone of Over 30,000 Satellite IoT Collars Deployed Across Central Asia
Globalstar partner Spotter has achieved significant growth in satellite IoT horse tracking technology, with over 30,000 Horse Tracker collars deployed across Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. The company has seen sales more than double in the last 24 months, with a nearly 160% increase since October 2022. Each collar is equipped with Globalstar's SmartOne C satellite IoT transmitter, enabling reliable monitoring of free-roaming horses in areas beyond cellular coverage. The solution's success is attributed to SmartOne C's compact size, versatility, and cost-effectiveness, along with Globalstar's expanded Eurasian ground station gateway network.
Globalstar e il partner Spotter hanno raggiunto una crescita significativa nella tecnologia di tracciamento satellitare IoT per cavalli, con oltre 30.000 collari per il tracciamento dei cavalli distribuiti in Mongolia, Kazakistan e Kirghizistan. L'azienda ha visto le vendite raddoppiare negli ultimi 24 mesi, con un aumento di quasi 160% dall'ottobre 2022. Ogni collare è dotato del trasmettitore satellitare IoT SmartOne C di Globalstar, che consente un monitoraggio affidabile dei cavalli liberi in aree al di fuori della copertura cellulare. Il successo della soluzione è attribuito alle dimensioni compatte di SmartOne C, alla sua versatilità e convenienza, insieme all'espansione della rete di gateway delle stazioni di terra eurasiatiche di Globalstar.
Globalstar y su socio Spotter han logrado un crecimiento significativo en la tecnología de seguimiento de caballos IoT por satélite, con más de 30,000 collares de seguimiento de caballos desplegados en Mongolia, Kazajistán y Kirguistán. La empresa ha visto como sus ventas se han más que duplicado en los últimos 24 meses, con un aumento de casi 160% desde octubre de 2022. Cada collar está equipado con el transmisor IoT por satélite SmartOne C de Globalstar, que permite un monitoreo confiable de caballos en libertad en áreas más allá de la cobertura celular. El éxito de la solución se atribuye al tamaño compacto de SmartOne C, su versatilidad y rentabilidad, así como a la red de estaciones terrestres ampliada de Globalstar en Eurasia.
글로벌스타의 파트너 스포터는 몽골, 카자흐스탄, 키르기스스탄에 30,000개 이상의 말 추적 목걸이를 배포하며 위성 IoT 말 추적 기술에서 상당한 성장을 달성했습니다. 이 회사는 지난 24개월 동안 판매량이 두 배 이상 증가했으며 2022년 10월 이후 거의 160% 증가했습니다. 각 목걸이는 글로벌스타의 SmartOne C 위성 IoT 전송 장치로 장착되어 있어 셀룰러 범위를 넘어 자유롭게 이동하는 말들을 신뢰성 있게 모니터링할 수 있습니다. 이 솔루션의 성공은 SmartOne C의 소형화, 다목적성 및 비용 효율성, 그리고 글로벌스타의 유라시아 기지국 게이트웨이 네트워크 확장 덕분입니다.
Globalstar et son partenaire Spotter ont connu une croissance significative dans la technologie de suivi de chevaux IoT par satellite, avec plus de 30 000 colliers de suivi de chevaux déployés en Mongolie, au Kazakhstan et au Kirghizistan. L'entreprise a vu ses ventes plus que doubler ces 24 derniers mois, avec une augmentation de près de 160% depuis octobre 2022. Chaque collier est équipé du transmetteur IoT par satellite SmartOne C de Globalstar, permettant un suivi fiable des chevaux en liberté dans des zones sans couverture cellulaire. Le succès de la solution est attribué à la taille compacte, à la polyvalence et à la rentabilité du SmartOne C, ainsi qu'à l'expansion du réseau de passerelles de stations au sol eurasiatiques de Globalstar.
Globalstar und der Partner Spotter haben ein signifikantes Wachstum in der Satelliten-IoT-Technologie zur Verfolgung von Pferden erreicht, mit über 30.000 Pferdetracker-Halsbändern, die in der Mongolei, Kasachstan und Kirgisistan eingesetzt werden. Das Unternehmen hat in den letzten 24 Monaten eine Umsatzverdopplung verzeichnet, mit einem Anstieg von fast 160% seit Oktober 2022. Jedes Halsband ist mit dem Satelliten-IoT-Transmitter SmartOne C von Globalstar ausgestattet, der eine zuverlässige Überwachung von frei heruml laufenden Pferden in Bereichen außerhalb der Mobilfunkabdeckung ermöglicht. Der Erfolg der Lösung wird auf die kompakte Größe, Vielseitigkeit und Kostenwirksamkeit von SmartOne C sowie auf das erweiterte Eurasische Bodenstation-Gateway-Netzwerk von Globalstar zurückgeführt.
- Sales growth of 160% since October 2022
- Milestone achievement of 30,000 deployed tracking devices
- Expansion of Eurasian ground station gateway network enhancing service coverage
- None.
The milestone of 30,000 deployed satellite IoT collars represents significant market penetration in Central Asia, with sales growth of
The expansion of Globalstar's Eurasian ground station gateway network strengthens their competitive position in the region. While this specific vertical may seem niche, it validates Globalstar's strategy in the broader IoT market, particularly in remote monitoring solutions. The recurring revenue model from these deployments provides a stable income stream, though the overall impact on Globalstar's financials is likely modest given the company's size.
Each Spotter collar is fitted with Globalstar’s SmartOne C satellite IoT transmitter, so the solution helps herd owners keep tabs on their valued equines wherever they travel in this sparsely populated region, even when well beyond the reach of cellular signals. With SmartOne C’s small size, versatility, and low price, Spotter is seeing rapid uptake of its lightweight, rugged, and economical tracking collars.
There’s a growing understanding among the horse owning community of the value and reliability of the satellite IoT technology solution, according to Surenjargal. “People are becoming aware that terrestrial telecoms infrastructure like mobile networks are simply unable to provide the ubiquitous and always-on tracking capability of satellite.”
Spotter’s customers are further benefiting from recent expansion of Globalstar’s Eurasian ground station gateway network, now providing even greater reach and network resilience while enjoying the low maintenance, long battery life of the SmartOne C.
“For people across
About Globalstar, Inc.
Globalstar empowers its customers to connect, transmit, and communicate in smarter ways – easily, quickly, securely, and affordably – offering reliable satellite and terrestrial connectivity services as an international telecom infrastructure provider. The Company’s LEO satellite constellation ensures secure data transmission for connecting and protecting assets, transmitting critical operational data, and saving lives for consumers, businesses, and government agencies across the globe. Globalstar’s terrestrial spectrum, Band 53, and its 5G variant, n53, offers carriers, cable companies, and system integrators a versatile, fully licensed channel for private networks with a growing ecosystem to improve customer wireless connectivity, while Globalstar’s XCOM RAN product offers significant capacity gains in dense wireless deployments. In addition to SPOT GPS messengers, Globalstar offers next-generation IoT hardware and software products for efficiently tracking and monitoring assets, processing smart data at the edge, and managing analytics with cloud-based telematics solutions to drive safety, productivity, and profitability. For more information, visit and connect with us on LinkedIn.
About Spotter
Spotter LLC was established in 2014 to provide its customised solution for horse tracking using the Globalstar satellite network and devices. Since then, it has specialised in various tracking solutions to suit customer needs in Central Asian countries such as
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Cynthia Ritchie
White Tiger Communications
+44 (0)20 4518 7555
Gavan Murphy
Globalstar Director of Marketing EMEA & APAC
Source: Globalstar, Inc.